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[PATCH] move read-multiple-choice to own library

From: Mark Oteiza
Subject: [PATCH] move read-multiple-choice to own library
Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2017 23:05:24 -0400
User-agent: NeoMutt/20170912-48-0df7d3-dirty


read-multiple-choice in subr-x.el does not make sense.

- r-m-c is in subr-x but is documented in lispref
- r-m-c does not fit with the other members of subr-x

completing-read-multiple is similar, lives in its own file crm.el and is

I would prefer this go to emacs-26.

 lisp/emacs-lisp/rmc.el | 199 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 lisp/emacs-lisp/subr-x.el | 170 ----------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 199 insertions(+), 170 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/emacs-lisp/rmc.el b/lisp/emacs-lisp/rmc.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..417301cde0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/emacs-lisp/rmc.el
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+;;; rmc.el --- read from a multiple choice question -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Maintainer: address@hidden
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; Code:
+(defun read-multiple-choice (prompt choices)
+  "Ask user a multiple choice question.
+PROMPT should be a string that will be displayed as the prompt.
+CHOICES is an alist where the first element in each entry is a
+character to be entered, the second element is a short name for
+the entry to be displayed while prompting (if there's room, it
+might be shortened), and the third, optional entry is a longer
+explanation that will be displayed in a help buffer if the user
+requests more help.
+This function translates user input into responses by consulting
+the bindings in `query-replace-map'; see the documentation of
+that variable for more information.  In this case, the useful
+bindings are `recenter', `scroll-up', and `scroll-down'.  If the
+user enters `recenter', `scroll-up', or `scroll-down' responses,
+perform the requested window recentering or scrolling and ask
+When `use-dialog-box' is t (the default), this function can pop
+up a dialog window to collect the user input. That functionality
+requires `display-popup-menus-p' to return t. Otherwise, a text
+dialog will be used.
+The return value is the matching entry from the CHOICES list.
+Usage example:
+\(read-multiple-choice \"Continue connecting?\"
+                      \\='((?a \"always\")
+                        (?s \"session only\")
+                        (?n \"no\")))"
+  (let* ((altered-names nil)
+         (full-prompt
+          (format
+           "%s (%s): "
+           prompt
+           (mapconcat
+            (lambda (elem)
+              (let* ((name (cadr elem))
+                     (pos (seq-position name (car elem)))
+                     (altered-name
+                      (cond
+                       ;; Not in the name string.
+                       ((not pos)
+                        (format "[%c] %s" (car elem) name))
+                       ;; The prompt character is in the name, so highlight
+                       ;; it on graphical terminals...
+                       ((display-supports-face-attributes-p
+                         '(:underline t) (window-frame))
+                        (setq name (copy-sequence name))
+                        (put-text-property pos (1+ pos)
+                                           'face 'read-multiple-choice-face
+                                           name)
+                        name)
+                       ;; And put it in [bracket] on non-graphical terminals.
+                       (t
+                        (concat
+                         (substring name 0 pos)
+                         "["
+                         (upcase (substring name pos (1+ pos)))
+                         "]"
+                         (substring name (1+ pos)))))))
+                (push (cons (car elem) altered-name)
+                      altered-names)
+                altered-name))
+            (append choices '((?? "?")))
+            ", ")))
+         tchar buf wrong-char answer)
+    (save-window-excursion
+      (save-excursion
+       (while (not tchar)
+         (message "%s%s"
+                   (if wrong-char
+                       "Invalid choice.  "
+                     "")
+                   full-prompt)
+          (setq tchar
+                (if (and (display-popup-menus-p)
+                         last-input-event ; not during startup
+                         (listp last-nonmenu-event)
+                         use-dialog-box)
+                    (x-popup-dialog
+                     t
+                     (cons prompt
+                           (mapcar
+                            (lambda (elem)
+                              (cons (capitalize (cadr elem))
+                                    (car elem)))
+                            choices)))
+                  (condition-case nil
+                      (let ((cursor-in-echo-area t))
+                        (read-char))
+                    (error nil))))
+          (setq answer (lookup-key query-replace-map (vector tchar) t))
+          (setq tchar
+                (cond
+                 ((eq answer 'recenter)
+                  (recenter) t)
+                 ((eq answer 'scroll-up)
+                  (ignore-errors (scroll-up-command)) t)
+                 ((eq answer 'scroll-down)
