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Re: [Ann]: An Implementation of the Shen programming language in Elisp a

From: Alexis
Subject: Re: [Ann]: An Implementation of the Shen programming language in Elisp and a call for help
Date: Sat, 14 May 2016 11:08:43 +1000
User-agent: mu4e 0.9.17; emacs 24.5.3

aditya siram <address@hidden> writes:

1. I can't seem to get rid of warnings when byte-compiling the generated "shen.el" [4] even though I have the byte-compile-warnings property the top of the file. I'm getting a lot of "unused lexical variable" warnings even though "lexical" is in the list of warnings.

Well, it seems you're not making use of the lexical variables you define. For example:

(shen/let NewHistory (shen/shen\.update_history NewLineread History) (shen/let Parsed (shen/fst NewLineread) (shen/shen\.toplevel Parsed)))))))

Here you create the `NewHistory' variable, but don't make use of it within the scope of the `shen-let'.

Similarly, there are things like:

(shen/let Record (shen/shen\.record-source V13163 KL) KL))))

where `Record` is not used within the relevant scope, and:

(shen/let NewVector (shen/vector (shen/- Limit 1)) (shen/shen\.tlv-help V14674 2 Limit (shen/vector (shen/- Limit 1))))))))

where `NewVector' is not used within the relevant scope, and so on.

So, why are you binding variables you don't make any use of after the initial binding?


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