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Re: [Emacs-diffs] master dbb29d7: Add info-lookup help for gdb-script-mo

From: Tom Tromey
Subject: Re: [Emacs-diffs] master dbb29d7: Add info-lookup help for gdb-script-mode
Date: Sat, 04 Feb 2017 21:50:39 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/25.1.91 (gnu/linux)

>>>>> "Stefan" == Stefan Monnier <address@hidden> writes:

>> I put it there because all other calls to info-lookup-add-help and
>> info-lookup-maybe-add-help are in that file,

Stefan> Right, but that's just because that's how it started, just like
Stefan> font-lock had all the rules for C, Lisp, TeX, ... in font-lock.el.
Stefan> We should really take them out and move them to their natural home.

I took a stab at this tonight and would appreciate your feedback.
My initial patch is appended.

This seems to work ok for the bits I changed.  I tried them all
interactively.  In some cases I don't have the needed manual but I at
least saw the expected error.

One exception is that visiting configure.ac first, trying C-h S, then
opening a .m4 file and trying C-h S leads to the latter not working.  I
didn't look into this but I will if this all looks reasonable.

As an aside, it would be fantastic if info-lookup bits were hooked to
eldoc so that I could see a summary of the construct near point while I

A few notes on the patch:

* I didn't touch anything relating to cc-mode since my impression is
  that this mode isn't maintained in-tree.  This just means the c-mode
  and awk-mode entries (not sure why c++-mode doesn't default to c-mode
  for info-look...).

* I couldn't move the emacs-lisp-mode-related calls because this failed
  at dumping, I guess because info-look is required but not loaded by
  loadup?  Based on this I didn't try to move a bunch of others, like
  help-mode, Custom-mode, etc.

* Several modes mentioned in info-look.el don't exist in the Emacs
  source tree: bison-mode, maxima-mode, inferior-maxima-mode.  Also
  cfengine-mode is referenced but cfengine.el actually defines
  cfengine2-mode and cfengine3-mode.

* I didn't want to get into perl-mode/cperl-mode which seemed like maybe
  a difficult dependency to handle; namely I wasn't clear if cperl-mode
  could (require 'perl-mode).


