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RE: Adding a few more finder keywords

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: Adding a few more finder keywords
Date: Sat, 25 Apr 2015 11:51:36 -0700 (PDT)

> Would it be acceptable for us to add a few more keywords to
> `finder-known-keywords'?

Good initiative, generally, to revisit the list.  Maybe a few
"few"er, though?  I'm also not sure how helpful it is for
`finder-known-keywords' to be large.

Be careful of spelling: e.g., extensions, not extentions.

I would suggest that you remove keywords that are related only
to Emacs libraries that are not delivered as part of GNU Emacs.
Here are some such candidates (not sure of all, and there might
be others).

>  ("helm" . 36)
>  ("projectile" . 5)
>  ("emms" . 5)
>  ("maven" . 4)
>  ("ess" . 4)
>  ("pastebin" . 4)
>  ("flycheck" . 4)
>  ("intellisense" . 4)
>  ("sage" . 4)
>  ("color-theme" . 3)
>  ("postgresql" . 3)
>  ("elscreen" . 3)
>  ("soundcloud" . 3)
>  ("simplenote" . 3)
>  ("tdd" . 3)
>  ("virtualenv" . 3)
>  ("palette" . 2)
>  ("diredp" . 2)
>  ("e2wm" . 2)
>  ("nyan" . 2)
>  ("remember" . 2)
>  ("swoop" . 2)
>  ("inner" . 2)

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