[profiler-profile "24.3" cpu #s(hash-table size 217 test equal rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 data ([redisplay sit-for execute-extended-command smex-read-and-run smex funcall-interactively "#" ad-Advice-call-interactively apply call-interactively command-execute nil nil nil nil nil] 3 [read-event sit-for execute-extended-command smex-read-and-run smex funcall-interactively "#" ad-Advice-call-interactively apply call-interactively command-execute nil nil nil nil nil] 6 [line-move-visual line-move previous-line funcall-interactively "#" ad-Advice-call-interactively apply call-interactively command-execute nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 98 [json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode let fstar-subp--serialize-query setq progn if let fstar-subp--query if fstar-subp--query-and-wait-1 let* fstar-subp--query-and-wait let* progn] 8 [nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 3278 [derived-mode-p save-place-to-alist kill-buffer "#" json-read-from-string json-encode-key "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode let fstar-subp--serialize-query setq progn if] 7 [company-pre-command nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 2 ["#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode let] 3 [funcall eval redisplay_internal\ \(C\ function\) nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 28 [kill-buffer "#" json-read-from-string json-encode-key "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode let fstar-subp--serialize-query setq progn if let fstar-subp--query] 25 [eldoc-display-message-p eldoc-print-current-symbol-info "#" apply timer-event-handler nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 5 [let* save-current-buffer fstar--log progn if if let if save-current-buffer fstar-subp-process-queue apply timer-event-handler nil nil nil nil] 4 [ispell-decode-string ispell-get-decoded-string ispell-get-otherchars flyspell-check-pre-word-p flyspell-post-command-hook nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 11 [apply let* save-current-buffer fstar--log progn if cond let* fstar-subp--query-and-wait let* progn if if let fstar--eldoc-function eldoc-print-current-symbol-info] 6 [json-encode-key "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode let fstar-subp--serialize-query setq progn if] 18 [if let progn if fstar-subp-filter accept-process-output while if fstar-subp--query-and-wait-1 let* fstar-subp--query-and-wait let* progn if if let] 3 [forward-symbol forward-thing "#" bounds-of-thing-at-point thing-at-point symbol-at-point let save-excursion progn unwind-protect let fstar--fqn-at-point or cons list make-fstar-subp-query] 39 [sml/generate-modified-status eval format-mode-line sml/fill-width-available sml/generate-minor-modes eval redisplay_internal\ \(C\ function\) nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 16 [eq fstar-subp-status-eq or if progn if while let* sort fstar-subp-tracking-overlays car-safe let if save-current-buffer fstar-subp-process-queue apply] 4 [and if fstar-subp-start let fstar-subp--query if fstar-subp--query-and-wait-1 let* fstar-subp--query-and-wait let* progn if if let fstar--eldoc-function eldoc-print-current-symbol-info] 18 [line-move-partial line-move next-line funcall-interactively "#" ad-Advice-call-interactively apply call-interactively command-execute nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 34 ["#" mapconcat rm--mode-list-as-string-list sml/generate-minor-modes eval redisplay_internal\ \(C\ function\) nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 72 [apply json-read-string json-read-object apply json-read condition-case progn if let* fstar-subp-json--read-response and let* while fstar-subp-json--find-response if fstar-subp-find-response] 3 [json-encode "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode let fstar-subp--serialize-query setq progn if] 5 [generate-new-buffer json-read-from-string json-encode-key "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode "#" mapcar json-encode-alist] 6 [apply "#" redisplay_internal\ \(C\ function\) nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 12 [set-buffer save-current-buffer fstar--log progn if if let if save-current-buffer fstar-subp-process-queue apply timer-event-handler nil nil nil nil] 4 [apply let* save-current-buffer fstar--log progn if cond let* fstar-subp-json--read-response and let* while fstar-subp-json--find-response if fstar-subp-find-response save-current-buffer] 