diff --git a/lisp/info-look.el b/lisp/info-look.el
index 694bcb4..3b74be1 100644
--- a/lisp/info-look.el
+++ b/lisp/info-look.el
@@ -649,26 +649,6 @@ info-lookup-guess-custom-symbol
            (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end)))))
     (error nil)))
-(defun info-lookup-guess-gdb-script-symbol ()
-  "Get symbol at point in GDB script buffers."
-  (condition-case nil
-      (save-excursion
-        (back-to-indentation)
-        ;; Try to find the current line's full command in the index;
-        ;; and default to the longest subset that is found.
-        (when (looking-at "[-a-z]+\\(\\s-[-a-z]+\\)*")
-          (let ((str-list (split-string (match-string-no-properties 0)
-                                        "\\s-+" t))
-                (completions (info-lookup->completions 'symbol
-                                                       'gdb-script-mode)))
-            (catch 'result
-              (while str-list
-                (let ((str (string-join str-list " ")))
-                  (when (assoc str completions)
-                    (throw 'result str))
-                  (nbutlast str-list)))))))
-    (error nil)))
 (defun info-complete-symbol (&optional mode)
   "Perform completion on symbol preceding point."
@@ -765,96 +745,6 @@ info-complete
  :other-modes '(c-mode))
- :mode 'makefile-mode
- :regexp "\\$[^({]\\|\\.[_A-Z]*\\|[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9-]*"
- :doc-spec '(("(make)Name Index" nil
-             "^[ \t]*['`‘]" "['’]"))
- :parse-rule "\\$[^({]\\|\\.[_A-Z]*\\|[_a-zA-Z0-9-]+")
- :topic      'symbol
- :mode       'makefile-automake-mode
- ;; similar regexp/parse-rule as makefile-mode, but also the following
- ;; (which have index entries),
- ;;   "##" special automake comment
- ;;   "+=" append operator, separate from the GNU make one
- :regexp     "\\$[^({]\\|\\.[_A-Z]*\\|[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9-]*\\|##\\|\\+="
- :parse-rule "\\$[^({]\\|\\.[_A-Z]*\\|[_a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\|##\\|\\+="
- :doc-spec   '(
-               ;; "(automake)Macro Index" is autoconf macros used in
-               ;; configure.ac, not Makefile.am, so don't have that here.
-               ("(automake)Variable Index" nil "^[ \t]*['`‘]" "['’]")
-               ;; In automake 1.4 macros and variables were a combined node.
-               ("(automake)Macro and Variable Index" nil "^[ \t]*['`‘]"
-               "['’]")
-               ;; Directives like "if" are in the "General Index".
-               ;; Prefix "`" since the text for say `+=' isn't always an
-               ;; @item etc and so not always at the start of a line.
-               ("(automake)General Index" nil "['`‘]" "['’]")
-               ;; In automake 1.3 there was just a single "Index" node.
-               ("(automake)Index" nil "['`‘]" "['’]"))
- :other-modes '(makefile-mode))
- :mode 'texinfo-mode
- :regexp "@\\([a-zA-Z]+\\|[^a-zA-Z]\\)"
- :doc-spec '(("(texinfo)Command and Variable Index"
-             ;; Ignore Emacs commands and prepend a `@'.
-             (lambda (item)
-               (if (string-match "^\\([a-zA-Z]+\\|[^a-zA-Z]\\)\\( .*\\)?$" 
-                   (concat "@" (match-string 1 item))))
-             "['`‘]" "['’ ]")))
- :mode 'm4-mode
- :regexp "[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*"
- :doc-spec '(("(m4)Macro index"))
- :parse-rule "[_a-zA-Z0-9]+")
- :mode 'autoconf-mode
- :regexp "A[CM]_[_A-Z0-9]+"
- :doc-spec '(;; Autoconf Macro Index entries are without an "AC_" prefix,
-            ;; but with "AH_" or "AU_" for those.  So add "AC_" if there
