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Re: obsolete variable, use 2nd arg of `display-buffer' instead

From: Sam Steingold
Subject: Re: obsolete variable, use 2nd arg of `display-buffer' instead
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2011 12:09:50 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.0.50 (gnu/linux)

> * martin rudalics <address@hidden> [2011-06-22 14:33:35 +0200]:
>> I tried this:
>> (custom-set-variables
>>  '(Man-frame-parameters
>>    `((height . ,(min 70 sds-frame-height)) (width . 80)
>>      (top . 35) (left . 0) (font . ,sds-small-font)) t)
>>  '(display-buffer-alist
>>       (cons
>>        `(((label . special) (regexp . "List\\*$")
>>           (regexp . "Help\\*$") (regexp . "Apropos") (regexp . "^*WoMan ")
>>           (regexp . "^*Customize ") (regexp . "^*Shell ")
>>           (name . "*info*"))
>>          pop-up-frame
>>          (pop-up-frame-alist . ,Man-frame-parameters))
> "label" hardly works at the moment.  It will work as soon as calling
> functions set this.  For the rest you've been lumping together all
> regexps and names under one big specifier that will pop up a frame with
> Man-frame-parameters.

that's exactly what I want.

>>        display-buffer-alist)))
>> this does not work for *info* (C-h i does not create a new frame).
>> this does not even attempt to handle "*Diff*" (how do I do that?)
>> So, what am I doing wrong?
> Please try using the customization interface (personally, I've never set
> this variable by hand) starting from scratch.  I spent some time writing
> it just in order to remove combinations that are inherently not useful.

I do not and will not use the customization ui.
I want my settings where I can read and modify them.

> The function `display-buffer-alist-set' should automatically convert
> your Emacs 23 settings of all involved options to the according
> `display-buffer-alist' settings.  However, due to some recent changes
> I'm not sure whether it gets them right.  If you gave it a try, that
> would be great!

it produces a lot of separate entries like
 (((name . "*acl-listener*"))
  (fun-with-args special-display-popup-frame #1#))
 (((name . "*scheme*"))
  (fun-with-args special-display-popup-frame #1#))
 (((name . "*allegro*"))
  (fun-with-args special-display-popup-frame #1#))
 (((name . "*cmu*"))
  (fun-with-args special-display-popup-frame #1#))

I think it would be better to group them together like I do above.

also, it converts same-window-buffer-names into 
 (((name . "*Diff*")) reuse-window (reuse-window same))
how is this different from
 (((regexp . ".*")) reuse-window (reuse-window nil same 0))
also, special-display-popup-frame is marked as obsolete, so
display-buffer-alist-set should not be producing it.

also, how is
 (.... fun-with-args (fun-with-args special-display-popup-frame #1#))
different from
 (.... pop-up-frame (pop-up-frame-alist ....))

Sam Steingold (http://sds.podval.org/) on CentOS release 5.6 (Final) X 
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