13 [bounds-of-thing-at-point thing-at-point symbol-at-point let save-excursion progn unwind-protect let fstar--fqn-at-point or cons list make-fstar-subp-query if fstar-subp--positional-lookup-query let*] 6 [ispell-decode-string ispell-get-decoded-string ispell-get-otherchars flyspell-get-word flyspell-word flyspell-post-command-hook nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 3 [json-encode-key "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode let fstar-subp--serialize-query setq progn if let fstar-subp--query if fstar-subp--query-and-wait-1 let*] 33 [rm--mode-list-as-string-list sml/generate-minor-modes eval redisplay_internal\ \(C\ function\) nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 15 ["#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode let fstar-subp--serialize-query setq progn if let] 16 [or if progn if while let* sort fstar-subp-tracking-overlays car-safe let if save-current-buffer fstar-subp-process-queue apply timer-event-handler nil] 6 [replace-regexp-in-string if let fstar--indent-str insert let* save-current-buffer fstar--log progn if progn if fstar-subp-filter accept-process-output while if] 6 [list list make-fstar-subp-query if fstar-subp--positional-lookup-query let* progn if if let fstar--eldoc-function eldoc-print-current-symbol-info "#" apply timer-event-handler nil] 4 [sml/generate-modified-status eval redisplay_internal\ \(C\ function\) nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 57 [json-encode json-encode-key "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode let fstar-subp--serialize-query setq progn] 13 [eval redisplay_internal\ \(C\ function\) nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 7 [font-lock-extend-jit-lock-region-after-change run-hook-with-args jit-lock-after-change insert let* save-current-buffer fstar--log progn if if let if save-current-buffer fstar-subp-process-queue apply timer-event-handler] 3 [eldoc-print-current-symbol-info "#" apply timer-event-handler nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 6 [timer-inc-time timer-event-handler nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 6 [kill-buffer "#" json-read-from-string json-encode-key "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode let fstar-subp--serialize-query] 5 [timer-event-handler nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 3 [file-remote-p format-mode-line sml/fill-width-available sml/generate-minor-modes eval redisplay_internal\ \(C\ function\) nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 13 [insert let* save-current-buffer fstar--log progn if cond let* fstar-subp-json--read-response and let* while fstar-subp-json--find-response if fstar-subp-find-response save-current-buffer] 12 [json-encode-list json-encode "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode let fstar-subp--serialize-query setq progn] 6 [redisplay--update-region-highlight run-hook-with-args redisplay--pre-redisplay-functions apply "#" redisplay_internal\ \(C\ function\) nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 1 [or fstar--log-buffer set-buffer save-current-buffer fstar--log progn if cond let* fstar-subp-json--read-response and let* while fstar-subp-json--find-response if fstar-subp-find-response] 4 [fstar--log progn if if let if save-current-buffer fstar-subp-process-queue apply timer-event-handler nil nil nil nil nil nil] 11 [sml/fill-width-available sml/generate-minor-modes eval redisplay_internal\ \(C\ function\) nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 31 [replace-buffer-in-windows kill-buffer "#" json-read-from-string json-encode-key "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode let fstar-subp--serialize-query setq progn if let] 4 [line-move-visual line-move next-line funcall-interactively "#" ad-Advice-call-interactively apply call-interactively command-execute nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 35 ["#" redisplay--update-region-highlight run-hook-with-args redisplay--pre-redisplay-functions apply "#" redisplay_internal\ \(C\ function\) nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 8 [replace-regexp-in-string if let fstar--indent-str insert let* save-current-buffer fstar--log progn if cond let* fstar-subp-json--read-response and let* while] 4 [ruler-mode-ruler funcall eval redisplay_internal\ \(C\ function\) nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 50 [progn if let if let if let let let progn if let* while fstar-subp-json--find-response if fstar-subp-find-response] 