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Re: Overriding switch to *scratch* buffer after creating new frame with

From: martin rudalics
Subject: Re: Overriding switch to *scratch* buffer after creating new frame with 'emacsclient -c'
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2012 12:05:33 +0100

> found how code it more correct:
> No need to change anything in startup.el
> Code for server.el will be:
>           (unless (or files commands)
>             (let ((type (type-of initial-buffer-choice)))
>               (cond
>                ((eq 'string type) (find-file initial-buffer-choice))
>                ((eq 'buffer type) (switch-to-buffer initial-buffer-choice
>                                                     'norecord))
>                (t (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*scratch*")
>                                     'norecord)))))
> So, someone who has write access to emacs, maybe add this change to trunk?
> (if u see no bugs with this code of course =p)

We probably should verify that the buffer is live and add an appropriate
customization type for `initial-buffer-choice'.

In any case, please file a bug report for this, preferably marked as a
wishlist item.  And, as further motivation, tell which buffer you want
to show here in practice.  This is far from obvious since initially we
usually have only two non-file-visiting buffers - *Messages* and

Just received this:

> hint: For example it's could be needed if you want to restore to last
> opened buffer on new frame(and it could be buffer like *ielm* or
> *ansi-term*, etc).

Where do you get this from if you have `initial-buffer-choice' set to
such a buffer and that buffer does not exist?  It doesn't sound like a
good idea, in particular so, because `switch-to-buffer' leaves it to
`set-window-buffer' to bark about displaying a deleted buffer.

Thanks, martin

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