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Re: window.el modify current emacs23 behavior of anything.

From: Thierry Volpiatto
Subject: Re: window.el modify current emacs23 behavior of anything.
Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2011 19:06:56 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.0.50 (gnu/linux)

martin rudalics <address@hidden> writes:

>>> What does that mean "fails when called with no arg".  What did you
>>> expect it to do and what does it do instead?
>> When `bury-buffer' is called, normally the anything-buffer is removed
>> from window and the action function move the position to the desired
>> position in the `anything-current-buffer' (generaly, it can be another
>> buffer), in this case the action is ibuffer.
> What is an "action function" and what is the "desired position" in the
> `anything-current-buffer'?  I suppose `bury-buffer' does restore the old
> position the buffer shown instead of the buried buffer had in that
> window before the buried buffer was shown.  So the sequence is
> apparently
> (1) Window W shows buffer B with window-start S and window-point P.
> (2) In W you show buffer BB instead.
> (3) You bury buffer BB.  `bury-buffer' now shows buffer B again with
>     window-point P and, if possible, window-start S.
> But for some reason after (3) you want to show B with another
> `window-point' position.  Is that analysis correct?

Yes that is correct.

The action function is the function that jump to another position than
the initial one in buffer B.
Where buffer B is `anything-current-buffer' and BB is `anything-buffer'

To reproduce with anything from any .el file:

M-: (setq anything-samewindow t)
M-x anything-imenu
Jump to any position far of your initial one in this buffer.

A+ Thierry
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