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Re: Patches on ffap (mainly for latex buffers)

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: Re: Patches on ffap (mainly for latex buffers)
Date: Fri, 07 Aug 2015 17:34:52 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/25.0.50 (gnu/linux)

> Are you sure ? The docstring of skip-chars-forward has:
>> ‘\’ quotes ‘^’, ‘-’ or ‘\’
> so if we want \ to be part of a filename, I think they are all needed.

OMG, you're right!  So the syntax is yet a bit different from the syntax
of [...] ranges in regexps (where the ^, ], and - are "quoted" based on
their position rather than using backslash).

>>> +               (prefixes '(""
>>> +                           "beamertheme"
>>> +                           "beamercolortheme"
>>> +                           "beamerfonttheme"
>>> +                           "beamerinnertheme"
>>> +                           "beameroutertheme"))
>> These prefixes look rather ad-hoc.  Do we really need them?  Why?
> I guess you know the beamer class in LaTeX ?

Never used it, but know of it.

> These prefixes are those used for the different theme files of
> beamer.  A given "full theme" usually combines a color theme, an inner
> theme and an outer theme (and there are also font themes, as you can
> guess), all having their own prefix.
> It is nice to be able to navigate from a line such as
> \usetheme{Warsaw}
> to
> /usr/local/texlive/2015/texmf-dist/tex/latex/beamer/themes/theme/beamerthemeWarsaw.sty
> in order to find out that it calls
> \useinnertheme[shadow=true]{rounded}
> \useoutertheme{shadow}
> \usecolortheme{orchid}
> \usecolortheme{whale}
> Then you can further navigate to these files, and copy the bits you want
> to modify into your own beamer file.

Maybe this should be factored into a separate piece of code that's only
used when the beamer class is used?  Maybe it's not that important, so
I think it's OK if we just move this list to a global variable rather
than hard-coding it within the body of the function.


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