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Re: cal-tex.el landscape patch

From: Marcin Borkowski
Subject: Re: cal-tex.el landscape patch
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2017 09:04:03 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 0.9.19; emacs 26.0.50

On 2017-08-21, at 16:19, Vincent Belaïche <address@hidden> wrote:

> Hello,
> Not being the maintainer of calendar, I would like to get your
> approval/brickbats/comments before commiting this : the objective is to
> make landscape by landscape class option + \usepackage{geometry}, rather
> than \special{landscape} in the preamble.
> The advantage of this way is that this it works directly if you compile
> with pdflatex, rather than latex+dvips+ps2pdf.  To achieve this I had to
> change some of the function prototypes, the landscape argument is
> removed, and landscape option is passed just as another class option.


And my 2 cents:

Not being the maintainer either, but sometimes a user, I'm for it.
However, I feel that cal-tex requires a general overhaul.  The LaTeX
file it produces doesn't look really great (neither the source nor the
output).  And it doesn't fit on A4.

I could try to do that overhaul.  For starters, enable A4 calendars;
also, why not use TikZ to draw the boxes (at least as an option)?  WDYT?


Marcin Borkowski

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