+                  (ignore-errors (scroll-down-command)) t)
+                 ((eq answer 'scroll-other-window)
+                  (ignore-errors (scroll-other-window)) t)
+                 ((eq answer 'scroll-other-window-down)
+                  (ignore-errors (scroll-other-window-down)) t)
+                 (t tchar)))
+          (when (eq tchar t)
+            (setq wrong-char nil
+                  tchar nil))
+          ;; The user has entered an invalid choice, so display the
+          ;; help messages.
+          (when (and (not (eq tchar nil))
+                     (not (assq tchar choices)))
+           (setq wrong-char (not (memq tchar '(?? ?\C-h)))
+                  tchar nil)
+            (when wrong-char
+              (ding))
+            (with-help-window (setq buf (get-buffer-create
+                                         "*Multiple Choice Help*"))
+              (with-current-buffer buf
+                (erase-buffer)
+                (pop-to-buffer buf)
+                (insert prompt "\n\n")
+                (let* ((columns (/ (window-width) 25))
+                       (fill-column 21)
+                       (times 0)
+                       (start (point)))
+                  (dolist (elem choices)
+                    (goto-char start)
+                    (unless (zerop times)
+                      (if (zerop (mod times columns))
+                          ;; Go to the next "line".
+                          (goto-char (setq start (point-max)))
+                        ;; Add padding.
+                        (while (not (eobp))
+                          (end-of-line)
+                          (insert (make-string (max (- (* (mod times columns)
+                                                          (+ fill-column 4))
+                                                       (current-column))
+                                                    0)
+                                               ?\s))
+                          (forward-line 1))))
+                    (setq times (1+ times))
+                    (let ((text
+                           (with-temp-buffer
+                             (insert (format
+                                      "%c: %s\n"
+                                      (car elem)
+                                      (cdr (assq (car elem) altered-names))))
+                             (fill-region (point-min) (point-max))
+                             (when (nth 2 elem)
+                               (let ((start (point)))
+                                 (insert (nth 2 elem))
+                                 (unless (bolp)
+                                   (insert "\n"))
+                                 (fill-region start (point-max))))
+                             (buffer-string))))
+                      (goto-char start)
+                      (dolist (line (split-string text "\n"))
+                        (end-of-line)
+                        (if (bolp)
+                            (insert line "\n")
+                          (insert line))
+                        (forward-line 1)))))))))))
+    (when (buffer-live-p buf)
+      (kill-buffer buf))
+    (assq tchar choices)))
+(provide 'rmc)
+;;; rmc.el ends here
diff --git a/lisp/emacs-lisp/subr-x.el b/lisp/emacs-lisp/subr-x.el
index edba6550fa..7d1de99b9a 100644
--- a/lisp/emacs-lisp/subr-x.el
+++ b/lisp/emacs-lisp/subr-x.el
@@ -245,176 +245,6 @@ string-remove-suffix
       (substring string 0 (- (length string) (length suffix)))
-(defun read-multiple-choice (prompt choices)
-  "Ask user a multiple choice question.
-PROMPT should be a string that will be displayed as the prompt.
-CHOICES is an alist where the first element in each entry is a
-character to be entered, the second element is a short name for
-the entry to be displayed while prompting (if there's room, it
-might be shortened), and the third, optional entry is a longer
-explanation that will be displayed in a help buffer if the user
-requests more help.
-This function translates user input into responses by consulting
-the bindings in `query-replace-map'; see the documentation of
-that variable for more information.  In this case, the useful
-bindings are `recenter', `scroll-up', and `scroll-down'.  If the
-user enters `recenter', `scroll-up', or `scroll-down' responses,
-perform the requested window recentering or scrolling and ask
-When `use-dialog-box' is t (the default), this function can pop
-up a dialog window to collect the user input. That functionality
-requires `display-popup-menus-p' to return t. Otherwise, a text
-dialog will be used.
-The return value is the matching entry from the CHOICES list.
-Usage example:
-\(read-multiple-choice \"Continue connecting?\"
-                      \\='((?a \"always\")
-                        (?s \"session only\")
-                        (?n \"no\")))"
-  (let* ((altered-names nil)
-         (full-prompt
-          (format
-           "%s (%s): "
-           prompt
-           (mapconcat
-            (lambda (elem)
-              (let* ((name (cadr elem))
-                     (pos (seq-position name (car elem)))
-                     (altered-name
-                      (cond
-                       ;; Not in the name string.
-                       ((not pos)
-                        (format "[%c] %s" (car elem) name))
-                       ;; The prompt character is in the name, so highlight
-                       ;; it on graphical terminals...
-                       ((display-supports-face-attributes-p
