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Re: Character folding in the pretest

From: Yuri Khan
Subject: Re: Character folding in the pretest
Date: Wed, 3 Feb 2016 22:52:54 +0600

On Wed, Feb 3, 2016 at 9:57 PM, Filipp Gunbin <address@hidden> wrote:

>> Е and Ё, on the other hand, are a holywar-inducing contention
>> point.
> They have their own places in the Russian alphabet.  I think
> char-folding should fold only "modified" letter variants into
> "canonical" form (without any modifications).
> Е and Ё are just separate letters, although we don't use Ё much...

Oh, we use it all the time. It’s just that many people habitually
write Е in place of Ё.

And this is exactly the reason why char folding becomes relevant for
this particular pair. When searching in a text by someone other, I
will want to fold so that I find occurrences where I would write Ё but
other would replace it with Е. Likewise, those other people, when
reading my text, will want to fold in order to find occurrences where
they would write Е but I would write Ё.

> Once I "fixed" all our text resources files at work and a colleague of
> mine commented in review that Ё is used only in childrens books.  I had
> to revert the change.

In this situation, you will want to not fold, so that you can search
for all instances of Ё and decide which to replace with Е. (Even when
the policy is to avoid Ё, it is still mandatory in cases of

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