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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/mouse.el [lexbind]

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/mouse.el [lexbind]
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2003 19:52:11 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/mouse.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/mouse.el:
*** /dev/null   Tue Oct 14 19:52:11 2003
--- emacs/lisp/mouse.el Tue Oct 14 19:51:19 2003
*** 0 ****
--- 1,2249 ----
+ ;;; mouse.el --- window system-independent mouse support
+ ;; Copyright (C) 1993, 1994, 1995, 1999, 2000, 2001
+ ;;   Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ ;; Maintainer: FSF
+ ;; Keywords: hardware, mouse
+ ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ ;; any later version.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+ ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+ ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ ;;; Commentary:
+ ;; This package provides various useful commands (including help
+ ;; system access) through the mouse.  All this code assumes that mouse
+ ;; interpretation has been abstracted into Emacs input events.
+ ;;
+ ;; The code is rather X-dependent.
+ ;;; Code:
+ ;;; Utility functions.
+ ;;; Indent track-mouse like progn.
+ (put 'track-mouse 'lisp-indent-function 0)
+ (defcustom mouse-yank-at-point nil
+   "*If non-nil, mouse yank commands yank at point instead of at click."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'mouse)
+ ;; Provide a mode-specific menu on a mouse button.
+ (defun popup-menu (menu &optional position prefix)
+   "Popup the given menu and call the selected option.
+ MENU can be a keymap, an easymenu-style menu or a list of keymaps as for
+ `x-popup-menu'.
+ POSITION can be a click event or ((XOFFSET YOFFSET) WINDOW) and defaults to
+   the current mouse position.
+ PREFIX is the prefix argument (if any) to pass to the command."
+   (let* ((map (cond
+              ((keymapp menu) menu)
+              ((and (listp menu) (keymapp (car menu))) menu)
+              (t (let* ((map (easy-menu-create-menu (car menu) (cdr menu)))
+                        (filter (when (symbolp map)
+                                  (plist-get (get map 'menu-prop) :filter))))
+                   (if filter (funcall filter (symbol-function map)) map)))))
+        event cmd)
+     (unless position
+       (let ((mp (mouse-pixel-position)))
+       (setq position (list (list (cadr mp) (cddr mp)) (car mp)))))
+     ;; The looping behavior was taken from lmenu's popup-menu-popup
+     (while (and map (setq event
+                         ;; map could be a prefix key, in which case
+                         ;; we need to get its function cell
+                         ;; definition.
+                         (x-popup-menu position (indirect-function map))))
+       ;; Strangely x-popup-menu returns a list.
+       ;; mouse-major-mode-menu was using a weird:
+       ;; (key-binding (apply 'vector (append '(menu-bar) menu-prefix events)))
+       (setq cmd
+           (if (and (not (keymapp map)) (listp map))
+               ;; We were given a list of keymaps.  Search them all
+               ;; in sequence until a first binding is found.
+               (let ((mouse-click (apply 'vector event))
+                     binding)
+                 (while (and map (null binding))
+                   (setq binding (lookup-key (car map) mouse-click))
+                   (if (numberp binding) ; `too long'
+                       (setq binding nil))
+                   (setq map (cdr map)))
+                 binding)
+             ;; We were given a single keymap.
+             (lookup-key map (apply 'vector event))))
+       ;; Clear out echoing, which perhaps shows a prefix arg.
+       (message "")
+       ;; Maybe try again but with the submap.
+       (setq map (if (keymapp cmd) cmd)))
+     ;; If the user did not cancel by refusing to select,
+     ;; and if the result is a command, run it.
+     (when (and (null map) (commandp cmd))
+       (setq prefix-arg prefix)
+       ;; `setup-specified-language-environment', for instance,
+       ;; expects this to be set from a menu keymap.
+       (setq last-command-event (car (last event)))
+       ;; mouse-major-mode-menu was using `command-execute' instead.
+       (call-interactively cmd))))
+ (defvar mouse-major-mode-menu-prefix) ; dynamically bound
+ (defun mouse-major-mode-menu (event prefix)
+   "Pop up a mode-specific menu of mouse commands.
+ Default to the Edit menu if the major mode doesn't define a menu."
+   ;; Switch to the window clicked on, because otherwise
+   ;; the mode's commands may not make sense.
+   (interactive "@e\nP")
+   ;; Let the mode update its menus first.
+   (run-hooks 'activate-menubar-hook 'menu-bar-update-hook)
+   (let* (;; This is where mouse-major-mode-menu-prefix
+        ;; returns the prefix we should use (after menu-bar).
+        ;; It is either nil or (SOME-SYMBOL).
+        (mouse-major-mode-menu-prefix nil)
+        ;; Keymap from which to inherit; may be null.
+        (ancestor (mouse-major-mode-menu-1
+                   (and (current-local-map)
+                        (local-key-binding [menu-bar]))))
+        ;; Make a keymap in which our last command leads to a menu or
+        ;; default to the edit menu.
+        (newmap (if ancestor
+                    (make-sparse-keymap (concat mode-name " Mode"))
+                  menu-bar-edit-menu))
+        result)
+     (if ancestor
+       ;; Make our menu inherit from the desired keymap which we want
+       ;; to display as the menu now.
+       (set-keymap-parent newmap ancestor))
+     (popup-menu newmap event prefix)))
+ ;; Compute and cache the equivalent keys in MENU and all its submenus.
+ ;;;(defun mouse-major-mode-menu-compute-equiv-keys (menu)
+ ;;;  (and (eq (car menu) 'keymap)
+ ;;;       (x-popup-menu nil menu))
+ ;;;  (while menu
+ ;;;    (and (consp (car menu))
+ ;;;    (consp (cdr (car menu)))
+ ;;;    (let ((tail (cdr (car menu))))
+ ;;;      (while (and (consp tail)
+ ;;;                  (not (eq (car tail) 'keymap)))
+ ;;;        (setq tail (cdr tail)))
+ ;;;      (if (consp tail)
+ ;;;          (mouse-major-mode-menu-compute-equiv-keys tail))))
+ ;;;    (setq menu (cdr menu))))
+ ;; Given a mode's menu bar keymap,
+ ;; if it defines exactly one menu bar menu,
+ ;; return just that menu.
+ ;; Otherwise return a menu for all of them.
+ (defun mouse-major-mode-menu-1 (menubar)
+   (if menubar
+       (let ((tail menubar)
+           submap)
+       (while tail
+         (if (consp (car tail))
+             (if submap
+                 (setq submap t)
+               (setq submap (car tail))))
+         (setq tail (cdr tail)))
+       (if (eq submap t)
+           menubar
+         (setq mouse-major-mode-menu-prefix (list (car submap)))
+         (lookup-key menubar (vector (car submap)))))))
+ (defun mouse-popup-menubar (event prefix)
+   "Pop up a menu equivalent to the menu bar for keyboard EVENT with PREFIX.
+ The contents are the items that would be in the menu bar whether or
+ not it is actually displayed."
+   (interactive "@e \nP")
+   (run-hooks 'activate-menubar-hook 'menu-bar-update-hook)
+   (let* ((local-menu (and (current-local-map)
+                         (lookup-key (current-local-map) [menu-bar])))
+        (global-menu (lookup-key global-map [menu-bar]))
+        ;; If a keymap doesn't have a prompt string (a lazy
+        ;; programmer didn't bother to provide one), create it and
+        ;; insert it into the keymap; each keymap gets its own
+        ;; prompt.  This is required for non-toolkit versions to
+        ;; display non-empty menu pane names.
+        (minor-mode-menus
+         (mapcar
+          (function
+           (lambda (menu)
+             (let* ((minor-mode (car menu))
+                    (menu (cdr menu))
+                    (title-or-map (cadr menu)))
+               (or (stringp title-or-map)
+                   (setq menu
+                         (cons 'keymap
+                               (cons (concat
+                                      (capitalize (subst-char-in-string
+                                                   ?- ?\  (symbol-name
+                                                           minor-mode)))
+                                      " Menu")
+                                     (cdr menu)))))
+               menu)))
+          (minor-mode-key-binding [menu-bar])))
+        (local-title-or-map (and local-menu (cadr local-menu)))
+        (global-title-or-map (cadr global-menu)))
+     (or (null local-menu)
+       (stringp local-title-or-map)
+       (setq local-menu (cons 'keymap
+                              (cons (concat mode-name " Mode Menu")
+                                    (cdr local-menu)))))
+     (or (stringp global-title-or-map)
+       (setq global-menu (cons 'keymap
+                               (cons "Global Menu"
+                                     (cdr global-menu)))))
+     ;; Supplying the list is faster than making a new map.
+     (popup-menu (append (list global-menu)
+                       (if local-menu
+                           (list local-menu))
+                       minor-mode-menus)
+               event prefix)))
+ (defun mouse-popup-menubar-stuff (event prefix)
+   "Popup a menu like either `mouse-major-mode-menu' or `mouse-popup-menubar'.
+ Use the former if the menu bar is showing, otherwise the latter."
+   (interactive "@e \nP")
+   (if (zerop (assoc-default 'menu-bar-lines (frame-parameters) 'eq 0))
+       (mouse-popup-menubar event prefix)
+     (mouse-major-mode-menu event prefix)))
+ ;; Commands that operate on windows.
+ (defun mouse-minibuffer-check (event)
+   (let ((w (posn-window (event-start event))))
+     (and (window-minibuffer-p w)
+        (not (minibuffer-window-active-p w))
+        (error "Minibuffer window is not active")))
+   ;; Give temporary modes such as isearch a chance to turn off.
+   (run-hooks 'mouse-leave-buffer-hook))
+ (defun mouse-delete-window (click)
+   "Delete the window you click on.
+ Do nothing if the frame has just one window.
+ This command must be bound to a mouse click."
+   (interactive "e")
+   (unless (one-window-p t)
+     (mouse-minibuffer-check click)
+     (delete-window (posn-window (event-start click)))))
+ (defun mouse-select-window (click)
+   "Select the window clicked on; don't move point."
