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Re: What would be the best screenshot of Emacs for the homepage?

From: David Kastrup
Subject: Re: What would be the best screenshot of Emacs for the homepage?
Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2015 22:32:10 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/25.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Pierre Lecocq <address@hidden> writes:

>> - I want to promote the GNOME enviromnent over Windows/OS X
> Wouldn't it be better not to promote any enviromnent (as in "OS" or "Window
> Manager")?

Uhm, no?

> I understand the idea to promote a FOSS enviromnent vs a proprietary
> one,

A free environment.

> but as GNU/Emacs is supported by such a wide variety of plateforms
> (GNOME is not the default/recommended/usable WM on every ones),

GNOME is not a window manager.

> it would be better not to include the window bar in screenshots since
> it is the way (a.k.a the "most used way") to identify the environment
> (as in "OS" or "Window Manager").

So?  For one thing, the font rendering will equally well identify a
platform.  For another, why _wouldn't_ GNU Emacs promote GNU
environments (GNUstep would be another candidate but it is less
frequently used)?  Other platforms are secondary considerations.  Why
shouldn't the first priority of a GNU component be GNU?

David Kastrup

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