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Re: Emacs completion matches selection UI

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: Re: Emacs completion matches selection UI
Date: Mon, 06 Jan 2014 11:36:49 +0400
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On 06.01.2014 06:39, Toby Cubitt wrote:
I'm sure if you'd built Company on top of Completion-UI, we would have
rapidly improved the APIs to support everything you needed as Company

I'm just the maintainer. :) Company's author is Nikolaj Schumacher, though he's stepped away from its development.

I originally thought I'd want to disable the learning algorithms once I'd
trained Predictive on a corpus of my writing, for precisely the reason
you describe. But in practice the order is stable enough that I never
found it necessary.

I'll have to look into it.

Completion-UI stores state by marking the location of the in-progress
completion with an overlay, and storing data in overlay properties. You
could alternatively use text properties, as you mention later. But I find
overlays a better match for this kind of thing.

I mentioned text properties in the context of merged backends, so the properties would be on the candidate strings, not in the buffer. That's not interchangeable with using an overlay.

> (Presumably Company does something similar.)

It does store some data, as an implementation detail, but in no way that data is sufficient for a front-end to handle a sequence of commands on its own. Like I said, the front-ends use the buffer-local vars. Multiple pending completions have never been a goal so far.

I'd still like to a natural way to extend such widgets with new
commands. Passing a keymap as argument, or rebinding a dynamic variable
that points to keymap works, I guess, but it's not very nice.

Well, this is only meaningful for some of the widgets. Indeed, "widgets"
is mislead; the completion UIs in Completion-UI aren't necessarily
widgets at all. For example, there are no "commands" at all in the
dynamic completion UI, nor is it a "widget" in any normal sense of the

I'd call "widgets" any UIs that encapsulate data (store it in the associated overlay, for example) and define interaction commands (e.g. have an overlay keymap).

The UIs absolutely cannot be treated uniformly, because not all of them
are "display a list of completions"-style UIs. E.g. the "dynamic
completion" UI is a completely different beast.

That might be unfortunate from the API standpoint, making it more complex.

Even amongst the "display a list of completions"-style UIs, the
mouse-driven toolkit menus cannot be used in the terminal, nor can pop-up
frames, nor can tooltips. That doesn't mean one should not provide these
interfaces at all as options. It just means they probably aren't good
default options.

The problem of "cannot be used in the terminal", at least, can be solved by doing a check at runtime once, and picking between a graphical and an overlay-based interface. As long as they provide similar interaction, I'd call that "treated uniformly".

Not really. `company-backends' corresponds directly to

Not quite. `company-backends' corresponds to the
`completion-ui-source-definitions' variable.

I'm inclined to stand by my previous assessment: nowhere in the code I see you iterate over `completion-ui-source-definitions' at runtime. In most places, it's used as a second argument to `assq', so it acts as a "source registry" of sorts, and we don't have a direct correspondence to that in Company.

The only place it's iterated over is in `completion-ui-customize-list-sources', which provides the list of possible values to customize `auto-completion-default-source' (in the Git version; I've been looking at the contents of the tarball previously).

only instead of one function we have a list of
them (which can also be nested one level deep, but that's an extra feature).

Sure, Completion-UI also allows a list of completion sources and selects
between them automagically. It even supports the same "extra feature" of
nesting sources one level deep (Combined source, in Completion-UI

I couldn't find the word "combined" in completion-ui.el. Could you point at where it's used?

But the API for this isn't auto-completion-default-source(*). That merely
sets the default fall-back. The API for auto-selecting from a list of
sources is provided by `auto-completion-source-regexps',
`auto-completion-source-faces' and the `auto-completion-source-functions'
hook. (The former two are in fact variables used by functions in the
default `auto-completion-source-functions' definition.)

`auto-completion-source-functions' also could be thought of as similar to `company-backends' because both contain logic of picking a suitable source (the latter by the virtue of backends themselves knowing when they're suitable), but the list of default detection functions (based on text properties, overlays, faces at point) looks more limiting to me.

Granted, the first two source functions serve to support the explicit overriding of the used source (feature not presend in Company, but I've never seen a request for this so far), but the second two offer only choices based on regexp or face at point. Which is not terrible, but more limiting than Company's free-form expectation that (backend-function 'prefix) returns nil when it's not applicable at point in the current buffer.

You could say that I can add another function or several to `auto-completion-source-functions', but they won't be able to do anything smart with third-party sources, I'll have to take care about each source I might want to use, separately, in those functions.

(*) I'm referring here to the git version of Completion-UI; the last
tarball release - which is woefully outdated - used a slightly different

Thanks for mentioning this.

Yup, Completion-UI does something very similar. Except that completion
source (backend) selection isn't directly tied to the backend. It's
configured independently. So if you need to, you can set up different
conditions under which a particular backend will be used in different
buffers, major-modes, minor-modes, or whatever.

