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Re: over-engineered (and under-standardized) inferior interfaces

From: Sam Steingold
Subject: Re: over-engineered (and under-standardized) inferior interfaces
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 09:00:35 -0400

On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 8:51 AM, Michael Albinus <address@hidden> wrote:
> Sam Steingold <address@hidden> writes:
>>> eval (find-file "/ssh:vertica|sudo:address@hidden:")
>> after tramp-cleanup-all-connections:
>> *tramp/sudo address@hidden:
>> ssh: Could not resolve hostname -: nodename nor servname provided, or not 
>> known
> Please eval (setq tramp-verbose 6) after calling
> tramp-cleanup-all-connections, and try it again. There will be a buffer
> *debug tramp ...*, which shall tell us the details.

;; GNU Emacs: Tramp: 2.2.11-pre -*- mode: outline; -*-
08:59:02.809746 tramp-maybe-open-connection (3) # Opening connection
for address@hidden using sudo...
08:59:02.815429 tramp-compute-multi-hops (5) # Add proxy ("vertica"
"dbadmin" "/ssh:vertica:")
08:59:02.823685 tramp-maybe-open-connection (6) # /bin/sh -i
08:59:02.826319 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) #
08:59:02.832720 tramp-maybe-open-connection (3) # Sending command
`exec ssh - t - t   -o
-o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=no -e none vertica'
08:59:02.832853 tramp-send-command (6) # exec ssh - t - t   -o
-o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=no -e none vertica
08:59:02.849319 tramp-process-actions (3) # Waiting for prompts from
remote shell...
08:59:02.867699 tramp-process-sentinel (5) # Sentinel called:
`#<process *tramp/sudo address@hidden>' `exited abnormally with code
08:59:02.867976 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp
"\(.*ogin\( .*\)?: *\)\'" from remote shell
08:59:02.868373 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp
de passe\|ật khẩu\)\|pa\(?:rola\|s\(?:ahitza\|s\(?:
*\)\'" from remote shell
08:59:02.868688 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp
"\(^.*\(Connection \(?:\(?:clo\|refu\)sed\)\|Host key verification
failed\.\|Login \(?:[Ii]ncorrect\)\|N\(?:ame or service not known\|o
supported authentication methods left to try!\)\|Permission
denied\|\(?:Sorry, try again\|Timeout, server not
responding\)\.\).*\|^.*\(Received signal [0-9]+\).*\)\'" from remote
08:59:02.868893 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(^[^#$%>
]*[#$%>] *\)\'" from remote shell
08:59:02.869022 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\(?:^\|
]*#?[]#$%>] *\(\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z] *\)*\)\'" from remote shell
08:59:02.869165 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp
"\(\(Are you sure you want to continue connecting
(yes/no)\?\)\s-*\)\'" from remote shell
08:59:02.869293 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp
"\(\(\(?:Store key in cache\? (y/\|Update cached key\? (y/n, Return
cancels connectio\)n)\)\s-*\)\'" from remote shell
08:59:02.869415 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp
"\(\(TERM = (.*)\|Terminal type\? \[.*\]\)\s-*\)\'" from remote shell
08:59:02.869537 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp
"\(\)\'" from remote shell
08:59:02.869651 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Call `tramp-action-process-alive'
08:59:02.869784 tramp-process-actions (6) #
ssh: Could not resolve hostname -: nodename nor servname provided, or not known
08:59:02.871587 tramp-process-actions (1) # File error: Tramp failed
to connect.  If this happens repeatedly, try
    `M-x tramp-cleanup-this-connection'
08:59:07.901628 tramp-maybe-open-connection (3) # Opening connection
for address@hidden using sudo...failed

Sam Steingold <http://sds.podval.org> <http://www.childpsy.net/>

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