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Re: Creating submenu

From: Davis Herring
Subject: Re: Creating submenu
Date: Wed, 2 Dec 2009 10:49:42 -0800 (PST)
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.8-5.7.lanl7

> ;Make ^C-cg a key prefix for chars menu
> (global-set-key [?\C-c ?g] ctl-x-map)

You're reusing the keymap that C-x is normally bound to, so now C-c g is
an alias for C-x in every respect.  Don't do that!  Make a new keymap:

(defvar chars-map (make-sparse-keymap)
  "Keymap for inserting special characters.")
(global-set-key [?\C-c ?g] chars-map)

You can omit "sparse-" if you're planning to bind lots of ASCII characters
(like, say, C-c g a, C-c g 0, etc.).

> (fset 'list-all-chars [?\C-x ?8 f1])

You can do this more idomatically with

(defun list-all-chars ()
  "Describe the C-x 8 keybindings."
  (describe-bindings "\C-x8"))

(`describe-bindings' is what implements `f1' after a prefix key.)  But
there might be a better way: one that used the binding of C-x 8 directly
so that it would work even if the user had moved that binding elsewhere. 
I don't know what it would be, though.

Hope this helps,

This product is sold by volume, not by mass.  If it appears too dense or
too sparse, it is because mass-energy conversion has occurred during

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