+   (interactive "e")
+   (mouse-minibuffer-check click)
+   (let ((oframe (selected-frame))
+       (frame (window-frame (posn-window (event-start click)))))
+     (select-window (posn-window (event-start click)))
+     (raise-frame frame)
+     (select-frame frame)
+     (or (eq frame oframe)
+       (set-mouse-position (selected-frame) (1- (frame-width)) 0))))
+ (defun mouse-tear-off-window (click)
+   "Delete the window clicked on, and create a new frame displaying its 
+   (interactive "e")
+   (mouse-minibuffer-check click)
+   (let* ((window (posn-window (event-start click)))
+        (buf (window-buffer window))
+        (frame (make-frame)))
+     (select-frame frame)
+     (switch-to-buffer buf)
+     (delete-window window)))
+ (defun mouse-delete-other-windows ()
+   "Delete all windows except the one you click on."
+   (interactive "@")
+   (delete-other-windows))
+ (defun mouse-split-window-vertically (click)
+   "Select Emacs window mouse is on, then split it vertically in half.
+ The window is split at the line clicked on.
+ This command must be bound to a mouse click."
+   (interactive "@e")
+   (mouse-minibuffer-check click)
+   (let ((start (event-start click)))
+     (select-window (posn-window start))
+     (let ((new-height (1+ (cdr (posn-col-row (event-end click)))))
+         (first-line window-min-height)
+         (last-line (- (window-height) window-min-height)))
+       (if (< last-line first-line)
+         (error "Window too short to split")
+       (split-window-vertically
+        (min (max new-height first-line) last-line))))))
+ (defun mouse-split-window-horizontally (click)
+   "Select Emacs window mouse is on, then split it horizontally in half.
+ The window is split at the column clicked on.
+ This command must be bound to a mouse click."
+   (interactive "@e")
+   (mouse-minibuffer-check click)
+   (let ((start (event-start click)))
+     (select-window (posn-window start))
+     (let ((new-width (1+ (car (posn-col-row (event-end click)))))
+         (first-col window-min-width)
+         (last-col (- (window-width) window-min-width)))
+       (if (< last-col first-col)
+         (error "Window too narrow to split")
+       (split-window-horizontally
+        (min (max new-width first-col) last-col))))))
+ (defun mouse-drag-window-above (window)
+   "Return the (or a) window directly above WINDOW.
+ That means one whose bottom edge is at the same height as WINDOW's top edge."
+   (let ((top (nth 1 (window-edges window)))
+       (start-window window)
+       above-window)
+     (setq window (previous-window window 0))
+     (while (and (not above-window) (not (eq window start-window)))
+       (if (= (+ (window-height window) (nth 1 (window-edges window)))
+            top)
+         (setq above-window window))
+       (setq window (previous-window window)))
+     above-window))
+ (defun mouse-drag-move-window-bottom (window growth)
+   "Move the bottom of WINDOW up or down by GROWTH lines.
+ Move it down if GROWTH is positive, or up if GROWTH is negative.
+ If this would make WINDOW too short,
+ shrink the window or windows above it to make room."
+   (let ((excess (- window-min-height (+ (window-height window) growth))))
+     ;; EXCESS is the number of lines we need to take from windows above.
+     (if (> excess 0)
+       ;; This can recursively shrink windows all the way up.
+       (let ((window-above (mouse-drag-window-above window)))
+         (if window-above
+             (mouse-drag-move-window-bottom window-above (- excess))))))
+   (save-selected-window
+     (select-window window)
+     (enlarge-window growth nil (> growth 0))))
+ (defun mouse-drag-mode-line-1 (start-event mode-line-p)
+   "Change the height of a window by dragging on the mode or header line.
+ START-EVENT is the starting mouse-event of the drag action.
+ MODE-LINE-P non-nil means dragging a mode line; nil means a header line."
+   ;; Give temporary modes such as isearch a chance to turn off.
+   (run-hooks 'mouse-leave-buffer-hook)
+   (let* ((done nil)
+        (echo-keystrokes 0)
+        (start (event-start start-event))
+        (start-event-window (posn-window start))
+        (start-event-frame (window-frame start-event-window))
+        (start-nwindows (count-windows t))
+        (old-selected-window (selected-window))
+        (minibuffer (frame-parameter nil 'minibuffer))
+        should-enlarge-minibuffer event mouse y top bot edges wconfig growth)
+     (track-mouse
+       (progn
+       ;; enlarge-window only works on the selected window, so
+       ;; we must select the window where the start event originated.
+       ;; unwind-protect will restore the old selected window later.
+       (select-window start-event-window)
+       ;; if this is the bottommost ordinary window, then to
+       ;; move its modeline the minibuffer must be enlarged.
+       (setq should-enlarge-minibuffer
+             (and minibuffer
+                  mode-line-p
+                  (not (one-window-p t))
+                  (= (nth 1 (window-edges minibuffer))
+                     (nth 3 (window-edges)))))
+       ;; loop reading events and sampling the position of
+       ;; the mouse.
+       (while (not done)
+         (setq event (read-event)
+               mouse (mouse-position))
+         ;; do nothing if
+         ;;   - there is a switch-frame event.
+         ;;   - the mouse isn't in the frame that we started in
+         ;;   - the mouse isn't in any Emacs frame
+         ;; drag if
+         ;;   - there is a mouse-movement event
+         ;;   - there is a scroll-bar-movement event
+         ;;     (same as mouse movement for our purposes)
+         ;; quit if
+         ;;   - there is a keyboard event or some other unknown event
+         ;;     unknown event.
+         (cond ((integerp event)
+                (setq done t))
+               ((eq (car event) 'switch-frame)
+                nil)
+               ((not (memq (car event) '(mouse-movement scroll-bar-movement)))
+                (when (consp event)
+                  (push event unread-command-events))
+                (setq done t))
+               ((not (eq (car mouse) start-event-frame))
+                nil)
+               ((null (car (cdr mouse)))
+                nil)
+               (t
+                (setq y (cdr (cdr mouse))
+                      edges (window-edges)
+                      top (nth 1 edges)
+                      bot (nth 3 edges))
+                ;; compute size change needed
+                (cond (mode-line-p
+                       (setq growth (- y bot -1)))
+                      (t       ; header line
+                       (when (< (- bot y) window-min-height)
+                         (setq y (- bot window-min-height)))
+                       ;; The window's top includes the header line!
+                       (setq growth (- top y))))
+                (setq wconfig (current-window-configuration))
+                ;; Check for an error case.
+                (when (and (/= growth 0)
+                           (not minibuffer)
+                           (one-window-p t))
+                  (error "Attempt to resize sole window"))
+                ;; grow/shrink minibuffer?
+                (if should-enlarge-minibuffer
+                    (progn
+                      ;; yes.  briefly select minibuffer so
+                      ;; enlarge-window will affect the
+                      ;; correct window.
+                      (select-window minibuffer)
+                      ;; scale back shrinkage if it would
+                      ;; make the minibuffer less than 1
+                      ;; line tall.
+                      (if (and (> growth 0)
+                               (< (- (window-height minibuffer)
+                                     growth)
+                                  1))
+                          (setq growth (1- (window-height minibuffer))))
+                      (enlarge-window (- growth))
+                      (select-window start-event-window))
+                  ;; no.  grow/shrink the selected window
+                  ;(message "growth = %d" growth)
+                  (mouse-drag-move-window-bottom start-event-window growth))
+                ;; if this window's growth caused another
+                ;; window to be deleted because it was too
+                ;; short, rescind the change.
+                ;;
+                ;; if size change caused space to be stolen
+                ;; from a window above this one, rescind the
+                ;; change, but only if we didn't grow/shrink
+                ;; the minibuffer.  minibuffer size changes
+                ;; can cause all windows to shrink... no way
+                ;; around it.
+                (when (or (/= start-nwindows (count-windows t))
+                          (and (not should-enlarge-minibuffer)
+                               (> growth 0)
+                               mode-line-p
+                               (/= top (nth 1 (window-edges)))))
+                  (set-window-configuration wconfig)))))))))
+ (defun mouse-drag-mode-line (start-event)
+   "Change the height of a window by dragging on the mode line."
+   (interactive "e")
+   (mouse-drag-mode-line-1 start-event t))
+ (defun mouse-drag-header-line (start-event)
+   "Change the height of a window by dragging on the header line.
+ Windows whose header-lines are at the top of the frame cannot be
+ resized by dragging their header-line."
+   (interactive "e")
+   ;; Changing the window's size by dragging its header-line when the
+   ;; header-line is at the top of the frame is somewhat strange,
+   ;; because the header-line doesn't move, so don't do it.
+   (let* ((start (event-start start-event))
+        (window (posn-window start))
+        (frame (window-frame window))
+        (first-window (frame-first-window frame)))
+     (when (or (eq window first-window)
+             (= (nth 1 (window-edges window))
+                (nth 1 (window-edges first-window))))
+       (error "Cannot move header-line at the top of the frame"))
+     (mouse-drag-mode-line-1 start-event nil)))
+ (defun mouse-drag-vertical-line (start-event)
+   "Change the width of a window by dragging on the vertical line."
+   (interactive "e")
+   ;; Give temporary modes such as isearch a chance to turn off.
+   (run-hooks 'mouse-leave-buffer-hook)
+   (let* ((done nil)
+        (echo-keystrokes 0)
+        (start-event-frame (window-frame (car (car (cdr start-event)))))
+        (start-event-window (car (car (cdr start-event))))
+        (start-nwindows (count-windows t))
+        (old-selected-window (selected-window))
+        event mouse x left right edges wconfig growth
+        (which-side
+         (or (cdr (assq 'vertical-scroll-bars (frame-parameters 
+             'right)))
+     (if (one-window-p t)
+       (error "Attempt to resize sole ordinary window"))
+     (if (eq which-side 'right)
+       (if (= (nth 2 (window-edges start-event-window))
+              (frame-width start-event-frame))
+           (error "Attempt to drag rightmost scrollbar"))
+       (if (= (nth 0 (window-edges start-event-window)) 0)
+         (error "Attempt to drag leftmost scrollbar")))
+     (track-mouse
+       (progn
+       ;; enlarge-window only works on the selected window, so
+       ;; we must select the window where the start event originated.