Note that there's nothing stopping you from defining multiple conditions for when a particular Company backend can be used. Most do that already: the popular predicates are "does the major mode match this list", "is a particular package loaded", "is the parse state at point in-string or outside", "is this buffer visiting a file", "is a particular program present in the system", "is there a file with a given name in a parent directory" and "is point inside a symbol, after a symbol or outside of any symbols".

Anyhow, I don't think company-mode is something that necessarily belongs
in a generic Emacs completion UI. At most, Emacs should include the
necessary definitions to hook the basic completion methods that come with
Emacs into the new generic UI (dabbrev, etags, minibuffer completion,
maybe a few others like elisp symbol completion...).

Maybe so.

Indeed, I would have argued that we should *first* come up with a generic
Emacs completion UI and API *without* including any mechanism for
automatically selecting between completion sources.

In other words, a programmatic widget API. This has come up already in the discussion with Ted.

Registering a source just (1) makes life more convenient: you set all the
option values once when you define the completion source (backend), and
then you can refer to that source and all its associated options using a
single name (symbol). And (2) it makes the source available as an option
in the Customization interface, as you noted.

I would think that, since Completion-UI is less user-facing and more about writing Elisp to wire sources and UIs, the Customize interface is considerably less important.

It makes matters a bit worse for third-party backends, but not by much,
I think.

I agree, this is a minor difference, and Company doesn't lose much by it,
especially since it bundles almost all the backend definitions you're
ever likely to want.

We also document how to use `company-backends' and, for third-party packages, how to add a specific backend to it. But it's a simple data structure, so for users with some experience just knowing backend function names is sufficient.

The optional macro arguments only come into play if you're doing
something more sophisticated (like extending the default completion
widgets, or overriding the default method of determining the text around
point that's to be completed, etc.)

Most Company backends at least have to check that the buffer is in matching major mode.

This pattern is used in many places in Emacs core, too.

In principle, this sounds like a perfectly reasonable API choice for
simple settings.

Though I don't completely get how it works here. What if a particular
completion function can't answer some types of question?

Then we use the default setting, behavior, etc. It is somewhat limiting (we can't discern whether a backend does not know about a question or it consciously returns nil), but so far it's worked well nevertheless.

> E.g. maybe it
can expand prefixes, but it can't find regexp matches. What does the
completion function do if it's then asked for a regexp match? Or does the
backend answer "I can't answer this type of question" and Company moves
onto the next backend in the list?

We don't have support for regexp matches, but "can't answer" + "move on" is a reasonable mechanism to support them in select backends.

Or, to approach it another way, it may be a backend's choice to interpret the prefix (or, more generally, the completion string, if it's allowed to span after the point) as a regexp. For example, we have this as a feature request now: https://github.com/company-mode/company-mode/issues/45#issuecomment-31564029

Aside from handling the prefix->candidate replacement more carefully, the only thing we'll have to worry about, I believe, is that the front-ends won't be so sure that candidate starts with "prefix". For `company-pseudo-tooltip', that means no highlighting of the "common" part (or using a more complex algorithm), and it could mean different things for `company-preview-if-just-one-frontend'. For now, I'm inclined to just refrain from using it if the sole candidate does not start with "prefix".

However, this API is not so convenient if you want to pass more complex
settings, such as extending the UI for a particular source. You'd either
have to pass the same list of hook functions, keymaps etc. every time you
call the function that invokes the completion UI for the source. Or you'd
have to let-bind the same set of variables every time. Which would be a

Sorry, I don't understand. Why would you extend a UI for some source? Sources provide data, how can they have associated keymaps?

This pattern is used in many places in Emacs core, too: `defcustom',
`defstruct', `defun*'... (Perhaps I should have called the macro
`defcompletion' instead of `completion-ui-register-source' :)

Sure, Lisps have a long history of using and promoting macros, but there's also a general recommendation to not write a new macro unless you'll really really benefit from it. Maybe you do.

Also, the "pass the type of completion as the first argument" API means
you have a hard-coded set of "types" of completion. As usual, since it
was intended to be a generic completion Elisp library and not a
fully-fledged user-level completion framework, Completion-UI doesn't
impose any such restriction, but tries to be as flexible and general as
possible. I'm not saying this is necessarily a good thing; it could well
be that this flexibility is overkill.

See above. We only have prefix completion for now, so the first argument definitely doesn't choose the type. See the list of possible values in the `company-backends' docstring.

Which bodes well for coming up with a generic Emacs completion UI API and
code. If we've converged on a broadly similar set of features and APIs
for the UI parts of Completion-UI and Company, there's a reasonable
chance they're the features people will want from a generic Emacs API.

Yes, probably.

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