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Re: Set the version number in the texinfo manuals using configure

From: martin rudalics
Subject: Re: Set the version number in the texinfo manuals using configure
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2010 09:18:33 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090302)

> There's certainly some kind of problem, in that your makefile is not
> updated.  It still says
>     # The makeinfo program is part of the Texinfo distribution.
>     MAKEINFO = makeinfo --force
> while makefile.w32-in says
>     # The makeinfo program is part of the Texinfo distribution.
>     MAKEINFO = makeinfo --force -I$(emacsdir)


> Either something in nt/configure.bat doesn't work, or you didn't run
> it correctly.  Please remove the "@echo off" line from configure.bat
> and see what happens around this part:
>     copy /b config.settings+%MAKECMD%.defs+..\doc\misc\makefile.w32-in 

The following happened meanwhile: I've rerun configure another time with
"@echo off" left in and now it worked.  I don't have the slightest idea
what happened.  I've run configure / bootstrap on a daily basis over the
past week.  So I suppose doing what you told me isn't of much use any
more - the makefile seems good now.

But I still have the bug in my branch which also contains the same bad
makefile I sent you earlier.  That's a makefile dated from 2010-10-30.
I suppose the plain fact that a makefile has that date should indicate
that something _did_ go wrong during configure (I've not done bzr update
on the trunk nor bzr merge on the branch since that).

Now how can configure have created a bad makefile yesterday and a good
one today?  Do you have any idea how to resolve that mystery?  Is it
possible that touching one of these files in the trunk has caused
configure do something different?  If so, what can I do to avoid having
a Schrödinger effect on the branch too.  I shall leave trunk and branch
untouched for the moment.


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