-            ;; isn't already an "A._".
-             ("(autoconf)Autoconf Macro Index"
-              (lambda (item)
-                (if (string-match "^A._" item) item (concat "AC_" item)))
-             "^[ \t]+-+ \\(Macro\\|Variable\\): .*\\<" "\\>")
-             ;; M4 Macro Index entries are without "AS_" prefixes, and
-             ;; mostly without "m4_" prefixes.  "dnl" is an exception, not
-             ;; wanting any prefix.  So AS_ is added back to upper-case
-             ;; names (if needed), m4_ to others which don't already an m4_.
-             ("(autoconf)M4 Macro Index"
-              (lambda (item)
-                (let ((case-fold-search nil))
-                  (cond ((or (string-equal item "dnl")
-                             (string-match "^m4_" item)
-                             ;; Autoconf 2.62 index includes some macros
-                             ;; (e.g., AS_HELP_STRING), so avoid prefixing.
-                             (string-match "^AS_" item))
-                         item)
-                        ((string-match "^[A-Z0-9_]+$" item)
-                         (concat "AS_" item))
-                        (t
-                         (concat "m4_" item)))))
-             "^[ \t]+-+ Macro: .*\\<" "\\>")
-             ;; Autotest Macro Index entries are without "AT_".
-             ("(autoconf)Autotest Macro Index" "AT_"
-             "^[ \t]+-+ Macro: .*\\<" "\\>")
-            ;; This is for older versions (probably pre autoconf 2.5x):
-            ("(autoconf)Macro Index" "AC_"
-             "^[ \t]+-+ \\(Macro\\|Variable\\): .*\\<" "\\>")
-            ;; Automake has index entries for its notes on various autoconf
-            ;; macros (eg. AC_PROG_CC).  Ensure this is after the autoconf
-            ;; index, so as to prefer the autoconf docs.
-            ("(automake)Macro and Variable Index" nil
-             "^[ \t]*['`‘]" "['’]"))
- ;; Autoconf symbols are M4 macros.  Thus use M4's parser.
- :parse-rule 'ignore
- :other-modes '(m4-mode))
  :mode 'awk-mode
  :regexp "[_a-zA-Z]+"
  :doc-spec '(("(gawk)Index"
@@ -906,17 +796,6 @@ info-complete
  :regexp "address@hidden|\\$\\^[A-Z]\\|address@hidden"
  :other-modes '(perl-mode))
- :mode 'latex-mode
- :regexp "\\\\\\([a-zA-Z]+\\|[^a-zA-Z]\\)"
- :doc-spec `((,(if (Info-find-file "latex2e" t)
-                  ;; From http://home.gna.org/latexrefman
-                  "(latex2e)Command Index"
-                "(latex)Command Index")
-             ;; \frac{NUM}{DEN} etc can have more than one {xx} argument.
-             ;; \sqrt[ROOT]{num} and others can have square brackets.
-             nil "[`'‘]" "\\({[^}]*}|\\[[^]]*\\]\\)*['’]")))
  :mode 'emacs-lisp-mode
@@ -956,31 +835,6 @@ info-complete
  :other-modes '(emacs-lisp-mode))
- :mode 'scheme-mode
- :regexp "[^()`'‘’,\" \t\n]+"
- :ignore-case t
- ;; Aubrey Jaffer's rendition from <URL:ftp://ftp-swiss.ai.mit.edu/pub/scm>
- :doc-spec '(("(r5rs)Index" nil
-             "^[ \t]+-+ [^:]+:[ \t]*" "\\b")))
- :mode 'octave-mode
- :regexp "[_a-zA-Z0-9]+\\|\\s.+\\|[-!=^|*/.\\,><~&+]\\{1,3\\}\\|[][();,\"']"
- :doc-spec '(("(octave)Function Index" nil
-             "^ -+ [^:]+:[ ]+\\(\\[[^=]*=[ ]+\\)?" nil)
-            ("(octave)Variable Index" nil "^ -+ [^:]+:[ ]+" nil)
-             ("(octave)Operator Index" nil nil nil)
-            ;; Catch lines of the form "xyz statement"
-            ("(octave)Concept Index"
-             (lambda (item)
-               (cond
-                ((string-match "^\\([A-Z]+\\) statement\\b" item)
-                   (match-string 1 item))
-                (t nil)))
