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display keywords in package.el

From: Ted Zlatanov
Subject: display keywords in package.el
Date: Mon, 09 Dec 2013 11:01:28 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.130008 (Ma Gnus v0.8) Emacs/24.3.50 (gnu/linux)

The attached patch will:

- factor out the button creation to a new `package-make-button' function

- insert a list of clickable keywords for any package with a Keywords
  header (it must be in the archive-contents extras; GNU ELPA has it and
  other ELPAs like MELPA may wish to follow suit)

- clicking the keyword runs `(finder-list-matches "keyword")' which is
  usually what the user wants.

TODO: `(finder-list-matches "keyword")' only looks at the local files,
if I understand finder.el correctly.  It should be fixed to also display
the remote packages.  I don't think it's required for this patch,
though, it can be done in a followup patch.

Let me know if you see any problems.  I'll commit otherwise.


=== modified file 'lisp/emacs-lisp/package.el'
--- lisp/emacs-lisp/package.el  2013-11-20 21:01:00 +0000
+++ lisp/emacs-lisp/package.el  2013-12-09 15:51:59 +0000
@@ -1353,7 +1353,9 @@
          (reqs (if desc (package-desc-reqs desc)))
          (version (if desc (package-desc-version desc)))
          (archive (if desc (package-desc-archive desc)))
-         (homepage (if desc (cdr (assoc :url (package-desc-extras desc)))))
+         (extras (and desc (package-desc-extras desc)))
+         (homepage (cdr (assoc :url extras)))
+         (keywords (cdr (assoc :keywords extras)))
          (built-in (eq pkg-dir 'builtin))
          (installable (and archive (not built-in)))
          (status (if desc (package-desc-status desc) "orphan"))
@@ -1392,15 +1394,10 @@
            (insert (capitalize status))
           (insert " from " (format "%s" archive))
           (insert " -- ")
-          (let ((button-text (if (display-graphic-p) "Install" "[Install]"))
-                (button-face (if (display-graphic-p)
-                                 '(:box (:line-width 2 :color "dark grey")
-                                        :background "light grey"
-                                        :foreground "black")
-                               'link)))
-            (insert-text-button button-text 'face button-face 'follow-link t
-                                'package-desc desc
-                                'action 'package-install-button-action)))
+           (package-make-button
+            "Install"
+            'action 'package-install-button-action
+            'package-desc desc))
          (t (insert (capitalize status) ".")))
     (insert "\n")
     (insert "    " (propertize "Archive" 'font-lock-face 'bold)
@@ -1433,6 +1430,15 @@
       (insert "   " (propertize "Homepage" 'font-lock-face 'bold) ": ")
       (help-insert-xref-button homepage 'help-url homepage)
       (insert "\n"))
+    (when keywords
+      (insert "   " (propertize "Keywords" 'font-lock-face 'bold) ": ")
+      (dolist (k keywords)
+        (package-make-button
+         k
+         'package-keyword k
+         'action 'package-keyword-button-action)
+        (insert " "))
+      (insert "\n"))
     (let* ((all-pkgs (append (cdr (assq name package-alist))
                              (cdr (assq name package-archive-contents))
                              (let ((bi (assq name package--builtins)))
@@ -1503,6 +1509,20 @@
       (revert-buffer nil t)
       (goto-char (point-min)))))
+(defun package-keyword-button-action (button)
+  (let ((pkg-keyword (button-get button 'package-keyword)))
+    (finder-list-matches pkg-keyword)))
+(defun package-make-button (text &rest props)
+  (let ((button-text (if (display-graphic-p) text (concat "[" text "]")))
+        (button-face (if (display-graphic-p)
+                         '(:box (:line-width 2 :color "dark grey")
+                                :background "light grey"
+                                :foreground "black")
+                       'link)))
+    (apply 'insert-text-button button-text 'face button-face 'follow-link t
+           props)))
 ;;;; Package menu mode.

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