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Re: Should Emacs provide a uuid function?

From: Leo
Subject: Re: Should Emacs provide a uuid function?
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2011 11:43:56 +0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.3.50 (Mac OS X 10.6.7)

On 2011-04-27 06:51 +0800, Chong Yidong wrote:
> Fair enough.  So we come back to the question of how important uuid
> generation is.  Suppose someone writes a Lisp implementation.  Whether
> or not it's acceptable for Emacs core depends on whether there are real
> uses (otherwise we could always add it to elpa.gnu.org, of course).

At least two elisp (partial) implementations of uuid¹². They might not
be fully compliant with RFC4122.

> Leo mentioned calendar, bbdb, and org, three parts of Emacs that I
>don't use heavily. Could anyone elaborate? Would a uuid function prove
>immediately useful for these applications, or is it a case of "it might
>or might not be useful"?

`unique id' is useful as we have seen in many places in the elisp files
in Emacs. SASL.el also has its own generator. For me now, they are
useful in identifying information such as contacts, calendar events
which I want to sync with external apps such as google's

¹  http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/uuid.el
²  http://cvs.savannah.gnu.org/viewvc/?root=addressbook


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