-             nil; "^ -+ [^:]+:[ ]+" don't think this prefix is useful here.
-             nil)))
  :mode 'maxima-mode
  :ignore-case t
  :regexp "[a-zA-Z0-9_%]+"
@@ -992,59 +846,6 @@ info-complete
  :regexp "[a-zA-Z0-9_%]+"
  :other-modes '(maxima-mode))
-;; coreutils and bash builtins overlap in places, eg. printf, so there's a
-;; question which should come first.  Some of the coreutils descriptions are
-;; more detailed, but if bash is usually /bin/sh on a GNU system then the
-;; builtins will be what's normally run.
-;; Maybe special variables like $? should be matched as $?, not just ?.
-;; This would avoid a clash between variable $! and negation !, or variable
-;; $# and comment # (though comment # is not currently indexed in bash).
-;; Unfortunately if $? etc is the symbol, then we wouldn't be taken to the
-;; exact spot in the relevant node, since the bash manual has just `?' etc
-;; there.  Maybe an extension to the prefix/suffix scheme could help this.
- :mode 'sh-mode :topic 'symbol
- ;; bash has "." and ":" in its index, but those chars will probably never
- ;; work in info, so don't bother matching them in the regexp.
- :regexp "\\([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+\\|address@hidden|\\[\\[?\\|]]?\\)"
- :doc-spec '(("(bash)Builtin Index"       nil "^['`‘]" "[ .'’]")
-             ("(bash)Reserved Word Index" nil "^['`‘]" "[ .'’]")
-             ("(bash)Variable Index"      nil "^['`‘]" "[ .'’]")
-             ;; coreutils (version 4.5.10) doesn't have a separate program
-             ;; index, so exclude extraneous stuff (most of it) by demanding
-             ;; "[a-z]+" in the trans-func.
-             ;; coreutils version 8.1 has node "Concept Index" and past
-             ;; versions have node "Index", look for both, whichever is
-             ;; absent is quietly ignored
-             ("(coreutils)Index"
-              (lambda (item) (if (string-match "\\`[a-z]+\\'" item) item)))
-             ("(coreutils)Concept Index"
-              (lambda (item) (if (string-match "\\`[a-z]+\\'" item) item)))
-             ;; diff (version 2.8.1) has only a few programs, index entries
-             ;; are things like "foo invocation".
-             ("(diff)Index"
-              (lambda (item)
-               (if (string-match "\\`\\([a-z]+\\) invocation\\'" item)
-                    (match-string 1 item))))
-             ;; there's no plain "sed" index entry as such, mung another
-             ;; hopefully unique one to get to the invocation section
-             ("(sed)Concept Index"
-              (lambda (item)
-                (if (string-equal item "Standard input, processing as input")
-                    "sed")))
-             ;; there's no plain "awk" or "gawk" index entries, mung other
-             ;; hopefully unique ones to get to the command line options
-             ("(gawk)Index"
-              (lambda (item)
-                (cond ((string-equal item "gawk, extensions, disabling")
-                       "awk")
-                      ((string-equal item "gawk, versions of, information 
about, printing")
-                       "gawk"))))))
 ;; This misses some things which occur as node names but not in the
 ;; index.  Unfortunately it also picks up the wrong one of multiple
 ;; entries for the same term in some cases.  --fx
@@ -1073,13 +874,6 @@ info-complete
  :regexp "[^][()`'‘’,:\" \t\n]+"
  :other-modes '(emacs-lisp-mode))
- :mode 'gdb-script-mode
- :ignore-case nil
- :regexp "\\([-a-z]+\\(\\s-+[-a-z]+\\)*\\)"
- :doc-spec '(("(gdb)Command and Variable Index" nil
-              nil nil))
- :parse-rule 'info-lookup-guess-gdb-script-symbol)