4 [ispell-decode-string ispell-get-decoded-string ispell-get-otherchars flyspell-check-word-p flyspell-post-command-hook nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 3 [save-current-buffer progn if let if let if let let let progn if let* while fstar-subp-json--find-response if] 3 [json-read-from-string json-encode-key "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list] 4 [winner-remember winner-save-old-configurations nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 11 [ido-ubiquitous-get-command-override ad-Advice-call-interactively apply call-interactively command-execute nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 3 ["#" json-read-from-string json-encode-key "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode "#" mapcar json-encode-alist] 3 [condition-case progn if let* fstar-subp-json--read-response and let* while fstar-subp-json--find-response if fstar-subp-find-response save-current-buffer progn if let if] 4 [line-move previous-line funcall-interactively "#" ad-Advice-call-interactively apply call-interactively command-execute nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 8 [or fstar--has-feature if fstar-subp--positional-lookup-query let* progn if if let fstar--eldoc-function eldoc-print-current-symbol-info "#" apply timer-event-handler nil nil] 6 [timerp internal-timer-start-idle nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 3 [json-encode-key "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode] 3 [ispell-get-otherchars flyspell-check-pre-word-p flyspell-post-command-hook nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 8 [file-remote-p sml/generate-modified-status eval redisplay_internal\ \(C\ function\) nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 11 [generate-new-buffer json-read-from-string json-encode-key "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode let fstar-subp--serialize-query setq progn if let fstar-subp--query if] 15 [while fstar-subp-json--find-response if fstar-subp-find-response save-current-buffer progn if let if let if let if let progn if] 4 [fstar--log progn if progn if fstar-subp-filter accept-process-output while if fstar-subp--query-and-wait-1 let* fstar-subp--query-and-wait let* progn if if] 4 [and if fstar-subp-start save-current-buffer fstar-subp-process-queue apply timer-event-handler nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 13 ["#" funcall if let "#" funcall if "#" funcall let if let* if let* if let*] 3 [or fstar-subp--in-issue-p not and if if let fstar--eldoc-function eldoc-print-current-symbol-info "#" apply timer-event-handler nil nil nil nil] 5 [if let if let let let progn if let* while fstar-subp-json--find-response if fstar-subp-find-response save-current-buffer progn if] 4 [fstar--eldoc-function eldoc-print-current-symbol-info "#" apply timer-event-handler nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 5 [fstar-subp-find-response save-current-buffer progn if let if let if let if let progn if fstar-subp-filter accept-process-output while] 3 [insert let* save-current-buffer fstar--log progn if let fstar-subp--query if fstar-subp--query-and-wait-1 let* fstar-subp--query-and-wait let* progn if if] 6 [json-read-string apply json-read json-read-from-string json-encode-key "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode let fstar-subp--serialize-query setq progn if let] 6 [fstar-subp-tracking-overlays car-safe let if save-current-buffer fstar-subp-process-queue apply timer-event-handler nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 3 [while if fstar-subp--query-and-wait-1 let* fstar-subp--query-and-wait let* progn if if let fstar--eldoc-function eldoc-print-current-symbol-info "#" apply timer-event-handler nil] 16 [line-move next-line funcall-interactively "#" ad-Advice-call-interactively apply call-interactively command-execute nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 10 [rm-format-mode-line-entry mapcar rm--mode-list-as-string-list sml/generate-minor-modes eval redisplay_internal\ \(C\ function\) nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 26 [ad-Advice-call-interactively apply call-interactively command-execute nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 7 [if let fstar-subp--query if fstar-subp--query-and-wait-1 let* fstar-subp--query-and-wait let* progn if if let fstar--eldoc-function eldoc-print-current-symbol-info "#" apply] 5 [let* fstar-subp--query-and-wait let* progn if if let fstar--eldoc-function eldoc-print-current-symbol-info "#" apply timer-event-handler nil nil nil nil] 3 [if if let fstar--eldoc-function eldoc-print-current-symbol-info "#" apply timer-event-handler nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 6 [font-lock-fontify-keywords-region font-lock-default-fontify-region font-lock-fontify-region "#" run-hook-wrapped jit-lock--run-functions jit-lock-fontify-now jit-lock-function redisplay_internal\ \(C\ function\) nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 8 [save-current-buffer fstar--log progn if cond let* fstar-subp--query-and-wait let* progn if if let fstar--eldoc-function eldoc-print-current-symbol-info "#" apply] 7 [sml/generate-minor-modes eval redisplay_internal\ \(C\ function\) nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 12 [forward-thing "#" bounds-of-thing-at-point thing-at-point symbol-at-point let save-excursion progn unwind-protect let fstar--fqn-at-point or cons list make-fstar-subp-query if] 2 [default-font-height default-line-height line-move-partial line-move next-line funcall-interactively "#" ad-Advice-call-interactively apply call-interactively command-execute nil nil nil nil nil] 5 [fstar-subp-tracking-overlay-p if while let* sort fstar-subp-tracking-overlays let* or fstar-subp-unprocessed-beginning let fstar-subp-enqueue-until while let* let save-excursion fstar-subp-advance-until] 6 [progn if let* fstar-subp-highlight-issue "#" mapc fstar-subp-highlight-issues progn if let* fstar-subp-parse-and-highlight-issues if fstar-subp--overlay-continuation apply "#" funcall] 3 [jit-lock-refontify font-lock-flush elisp--font-lock-flush-elisp-buffers run-hook-with-args do-after-load-evaluation pulse-momentary-highlight-region progn if let* fstar-subp-highlight-issue "#" mapc fstar-subp-highlight-issues progn if let*] 4 [syntax-ppss nameless--compose-as eval font-lock-fontify-keywords-region font-lock-default-fontify-region font-lock-fontify-region "#" run-hook-wrapped jit-lock--run-functions jit-lock-fontify-now jit-lock-function redisplay_internal\ \(C\ function\) nil nil nil nil] 4 [rm--propertize mapcar rm--mode-list-as-string-list sml/generate-minor-modes eval redisplay_internal\ \(C\ function\) nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 4 [insert let* save-current-buffer fstar--log progn if if let if save-current-buffer fstar-subp-process-queue apply timer-event-handler nil nil nil] 1 [apply json-read condition-case progn if let* fstar-subp-json--read-response and let* while fstar-subp-json--find-response if fstar-subp-find-response save-current-buffer progn if] 4 [let* save-current-buffer fstar--log progn if cond let* fstar-subp-json--read-response and let* while fstar-subp-json--find-response if fstar-subp-find-response save-current-buffer progn] 3 [previous-line funcall-interactively "#" ad-Advice-call-interactively apply call-interactively command-execute nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 1 [save-current-buffer fstar--log progn if if let if save-current-buffer fstar-subp-process-queue apply timer-event-handler nil nil nil nil nil] 3 [flyspell-post-command-hook nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 8 [font-lock-extend-jit-lock-region-after-change run-hook-with-args jit-lock-after-change insert let* save-current-buffer fstar--log progn if let fstar-subp--query if fstar-subp--query-and-wait-1 let* fstar-subp--query-and-wait let*] 5 [timer--time-less-p timer--activate timer-activate-when-idle timer-event-handler nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 3 [jit-lock-after-change insert let* save-current-buffer fstar--log progn if cond let* fstar-subp-json--read-response and let* while fstar-subp-json--find-response if fstar-subp-find-response] 3 [string-prefix-p ido-ubiquitous-spec-match ido-ubiquitous-get-command-override ad-Advice-call-interactively apply call-interactively command-execute nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 7 [prettify-symbols--compose-symbol eval font-lock-fontify-keywords-region font-lock-default-fontify-region font-lock-fontify-region font-lock-default-fontify-buffer "#" font-lock-ensure if save-current-buffer fstar-highlight-string concat fstar-lookup-result-sig funcall progn if] 3 ["#" funcall if "#" funcall let if let* if let* if let* cond let* if let*] 3 [tramp-flush-file-function kill-buffer "#" json-read-from-string json-encode-key "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode let] 4 [generate-new-buffer json-read-from-string json-encode-key "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode let fstar-subp--serialize-query setq] 7 [json-encode-number json-encode "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list] 23 [save-current-buffer fstar--log progn if cond let* fstar-subp-json--read-response and let* while fstar-subp-json--find-response if fstar-subp-find-response save-current-buffer progn if] 3 [if let if let progn if fstar-subp-filter accept-process-output while if fstar-subp--query-and-wait-1 let* fstar-subp--query-and-wait let* progn if] 3 [apply eldoc-minibuffer-message "#" apply let if fstar--eldoc-truncate-message apply eldoc-message eldoc-print-current-symbol-info "#" apply timer-event-handler nil nil nil] 18 [font-lock-default-fontify-region font-lock-fontify-region font-lock-default-fontify-buffer "#" font-lock-ensure if save-current-buffer fstar-highlight-string concat fstar-lookup-result-sig funcall progn if fstar--eldoc-continuation apply "#"] 9 [thing-at-point symbol-at-point let save-excursion progn unwind-protect let fstar--fqn-at-point or cons list make-fstar-subp-query if fstar-subp--positional-lookup-query let* progn] 3 [and fstar-subp-available-p and if if let fstar--eldoc-function eldoc-print-current-symbol-info "#" apply timer-event-handler nil nil nil nil nil] 4 [progn if if let if save-current-buffer fstar-subp-process-queue apply timer-event-handler nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 3 [window-current-scroll-bars ruler-mode-ruler funcall eval pos-visible-in-window-p line-move-partial line-move next-line funcall-interactively "#" ad-Advice-call-interactively apply call-interactively command-execute nil nil] 3 [fstar-subp-tracking-overlay-p if while let* sort fstar-subp-tracking-overlays car-safe let if save-current-buffer fstar-subp-process-queue apply timer-event-handler nil nil nil] 4 [mapcar rm--mode-list-as-string-list sml/generate-minor-modes eval pos-visible-in-window-p line-move-partial line-move next-line funcall-interactively "#" ad-Advice-call-interactively apply call-interactively command-execute nil nil] 5 ["#" mapconcat rm--mode-list-as-string-list sml/generate-minor-modes eval pos-visible-in-window-p line-move-partial line-move next-line funcall-interactively "#" ad-Advice-call-interactively apply call-interactively command-execute nil] 3 ["#" json-read-from-string json-encode-key "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode let fstar-subp--serialize-query setq progn if let fstar-subp--query if] 12 [let progn if fstar-subp-filter accept-process-output while if fstar-subp--query-and-wait-1 let* fstar-subp--query-and-wait let* progn if if let fstar--eldoc-function] 3 [save-current-buffer fstar--log progn if progn if fstar-subp-filter accept-process-output while if fstar-subp--query-and-wait-1 let* fstar-subp--query-and-wait let* progn if] 5 [funcall flycheck-pos-tip-hide-messages nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 2 [json-read-from-string json-encode-key "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode let fstar-subp--serialize-query setq progn] 7 [ido-ubiquitous-spec-match ido-ubiquitous-get-command-override ad-Advice-call-interactively apply call-interactively command-execute nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 5 [line-number-at-pos cons list list make-fstar-subp-query if fstar-subp--positional-lookup-query let* progn if if let fstar--eldoc-function eldoc-print-current-symbol-info "#" apply] 4 [progn if let if let if let if let progn if fstar-subp-filter accept-process-output while if fstar-subp--query-and-wait-1] 3 [mapconcat json-join json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode let fstar-subp--serialize-query setq progn if let] 4 [while let* sort fstar-subp-tracking-overlays length fstar--log progn if if let if save-current-buffer fstar-subp-process-queue apply timer-event-handler nil] 2 [apply eldoc-minibuffer-message "#" apply let if fstar--eldoc-truncate-message apply eldoc-message eldoc-pre-command-refresh-echo-area nil nil nil nil nil nil] 4 ["#" json-read-from-string json-encode-key "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode let fstar-subp--serialize-query setq] 3 [fstar--log progn if let fstar-subp--query if fstar-subp--query-and-wait-1 let* fstar-subp--query-and-wait let* progn if if let fstar--eldoc-function eldoc-print-current-symbol-info] 3 [eldoc-pre-command-refresh-echo-area nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 2 [fstar-subp--query-and-wait-1 let* fstar-subp--query-and-wait let* progn if if let