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Re: [elpa] master 88578a4: Increase the default number of hits

From: Andreas Schwab
Subject: Re: [elpa] master 88578a4: Increase the default number of hits
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 2016 13:51:20 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.5 (gnu/linux)

Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen <address@hidden> writes:

> Oh, if anybody wants a quick and easy test case that displays the error
> in async.el:
> (async-get (async-start
>             `(lambda ()
>                (load ,(locate-library "debbugs"))
>                (debbugs-get-status 22285))))
> => (((source . "unknown") (originator . "Clément Pit--Claudel 
> <address@hidden>") (tags) (package "emacs") (id . 22285) (severity . 
> "normal") (archived) (summary) (msgid . "<address@hidden>") (location . 
> "db-h") (blocks) (subject . "isearch and repeat do no play well together 
> (overlays are not cleared after repeating isearch-forward-exit-minibuffer)") 
> (unarchived) (affects) (log_modified . 1451699523) (last_modified . 
> 1451699523) (mergedwith) (fixed_date) (fixed) (date . 1451699522) (found) 
> (forwarded) (owner) (done) (keywords) (pending . "pending") (found_versions) 
> (found_date) (bug_num . 22285) (blockedby) (fixed_versions)))               

Try this patch:

diff --git a/packages/async/async.el b/packages/async/async.el
index 7286c48..c3b5dc3 100644
--- a/packages/async/async.el
+++ b/packages/async/async.el
@@ -129,7 +129,9 @@ as follows:
     (eval sexp)))
 (defun async--insert-sexp (sexp)
-  (let (print-level print-length)
+  (let (print-level
+       print-length
+       (print-escape-multibyte t))
     (prin1 sexp (current-buffer))
     ;; Just in case the string we're sending might contain EOF
     (encode-coding-region (point-min) (point-max) 'utf-8-unix)


Andreas Schwab, address@hidden
GPG Key fingerprint = 58CA 54C7 6D53 942B 1756  01D3 44D5 214B 8276 4ED5
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