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RE: multi-assignment setq [was: setq's with missing final arguments.]

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: multi-assignment setq [was: setq's with missing final arguments.]
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2015 07:02:10 -0800 (PST)

> - it reads better
> - it navigates better (`forward-list' and `backward-list')
> - it manipulates better

I disagree, especially for "reads better" (which is by far the
most important, both for author and other readers).  But maybe
you like adding `progn' everywhere.  Eye of the beholder...

The important thing is that you can use your "lispier" style,
and I can use my "lispier" style.  Nothing prevents you from

  (progn (setq foo       bar)
         (setq tatasaba  tutuwimbo)
         (setq toto      titi))

if such is your wont.  Just as nothing prevents me from writing:

  (setq foo       bar
        tatasaba  tutuwimbo
        toto      titi)

to get the same effect.

There is zero reason to not allow `setq' to make multiple
assignments.  That's the point.

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