-                         '(:underline t) (window-frame))
-                        (setq name (copy-sequence name))
-                        (put-text-property pos (1+ pos)
-                                           'face 'read-multiple-choice-face
-                                           name)
-                        name)
-                       ;; And put it in [bracket] on non-graphical terminals.
-                       (t
-                        (concat
-                         (substring name 0 pos)
-                         "["
-                         (upcase (substring name pos (1+ pos)))
-                         "]"
-                         (substring name (1+ pos)))))))
-                (push (cons (car elem) altered-name)
-                      altered-names)
-                altered-name))
-            (append choices '((?? "?")))
-            ", ")))
-         tchar buf wrong-char answer)
-    (save-window-excursion
-      (save-excursion
-       (while (not tchar)
-         (message "%s%s"
-                   (if wrong-char
-                       "Invalid choice.  "
-                     "")
-                   full-prompt)
-          (setq tchar
-                (if (and (display-popup-menus-p)
-                         last-input-event ; not during startup
-                         (listp last-nonmenu-event)
-                         use-dialog-box)
-                    (x-popup-dialog
-                     t
-                     (cons prompt
-                           (mapcar
-                            (lambda (elem)
-                              (cons (capitalize (cadr elem))
-                                    (car elem)))
-                            choices)))
-                  (condition-case nil
-                      (let ((cursor-in-echo-area t))
-                        (read-char))
-                    (error nil))))
-          (setq answer (lookup-key query-replace-map (vector tchar) t))
-          (setq tchar
-                (cond
-                 ((eq answer 'recenter)
-                  (recenter) t)
-                 ((eq answer 'scroll-up)
-                  (ignore-errors (scroll-up-command)) t)
-                 ((eq answer 'scroll-down)
-                  (ignore-errors (scroll-down-command)) t)
-                 ((eq answer 'scroll-other-window)
-                  (ignore-errors (scroll-other-window)) t)
-                 ((eq answer 'scroll-other-window-down)
-                  (ignore-errors (scroll-other-window-down)) t)
-                 (t tchar)))
-          (when (eq tchar t)
-            (setq wrong-char nil
-                  tchar nil))
-          ;; The user has entered an invalid choice, so display the
-          ;; help messages.
-          (when (and (not (eq tchar nil))
-                     (not (assq tchar choices)))
-           (setq wrong-char (not (memq tchar '(?? ?\C-h)))
-                  tchar nil)
-            (when wrong-char
-              (ding))
-            (with-help-window (setq buf (get-buffer-create
-                                         "*Multiple Choice Help*"))
-              (with-current-buffer buf
-                (erase-buffer)
-                (pop-to-buffer buf)
-                (insert prompt "\n\n")
-                (let* ((columns (/ (window-width) 25))
-                       (fill-column 21)
-                       (times 0)
-                       (start (point)))
-                  (dolist (elem choices)
-                    (goto-char start)
-                    (unless (zerop times)
-                      (if (zerop (mod times columns))
-                          ;; Go to the next "line".
-                          (goto-char (setq start (point-max)))
-                        ;; Add padding.
-                        (while (not (eobp))
-                          (end-of-line)
-                          (insert (make-string (max (- (* (mod times columns)
-                                                          (+ fill-column 4))
-                                                       (current-column))
-                                                    0)
-                                               ?\s))
-                          (forward-line 1))))
-                    (setq times (1+ times))
-                    (let ((text
-                           (with-temp-buffer
-                             (insert (format
-                                      "%c: %s\n"
-                                      (car elem)
-                                      (cdr (assq (car elem) altered-names))))
-                             (fill-region (point-min) (point-max))
-                             (when (nth 2 elem)
-                               (let ((start (point)))
-                                 (insert (nth 2 elem))
-                                 (unless (bolp)
-                                   (insert "\n"))
-                                 (fill-region start (point-max))))
-                             (buffer-string))))
-                      (goto-char start)
-                      (dolist (line (split-string text "\n"))
-                        (end-of-line)
-                        (if (bolp)
-                            (insert line "\n")
-                          (insert line))
-                        (forward-line 1)))))))))))
-    (when (buffer-live-p buf)
-      (kill-buffer buf))
-    (assq tchar choices)))
 (provide 'subr-x)
 ;;; subr-x.el ends here

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