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Re: Integrating package.el

From: Jonas Bernoulli
Subject: Re: Integrating package.el
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 2010 22:09:59 +0100

2010/3/1 Ted Zlatanov <address@hidden>:
> Can you or Phil/Tom explain the metadata capabilities of elm.el and
> package-maint.el respectively, please?  It would help to know what the
> authors think and do a side-by-side comparison.

$ [ -e .git ] && echo "yes please"
yes please
$ ls -1 | wc --lines
$ cat elm.epkg
(:summary    "Utilities for maintaining the Emacsmirror"
 :created    "20081202"
 :updated    "20100226"
 :license    "GPL-3"
 :authors    (("Jonas Bernoulli" . "address@hidden"))
 :maintainer ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "address@hidden")
 :provided   (elm elm-org)
 :required   ((("elx" elx)
               ("emacs" assoc cl finder)))
 :keywords   ("libraries")
 :homepage   "https://github.com/tarsius/elm";)
$ cat ../package-commentaries/elm.txt
This package is used to maintain the Emacsmirror which can be found at

This library is mostly used to extracts metadata from packages and save
it for future use by e.g. a package manager.

Most of the code used to generate the mirrors webpage can be found in
the accompanying libary `elm-org.el' which might eventually be replaced
by a more dynamic webpage.

That's what it looks like. Thoughts follow later.

-- Jonas

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