+       ;; unwind-protect will restore the old selected window later.
+       (select-window start-event-window)
+       ;; loop reading events and sampling the position of
+       ;; the mouse.
+       (while (not done)
+         (setq event (read-event)
+               mouse (mouse-position))
+         ;; do nothing if
+         ;;   - there is a switch-frame event.
+         ;;   - the mouse isn't in the frame that we started in
+         ;;   - the mouse isn't in any Emacs frame
+         ;; drag if
+         ;;   - there is a mouse-movement event
+         ;;   - there is a scroll-bar-movement event
+         ;;     (same as mouse movement for our purposes)
+         ;; quit if
+         ;;   - there is a keyboard event or some other unknown event
+         ;;     unknown event.
+         (cond ((integerp event)
+                (setq done t))
+               ((eq (car event) 'switch-frame)
+                nil)
+               ((not (memq (car event)
+                           '(mouse-movement scroll-bar-movement)))
+                (if (consp event)
+                    (setq unread-command-events
+                          (cons event unread-command-events)))
+                (setq done t))
+               ((not (eq (car mouse) start-event-frame))
+                nil)
+               ((null (car (cdr mouse)))
+                nil)
+               (t
+                (save-selected-window
+                  ;; If the scroll bar is on the window's left,
+                  ;; adjust the window on the left.
+                  (unless (eq which-side 'right)
+                    (select-window (previous-window)))
+                  (setq x (- (car (cdr mouse))
+                             (if (eq which-side 'right) 0 2))
+                        edges (window-edges)
+                        left (nth 0 edges)
+                        right (nth 2 edges))
+                  ;; scale back a move that would make the
+                  ;; window too thin.
+                  (if (< (- x left -1) window-min-width)
+                      (setq x (+ left window-min-width -1)))
+                  ;; compute size change needed
+                  (setq growth (- x right -1)
+                        wconfig (current-window-configuration))
+                  (enlarge-window growth t)
+                  ;; if this window's growth caused another
+                  ;; window to be deleted because it was too
+                  ;; thin, rescind the change.
+                  ;;
+                  ;; if size change caused space to be stolen
+                  ;; from a window to the left of this one,
+                  ;; rescind the change.
+                  (if (or (/= start-nwindows (count-windows t))
+                          (/= left (nth 0 (window-edges))))
+                      (set-window-configuration wconfig))))))))))
+ (defun mouse-set-point (event)
+   "Move point to the position clicked on with the mouse.
+ This should be bound to a mouse click event type."
+   (interactive "e")
+   (mouse-minibuffer-check event)
+   ;; Use event-end in case called from mouse-drag-region.
+   ;; If EVENT is a click, event-end and event-start give same value.
+   (let ((posn (event-end event)))
+     (if (not (windowp (posn-window posn)))
+       (error "Cursor not in text area of window"))
+     (select-window (posn-window posn))
+     (if (numberp (posn-point posn))
+       (goto-char (posn-point posn)))))
+ (defvar mouse-last-region-beg nil)
+ (defvar mouse-last-region-end nil)
+ (defvar mouse-last-region-tick nil)
+ (defun mouse-region-match ()
+   "Return non-nil if there's an active region that was set with the mouse."
+   (and (mark t) mark-active
+        (eq mouse-last-region-beg (region-beginning))
+        (eq mouse-last-region-end (region-end))
+        (eq mouse-last-region-tick (buffer-modified-tick))))
+ (defun mouse-set-region (click)
+   "Set the region to the text dragged over, and copy to kill ring.
+ This should be bound to a mouse drag event."
+   (interactive "e")
+   (mouse-minibuffer-check click)
+   (let ((posn (event-start click))
+       (end (event-end click)))
+     (select-window (posn-window posn))
+     (if (numberp (posn-point posn))
+       (goto-char (posn-point posn)))
+     ;; If mark is highlighted, no need to bounce the cursor.
+     ;; On X, we highlight while dragging, thus once again no need to bounce.
+     (or transient-mark-mode
+       (memq (framep (selected-frame)) '(x pc w32))
+       (sit-for 1))
+     (push-mark)
+     (set-mark (point))
+     (if (numberp (posn-point end))
+       (goto-char (posn-point end)))
+     ;; Don't set this-command to kill-region, so that a following
+     ;; C-w will not double the text in the kill ring.
+     ;; Ignore last-command so we don't append to a preceding kill.
+     (let (this-command last-command deactivate-mark)
+       (copy-region-as-kill (mark) (point)))
+     (mouse-set-region-1)))
+ (defun mouse-set-region-1 ()
+   (setq mouse-last-region-beg (region-beginning))
+   (setq mouse-last-region-end (region-end))
+   (setq mouse-last-region-tick (buffer-modified-tick)))
+ (defcustom mouse-scroll-delay 0.25
+   "*The pause between scroll steps caused by mouse drags, in seconds.
+ If you drag the mouse beyond the edge of a window, Emacs scrolls the
+ window to bring the text beyond that edge into view, with a delay of
+ this many seconds between scroll steps.  Scrolling stops when you move
+ the mouse back into the window, or release the button.
+ This variable's value may be non-integral.
+ Setting this to zero causes Emacs to scroll as fast as it can."
+   :type 'number
+   :group 'mouse)
+ (defcustom mouse-scroll-min-lines 1
+   "*The minimum number of lines scrolled by dragging mouse out of window.
+ Moving the mouse out the top or bottom edge of the window begins
+ scrolling repeatedly.  The number of lines scrolled per repetition
+ is normally equal to the number of lines beyond the window edge that
+ the mouse has moved.  However, it always scrolls at least the number
+ of lines specified by this variable."
+   :type 'integer
+   :group 'mouse)
+ (defun mouse-scroll-subr (window jump &optional overlay start)
+   "Scroll the window WINDOW, JUMP lines at a time, until new input arrives.
+ If OVERLAY is an overlay, let it stretch from START to the far edge of
+ the newly visible text.
+ Upon exit, point is at the far edge of the newly visible text."
+   (cond
+    ((and (> jump 0) (< jump mouse-scroll-min-lines))
+     (setq jump mouse-scroll-min-lines))
+    ((and (< jump 0) (< (- jump) mouse-scroll-min-lines))
+     (setq jump (- mouse-scroll-min-lines))))
+   (let ((opoint (point)))
+     (while (progn
+            (goto-char (window-start window))
+            (if (not (zerop (vertical-motion jump window)))
+                (progn
+                  (set-window-start window (point))
+                  (if (natnump jump)
+                      (if (window-end window)
+                          (progn
+                            (goto-char (window-end window))
+                            ;; window-end doesn't reflect the window's new
+                            ;; start position until the next redisplay.
+                            (vertical-motion (1- jump) window))
+                        (vertical-motion (- (window-height window) 2)))
+                    (goto-char (window-start window)))
+                  (if overlay
+                      (move-overlay overlay start (point)))
+                  ;; Now that we have scrolled WINDOW properly,
+                  ;; put point back where it was for the redisplay
+                  ;; so that we don't mess up the selected window.
+                  (or (eq window (selected-window))
+                      (goto-char opoint))
+                  (sit-for mouse-scroll-delay)))))
+     (or (eq window (selected-window))
+       (goto-char opoint))))
+ ;; Create an overlay and immediately delete it, to get "overlay in no buffer".
+ (defvar mouse-drag-overlay (make-overlay 1 1))
+ (delete-overlay mouse-drag-overlay)
+ (overlay-put mouse-drag-overlay 'face 'region)
+ (defvar mouse-selection-click-count 0)
+ (defvar mouse-selection-click-count-buffer nil)
+ (defun mouse-drag-region (start-event)
+   "Set the region to the text that the mouse is dragged over.
+ Highlight the drag area as you move the mouse.
+ This must be bound to a button-down mouse event.
+ In Transient Mark mode, the highlighting remains as long as the mark
+ remains active.  Otherwise, it remains until the next input event.
+ If the click is in the echo area, display the `*Messages*' buffer."
+   (interactive "e")
+   (let ((w (posn-window (event-start start-event))))
+     (if (not (or (not (window-minibuffer-p w))
+                (minibuffer-window-active-p w)))
+       (save-excursion
+         (read-event)
+         (set-buffer "*Messages*")
+         (goto-char (point-max))
+         (display-buffer (current-buffer)))
+       ;; Give temporary modes such as isearch a chance to turn off.
+       (run-hooks 'mouse-leave-buffer-hook)
+       (mouse-drag-region-1 start-event))))
+ (defun mouse-drag-region-1 (start-event)
+   (mouse-minibuffer-check start-event)
+   (let* ((echo-keystrokes 0)
+        (start-posn (event-start start-event))
+        (start-point (posn-point start-posn))
+        (start-window (posn-window start-posn))
+        (start-window-start (window-start start-window))
+        (start-frame (window-frame start-window))
+        (start-hscroll (window-hscroll start-window))
+        (bounds (window-edges start-window))
+        (top (nth 1 bounds))
+        (bottom (if (window-minibuffer-p start-window)
+                    (nth 3 bounds)
+                  ;; Don't count the mode line.
+                  (1- (nth 3 bounds))))
+        (click-count (1- (event-click-count start-event))))
+     (setq mouse-selection-click-count click-count)
+     (setq mouse-selection-click-count-buffer (current-buffer))
+     (mouse-set-point start-event)
+     ;; In case the down click is in the middle of some intangible text,
+     ;; use the end of that text, and put it in START-POINT.
+     (if (< (point) start-point)
+       (goto-char start-point))
+     (setq start-point (point))
+     (let ((range (mouse-start-end start-point start-point click-count)))
+       (move-overlay mouse-drag-overlay (car range) (nth 1 range)
+                   (window-buffer start-window))
+       (overlay-put mouse-drag-overlay 'window (selected-window)))
+     (deactivate-mark)
+     ;; end-of-range is used only in the single-click case.