 (provide 'info-look)
diff --git a/lisp/progmodes/autoconf.el b/lisp/progmodes/autoconf.el
index 6d58faa..1c279df 100644
--- a/lisp/progmodes/autoconf.el
+++ b/lisp/progmodes/autoconf.el
@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@
 ;;; Code:
+(require 'info-look)
 (defvar autoconf-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
 (defvar autoconf-mode-hook nil
@@ -73,6 +75,49 @@ autoconf-current-defun-function
         (match-string-no-properties 1))))
+ :mode 'autoconf-mode
+ :regexp "A[CM]_[_A-Z0-9]+"
+ :doc-spec '(;; Autoconf Macro Index entries are without an "AC_" prefix,
+            ;; but with "AH_" or "AU_" for those.  So add "AC_" if there
+            ;; isn't already an "A._".
+             ("(autoconf)Autoconf Macro Index"
+              (lambda (item)
+                (if (string-match "^A._" item) item (concat "AC_" item)))
+             "^[ \t]+-+ \\(Macro\\|Variable\\): .*\\<" "\\>")
+             ;; M4 Macro Index entries are without "AS_" prefixes, and
+             ;; mostly without "m4_" prefixes.  "dnl" is an exception, not
+             ;; wanting any prefix.  So AS_ is added back to upper-case
+             ;; names (if needed), m4_ to others which don't already an m4_.
+             ("(autoconf)M4 Macro Index"
+              (lambda (item)
+                (let ((case-fold-search nil))
+                  (cond ((or (string-equal item "dnl")
+                             (string-match "^m4_" item)
+                             ;; Autoconf 2.62 index includes some macros
+                             ;; (e.g., AS_HELP_STRING), so avoid prefixing.
+                             (string-match "^AS_" item))
+                         item)
+                        ((string-match "^[A-Z0-9_]+$" item)
+                         (concat "AS_" item))
+                        (t
+                         (concat "m4_" item)))))
+             "^[ \t]+-+ Macro: .*\\<" "\\>")
+             ;; Autotest Macro Index entries are without "AT_".
+             ("(autoconf)Autotest Macro Index" "AT_"
+             "^[ \t]+-+ Macro: .*\\<" "\\>")
+            ;; This is for older versions (probably pre autoconf 2.5x):
+            ("(autoconf)Macro Index" "AC_"
+             "^[ \t]+-+ \\(Macro\\|Variable\\): .*\\<" "\\>")
+            ;; Automake has index entries for its notes on various autoconf
+            ;; macros (eg. AC_PROG_CC).  Ensure this is after the autoconf
+            ;; index, so as to prefer the autoconf docs.
+            ("(automake)Macro and Variable Index" nil
+             "^[ \t]*['`‘]" "['’]"))
+ ;; Autoconf symbols are M4 macros.  Thus use M4's parser.
+ :parse-rule 'ignore
+ :other-modes '(m4-mode))
 (define-derived-mode autoconf-mode prog-mode "Autoconf"
   "Major mode for editing Autoconf configure.ac files."
diff --git a/lisp/progmodes/gud.el b/lisp/progmodes/gud.el
index 1301758..087ed2e 100644
--- a/lisp/progmodes/gud.el
+++ b/lisp/progmodes/gud.el
@@ -3212,6 +3212,36 @@ gud-find-class
 ;;; GDB script mode ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+(require 'info-look)
+(defun info-lookup-guess-gdb-script-symbol ()
+  "Get symbol at point in GDB script buffers."
+  (condition-case nil
+      (save-excursion
+        (back-to-indentation)
+        ;; Try to find the current line's full command in the index;
+        ;; and default to the longest subset that is found.
+        (when (looking-at "[-a-z]+\\(\\s-[-a-z]+\\)*")
+          (let ((str-list (split-string (match-string-no-properties 0)
+                                        "\\s-+" t))
+                (completions (info-lookup->completions 'symbol
+                                                       'gdb-script-mode)))
+            (catch 'result
+              (while str-list
+                (let ((str (string-join str-list " ")))
+                  (when (assoc str completions)
+                    (throw 'result str))
+                  (nbutlast str-list)))))))
+    (error nil)))
+ :mode 'gdb-script-mode
+ :ignore-case nil
+ :regexp "\\([-a-z]+\\(\\s-+[-a-z]+\\)*\\)"
+ :doc-spec '(("(gdb)Command and Variable Index" nil
+              nil nil))