fstar--eldoc-function eldoc-print-current-symbol-info "#" apply timer-event-handler nil nil nil] 4 [flyspell-check-word-p flyspell-post-command-hook nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 3 [json-encode-string json-encode json-encode-key "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode let fstar-subp--serialize-query setq progn if let fstar-subp--query if] 3 [help-at-pt-maybe-display apply timer-event-handler nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 4 [fstar-subp-json--parse-info if and let "#" funcall if "#" funcall let if let* if let* if let*] 3 [syntax-propertize font-lock-fontify-syntactically-region font-lock-default-fontify-region font-lock-fontify-region font-lock-default-fontify-buffer "#" font-lock-ensure if save-current-buffer fstar-highlight-string concat fstar-lookup-result-sig funcall progn if fstar--eldoc-continuation] 3 [apply json-read json-read-object apply json-read condition-case progn if let* fstar-subp-json--read-response and let* while fstar-subp-json--find-response if fstar-subp-find-response] 2 [fstar--log progn if cond let* fstar-subp--query-and-wait let* progn if if let fstar--eldoc-function eldoc-print-current-symbol-info "#" apply timer-event-handler] 3 [replace-regexp-in-string font-lock-fontify-syntactically-region font-lock-default-fontify-region font-lock-fontify-region font-lock-default-fontify-buffer "#" font-lock-ensure if save-current-buffer fstar-highlight-string concat fstar-lookup-result-sig funcall progn if fstar--eldoc-continuation] 2 [run-hook-with-args jit-lock-after-change insert let* save-current-buffer fstar--log progn if cond let* fstar-subp--query-and-wait let* progn if if let] 3 [ispell-send-string flyspell-word flyspell-post-command-hook nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 2 [or progn or cons list json-encode let fstar-subp--serialize-query setq progn if let fstar-subp--query if fstar-subp--query-and-wait-1 let*] 3 [save-current-buffer fstar-highlight-string concat fstar-lookup-result-sig funcall progn if fstar--eldoc-continuation apply "#" funcall if let "#" funcall if] 5 [eldoc-message eldoc-print-current-symbol-info "#" apply timer-event-handler nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 5 [progn cons list json-encode let fstar-subp--serialize-query setq progn if let fstar-subp--query if fstar-subp--query-and-wait-1 let* fstar-subp--query-and-wait let*] 3 [backtrace-frame--internal backtrace-frame "#" called-interactively-p previous-line funcall-interactively "#" ad-Advice-call-interactively apply call-interactively command-execute nil nil nil nil nil] 2 [unrecord-window-buffer replace-buffer-in-windows kill-buffer "#" json-read-from-string json-encode-key "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode let fstar-subp--serialize-query setq progn if] 3 [compose-string setq let save-current-buffer if fstar--spin-tick "#" apply timer-event-handler nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 3 [fstar-subp--query if fstar-subp--query-and-wait-1 let* fstar-subp--query-and-wait let* progn if if let fstar--eldoc-function eldoc-print-current-symbol-info "#" apply timer-event-handler nil] 3 [default-font-height default-line-height line-move-partial line-move previous-line funcall-interactively "#" ad-Advice-call-interactively apply call-interactively command-execute nil nil nil nil nil] 5 [fstar--log progn if cond let* fstar-subp-json--read-response and let* while fstar-subp-json--find-response if fstar-subp-find-response save-current-buffer progn if let] 3 [timer-activate timer-event-handler nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 4 [if fstar-subp-find-response save-current-buffer progn if let if let if let if let progn if fstar-subp-filter accept-process-output] 3 [replace-regexp-in-string if let fstar--indent-str insert let* save-current-buffer fstar--log progn if cond let* fstar-subp--query-and-wait let* progn if] 4 [progn if if let fstar--eldoc-function eldoc-print-current-symbol-info "#" apply timer-event-handler nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 4 [run-hook-with-args jit-lock-after-change insert let* save-current-buffer fstar--log progn if if let if save-current-buffer fstar-subp-process-queue apply timer-event-handler nil] 3 [json-encode mapconcat json-encode-array json-encode-list json-encode "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode "#" mapcar json-encode-alist json-encode-list json-encode let] 4 [window-edges window-inside-pixel-edges window-screen-lines