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Re: Should ending successful Isearch with C-g restore the relative windo

From: Dani Moncayo
Subject: Re: Should ending successful Isearch with C-g restore the relative window position?
Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2013 00:07:54 +0100

> In a buffer with multiple occurrences of "the", position the window so that 
> one
> of the occurrences is near the top of the window.  Now do C-s the C-s C-s...
> This successfully visits occurrences of "the", and if there are enough of them
> then it scrolls the window to do this.  Now hit C-g to exit Isearch.
> Point is moved back to its starting position (good).  But now that position,
> instead of being near the window top, is in the center of the window.
> `goto-char' has, in effect, recentered the point in the window.
> To me, this is a misfeature.  I would much rather have the original window
> position, as well as point, restored.  That is, I would rather see the cursor 
> in
> the same relative window location as it was before searching.
> Is there some advantage of the current behavior that I'm missing?  Am I the 
> only
> one who thinks that restoring the window position along with point would be
> better?

IMO, TRT would be to restore both point and the window position.  I
filed bug #12799, which is about a similar issue:

Dani Moncayo

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