+ :parse-rule 'info-lookup-guess-gdb-script-symbol)
 (defvar gdb-script-mode-syntax-table
   (let ((st (make-syntax-table)))
     (modify-syntax-entry ?' "\"" st)
diff --git a/lisp/progmodes/m4-mode.el b/lisp/progmodes/m4-mode.el
index b48654f..9001535 100644
--- a/lisp/progmodes/m4-mode.el
+++ b/lisp/progmodes/m4-mode.el
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@
 ;;; Code:
+(require 'info-look)
 (defgroup m4 nil
   "m4 code editing commands for Emacs."
   :link '(custom-group-link :tag "Font Lock Faces group" font-lock-faces)
@@ -146,6 +148,12 @@ m4-current-defun-name
         "^\\(\\(m4_\\)?define\\|A._DEFUN\\)(\\[?\\([A-Za-z0-9_]+\\)" nil t)
        (match-string-no-properties 3))))
+ :mode 'm4-mode
+ :regexp "[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*"
+ :doc-spec '(("(m4)Macro index"))
+ :parse-rule "[_a-zA-Z0-9]+")
 (define-derived-mode m4-mode prog-mode "m4"
   "A major mode to edit m4 macro files."
diff --git a/lisp/progmodes/make-mode.el b/lisp/progmodes/make-mode.el
index 5cda7bb..11c179a 100644
--- a/lisp/progmodes/make-mode.el
+++ b/lisp/progmodes/make-mode.el
@@ -1855,6 +1855,39 @@ makefile-add-log-defun
        (setq found (replace-regexp-in-string "\\`[ \t]+" "" found)))
+(require 'info-look)
+ :mode 'makefile-mode
+ :regexp "\\$[^({]\\|\\.[_A-Z]*\\|[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9-]*"
+ :doc-spec '(("(make)Name Index" nil
+             "^[ \t]*['`‘]" "['’]"))
+ :parse-rule "\\$[^({]\\|\\.[_A-Z]*\\|[_a-zA-Z0-9-]+")
+ :topic      'symbol
+ :mode       'makefile-automake-mode
+ ;; similar regexp/parse-rule as makefile-mode, but also the following
+ ;; (which have index entries),
+ ;;   "##" special automake comment
+ ;;   "+=" append operator, separate from the GNU make one
+ :regexp     "\\$[^({]\\|\\.[_A-Z]*\\|[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9-]*\\|##\\|\\+="
+ :parse-rule "\\$[^({]\\|\\.[_A-Z]*\\|[_a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\|##\\|\\+="
+ :doc-spec   '(
+               ;; "(automake)Macro Index" is autoconf macros used in
+               ;; configure.ac, not Makefile.am, so don't have that here.
+               ("(automake)Variable Index" nil "^[ \t]*['`‘]" "['’]")
+               ;; In automake 1.4 macros and variables were a combined node.
+               ("(automake)Macro and Variable Index" nil "^[ \t]*['`‘]"
+               "['’]")
+               ;; Directives like "if" are in the "General Index".
+               ;; Prefix "`" since the text for say `+=' isn't always an
+               ;; @item etc and so not always at the start of a line.
+               ("(automake)General Index" nil "['`‘]" "['’]")
+               ;; In automake 1.3 there was just a single "Index" node.
+               ("(automake)Index" nil "['`‘]" "['’]"))
+ :other-modes '(makefile-mode))
 (provide 'make-mode)
 ;;; make-mode.el ends here
diff --git a/lisp/progmodes/octave.el b/lisp/progmodes/octave.el
index ac9ba63..f798f7f 100644
--- a/lisp/progmodes/octave.el
+++ b/lisp/progmodes/octave.el
@@ -1829,5 +1829,27 @@ octave-find-definition
             (find-file file)
             (octave-goto-function-definition fn)))))))
+;;; info-look
+(require 'info-look)
+ :mode 'octave-mode
+ :regexp "[_a-zA-Z0-9]+\\|\\s.+\\|[-!=^|*/.\\,><~&+]\\{1,3\\}\\|[][();,\"']"
+ :doc-spec '(("(octave)Function Index" nil
+             "^ -+ [^:]+:[ ]+\\(\\[[^=]*=[ ]+\\)?" nil)
+            ("(octave)Variable Index" nil "^ -+ [^:]+:[ ]+" nil)
+             ("(octave)Operator Index" nil nil nil)
+            ;; Catch lines of the form "xyz statement"
+            ("(octave)Concept Index"
+             (lambda (item)
+               (cond
+                ((string-match "^\\([A-Z]+\\) statement\\b" item)
+                   (match-string 1 item))
+                (t nil)))
+             nil; "^ -+ [^:]+:[ ]+" don't think this prefix is useful here.
+             nil)))
 (provide 'octave)
 ;;; octave.el ends here
diff --git a/lisp/progmodes/scheme.el b/lisp/progmodes/scheme.el
index 0dcf9b4..fef2a9d 100644
--- a/lisp/progmodes/scheme.el
+++ b/lisp/progmodes/scheme.el
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
 ;;; Code:

+(require 'info-look)
 (require 'lisp-mode)
 (defvar scheme-mode-syntax-table
@@ -187,6 +188,14 @@ scheme-mode-commands
   (define-key map "\177" 'backward-delete-char-untabify)
   (define-key map "\e\C-q" 'indent-sexp))

+ :mode 'scheme-mode
+ :regexp "[^()`'‘’,\" \t\n]+"
+ :ignore-case t
+ ;; Aubrey Jaffer's rendition from <URL:ftp://ftp-swiss.ai.mit.edu/pub/scm>
+ :doc-spec '(("(r5rs)Index" nil
+             "^[ \t]+-+ [^:]+:[ \t]*" "\\b")))
 (define-derived-mode scheme-mode prog-mode "Scheme"
   "Major mode for editing Scheme code.
diff --git a/lisp/progmodes/sh-script.el b/lisp/progmodes/sh-script.el
index a0bbf55..713b6c4 100644
--- a/lisp/progmodes/sh-script.el
+++ b/lisp/progmodes/sh-script.el
@@ -1562,6 +1562,64 @@ sh-send-line-or-region-and-step
     (goto-char end)))

+;; info-look
+(require 'info-look)
+;; coreutils and bash builtins overlap in places, eg. printf, so there's a
+;; question which should come first.  Some of the coreutils descriptions are
+;; more detailed, but if bash is usually /bin/sh on a GNU system then the
+;; builtins will be what's normally run.
+;; Maybe special variables like $? should be matched as $?, not just ?.
+;; This would avoid a clash between variable $! and negation !, or variable
+;; $# and comment # (though comment # is not currently indexed in bash).
+;; Unfortunately if $? etc is the symbol, then we wouldn't be taken to the
+;; exact spot in the relevant node, since the bash manual has just `?' etc
+;; there.  Maybe an extension to the prefix/suffix scheme could help this.
+ :mode 'sh-mode :topic 'symbol
+ ;; bash has "." and ":" in its index, but those chars will probably never
+ ;; work in info, so don't bother matching them in the regexp.
+ :regexp "\\([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+\\|address@hidden|\\[\\[?\\|]]?\\)"
+ :doc-spec '(("(bash)Builtin Index"       nil "^['`‘]" "[ .'’]")
+             ("(bash)Reserved Word Index" nil "^['`‘]" "[ .'’]")
+             ("(bash)Variable Index"      nil "^['`‘]" "[ .'’]")
+             ;; coreutils (version 4.5.10) doesn't have a separate program
+             ;; index, so exclude extraneous stuff (most of it) by demanding
+             ;; "[a-z]+" in the trans-func.
+             ;; coreutils version 8.1 has node "Concept Index" and past
+             ;; versions have node "Index", look for both, whichever is
+             ;; absent is quietly ignored
+             ("(coreutils)Index"
+              (lambda (item) (if (string-match "\\`[a-z]+\\'" item) item)))
+             ("(coreutils)Concept Index"
+              (lambda (item) (if (string-match "\\`[a-z]+\\'" item) item)))
+             ;; diff (version 2.8.1) has only a few programs, index entries
+             ;; are things like "foo invocation".
+             ("(diff)Index"
+              (lambda (item)
+               (if (string-match "\\`\\([a-z]+\\) invocation\\'" item)
+                    (match-string 1 item))))
+             ;; there's no plain "sed" index entry as such, mung another
+             ;; hopefully unique one to get to the invocation section
+             ("(sed)Concept Index"
+              (lambda (item)
+                (if (string-equal item "Standard input, processing as input")
+                    "sed")))
+             ;; there's no plain "awk" or "gawk" index entries, mung other
+             ;; hopefully unique ones to get to the command line options
+             ("(gawk)Index"
+              (lambda (item)
+                (cond ((string-equal item "gawk, extensions, disabling")
+                       "awk")
+                      ((string-equal item "gawk, versions of, information 
about, printing")
+                       "gawk"))))))
 ;; mode-command and utility functions
 (defun sh-after-hack-local-variables ()
diff --git a/lisp/textmodes/tex-mode.el b/lisp/textmodes/tex-mode.el
index ba6d696..86ce27b 100644
--- a/lisp/textmodes/tex-mode.el
+++ b/lisp/textmodes/tex-mode.el
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ font-lock-doc-face
 (require 'shell)
 (require 'compile)
+(require 'info-look)
 (defgroup tex-file nil
   "TeX files and directories."
@@ -1075,6 +1076,17 @@ plain-tex-mode
   (setq-local tex-end-of-header "%\\*\\*end of header")
   (setq-local tex-trailer "\\bye\n"))
+ :mode 'latex-mode
+ :regexp "\\\\\\([a-zA-Z]+\\|[^a-zA-Z]\\)"
+ :doc-spec `((,(if (Info-find-file "latex2e" t)
+                  ;; From http://home.gna.org/latexrefman
+                  "(latex2e)Command Index"
+                "(latex)Command Index")
+             ;; \frac{NUM}{DEN} etc can have more than one {xx} argument.
+             ;; \sqrt[ROOT]{num} and others can have square brackets.
+             nil "[`'‘]" "\\({[^}]*}|\\[[^]]*\\]\\)*['’]")))
 (define-derived-mode latex-mode tex-mode "LaTeX"
   "Major mode for editing files of input for LaTeX.
diff --git a/lisp/textmodes/texinfo.el b/lisp/textmodes/texinfo.el
index f962dec..b3a5ff0 100644
--- a/lisp/textmodes/texinfo.el
+++ b/lisp/textmodes/texinfo.el
@@ -1033,6 +1033,21 @@ texinfo-delete-from-print-queue
   ;;               job-number"\n"))
   (tex-recenter-output-buffer nil))
+;;; info-look
+(require 'info-look)
+ :mode 'texinfo-mode
+ :regexp "@\\([a-zA-Z]+\\|[^a-zA-Z]\\)"
+ :doc-spec '(("(texinfo)Command and Variable Index"
+             ;; Ignore Emacs commands and prepend a `@'.
+             (lambda (item)
+               (if (string-match "^\\([a-zA-Z]+\\|[^a-zA-Z]\\)\\( .*\\)?$" 
+                   (concat "@" (match-string 1 item))))
+             "['`‘]" "['’ ]")))
 (provide 'texinfo)
 ;;; texinfo.el ends here

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