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Re: CEDET package in Emacs bug tracker

From: Glenn Morris
Subject: Re: CEDET package in Emacs bug tracker
Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 12:03:52 -0400
User-agent: Gnus (www.gnus.org), GNU Emacs (www.gnu.org/software/emacs/)

Michael Albinus wrote:

> Not possible exactly. The SOAP interface does not allow to check for
> arbitrary user tags, it can only return user tags for a given user, and
> bugs tagged by that user with such a user tag. See
> <http://wiki.debian.org/DebbugsSoapInterface>.

OK; never mind. I think that as long as you can find bugs tagged by a
given user with a given usertag, that is fine. Anything more is just a

> | (debbugs-get-usertag USER &rest TAGS)
> | 
> | Return a list of bug numbers which are tagged by USER.
> | 
> | USER, a string, is either the email address of the user who has
> | applied a user tag, or a pseudo-user like "emacs".
> | 
> | TAGS is a list of strings applied as user tags.  The returning
> | list is filtered for these tags.
> | 
> | If TAGS is nil, no bug numbers will be returned but a list of
> | existing tags for USER.

Sounds great, thank you!

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