+     ;; It is the place where the drag has reached so far
+     ;; (but not outside the window where the drag started).
+     (let (event end end-point last-end-point (end-of-range (point)))
+       (track-mouse
+       (while (progn
+                (setq event (read-event))
+                (or (mouse-movement-p event)
+                    (eq (car-safe event) 'switch-frame)))
+         (if (eq (car-safe event) 'switch-frame)
+             nil
+           (setq end (event-end event)
+                 end-point (posn-point end))
+           (if (numberp end-point)
+               (setq last-end-point end-point))
+           (cond
+            ;; Are we moving within the original window?
+            ((and (eq (posn-window end) start-window)
+                  (integer-or-marker-p end-point))
+             ;; Go to START-POINT first, so that when we move to END-POINT,
+             ;; if it's in the middle of intangible text,
+             ;; point jumps in the direction away from START-POINT.
+             (goto-char start-point)
+             (goto-char end-point)
+             (if (zerop (% click-count 3))
+                 (setq end-of-range (point)))
+             (let ((range (mouse-start-end start-point (point) click-count)))
+               (move-overlay mouse-drag-overlay (car range) (nth 1 range))))
+            (t
+             (let ((mouse-row (cdr (cdr (mouse-position)))))
+               (cond
+                ((null mouse-row))
+                ((< mouse-row top)
+                 (mouse-scroll-subr start-window (- mouse-row top)
+                                    mouse-drag-overlay start-point)
+                 ;; Without this, point tends to jump back to the starting
+                 ;; position where the mouse button was pressed down.
+                 (setq end-of-range (overlay-start mouse-drag-overlay)))
+                ((>= mouse-row bottom)
+                 (mouse-scroll-subr start-window (1+ (- mouse-row bottom))
+                                    mouse-drag-overlay start-point)
+                 (setq end-of-range (overlay-end mouse-drag-overlay))))))))))
+       ;; In case we did not get a mouse-motion event
+       ;; for the final move of the mouse before a drag event
+       ;; pretend that we did get one.
+       (when (and (memq 'drag (event-modifiers (car-safe event)))
+                (setq end (event-end event)
+                      end-point (posn-point end))
+                (eq (posn-window end) start-window)
+                (integer-or-marker-p end-point))
+       ;; Go to START-POINT first, so that when we move to END-POINT,
+       ;; if it's in the middle of intangible text,
+       ;; point jumps in the direction away from START-POINT.
+       (goto-char start-point)
+       (goto-char end-point)
+       (if (zerop (% click-count 3))
+           (setq end-of-range (point)))
+       (let ((range (mouse-start-end start-point (point) click-count)))
+         (move-overlay mouse-drag-overlay (car range) (nth 1 range))))
+       (if (consp event)
+         (let ((fun (key-binding (vector (car event)))))
+           ;; Run the binding of the terminating up-event, if possible.
+           ;; In the case of a multiple click, it gives the wrong results,
+           ;; because it would fail to set up a region.
+           (if (not (= (overlay-start mouse-drag-overlay)
+                       (overlay-end mouse-drag-overlay)))
+               (let* ((stop-point
+                       (if (numberp (posn-point (event-end event)))
+                           (posn-point (event-end event))
+                         last-end-point))
+                      ;; The end that comes from where we ended the drag.
+                      ;; Point goes here.
+                      (region-termination
+                       (if (and stop-point (< stop-point start-point))
+                           (overlay-start mouse-drag-overlay)
+                         (overlay-end mouse-drag-overlay)))
+                      ;; The end that comes from where we started the drag.
+                      ;; Mark goes there.
+                      (region-commencement
+                       (- (+ (overlay-end mouse-drag-overlay)
+                             (overlay-start mouse-drag-overlay))
+                          region-termination))
+                      last-command this-command)
+                 (push-mark region-commencement t t)
+                 (goto-char region-termination)
+                 ;; Don't let copy-region-as-kill set deactivate-mark.
+                 (let (deactivate-mark)
+                   (copy-region-as-kill (point) (mark t)))
+                 (let ((buffer (current-buffer)))
+                   (mouse-show-mark)
+                   ;; mouse-show-mark can call read-event,
+                   ;; and that means the Emacs server could switch buffers
+                   ;; under us.  If that happened,
+                   ;; avoid trying to use the region.
+                   (and (mark t) mark-active
+                        (eq buffer (current-buffer))
+                        (mouse-set-region-1))))
+             (delete-overlay mouse-drag-overlay)
+             ;; Run the binding of the terminating up-event.
+             (when (and (functionp fun)
+                        (= start-hscroll (window-hscroll start-window))
+                        ;; Don't run the up-event handler if the
+                        ;; window start changed in a redisplay after
+                        ;; the mouse-set-point for the down-mouse
+                        ;; event at the beginning of this function.
+                        ;; When the window start has changed, the
+                        ;; up-mouse event will contain a different
+                        ;; position due to the new window contents,
+                        ;; and point is set again.
+                        (or end-point
+                            (= (window-start start-window)
+                               start-window-start)))
+               (setq unread-command-events
+                     (cons event unread-command-events)))))
+       (delete-overlay mouse-drag-overlay)))))
+ ;; Commands to handle xterm-style multiple clicks.
+ (defun mouse-skip-word (dir)
+   "Skip over word, over whitespace, or over identical punctuation.
+ If DIR is positive skip forward; if negative, skip backward."
+   (let* ((char (following-char))
+        (syntax (char-to-string (char-syntax char))))
+     (cond ((string= syntax "w")
+          ;; Here, we can't use skip-syntax-forward/backward because
+          ;; they don't pay attention to word-separating-categories,
+          ;; and thus they will skip over a true word boundary.  So,
+          ;; we simularte the original behaviour by using
+          ;; forward-word.
+          (if (< dir 0)
+              (if (not (looking-at "\\<"))
+                  (forward-word -1))
+            (if (or (looking-at "\\<") (not (looking-at "\\>")))
+                (forward-word 1))))
+         ((string= syntax " ")
+          (if (< dir 0)
+              (skip-syntax-backward syntax)
+            (skip-syntax-forward syntax)))
+         ((string= syntax "_")
+          (if (< dir 0)
+              (skip-syntax-backward "w_")
+            (skip-syntax-forward "w_")))
+         ((< dir 0)
+          (while (and (not (bobp)) (= (preceding-char) char))
+            (forward-char -1)))
+         (t
+          (while (and (not (eobp)) (= (following-char) char))
+            (forward-char 1))))))
+ (defun mouse-start-end (start end mode)
+ "Return a list of region bounds based on START and END according to MODE.
+ If MODE is 0 then set point to (min START END), mark to (max START END).
+ If MODE is 1 then set point to start of word at (min START END),
+ mark to end of word at (max START END).
+ If MODE is 2 then do the same for lines."
+   (if (> start end)
+       (let ((temp start))
+         (setq start end
+               end temp)))
+   (setq mode (mod mode 3))
+   (cond ((= mode 0)
+        (list start end))
+         ((and (= mode 1)
+               (= start end)
+             (char-after start)
+               (= (char-syntax (char-after start)) ?\())
+        (list start
+              (save-excursion
+                (goto-char start)
+                (forward-sexp 1)
+                (point))))
+         ((and (= mode 1)
+               (= start end)
+             (char-after start)
+               (= (char-syntax (char-after start)) ?\)))
+        (list (save-excursion
+                (goto-char (1+ start))
+                (backward-sexp 1)
+                (point))
+              (1+ start)))
+       ((and (= mode 1)
+               (= start end)
+             (char-after start)
+               (= (char-syntax (char-after start)) ?\"))
+        (let ((open (or (eq start (point-min))
+                        (save-excursion
+                          (goto-char (- start 1))
+                          (looking-at "\\s(\\|\\s \\|\\s>")))))
+          (if open
+              (list start
+                    (save-excursion
+                      (condition-case nil
+                          (progn
+                            (goto-char start)
+                            (forward-sexp 1)
+                            (point))
+                        (error end))))
+            (list (save-excursion
+                    (condition-case nil
+                        (progn
+                          (goto-char (1+ start))
+                          (backward-sexp 1)
+                          (point))
+                      (error end)))
+                  (1+ start)))))
+         ((= mode 1)
+        (list (save-excursion
+                (goto-char start)
+                (mouse-skip-word -1)
+                (point))
+              (save-excursion
+                (goto-char end)
+                (mouse-skip-word 1)
+                (point))))
+         ((= mode 2)
+        (list (save-excursion
+                (goto-char start)
+                (beginning-of-line 1)
+                (point))
+              (save-excursion
+                (goto-char end)
+                (forward-line 1)
+                (point))))))
+ ;; Subroutine: set the mark where CLICK happened,
+ ;; but don't do anything else.
+ (defun mouse-set-mark-fast (click)
+   (mouse-minibuffer-check click)
+   (let ((posn (event-start click)))
+     (select-window (posn-window posn))
+     (if (numberp (posn-point posn))
+       (push-mark (posn-point posn) t t))))
+ (defun mouse-undouble-last-event (events)
+   (let* ((index (1- (length events)))
+        (last (nthcdr index events))
+        (event (car last))
+        (basic (event-basic-type event))
+        (old-modifiers (event-modifiers event))
+        (modifiers (delq 'double (delq 'triple (copy-sequence old-modifiers))))
+        (new
+         (if (consp event)
+             ;; Use reverse, not nreverse, since event-modifiers
+             ;; does not copy the list it returns.
+             (cons (event-convert-list (reverse (cons basic modifiers)))
+                   (cdr event))
+           event)))
+     (setcar last new)
+     (if (and (not (equal modifiers old-modifiers))
+            (key-binding (apply 'vector events)))
+       t
+       (setcar last event)
+       nil)))
+ ;; Momentarily show where the mark is, if highlighting doesn't show it.
+ (defvar mouse-region-delete-keys '([delete] [deletechar])
+   "List of keys which shall cause the mouse region to be deleted.")
