Help with ‘sh-mode’ ‘C-M-q’ (prog-indent-sexp) Indent the expression after point. ‘C-c :’ (sh-set-shell) Set this buffer's shell to SHELL (a string). ‘C-c C-z’ (sh-show-shell) Pop the shell interaction buffer. ‘C-c C-d’ (sh-cd-here) Change directory in the current interaction shell to the current one. ‘C-c C-n’ (sh-send-line-or-region-and-step) Send the current line to the inferior shell and step to the next line. ‘C-c C-x’ (executable-interpret) Run script with user-specified args, and collect output in a buffer. ‘C-c +’ (sh-add) Insert an addition of VAR and prefix DELTA for Bourne (type) shell. ‘C-c C-\’ (sh-backslash-region) Insert, align, or delete end-of-line backslashes on the lines in the region. ‘C-c >’ (sh-learn-buffer-indent) Learn how to indent the buffer the way it currently is. ‘C-c <’ (sh-learn-line-indent) Learn how to indent a line as it currently is indented. ‘C-c =’ (sh-set-indent) Set the indentation for the current line. ‘C-c ?’ (sh-show-indent) Show the how the current line would be indented. ‘C-c C-c’ (sh-case) Insert a case/switch statement. See `sh-feature'. ‘C-c C-f’ (sh-for) Insert a for loop. See `sh-feature'. ‘C-c TAB’ (sh-if) Insert an if statement. See `sh-feature'. ‘C-c C-l’ (sh-indexed-loop) Insert an indexed loop from 1 to n. See `sh-feature'. ‘C-c C-o’ (sh-while-getopts) Insert a while getopts loop. See `sh-feature'. ‘C-c C-r’ (sh-repeat) Insert a repeat loop definition. See `sh-feature'. ‘C-c C-s’ (sh-select) Insert a select statement. See `sh-feature'. ‘C-c C-t’ (sh-tmp-file) Insert code to setup temporary file handling. See `sh-feature'. ‘C-c C-u’ (sh-until) Insert an until loop. See `sh-feature'. ‘C-c C-w’ (sh-while) Insert a while loop. See `sh-feature'. ‘C-c (’ (sh-function) Insert a function definition. See `sh-feature'. ‘=’ (sh-assignment) Remember preceding identifier for future completion and do self-insert. ‘C-M-x’ (sh-execute-region) Pass optional header and region to a subshell for noninteractive execution. ‘ ’ (sh-end-of-command) Move point to successive ends of commands. ‘ ’ (sh-beginning-of-command) Move point to successive beginnings of commands. ‘ ’ (backward-delete-char-untabify) Delete characters backward, changing tabs into spaces.