line-move-partial line-move next-line funcall-interactively "#" ad-Advice-call-interactively apply call-interactively command-execute nil nil nil nil] 3 [file-remote-p redisplay_internal\ \(C\ function\) nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 6 [apply let* save-current-buffer fstar--log progn if if let if save-current-buffer fstar-subp-process-queue apply timer-event-handler nil nil nil] 3 [if let fstar--indent-str insert let* save-current-buffer fstar--log progn if progn if fstar-subp-filter accept-process-output while if fstar-subp--query-and-wait-1] 3 [save-excursion progn unwind-protect let fstar--fqn-at-point or cons list make-fstar-subp-query if fstar-subp--positional-lookup-query let* progn if if let] 10 [if fstar-subp-start let fstar-subp--query if fstar-subp--query-and-wait-1 let* fstar-subp--query-and-wait let* progn if if let fstar--eldoc-function eldoc-print-current-symbol-info "#"] 4 ["#" mapatoms smex-detect-new-commands smex funcall-interactively "#" ad-Advice-call-interactively apply call-interactively command-execute nil nil nil nil nil nil] 6 [mapatoms smex-detect-new-commands smex funcall-interactively "#" ad-Advice-call-interactively apply call-interactively command-execute nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 4 ["#" mapatoms smex-rebuild-cache smex-update smex funcall-interactively "#" ad-Advice-call-interactively apply call-interactively command-execute nil nil nil nil nil] 4 [mapatoms smex-rebuild-cache smex-update smex funcall-interactively "#" ad-Advice-call-interactively apply call-interactively command-execute nil nil nil nil nil nil] 12 [smex-rebuild-cache smex-update smex funcall-interactively "#" ad-Advice-call-interactively apply call-interactively command-execute nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 4 [sort smex-rebuild-cache smex-update smex funcall-interactively "#" ad-Advice-call-interactively apply call-interactively command-execute nil nil nil nil nil nil] 8 ["#" mapc ido-set-matches-1 ido-set-matches "#" ad-Advice-ido-read-internal apply ido-read-internal "#" ad-Advice-ido-completing-read apply ido-completing-read smex-completing-read smex-read-and-run smex funcall-interactively] 4 ["#" mapc ido-set-matches-1 ido-set-matches ido-exhibit read-from-minibuffer "#" ad-Advice-ido-read-internal apply ido-read-internal "#" ad-Advice-ido-completing-read apply ido-completing-read smex-completing-read smex-read-and-run] 41 [mapcar ido-completions ido-exhibit read-from-minibuffer "#" ad-Advice-ido-read-internal apply ido-read-internal "#" ad-Advice-ido-completing-read apply ido-completing-read smex-completing-read smex-read-and-run smex funcall-interactively] 4 ["#" mapconcat rm--mode-list-as-string-list sml/generate-minor-modes eval redisplay_internal\ \(C\ function\) read-from-minibuffer "#" ad-Advice-ido-read-internal apply ido-read-internal "#" ad-Advice-ido-completing-read apply ido-completing-read smex-completing-read] 3 [read-from-minibuffer "#" ad-Advice-ido-read-internal apply ido-read-internal "#" ad-Advice-ido-completing-read apply ido-completing-read smex-completing-read smex-read-and-run smex funcall-interactively "#" ad-Advice-call-interactively apply] 35 [mapcar ido-find-common-substring ido-set-common-completion ido-exhibit read-from-minibuffer "#" ad-Advice-ido-read-internal apply ido-read-internal "#" ad-Advice-ido-completing-read apply ido-completing-read smex-completing-read smex-read-and-run smex] 40 [ido-set-matches ido-exhibit read-from-minibuffer "#" ad-Advice-ido-read-internal apply ido-read-internal "#" ad-Advice-ido-completing-read apply ido-completing-read smex-completing-read smex-read-and-run smex funcall-interactively "#"] 4 [ido-set-matches-1 ido-set-matches ido-exhibit read-from-minibuffer "#" ad-Advice-ido-read-internal apply ido-read-internal "#" ad-Advice-ido-completing-read apply ido-completing-read smex-completing-read smex-read-and-run smex funcall-interactively] 4 ["#" ad-Advice-ido-read-internal apply ido-read-internal "#" ad-Advice-ido-completing-read apply ido-completing-read smex-completing-read smex-read-and-run smex funcall-interactively "#" ad-Advice-call-interactively apply call-interactively] 6 [window-size-fixed-p window--min-size-1 window-min-size "#" walk-window-tree-1 walk-window-tree-1 walk-window-tree window--sanitize-window-sizes read-from-minibuffer "#" ad-Advice-ido-read-internal apply ido-read-internal "#" ad-Advice-ido-completing-read apply] 4 [Automatic\ GC] 90)) (22769 44135 170432 985000) nil]