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Re: Brave new mark-defun (and a testing tool)

From: Marcin Borkowski
Subject: Re: Brave new mark-defun (and a testing tool)
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2017 11:45:29 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 0.9.19; emacs

On 2017-02-13, at 20:00, John Wiegley <address@hidden> wrote:

>>>>>> Dmitry Gutov <address@hidden> writes:
>> I'd rather interpret John as being entirely serious. :) Tests are good.
> Dmitry is quite right; any patch that comes with a battery of new tests is
> already a huge plus in my book.

Thanks - as I said, I was a bit unsure;-).

Here's my proposed contribution, formatted as two patches.  The first
one introduces the testing machinery; the second one introduces
mark-defun and its tests.


Marcin Borkowski

Attachment: 0001-Add-elisp-tests-with-temp-buffer-a-new-testing-macro.patch
Description: Text Data

Attachment: 0002-Fix-bug-21072-and-rework-mark-defun.patch
Description: Text Data

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