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Re: collect-string (was: simple useful functions)

From: Tak Ota
Subject: Re: collect-string (was: simple useful functions)
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 2010 11:36:54 -0700

Thu, 4 Nov 2010 06:58:20 -0700: Stefan Monnier <address@hidden> wrote:

> >> How about rename the command as collect-occur instead of
> >> collect-string and document it as next?
> > Wrong namespace.  IMO, the name should *start* with occur (but Stefan
> > and Yidong are final authorities on that).
> Agreed, namespace cleanliness is one of my favorite forms of
> anal retentiveness.
> The way I see it, the suggested collect-string is a variant of occur
> where the result buffer contains none of the regexp matches's context.
> So it would make sense to integrate it very tightly with `occur',
> i.e. make M-x occur do the job of collect-strings for some particular
> value of its argument NLINES.  Currently, NLINES is assumed to be
> a number and all values of that number have a useful meaning, so we'd
> have to add this new feature via a non-number value of NLINES.
> E.g. C-u M-x occur could do the collect-string thingy (which is still an
> incompatible change since some people may like to use C-u M-x occur to get
> 4 lines of context, but you can make omelets without breaking eggs).
>         Stefan

Now I am convinced.  How about the change below?  In conventional
occur zero or negative value for nlines is meaningless correct?  We
can use that for collection purpose.  i.e. C-u 0 M-x occur does the
collection of the matching pattern.  C-u -1 M-x occur performs the
collection of the recorded pattern 1.


(defun occur-1 (regexp nlines bufs &optional buf-name)
  (unless (and regexp (not (equal regexp "")))
    (error "Occur doesn't work with the empty regexp"))
  (unless buf-name
    (setq buf-name "*Occur*"))
  (let (occur-buf
        (active-bufs (delq nil (mapcar #'(lambda (buf)
                                           (when (buffer-live-p buf) buf))
    ;; Handle the case where one of the buffers we're searching is the
    ;; output buffer.  Just rename it.
    (when (member buf-name (mapcar 'buffer-name active-bufs))
      (with-current-buffer (get-buffer buf-name)

    ;; Now find or create the output buffer.
    ;; If we just renamed that buffer, we will make a new one here.
    (setq occur-buf (get-buffer-create buf-name))

    (if (or (null (integerp nlines))
            (> nlines 0))
        ;; nlines is not zero or negative so perform nomal occur
        (with-current-buffer occur-buf
          (let ((inhibit-read-only t)
                ;; Don't generate undo entries for creation of the initial 
                (buffer-undo-list t))
            (let ((count (occur-engine
                          regexp active-bufs occur-buf
                          (or nlines list-matching-lines-default-context-lines)
                          (if (and case-fold-search search-upper-case)
                              (isearch-no-upper-case-p regexp t)
                          nil list-matching-lines-face
                          (not (eq occur-excluded-properties t)))))
              (let* ((bufcount (length active-bufs))
                     (diff (- (length bufs) bufcount)))
                (message "Searched %d buffer%s%s; %s match%s for `%s'"
                         bufcount (if (= bufcount 1) "" "s")
                         (if (zerop diff) "" (format " (%d killed)" diff))
                         (if (zerop count) "no" (format "%d" count))
                         (if (= count 1) "" "es")
              (setq occur-revert-arguments (list regexp nlines bufs))
              (if (= count 0)
                  (kill-buffer occur-buf)
                (display-buffer occur-buf)
                (setq next-error-last-buffer occur-buf)
                (setq buffer-read-only t)
                (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
                (run-hooks 'occur-hook)))))
      ;; nlines is zero or negative integer perform collect-string
      (with-current-buffer occur-buf
        (setq nlines (- nlines))
        (let ((inhibit-read-only t)
              (buffer-undo-list t))
          (while active-bufs
            (with-current-buffer (car active-bufs)
                (goto-char (point-min))
                (while (re-search-forward regexp nil t)
                  (let ((str (match-string nlines)))
                    (if str
                        (with-current-buffer occur-buf
                          (insert str)
                          (or (zerop (current-column))
                              (insert "\n"))))))))
            (setq active-bufs (cdr active-bufs))))
        (display-buffer occur-buf)))))

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