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Re: [PATCH] Gnu Elpa: stream.el: Add some more basic stream operations

From: Michael Heerdegen
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Gnu Elpa: stream.el: Add some more basic stream operations
Date: Wed, 08 Jun 2016 21:52:27 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/25.0.94 (gnu/linux)

Nicolas Petton <address@hidden> writes:

> > +(defun stream-scan (function init stream)
> > +  "Return a stream of successive reduced values for STREAM.
> Why not using `seq-reduce'?
> > +(defun stream-mapconcat (function stream separator)
> Would `seq-mapconcat' with a stream-specific implementation make sense?

I updated the patch.  `stream-scan' is useful and not redundant.
`stream-reduce' was indeed redundant, as the generic `seq-reduce'
already works for streams, so I removed it.

And for now, I excluded `stream-mapconcat' from the patch.

>From 8b3326ff7251ba402002dfcbb9272f59547f09ab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michael Heerdegen <address@hidden>
Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2016 02:42:43 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Add some more basic stream operations

 packages/stream/stream.el             | 45 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 packages/stream/tests/stream-tests.el | 23 ++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 68 insertions(+)

diff --git a/packages/stream/stream.el b/packages/stream/stream.el
index 22cecac..62eb3b6 100644
--- a/packages/stream/stream.el
+++ b/packages/stream/stream.el
@@ -333,6 +333,51 @@ calling this function."
 (cl-defmethod seq-copy ((stream stream))
   "Return a shallow copy of STREAM."
   (stream-delay stream))
+;;; More stream operations
+(defun stream-scan (function init stream)
+  "Return a stream of successive reduced values for STREAM.
+If the elements of a stream s are s_1, s_2, ..., the elements
+S_1, S_2, ... of the stream returned by \(stream-scan f init s\)
+are defined recursively by
+  S_1     = init
+  S_(n+1) = (funcall f S_n s_n)
+as long as s_n exists.
+   (stream-scan #'* 1 (stream-range 1))
+returns a stream of the factorials."
+  (let ((res init))
+    (stream-cons
+     res
+     (seq-map (lambda (el) (setq res (funcall function res el)))
+              stream))))
+(defun stream-flush (stream)
+  "Request all elements from STREAM in order for side effects only."
+  (while (not (stream-empty-p stream))
+    (cl-callf stream-rest stream)))
+(defun stream-iterate-function (function value)
+  "Return a stream of repeated applications of FUNCTION to VALUE.
+The returned stream starts with VALUE.  Any successive element
+will be found by calling FUNCTION on the preceding element."
+  (stream-cons
+   value
+   (stream-iterate-function function (funcall function value))))
+(defun stream-concatenate (stream-of-streams)
+  "Concatenate all streams in STREAM-OF-STREAMS and return the result.
+All elements in STREAM-OF-STREAMS must be streams.  The result is
+a stream."
+  (seq-reduce #'stream-append stream-of-streams (stream-empty)))
 (defun stream-of-directory-files-1 (directory &optional nosort recurse 
   "Helper for `stream-of-directory-files'."
diff --git a/packages/stream/tests/stream-tests.el 
index 23a54b5..16b5756 100644
--- a/packages/stream/tests/stream-tests.el
+++ b/packages/stream/tests/stream-tests.el
@@ -242,5 +242,28 @@
     (should (= 2 (stream-first str)))
     (should (null (stream-pop stream-empty)))))
+(ert-deftest stream-scan-test ()
+  (should (eq (seq-elt (stream-scan #'* 1 (stream-range 1)) 4) 24)))
+(ert-deftest stream-flush-test ()
+  (should (let* ((times 0)
+                 (count (lambda () (cl-incf times))))
+            (letrec ((make-test-stream (lambda () (stream-cons (progn (funcall 
count) nil)
+                                                          (funcall 
+              (stream-flush (seq-take (funcall make-test-stream) 5))
+              (eq times 5)))))
+(ert-deftest stream-iterate-function-test ()
+  (should (equal (list 0 1 2) (seq-into-sequence (seq-take 
(stream-iterate-function #'1+ 0) 3)))))
+(ert-deftest stream-concatenate-test ()
+  (should (equal (seq-into-sequence
+                  (stream-concatenate
+                   (stream (list (stream (list 1 2 3))
+                                 (stream (list))
+                                 (stream (list 4))
+                                 (stream (list 5 6 7 8 9))))))
+                 (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))))
 (provide 'stream-tests)
 ;;; stream-tests.el ends here



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