+ (defun mouse-show-mark ()
+   (if transient-mark-mode
+       (delete-overlay mouse-drag-overlay)
+     (let ((inhibit-quit t)
+         (echo-keystrokes 0)
+         event events key ignore
+         x-lost-selection-hooks)
+       (add-hook 'x-lost-selection-hooks
+               (lambda (seltype)
+                 (if (eq seltype 'PRIMARY)
+                     (progn (setq ignore t)
+                            (throw 'mouse-show-mark t)))))
+       (move-overlay mouse-drag-overlay (point) (mark t))
+       (catch 'mouse-show-mark
+       ;; In this loop, execute scroll bar and switch-frame events.
+       ;; Also ignore down-events that are undefined.
+       (while (progn (setq event (read-event))
+                     (setq events (append events (list event)))
+                     (setq key (apply 'vector events))
+                     (or (and (consp event)
+                              (eq (car event) 'switch-frame))
+                         (and (consp event)
+                              (eq (posn-point (event-end event))
+                                  'vertical-scroll-bar))
+                         (and (memq 'down (event-modifiers event))
+                              (not (key-binding key))
+                              (not (mouse-undouble-last-event events))
+                              (not (member key mouse-region-delete-keys)))))
+         (and (consp event)
+              (or (eq (car event) 'switch-frame)
+                  (eq (posn-point (event-end event))
+                      'vertical-scroll-bar))
+              (let ((keys (vector 'vertical-scroll-bar event)))
+                (and (key-binding keys)
+                     (progn
+                       (call-interactively (key-binding keys)
+                                           nil keys)
+                       (setq events nil)))))))
+       ;; If we lost the selection, just turn off the highlighting.
+       (if ignore
+         nil
+       ;; For certain special keys, delete the region.
+       (if (member key mouse-region-delete-keys)
+           (delete-region (overlay-start mouse-drag-overlay)
+                          (overlay-end mouse-drag-overlay))
+         ;; Otherwise, unread the key so it gets executed normally.
+         (setq unread-command-events
+               (nconc events unread-command-events))))
+       (setq quit-flag nil)
+       (delete-overlay mouse-drag-overlay))))
+ (defun mouse-set-mark (click)
+   "Set mark at the position clicked on with the mouse.
+ Display cursor at that position for a second.
+ This must be bound to a mouse click."
+   (interactive "e")
+   (mouse-minibuffer-check click)
+   (select-window (posn-window (event-start click)))
+   ;; We don't use save-excursion because that preserves the mark too.
+   (let ((point-save (point)))
+     (unwind-protect
+       (progn (mouse-set-point click)
+              (push-mark nil t t)
+              (or transient-mark-mode
+                  (sit-for 1)))
+       (goto-char point-save))))
+ (defun mouse-kill (click)
+   "Kill the region between point and the mouse click.
+ The text is saved in the kill ring, as with \\[kill-region]."
+   (interactive "e")
+   (mouse-minibuffer-check click)
+   (let* ((posn (event-start click))
+        (click-posn (posn-point posn)))
+     (select-window (posn-window posn))
+     (if (numberp click-posn)
+       (kill-region (min (point) click-posn)
+                    (max (point) click-posn)))))
+ (defun mouse-yank-at-click (click arg)
+   "Insert the last stretch of killed text at the position clicked on.
+ Also move point to one end of the text thus inserted (normally the end),
+ and set mark at the beginning.
+ Prefix arguments are interpreted as with \\[yank].
+ If `mouse-yank-at-point' is non-nil, insert at point
+ regardless of where you click."
+   (interactive "e\nP")
+   ;; Give temporary modes such as isearch a chance to turn off.
+   (run-hooks 'mouse-leave-buffer-hook)
+   (or mouse-yank-at-point (mouse-set-point click))
+   (setq this-command 'yank)
+   (setq mouse-selection-click-count 0)
+   (yank arg))
+ (defun mouse-kill-ring-save (click)
+   "Copy the region between point and the mouse click in the kill ring.
+ This does not delete the region; it acts like \\[kill-ring-save]."
+   (interactive "e")
+   (mouse-set-mark-fast click)
+   (let (this-command last-command)
+     (kill-ring-save (point) (mark t)))
+   (mouse-show-mark))
+ ;;; This function used to delete the text between point and the mouse
+ ;;; whenever it was equal to the front of the kill ring, but some
+ ;;; people found that confusing.
+ ;;; A list (TEXT START END), describing the text and position of the last
+ ;;; invocation of mouse-save-then-kill.
+ (defvar mouse-save-then-kill-posn nil)
+ (defun mouse-save-then-kill-delete-region (beg end)
+   ;; We must make our own undo boundaries
+   ;; because they happen automatically only for the current buffer.
+   (undo-boundary)
+   (if (or (= beg end) (eq buffer-undo-list t))
+       ;; If we have no undo list in this buffer,
+       ;; just delete.
+       (delete-region beg end)
+     ;; Delete, but make the undo-list entry share with the kill ring.
+     ;; First, delete just one char, so in case buffer is being modified
+     ;; for the first time, the undo list records that fact.
+     (let (before-change-functions after-change-functions)
+       (delete-region beg
+                    (+ beg (if (> end beg) 1 -1))))
+     (let ((buffer-undo-list buffer-undo-list))
+       ;; Undo that deletion--but don't change the undo list!
+       (let (before-change-functions after-change-functions)
+       (primitive-undo 1 buffer-undo-list))
+       ;; Now delete the rest of the specified region,
+       ;; but don't record it.
+       (setq buffer-undo-list t)
+       (if (/= (length (car kill-ring)) (- (max end beg) (min end beg)))
+         (error "Lossage in mouse-save-then-kill-delete-region"))
+       (delete-region beg end))
+     (let ((tail buffer-undo-list))
+       ;; Search back in buffer-undo-list for the string
+       ;; that came from deleting one character.
+       (while (and tail (not (stringp (car (car tail)))))
+       (setq tail (cdr tail)))
+       ;; Replace it with an entry for the entire deleted text.
+       (and tail
+          (setcar tail (cons (car kill-ring) (min beg end))))))
+   (undo-boundary))
+ (defun mouse-save-then-kill (click)
+   "Save text to point in kill ring; the second time, kill the text.
+ If the text between point and the mouse is the same as what's
+ at the front of the kill ring, this deletes the text.
+ Otherwise, it adds the text to the kill ring, like \\[kill-ring-save],
+ which prepares for a second click to delete the text.
+ If you have selected words or lines, this command extends the
+ selection through the word or line clicked on.  If you do this
+ again in a different position, it extends the selection again.
+ If you do this twice in the same position, the selection is killed."
+   (interactive "e")
+   (let ((before-scroll
+        (with-current-buffer (window-buffer (posn-window (event-start click)))
+          point-before-scroll)))
+     (mouse-minibuffer-check click)
+     (let ((click-posn (posn-point (event-start click)))
+         ;; Don't let a subsequent kill command append to this one:
+         ;; prevent setting this-command to kill-region.
+         (this-command this-command))
+       (if (and (save-excursion
+                (set-buffer (window-buffer (posn-window (event-start click))))
+                (and (mark t) (> (mod mouse-selection-click-count 3) 0)
+                     ;; Don't be fooled by a recent click in some other buffer.
+                     (eq mouse-selection-click-count-buffer
+                         (current-buffer)))))
+         (if (not (and (eq last-command 'mouse-save-then-kill)
+                       (equal click-posn
+                              (car (cdr-safe (cdr-safe 
+             ;; Find both ends of the object selected by this click.
+             (let* ((range
+                     (mouse-start-end click-posn click-posn
+                                      mouse-selection-click-count)))
+               ;; Move whichever end is closer to the click.
+               ;; That's what xterm does, and it seems reasonable.
+               (if (< (abs (- click-posn (mark t)))
+                      (abs (- click-posn (point))))
+                   (set-mark (car range))
+                 (goto-char (nth 1 range)))
+               ;; We have already put the old region in the kill ring.
+               ;; Replace it with the extended region.
+               ;; (It would be annoying to make a separate entry.)
+               (kill-new (buffer-substring (point) (mark t)) t)
+               (mouse-set-region-1)
+               ;; Arrange for a repeated mouse-3 to kill this region.
+               (setq mouse-save-then-kill-posn
+                     (list (car kill-ring) (point) click-posn))
+               (mouse-show-mark))
+           ;; If we click this button again without moving it,
+           ;; that time kill.
+           (mouse-save-then-kill-delete-region (mark) (point))
+           (setq mouse-selection-click-count 0)
+           (setq mouse-save-then-kill-posn nil))
+       (if (and (eq last-command 'mouse-save-then-kill)
+                mouse-save-then-kill-posn
+                (eq (car mouse-save-then-kill-posn) (car kill-ring))
+                (equal (cdr mouse-save-then-kill-posn) (list (point) 
+           ;; If this is the second time we've called
+           ;; mouse-save-then-kill, delete the text from the buffer.
+           (progn
+             (mouse-save-then-kill-delete-region (point) (mark))
+             ;; After we kill, another click counts as "the first time".
+             (setq mouse-save-then-kill-posn nil))
+         ;; This is not a repetition.
+         ;; We are adjusting an old selection or creating a new one.
+         (if (or (and (eq last-command 'mouse-save-then-kill)
+                      mouse-save-then-kill-posn)
+                 (and mark-active transient-mark-mode)
+                 (and (memq last-command
+                            '(mouse-drag-region mouse-set-region))
+                      (or mark-even-if-inactive
+                          (not transient-mark-mode))))
+             ;; We have a selection or suitable region, so adjust it.
+             (let* ((posn (event-start click))
+                    (new (posn-point posn)))
+               (select-window (posn-window posn))
+               (if (numberp new)
+                   (progn
+                     ;; Move whichever end of the region is closer to the 
+                     ;; That is what xterm does, and it seems reasonable.
+                     (if (<= (abs (- new (point))) (abs (- new (mark t))))
+                         (goto-char new)
+                       (set-mark new))
+                     (setq deactivate-mark nil)))
+               (kill-new (buffer-substring (point) (mark t)) t)
+               (mouse-show-mark))
+           ;; Set the mark where point is, then move where clicked.
