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Re: Emacs Lisp's future

From: Rasmus
Subject: Re: Emacs Lisp's future
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 16:15:10 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.130012 (Ma Gnus v0.12) Emacs/24.4.50 (gnu/linux)


Richard Stallman <address@hidden> writes:

>     Thinking of Emacs as an entire ecosystem, most of Emacs is already
>     maintained independently from either Emacs core or GNU ELPA.
> That is a shocking statement -- is it really true?

I don't know.  Probably not.  The most important modes *I use* are
part of GNU (core + GNU ELPA:.  Org, prog-modes, Gnus, Company and
AUCTeX.  Surprisingly, EMMS is not in GNU ELPA.

Using the download statistics from MELPA (attached) there's some
packages with more than 20000 downloads.  Now I'm not clear how this
metrics come about, e.g. are upgrades counted as download and what it
the time window etc.?

(apply '+ (mapcar 'cadr (remove-if (lambda (x) (member (car x) elpa)) melpa))) 
=> 4060634

Popular packages not part of GNU ELPA (> 20000 downloads).  I've added
license when I know it.

    - magit (gpl3), vc on steroids for git only.
    - dash and s (both gpl3) are list and string functions.
    - autocomplete is like company in GNU ELPA.
    - flycheck is supposedly like flymode?
    - helm, pkg-info, popup (gpl3), epl.  No idea.
    - cider, lisp environment, maybe the successor of slime? 
    - smex (gpl3), ido-ubiquitous (gpl3): ido extensions
    - paredit (gpl3), smartparens: parentheses functions, useful for lisp.
    - Gh, github api functions, I guess.
    - expand-region, rainbow-delimiters, multiple-cursors, convenience
      Functions, I guess.
    - diminish, remove stuff from the modeline.

magit                | 83518 
dash                 | 78019 
auto-complete        | 65754
popup                | 59504
git-commit-mode      | 59418
s                    | 58258
flycheck             | 52859
helm                 | 50878
git-rebase-mode      | 50865
epl                  | 48113
pkg-info             | 46034
projectile           | 39443
cider                | 38332
smex                 | 36783
clojure-mode         | 36467
f                    | 36240
zenburn-theme        | 35887
markdown-mode        | 35721
expand-region        | 35027
haskell-mode         | 34747
smartparens          | 32636
ido-ubiquitous       | 31920
rainbow-delimiters   | 30480
ace-jump-mode        | 29956
paredit              | 28493
multiple-cursors     | 27497
web-mode             | 26960
solarized-theme      | 26151
gitconfig-mode       | 24642
elisp-slime-nav      | 24482
diminish             | 24190
inf-ruby             | 23904
gitignore-mode       | 23447
exec-path-from-shell | 21889
gh                   | 21598
php-mode             | 21231
yaml-mode            | 20169

Hope it helps,

I hear there's rumors on the, uh, Internets. . .

Attachment: melpa.el
Description: application/emacs-lisp

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