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Re: Emacs completion matches selection UI

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: Re: Emacs completion matches selection UI
Date: Tue, 07 Jan 2014 04:17:03 +0400
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On 06.01.2014 19:51, Toby Cubitt wrote:
Have you looked at the Completion-UI API for defining a new widget? It's
uniform across all the widgets. Has to be, otherwise there would be no
way of allowing it to be extended with third-party widgets (see my
comment below).

Looking at it now. Seems reasonable, but the data is somewhat coupled to the rest of Completion-UI. Examples:

1. `prefix-replaced' and `common-substring' both seem to be tailored to the dynamic interface. 2. `completion-source' seems to have to refer to a Completion-UI source, right?

So how would one use an UI defined as such, in a different package? Would Company define itself as a new source? Or add a source per each backend?

What I meant was that the UIs themselves can act very differently. One
shouldn't make assumptions that they all behave in a similar way. The API
itself is uniform.

It's the same in Company. All four base stock frontends are different. One displays completions in a dropdown, another shows the (sole) completion inline in the buffer, and the other two use the echo area.

The best comparison one can make is that
company-backends loosely corresponds to a mixture of
completion-ui-source-definitions and auto-completion-source-functions.

The latter: yes, the former: no. It's never used the same way as you use `completion-ui-source-definitions'.

In most places, it's used as a second argument to `assq', so it acts as
a "source registry" of sorts, and we don't have a direct correspondence
to that in Company.

That's because Company conflates the backend definitions with the
mechanism for auto-selecting a backend. Completion-UI keeps those
separate. It makes sense to me to separate these, for two reasons.
(1) the backend definitions will typically be written by elisp package
authors; the auto-selection configuration is something users will want to

IME, it makes sense in practice because there usually is a set of conditions when a backend is applicable, and there's no sense for the user to write them out, when the package author can anticipate them.

(2) I see no reason to limit each source of completions
(dabbrevs, etags...) to a single choice of when to use it.

The package author can always add one or several new of customization variables when the users request it to make the logic more flexible. Most of the time, it's usually just the list of major modes the backend applies to, if it's major mode-sensitive.

Please take a look at `company-etags' and `company-dabbrev' and see if you can point out the situations when the user might find the `prefix' code of either too limiting.

By combining both the choice of whether to use a backend (nil or non-null
return value) and finding the list of completions (return value) into one
function, you force all the selection logic to be lumped in together with
the completion logic. If you want to use the same source of completions
(dabbrevs, etags...) in multiple different contexts, you either have to
code *all* the selection logic you'll ever need into the one backend, or
have multiple backends for the same source of completions.

Or you can define new backends that would do some common checks in `prefix' (maybe calling an extracted function with common code) and simply delegate all other actions to the respective base backend. Implementing this is trivial.

I find it logically much cleaner to separate the function for completing
a string using a given source (dabbrevs, etags...), from the function for
selecting which source of completions to use.

I understand the principle, really. But the more one "cleanly separates" code, the harder it can be sometimes to read it, to get the full picture.

I hate to say this ;-), but maybe `completion-at-point-functions' got
this right. By having one function (the hook function itself) that deals
with selecting a completion source, and a separate function (the hook
function's return value) for actually doing the completion. This both
keeps the two jobs cleanly separated (as in Completion-UI), *and* keeps
the two together in the same list.

It makes certain amount of sense, although it looks like it could make creating a "merged" completion function more difficult. We'll see.

But again, this separation also makes things more opaque for the user.

`auto-completion-source-functions' also could be thought of as similar
to `company-backends' because both contain logic of picking a suitable
source (the latter by the virtue of backends themselves knowing when
they're suitable), but the list of default detection functions (based on
text properties, overlays, faces at point) looks more limiting to me.

Why on earth is it limiting?

Note the word "default" above. This specific list is limiting.

But the general approach, while flexible on its surface, complicates things if I intend to use any existing sources, written by third parties. Because their authors are unlikely to have anticipated the logic I'll add in my custom predicate function and to have written any code in their packages I might use. Or, at least, that's considerably less likely.

Granted, if I only use Completion-UI for its interfaces and never for any existing sources, it's not going to be a problem.

I really don't see how this is any different to writing a new Company
backend with the particular selection logic you require, and adding it to
company-backends. Except that you *only* need to code the new selection
function and add it to the auto-completion-source-functions hook; you
don't need to duplicate the code for finding the completions if all you
want to do is use an existing completion source in a new context.

Like mentioned above, delegating the search for completions to an existing backend is trivial. These are functions, and as such they are stateless. Just call (other-backend 'candidates current-prefix).

I don't get this at all. How is adding a free-form function to the
`auto-completion-source-functions' hook any less flexible than adding a
new backend to company-backends? Except that if you simply want to choose
the completion source based on a regexp match, face, text-property or
overlay-property, then you don't even have to write any new code (as you
would in Company) but can get away with simply configuring a variable.

Problem is, I can never get away with doing just one check. At the very least, I need to check both for a regexp (or thing-at-point) match, *and* the face (or, better yes, `syntax-ppss' return value). Not to mention the major mode, but this check could be conceivably replaced by a combination of `add-hook' and a buffer-local `company-backends' value.

I think the only backend we have that does only one check is `company-dabbrev'.