+           (mouse-set-mark-fast click)
+           (if before-scroll
+               (goto-char before-scroll))
+           (exchange-point-and-mark)
+           (kill-new (buffer-substring (point) (mark t)))
+           (mouse-show-mark))
+         (mouse-set-region-1)
+         (setq mouse-save-then-kill-posn
+               (list (car kill-ring) (point) click-posn)))))))
+ (global-set-key [M-mouse-1] 'mouse-start-secondary)
+ (global-set-key [M-drag-mouse-1] 'mouse-set-secondary)
+ (global-set-key [M-down-mouse-1] 'mouse-drag-secondary)
+ (global-set-key [M-mouse-3] 'mouse-secondary-save-then-kill)
+ (global-set-key [M-mouse-2] 'mouse-yank-secondary)
+ ;; An overlay which records the current secondary selection
+ ;; or else is deleted when there is no secondary selection.
+ ;; May be nil.
+ (defvar mouse-secondary-overlay nil)
+ (defvar mouse-secondary-click-count 0)
+ ;; A marker which records the specified first end for a secondary selection.
+ ;; May be nil.
+ (defvar mouse-secondary-start nil)
+ (defun mouse-start-secondary (click)
+   "Set one end of the secondary selection to the position clicked on.
+ Use \\[mouse-secondary-save-then-kill] to set the other end
+ and complete the secondary selection."
+   (interactive "e")
+   (mouse-minibuffer-check click)
+   (let ((posn (event-start click)))
+     (save-excursion
+       (set-buffer (window-buffer (posn-window posn)))
+       ;; Cancel any preexisting secondary selection.
+       (if mouse-secondary-overlay
+         (delete-overlay mouse-secondary-overlay))
+       (if (numberp (posn-point posn))
+         (progn
+           (or mouse-secondary-start
+               (setq mouse-secondary-start (make-marker)))
+           (move-marker mouse-secondary-start (posn-point posn)))))))
+ (defun mouse-set-secondary (click)
+   "Set the secondary selection to the text that the mouse is dragged over.
+ This must be bound to a mouse drag event."
+   (interactive "e")
+   (mouse-minibuffer-check click)
+   (let ((posn (event-start click))
+       beg
+       (end (event-end click)))
+     (save-excursion
+       (set-buffer (window-buffer (posn-window posn)))
+       (if (numberp (posn-point posn))
+         (setq beg (posn-point posn)))
+       (if mouse-secondary-overlay
+         (move-overlay mouse-secondary-overlay beg (posn-point end))
+       (setq mouse-secondary-overlay (make-overlay beg (posn-point end))))
+       (overlay-put mouse-secondary-overlay 'face 'secondary-selection))))
+ (defun mouse-drag-secondary (start-event)
+   "Set the secondary selection to the text that the mouse is dragged over.
+ Highlight the drag area as you move the mouse.
+ This must be bound to a button-down mouse event.
+ The function returns a non-nil value if it creates a secondary selection."
+   (interactive "e")
+   (mouse-minibuffer-check start-event)
+   (let* ((echo-keystrokes 0)
+        (start-posn (event-start start-event))
+        (start-point (posn-point start-posn))
+        (start-window (posn-window start-posn))
+        (start-frame (window-frame start-window))
+        (bounds (window-edges start-window))
+        (top (nth 1 bounds))
+        (bottom (if (window-minibuffer-p start-window)
+                    (nth 3 bounds)
+                  ;; Don't count the mode line.
+                  (1- (nth 3 bounds))))
+        (click-count (1- (event-click-count start-event))))
+     (save-excursion
+       (set-buffer (window-buffer start-window))
+       (setq mouse-secondary-click-count click-count)
+       (or mouse-secondary-overlay
+         (setq mouse-secondary-overlay
+               (make-overlay (point) (point))))
+       (overlay-put mouse-secondary-overlay 'face 'secondary-selection)
+       (if (> (mod click-count 3) 0)
+         ;; Double or triple press: make an initial selection
+         ;; of one word or line.
+         (let ((range (mouse-start-end start-point start-point click-count)))
+           (set-marker mouse-secondary-start nil)
+           (move-overlay mouse-secondary-overlay 1 1
+                         (window-buffer start-window))
+           (move-overlay mouse-secondary-overlay (car range) (nth 1 range)
+                         (window-buffer start-window)))
+       ;; Single-press: cancel any preexisting secondary selection.
+       (or mouse-secondary-start
+           (setq mouse-secondary-start (make-marker)))
+       (set-marker mouse-secondary-start start-point)
+       (delete-overlay mouse-secondary-overlay))
+       (let (event end end-point)
+       (track-mouse
+         (while (progn
+                  (setq event (read-event))
+                  (or (mouse-movement-p event)
+                      (eq (car-safe event) 'switch-frame)))
+           (if (eq (car-safe event) 'switch-frame)
+               nil
+             (setq end (event-end event)
+                   end-point (posn-point end))
+             (cond
+              ;; Are we moving within the original window?
+              ((and (eq (posn-window end) start-window)
+                    (integer-or-marker-p end-point))
+               (let ((range (mouse-start-end start-point end-point
+                                             click-count)))
+                 (if (or (/= start-point end-point)
+                         (null (marker-position mouse-secondary-start)))
+                     (progn
+                       (set-marker mouse-secondary-start nil)
+                       (move-overlay mouse-secondary-overlay
+                                     (car range) (nth 1 range))))))
+                (t
+                 (let ((mouse-row (cdr (cdr (mouse-position)))))
+                   (cond
+                    ((null mouse-row))
+                    ((< mouse-row top)
+                     (mouse-scroll-subr start-window (- mouse-row top)
+                                      mouse-secondary-overlay start-point))
+                    ((>= mouse-row bottom)
+                     (mouse-scroll-subr start-window (1+ (- mouse-row bottom))
+                                        mouse-secondary-overlay 
+       (if (consp event)
+           (if (marker-position mouse-secondary-start)
+               (save-window-excursion
+                 (delete-overlay mouse-secondary-overlay)
+                 (x-set-selection 'SECONDARY nil)
+                 (select-window start-window)
+                 (save-excursion
+                   (goto-char mouse-secondary-start)
+                   (sit-for 1)
+                   nil))
+             (x-set-selection
+              'SECONDARY
+              (buffer-substring (overlay-start mouse-secondary-overlay)
+                                (overlay-end mouse-secondary-overlay)))))))))
+ (defun mouse-yank-secondary (click)
+   "Insert the secondary selection at the position clicked on.
+ Move point to the end of the inserted text.
+ If `mouse-yank-at-point' is non-nil, insert at point
+ regardless of where you click."
+   (interactive "e")
+   ;; Give temporary modes such as isearch a chance to turn off.
+   (run-hooks 'mouse-leave-buffer-hook)
+   (or mouse-yank-at-point (mouse-set-point click))
+   (insert (x-get-selection 'SECONDARY)))
+ (defun mouse-kill-secondary ()
+   "Kill the text in the secondary selection.
+ This is intended more as a keyboard command than as a mouse command
+ but it can work as either one.
+ The current buffer (in case of keyboard use), or the buffer clicked on,
+ must be the one that the secondary selection is in.  This requirement
+ is to prevent accidents."
+   (interactive)
+   (let* ((keys (this-command-keys))
+        (click (elt keys (1- (length keys)))))
+     (or (eq (overlay-buffer mouse-secondary-overlay)
+           (if (listp click)
+               (window-buffer (posn-window (event-start click)))
+             (current-buffer)))
+       (error "Select or click on the buffer where the secondary selection 
+   (let (this-command)
+     (save-excursion
+       (set-buffer (overlay-buffer mouse-secondary-overlay))
+       (kill-region (overlay-start mouse-secondary-overlay)
+                  (overlay-end mouse-secondary-overlay))))
+   (delete-overlay mouse-secondary-overlay)
+ ;;;  (x-set-selection 'SECONDARY nil)
+   (setq mouse-secondary-overlay nil))
+ (defun mouse-secondary-save-then-kill (click)
+   "Save text to point in kill ring; the second time, kill the text.
+ You must use this in a buffer where you have recently done 
+ If the text between where you did \\[mouse-start-secondary] and where
+ you use this command matches the text at the front of the kill ring,
+ this command deletes the text.
+ Otherwise, it adds the text to the kill ring, like \\[kill-ring-save],
+ which prepares for a second click with this command to delete the text.
+ If you have already made a secondary selection in that buffer,
+ this command extends or retracts the selection to where you click.
+ If you do this again in a different position, it extends or retracts
+ again.  If you do this twice in the same position, it kills the selection."
+   (interactive "e")
+   (mouse-minibuffer-check click)
+   (let ((posn (event-start click))
+       (click-posn (posn-point (event-start click)))
+       ;; Don't let a subsequent kill command append to this one:
+       ;; prevent setting this-command to kill-region.
+       (this-command this-command))
+     (or (eq (window-buffer (posn-window posn))
+           (or (and mouse-secondary-overlay
+                    (overlay-buffer mouse-secondary-overlay))
+               (if mouse-secondary-start
+                   (marker-buffer mouse-secondary-start))))
+       (error "Wrong buffer"))
+     (save-excursion
+       (set-buffer (window-buffer (posn-window posn)))
+       (if (> (mod mouse-secondary-click-count 3) 0)
+         (if (not (and (eq last-command 'mouse-secondary-save-then-kill)
+                       (equal click-posn
+                              (car (cdr-safe (cdr-safe 
+             ;; Find both ends of the object selected by this click.
+             (let* ((range
+                     (mouse-start-end click-posn click-posn
+                                      mouse-secondary-click-count)))
+               ;; Move whichever end is closer to the click.
+               ;; That's what xterm does, and it seems reasonable.
+               (if (< (abs (- click-posn (overlay-start 
+                      (abs (- click-posn (overlay-end 
+                   (move-overlay mouse-secondary-overlay (car range)
+                                 (overlay-end mouse-secondary-overlay))
+                 (move-overlay mouse-secondary-overlay
+                               (overlay-start mouse-secondary-overlay)
+                               (nth 1 range)))
+               ;; We have already put the old region in the kill ring.
