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Re: About the 'minibuffer' frame parameter

From: martin rudalics
Subject: Re: About the 'minibuffer' frame parameter
Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2016 18:01:20 +0200

> Actually, it seems like one of the existing windows gets cloned and that is
> put on top of the minibuffer without modeline.
> It looks something like this.
> So the minibuffer looks completely fused with Win 2 of Buf x (that somehow
> got created automatically when I enabled debug-on-error).
> After some window switching, the mode line for Win 2 appears automatically.
> ==============================================
> | Win 1 - Buf x                              |
> ----------------------------------------------
> | Mode-line for Win 1                        |
> ==============================================
> | Win 2 - Buf x                              |
> ----------------------------------------------
> | Minibuffer                                 |
> ==============================================
> (I put to white box there to mask my work stuff. If I close that window,

You mean "If I delete Win 1"?

> the missing modeline for the bottom "Win 2 - Buf x" is created
> automatically.

And what else do you see now in Win 2 besides the "- Searchd" string?

> Note that the same "-Searchd" string is shown in the actual
> window on the top right and the bottom window auto-created exactly above
> the minibuffer (so I thought earlier that the minibuffer had 2 rows; it was
> in fact an inactive window and thus that inactive window cursor face).

In any case please do (window--dump-frame) for that frame - the result
of that dump is in a buffer called *window-frame-dump* and post the
result here.  I think that the appearance of that one line window is
more or less intentional but I have no idea who's responsible for it.
At least that someone seems to do very tricky things to your window
layout ;-)

> Please ignore that.. that bug is there but has nothing to do with your
> recent commit.
> I see it on emacs 25.1 RC2 too when I end up causing a timer error in
> pdf-tools package:

I'd still want to see the output of ‘window--dump-frame’ for this frame
(no fear - it doesn't reveal any buffer contents).


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