I think you're trying to view Completion-UI through Company
spectacles. Some Company features don't exist of have limited support in
Completion-UI (e.g. combining sources), some Completion-UI features don't
exist or have limited support in Company (e.g. adding new custom UIs),

Adding new UIs is simple, as long as they conform to the `company-frontends' interface. I'm not completely sure yet if they're decidedly "worse" in some sense than Completion-UI interfaces.

You could say that I can add another function or several to
`auto-completion-source-functions', but they won't be able to do
anything smart with third-party sources, I'll have to take care about
each source I might want to use, separately, in those functions.

Why on earth not?! They can do whatever they want - they're functions!
(OK, anything short of solving the Halting Problem ;-)

"Anything smart" in this context would be to use any metadata the authors of third-party sources could have supplied if they were encourages to do so.

Sure, but you have to duplicate the same logic in each backend function,
and you have to either lump *all* the selection logic you'll ever need
into one function, or have multiple backends for the same completion

That depends on what one means by the "same logic". Any logically different predicate can be extracted into a separate function. Take a look at the existing Company backends, the `prefix' section are usually quite succinct.

Yes, if what you mean is an API for defining completion UI widgets,
together with a bundle of standard widgets. As far as new widget authors
are concerned, it would be a completion widget API.

But let's be clear: as far as *completion* package authors are concerned,
it's not a widget API at all. A completion package won't call the tooltip
widget, or the popup.el widget, or the dynamic completion widget. It will
call something like `completion-at-point'.

Actually, I was thinking about the former option. Let's define widgets with an API in the usual sense, so it can be used by both `completion-at-point' and external packages. We'll need this kind of API either way, in order to be able to write new widgets.

There are really two APIs here:

1. An API for defining new completion widgets, a customization interface
    to let the user configure them, and code to hook the new UIs into
    `completion-at-point', `completion-in-region', and eventually
    minibuffer completion and the rest.

2. An API for defining new completion sources and new source selection
    logic, and a customization interface to let the user configure
    them. This API already exists (c-a-p-f et al.), and the new UI code
    will have to integrate with it.

Yes, but see above. Using 1. from Company would be the current next step toward integration, as I see it.

We also document how to use `company-backends' and, for third-party
packages, how to add a specific backend to it. But it's a simple data
structure, so for users with some experience just knowing backend
function names is sufficient.

Sure, that's equally true of `completion-at-point-functions' and
`completion-ui-register-source'. (Except that new backends are
first-class citizens in Completion-UI, and show up automatically as
options in the completion UI customization interface where
appropriate. This would be harder to replicate with
`completion-at-point-functions', but I suspect with enough Customize
macro trickery it would still be possible with the existing Emacs
completion backend API.)

Customizing hooks is a tricky business. I believe the opaqueness of c-a-p-f to the user is the main problem with the current API.

Most Company backends at least have to check that the buffer is in
matching major mode.

Whereas in Completion-UI, you just use the standard Emacs mechanisms of
setting buffer-local variables from you major-mode hook, or using
`add-hook' with the LOCAL flag set to add a function to the
auto-completion-source-functions hook.

I prefer to use the standard, tried-and-tested Emacs mechanisms where
possible (major-mode hooks), rather than creating an entirely new
package-specific way of configuring things for different major-modes. (I
don't always stick to this myself, though I probably should ;-)

Emacs core also has custom variables that list major modes applicable for a given function. Example: `font-lock-global-modes'.

Imagine you have two sources, each applicable in a different major mode. With Company, this means two backend functions, and a modified `company-backends' value.

With Completion-UI, with hooks and buffer-local values, just count the entities:

- foo completion function
- bar completion function
- foo predicate function
- bar predicate function
- function foo-set-source-functions, setting `auto-completion-source-functions' to a relevant local value
- function bar-set-source-functions, doing the same for bar
- (add-hook 'foo-mode-hook 'foo-set-source-functions)
- (add-hook 'bar-mode-hook 'bar-set-source-functions)

...now scale this to 5-10 modes and completion functions and see the amount of boilerplate explode.

So every backend has to look at what's being asked of it every time it's
invoked, and return nil if it's asked to do something it doesn't support?
And also check the major-mode and see if it's appropriate every time it's
invoked, even though the major-mode is very unlikely to change (and runs
a major-mode hook when it does)?

That's only in the `prefix' call. So, once per user command or so.

This sounds rather inefficient. I'm sure it's fast enough for Company,
but I'm skeptical it would be fast enough for predictive-mode's
auto-completion-mode (where tenths of a second matter).

You just haven't measured it.

  (dotimes (_ 1000) (derived-mode-p 'emacs-lisp-mode))

takes less than 1 ms. IOW, the comparison itself takes less than 1e-6 s.

It's not that the source returns a keymap or widget-building function
each time it's called. The keymaps or functions that tweak the UI for a
specific completion source are configured when the source is registered
with Completion-UI. The completion function itself just returns
completions (and associated data).

Hope that makes it clearer.

It does, thanks.

To summarise:
2. We're probably stuck with c-a-p-f et al. for the completion source and
    source-selection API. How would this need to be extended to integrate
    it with a new Emacs completion UI? How could it be extended to better
    support Company and others?

To repeat what I said earlier, I'd like to see it customizable by users, and I'd like to see a proper merging function.

3. The most popular and useful "list-the-available-completions" UI is
    popup.el. Is there any chance of getting copyright assignment for
    this? Or will we be forced to code something equivalent from scratch?


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