+               ;; Replace it with the extended region.
+               ;; (It would be annoying to make a separate entry.)
+               (kill-new (buffer-substring
+                          (overlay-start mouse-secondary-overlay)
+                          (overlay-end mouse-secondary-overlay)) t)
+               ;; Arrange for a repeated mouse-3 to kill this region.
+               (setq mouse-save-then-kill-posn
+                     (list (car kill-ring) (point) click-posn)))
+           ;; If we click this button again without moving it,
+           ;; that time kill.
+           (progn
+             (mouse-save-then-kill-delete-region
+              (overlay-start mouse-secondary-overlay)
+              (overlay-end mouse-secondary-overlay))
+             (setq mouse-save-then-kill-posn nil)
+             (setq mouse-secondary-click-count 0)
+             (delete-overlay mouse-secondary-overlay)))
+       (if (and (eq last-command 'mouse-secondary-save-then-kill)
+                mouse-save-then-kill-posn
+                (eq (car mouse-save-then-kill-posn) (car kill-ring))
+                (equal (cdr mouse-save-then-kill-posn) (list (point) 
+           ;; If this is the second time we've called
+           ;; mouse-secondary-save-then-kill, delete the text from the buffer.
+           (progn
+             (mouse-save-then-kill-delete-region
+              (overlay-start mouse-secondary-overlay)
+              (overlay-end mouse-secondary-overlay))
+             (setq mouse-save-then-kill-posn nil)
+             (delete-overlay mouse-secondary-overlay))
+         (if (overlay-start mouse-secondary-overlay)
+             ;; We have a selection, so adjust it.
+             (progn
+               (if (numberp click-posn)
+                   (progn
+                     ;; Move whichever end of the region is closer to the 
+                     ;; That is what xterm does, and it seems reasonable.
+                     (if (< (abs (- click-posn (overlay-start 
+                            (abs (- click-posn (overlay-end 
+                         (move-overlay mouse-secondary-overlay click-posn
+                                       (overlay-end mouse-secondary-overlay))
+                       (move-overlay mouse-secondary-overlay
+                                     (overlay-start mouse-secondary-overlay)
+                                     click-posn))
+                     (setq deactivate-mark nil)))
+               (if (eq last-command 'mouse-secondary-save-then-kill)
+                   ;; If the front of the kill ring comes from
+                   ;; an immediately previous use of this command,
+                   ;; replace it with the extended region.
+                   ;; (It would be annoying to make a separate entry.)
+                   (kill-new (buffer-substring
+                              (overlay-start mouse-secondary-overlay)
+                              (overlay-end mouse-secondary-overlay)) t)
+                 (let (deactivate-mark)
+                   (copy-region-as-kill (overlay-start mouse-secondary-overlay)
+                                        (overlay-end 
+           (if mouse-secondary-start
+               ;; All we have is one end of a selection,
+               ;; so put the other end here.
+               (let ((start (+ 0 mouse-secondary-start)))
+                 (kill-ring-save start click-posn)
+                 (if mouse-secondary-overlay
+                     (move-overlay mouse-secondary-overlay start click-posn)
+                   (setq mouse-secondary-overlay (make-overlay start 
+                 (overlay-put mouse-secondary-overlay 'face 
+         (setq mouse-save-then-kill-posn
+               (list (car kill-ring) (point) click-posn))))
+       (if (overlay-buffer mouse-secondary-overlay)
+         (x-set-selection 'SECONDARY
+                          (buffer-substring
+                           (overlay-start mouse-secondary-overlay)
+                           (overlay-end mouse-secondary-overlay)))))))
+ (defcustom mouse-buffer-menu-maxlen 20
+   "*Number of buffers in one pane (submenu) of the buffer menu.
+ If we have lots of buffers, divide them into groups of
+ `mouse-buffer-menu-maxlen' and make a pane (or submenu) for each one."
+   :type 'integer
+   :group 'mouse)
+ (defcustom mouse-buffer-menu-mode-mult 4
+   "*Group the buffers by the major mode groups on \\[mouse-buffer-menu]?
+ This number which determines (in a hairy way) whether \\[mouse-buffer-menu]
+ will split the buffer menu by the major modes (see
+ `mouse-buffer-menu-mode-groups') or just by menu length.
+ Set to 1 (or even 0!) if you want to group by major mode always, and to
+ a large number if you prefer a mixed multitude.  The default is 4."
+   :type 'integer
+   :group 'mouse
+   :version "20.3")
+ (defvar mouse-buffer-menu-mode-groups
+   '(("Info\\|Help\\|Apropos\\|Man" . "Help")
+      . "Mail/News")
+     ("\\<C\\>" . "C")
+     ("ObjC" . "C")
+     ("Text" . "Text")
+     ("Outline" . "Text")
+     ("\\(HT\\|SG\\|X\\|XHT\\)ML" . "SGML")
+     ("log\\|diff\\|vc\\|cvs" . "Version Control") ; "Change Management"?
+     ("Lisp" . "Lisp"))
+   "How to group various major modes together in \\[mouse-buffer-menu].
+ Each element has the form (REGEXP . GROUPNAME).
+ If the major mode's name string matches REGEXP, use GROUPNAME instead.")
+ (defun mouse-buffer-menu (event)
+   "Pop up a menu of buffers for selection with the mouse.
+ This switches buffers in the window that you clicked on,
+ and selects that window."
+   (interactive "e")
+   (mouse-minibuffer-check event)
+   (let ((buffers (buffer-list))  alist menu split-by-major-mode 
+     ;; Make an alist of elements that look like (MENU-ITEM . BUFFER).
+     (let ((tail buffers))
+       (while tail
+       ;; Divide all buffers into buckets for various major modes.
+       ;; Each bucket looks like (MODE NAMESTRING BUFFERS...).
+       (with-current-buffer (car tail)
+         (let* ((adjusted-major-mode major-mode) elt)
+           (let ((tail mouse-buffer-menu-mode-groups))
+             (while tail
+               (if (string-match (car (car tail)) mode-name)
+                   (setq adjusted-major-mode (cdr (car tail))))
+               (setq tail (cdr tail))))
+           (setq elt (assoc adjusted-major-mode split-by-major-mode))
+           (if (null elt)
+               (setq elt (list adjusted-major-mode
+                               (if (stringp adjusted-major-mode)
+                                   adjusted-major-mode
+                                 mode-name))
+                     split-by-major-mode (cons elt split-by-major-mode)))
+           (or (memq (car tail) (cdr (cdr elt)))
+               (setcdr (cdr elt) (cons (car tail) (cdr (cdr elt)))))))
+       (setq tail (cdr tail))))
+     ;; Compute the sum of squares of sizes of the major-mode buckets.
+     (let ((tail split-by-major-mode))
+       (setq sum-of-squares 0)
+       (while tail
+       (setq sum-of-squares
+             (+ sum-of-squares
+                (let ((len (length (cdr (cdr (car tail)))))) (* len len))))
+       (setq tail (cdr tail))))
+     (if (< (* sum-of-squares mouse-buffer-menu-mode-mult)
+          (* (length buffers) (length buffers)))
+       ;; Subdividing by major modes really helps, so let's do it.
+       (let (subdivided-menus (buffers-left (length buffers)))
+         ;; Sort the list to put the most popular major modes first.
+         (setq split-by-major-mode
+               (sort split-by-major-mode
+                     (function (lambda (elt1 elt2)
+                                 (> (length elt1) (length elt2))))))
+         ;; Make a separate submenu for each major mode
+         ;; that has more than one buffer,
+         ;; unless all the remaining buffers are less than 1/10 of them.
+         (while (and split-by-major-mode
+                     (and (> (length (car split-by-major-mode)) 3)
+                          (> (* buffers-left 10) (length buffers))))
+           (let ((this-mode-list (mouse-buffer-menu-alist
+                                  (cdr (cdr (car split-by-major-mode))))))
+             (and this-mode-list
+                  (setq subdivided-menus
+                        (cons (cons
+                               (nth 1 (car split-by-major-mode))
+                               this-mode-list)
+                              subdivided-menus))))
+           (setq buffers-left
+                 (- buffers-left (length (cdr (car split-by-major-mode)))))
+           (setq split-by-major-mode (cdr split-by-major-mode)))
+         ;; If any major modes are left over,
+         ;; make a single submenu for them.
+         (if split-by-major-mode
+             (let ((others-list
+                    (mouse-buffer-menu-alist
+                     ;; we don't need split-by-major-mode any more,
+                     ;; so we can ditch it with nconc.
+                     (apply 'nconc (mapcar 'cddr split-by-major-mode)))))
+               (and others-list
+                    (setq subdivided-menus
+                          (cons (cons "Others" others-list)
+                                subdivided-menus)))))
+         (setq menu (cons "Buffer Menu" (nreverse subdivided-menus))))
+       (progn
+       (setq alist (mouse-buffer-menu-alist buffers))
+       (setq menu (cons "Buffer Menu"
+                        (mouse-buffer-menu-split "Select Buffer" alist)))))
+     (let ((buf (x-popup-menu event menu))
+         (window (posn-window (event-start event))))
+       (when buf
+       (select-window
+        (if (framep window) (frame-selected-window window)
+          window))
+       (switch-to-buffer buf)))))
+ (defun mouse-buffer-menu-alist (buffers)
+   (let (tail
+       (maxlen 0)
+       head)
+     (setq buffers
+         (sort buffers
+               (function (lambda (elt1 elt2)
+                           (string< (buffer-name elt1) (buffer-name elt2))))))
+     (setq tail buffers)
+     (while tail
+       (or (eq ?\ (aref (buffer-name (car tail)) 0))
+         (setq maxlen
+               (max maxlen
+                    (length (buffer-name (car tail))))))
+       (setq tail (cdr tail)))
+     (setq tail buffers)
+     (while tail
+       (let ((elt (car tail)))
+       (if (/= (aref (buffer-name elt) 0) ?\ )
+           (setq head
+                 (cons
+                  (cons
+                   (format
+                    (format "%%%ds  %%s%%s  %%s" maxlen)
+                    (buffer-name elt)
+                    (if (buffer-modified-p elt) "*" " ")
+                    (save-excursion
+                      (set-buffer elt)
+                      (if buffer-read-only "%" " "))
+                    (or (buffer-file-name elt)
+                        (save-excursion
+                          (set-buffer elt)
+                          (if list-buffers-directory
+                              (expand-file-name
+                               list-buffers-directory)))
+                        ""))
+                   elt)
+                  head))))
+       (setq tail (cdr tail)))
+     ;; Compensate for the reversal that the above loop does.
