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Re: imagemagic in image-mode and image-dired-thumbnail-mode?

From: Glenn Morris
Subject: Re: imagemagic in image-mode and image-dired-thumbnail-mode?
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 14:33:53 -0400
User-agent: Gnus (www.gnus.org), GNU Emacs (www.gnu.org/software/emacs/)

address@hidden wrote:

>> Is there a hidden reason why image scaling is not yet implemented?
>>    ;; Not yet implemented.
>>    ;; (defvar image-transform-minor-mode-map
>>    ;;   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
>>    ;;     ;; (define-key map  [(control ?+)] 'image-scale-in)
>>    ;;     ;; (define-key map  [(control ?-)] 'image-scale-out)
>>    ;;     ;; (define-key map  [(control ?=)] 'image-scale-none)
>>    ;;     ;; (define-key map "c f h" 'image-scale-fit-height)
>>    ;;     ;; (define-key map "c ]" 'image-rotate-right)
>>    ;;     map)
>>    ;;   "Minor mode keymap `image-transform-mode'.")
> I worked on scaling support for image mode when I worked on the
> original ImageMagik patch. However, I didnt have time to finish the
> support. The above keymap was probably written by someone else, have a
> look in the log.

No, you wrote it.


It's a shame this stuff was never finished. Do you have time to do it

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