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From: Steinar Bang
Subject: Re: IDE
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2015 09:33:17 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.130012 (Ma Gnus v0.12) Emacs/24.4 (windows-nt)

>>>>> Richard Stallman <address@hidden>:

> This is true as a general statement, but in general I hope we can find
> ways to integrate into Emacs the useful or appealing features of other
> IDEs.  Let's at least try to find a way to make them fit, before we
> dismiss the idea.

The IDE features I miss most in emacs, is:
 - Auto complete
 - Navigation (definition of symbol, usages of symbol)
 - Renaming support
 - Outline cut/copy/paste

All of these features can be implemented in emacs without needing to
support (or enforce) an IDE-like layout.

What I don't like in other IDEs is the need to use a mouse to switch between
buffers and change focus between IDE windows, and this is a place where
emacs shines: I never _need_ to use the mouse

My languages are currently Java and Python (the latter I use emacs for
already.  The former I use emacs for formatting cleanup, and commit, and
large scale text subistitution 

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