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Re: change in call-next-method

From: Stephen Leake
Subject: Re: change in call-next-method
Date: Sun, 03 Jan 2016 12:05:29 -0600
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.5 (windows-nt)

Eric Abrahamsen <address@hidden> writes:

> Stephen Leake <address@hidden> writes:
>> Andreas Schwab <address@hidden> writes:
>>> Stephen Leake <address@hidden> writes:
>>>> I'm updating JDEE to Emacs 25. It has several functions like this:
>>>> (cl-defmethod initialize-instance ((this jdee-jddocset) &rest rest)
>>>>   (apply 'call-next-method rest)
>>>>   (unless (oref this description)
>>>>     (oset this :description
>>>>      (if (oref this jdkp)
>>>>          (format "JDK %s Javadoc" (oref this version))
>>>>        (let ((file (jdee-url-file (oref this url))))
>>>>          (if (string-match ".*\\/\\(.*?\\)\\/doc\\/api" file)
>>>>              (match-string 1 file)
>>>>            (jdee-url-name (oref this url))))))))
>>>> This breaks if I just change call-next-method to cl-call-next-method.
>>> How do you change it?  
>> I tried:
>> (apply 'cl-call-next-method rest)
>> (cl-call-next-method rest)
>> They both give the error:
>> cl-call-next-method: cl-call-next-method only allowed inside primary and 
>> around methods
>>> I think you are supposed to call it as
>>> (cl-call-next-method).
>> That gives the same error.
>> Note that I don't actually need to call the superclass init; I just need
>> to process the args in `rest', storing them in the slots.
> I think if you replace any of the args, you need to replace *all* of the
> args. Ie, either:
> (cl-call-next-method) ; in which case your changes to REST are ignored
> or
> (cl-call-next-method this rest)
> Otherwise, it's just the wrong number of arguments.

Same error.

> I may be missing something, but...

I think this error is due to trying to call the parent method, when
there isn't one:

(defclass jdee-jddocset ()
In Emacs 24.5, that calls the default superclass method. Apparently that
call doesn't work properly in Emacs 25.

There is an initialize-instance defined for the default superclass; in

(cl-defmethod initialize-instance ((this eieio-default-superclass)
                                &optional slots)
  "Construct the new object THIS based on SLOTS.
SLOTS is a tagged list where odd numbered elements are tags, and
even numbered elements are the values to store in the tagged slot.
If you overload the `initialize-instance', there you will need to
call `shared-initialize' yourself, or you can call `call-next-method'
to have this constructor called automatically.  If these steps are
not taken, then new objects of your class will not have their values
dynamically set from SLOTS."
  ;; First, see if any of our defaults are `lambda', and
  ;; re-evaluate them and apply the value to our slots.
  (let* ((this-class (eieio--object-class this))
         (slots (eieio--class-slots this-class)))
    (dotimes (i (length slots))
      ;; For each slot, see if we need to evaluate it.
      ;; Paul Landes said in an email:
      ;; > CL evaluates it if it can, and otherwise, leaves it as
      ;; > the quoted thing as you already have.  This is by the
      ;; > Sonya E. Keene book and other things I've look at on the
      ;; > web.
      (let* ((slot (aref slots i))
             (initform (cl--slot-descriptor-initform slot))
             (dflt (eieio-default-eval-maybe initform)))
        (when (not (eq dflt initform))
          ;; FIXME: We should be able to just do (aset this (+ i <cst>) dflt)!
          (eieio-oset this (cl--slot-descriptor-name slot) dflt)))))
  ;; Shared initialize will parse our slots for us.
  (shared-initialize this slots))

That seems to be the code I'm looking for. Maybe with this clue I can
figure out why the call fails.

-- Stephe

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