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Re: New Package for NonGNU-ELPA: clojure-ts-mode

From: Danny Freeman
Subject: Re: New Package for NonGNU-ELPA: clojure-ts-mode
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2023 22:05:00 -0400

Philip Kaludercic <philipk@posteo.net> writes:

> That is a pity.  IIRC there is a SLIME-like environment for Clojure,
> right?  I don't know if Emacs is also the conventional default
> environment for working with the language, but if it is, it seems like
> it would be a nice thing to have at least some basic support in the core
> :/

cider is the SLIME-like environment you are referring to. It lives only
in Non-GNU elpa and is in fact a conventional default environment for
experienced clojure developers. I have worked with many of them and most
use a "starter kit" like doom or spacemacs and don't really think about
any of the stuff under the hood. Even among those that have a more
traditional configuration, I have never heard anyone express a desire to
have support in the core. Emacs now ships with Non-GNU ELPA enabled by
default, so it is pretty trivial to start fresh with vanilla emacs and
call `M-x package-install cider` to have a nice IDE experience.

> Did the discussions on not wanting to contribute anything to the core
> take place in some public channel, where one could read up on what the
> issues were or clarify some misunderstandings, in case these occurred?

Some of the conversation was in a github issue, other conversations took
place in closed ecosystems like slack or discord, I don't really
remember which. I don't think there were any misunderstandings and
consider the matter closed, but I will let you judge for yourself. This
was one place I remember having those discussions:

There may be more like it here on the mailing list and the various
clojure-emacs issue trackers on github

> So you can also confirm Eli's take, that it is unfeasible to merge the
> two major modes?

Yes I would agree with Eli here. I do think it is unfeasible to merge
them. My first attempt at writing clojure-ts-mode was in
clojure-mode.el, but it was much simpler to keep the packages separate
in my experience.

As a user of a couple different tree-sitter grammars, I found the ones
defined in their own modes easier to configure like c-ts-mode and
typescript-ts-mode (which is a godsend, before this and eglot,
typescript programming in emacs was miserable to configure). That is all
personal opinion of course, other may have a different preference.

> I don't think there is much left that can be changed any more, just keep
> in mind that ELPA doesn't use tags to designate package releases, but it
> consults Git to detect the latest commit to modify the ";; Version:" tag
> in the package header.

Yes, I will be sure to update the package header as well. I have one
other package in gnu-elpa and remember having to do all of that there.

Thank you,
Danny Freeman

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