+     (nreverse head)))
+ (defun mouse-buffer-menu-split (title alist)
+   ;; If we have lots of buffers, divide them into groups of 20
+   ;; and make a pane (or submenu) for each one.
+   (if (> (length alist) (/ (* mouse-buffer-menu-maxlen 3) 2))
+       (let ((alist alist) sublists next
+           (i 1))
+       (while alist
+         ;; Pull off the next mouse-buffer-menu-maxlen buffers
+         ;; and make them the next element of sublist.
+         (setq next (nthcdr mouse-buffer-menu-maxlen alist))
+         (if next
+             (setcdr (nthcdr (1- mouse-buffer-menu-maxlen) alist)
+                     nil))
+         (setq sublists (cons (cons (format "Buffers %d" i) alist)
+                              sublists))
+         (setq i (1+ i))
+         (setq alist next))
+       (nreverse sublists))
+     ;; Few buffers--put them all in one pane.
+     (list (cons title alist))))
+ ;;; These need to be rewritten for the new scroll bar implementation.
+ ;;;!! ;; Commands for the scroll bar.
+ ;;;!!
+ ;;;!! (defun mouse-scroll-down (click)
+ ;;;!!   (interactive "@e")
+ ;;;!!   (scroll-down (1+ (cdr (mouse-coords click)))))
+ ;;;!!
+ ;;;!! (defun mouse-scroll-up (click)
+ ;;;!!   (interactive "@e")
+ ;;;!!   (scroll-up (1+ (cdr (mouse-coords click)))))
+ ;;;!!
+ ;;;!! (defun mouse-scroll-down-full ()
+ ;;;!!   (interactive "@")
+ ;;;!!   (scroll-down nil))
+ ;;;!!
+ ;;;!! (defun mouse-scroll-up-full ()
+ ;;;!!   (interactive "@")
+ ;;;!!   (scroll-up nil))
+ ;;;!!
+ ;;;!! (defun mouse-scroll-move-cursor (click)
+ ;;;!!   (interactive "@e")
+ ;;;!!   (move-to-window-line (1+ (cdr (mouse-coords click)))))
+ ;;;!!
+ ;;;!! (defun mouse-scroll-absolute (event)
+ ;;;!!   (interactive "@e")
+ ;;;!!   (let* ((pos (car event))
+ ;;;!!          (position (car pos))
+ ;;;!!          (length (car (cdr pos))))
+ ;;;!!     (if (<= length 0) (setq length 1))
+ ;;;!!     (let* ((scale-factor (max 1 (/ length (/ 8000000 (buffer-size)))))
+ ;;;!!            (newpos (* (/ (* (/ (buffer-size) scale-factor)
+ ;;;!!                             position)
+ ;;;!!                          length)
+ ;;;!!                       scale-factor)))
+ ;;;!!       (goto-char newpos)
+ ;;;!!       (recenter '(4)))))
+ ;;;!!
+ ;;;!! (defun mouse-scroll-left (click)
+ ;;;!!   (interactive "@e")
+ ;;;!!   (scroll-left (1+ (car (mouse-coords click)))))
+ ;;;!!
+ ;;;!! (defun mouse-scroll-right (click)
+ ;;;!!   (interactive "@e")
+ ;;;!!   (scroll-right (1+ (car (mouse-coords click)))))
+ ;;;!!
+ ;;;!! (defun mouse-scroll-left-full ()
+ ;;;!!   (interactive "@")
+ ;;;!!   (scroll-left nil))
+ ;;;!!
+ ;;;!! (defun mouse-scroll-right-full ()
+ ;;;!!   (interactive "@")
+ ;;;!!   (scroll-right nil))
+ ;;;!!
+ ;;;!! (defun mouse-scroll-move-cursor-horizontally (click)
+ ;;;!!   (interactive "@e")
+ ;;;!!   (move-to-column (1+ (car (mouse-coords click)))))
+ ;;;!!
+ ;;;!! (defun mouse-scroll-absolute-horizontally (event)
+ ;;;!!   (interactive "@e")
+ ;;;!!   (let* ((pos (car event))
+ ;;;!!          (position (car pos))
+ ;;;!!          (length (car (cdr pos))))
+ ;;;!!   (set-window-hscroll (selected-window) 33)))
+ ;;;!!
+ ;;;!! (global-set-key [scroll-bar mouse-1] 'mouse-scroll-up)
+ ;;;!! (global-set-key [scroll-bar mouse-2] 'mouse-scroll-absolute)
+ ;;;!! (global-set-key [scroll-bar mouse-3] 'mouse-scroll-down)
+ ;;;!!
+ ;;;!! (global-set-key [vertical-slider mouse-1] 'mouse-scroll-move-cursor)
+ ;;;!! (global-set-key [vertical-slider mouse-2] 'mouse-scroll-move-cursor)
+ ;;;!! (global-set-key [vertical-slider mouse-3] 'mouse-scroll-move-cursor)
+ ;;;!!
+ ;;;!! (global-set-key [thumbup mouse-1] 'mouse-scroll-up-full)
+ ;;;!! (global-set-key [thumbup mouse-2] 'mouse-scroll-up-full)
+ ;;;!! (global-set-key [thumbup mouse-3] 'mouse-scroll-up-full)
+ ;;;!!
+ ;;;!! (global-set-key [thumbdown mouse-1] 'mouse-scroll-down-full)
+ ;;;!! (global-set-key [thumbdown mouse-2] 'mouse-scroll-down-full)
+ ;;;!! (global-set-key [thumbdown mouse-3] 'mouse-scroll-down-full)
+ ;;;!!
+ ;;;!! (global-set-key [horizontal-scroll-bar mouse-1] 'mouse-scroll-left)
+ ;;;!! (global-set-key [horizontal-scroll-bar mouse-2]
+ ;;;!!                 'mouse-scroll-absolute-horizontally)
+ ;;;!! (global-set-key [horizontal-scroll-bar mouse-3] 'mouse-scroll-right)
+ ;;;!!
+ ;;;!! (global-set-key [horizontal-slider mouse-1]
+ ;;;!!                 'mouse-scroll-move-cursor-horizontally)
+ ;;;!! (global-set-key [horizontal-slider mouse-2]
+ ;;;!!                 'mouse-scroll-move-cursor-horizontally)
+ ;;;!! (global-set-key [horizontal-slider mouse-3]
+ ;;;!!                 'mouse-scroll-move-cursor-horizontally)
+ ;;;!!
+ ;;;!! (global-set-key [thumbleft mouse-1] 'mouse-scroll-left-full)
+ ;;;!! (global-set-key [thumbleft mouse-2] 'mouse-scroll-left-full)
+ ;;;!! (global-set-key [thumbleft mouse-3] 'mouse-scroll-left-full)
+ ;;;!!
+ ;;;!! (global-set-key [thumbright mouse-1] 'mouse-scroll-right-full)
+ ;;;!! (global-set-key [thumbright mouse-2] 'mouse-scroll-right-full)
+ ;;;!! (global-set-key [thumbright mouse-3] 'mouse-scroll-right-full)
+ ;;;!!
+ ;;;!! (global-set-key [horizontal-scroll-bar S-mouse-2]
+ ;;;!!                 'mouse-split-window-horizontally)
+ ;;;!! (global-set-key [mode-line S-mouse-2]
+ ;;;!!                 'mouse-split-window-horizontally)
+ ;;;!! (global-set-key [vertical-scroll-bar S-mouse-2]
+ ;;;!!                 'mouse-split-window)
+ ;;;!! ;;;;
+ ;;;!! ;;;; Here are experimental things being tested.  Mouse events
+ ;;;!! ;;;; are of the form:
+ ;;;!! ;;;;    ((x y) window screen-part key-sequence timestamp)
+ ;;;!! ;;
+ ;;;!! ;;;;
+ ;;;!! ;;;; Dynamically track mouse coordinates
+ ;;;!! ;;;;
+ ;;;!! ;;
+ ;;;!! ;;(defun track-mouse (event)
+ ;;;!! ;;  "Track the coordinates, absolute and relative, of the mouse."
+ ;;;!! ;;  (interactive "@e")
+ ;;;!! ;;  (while mouse-grabbed
+ ;;;!! ;;    (let* ((pos (read-mouse-position (selected-screen)))
+ ;;;!! ;;         (abs-x (car pos))
+ ;;;!! ;;         (abs-y (cdr pos))
+ ;;;!! ;;         (relative-coordinate (coordinates-in-window-p
+ ;;;!! ;;                               (list (car pos) (cdr pos))
+ ;;;!! ;;                               (selected-window))))
+ ;;;!! ;;      (if (consp relative-coordinate)
+ ;;;!! ;;        (message "mouse: [%d %d], (%d %d)" abs-x abs-y
+ ;;;!! ;;                 (car relative-coordinate)
+ ;;;!! ;;                 (car (cdr relative-coordinate)))
+ ;;;!! ;;      (message "mouse: [%d %d]" abs-x abs-y)))))
+ ;;;!!
+ ;;;!! ;;
+ ;;;!! ;; Dynamically put a box around the line indicated by point
+ ;;;!! ;;
+ ;;;!! ;;
+ ;;;!! ;;(require 'backquote)
+ ;;;!! ;;
+ ;;;!! ;;(defun mouse-select-buffer-line (event)
+ ;;;!! ;;  (interactive "@e")
+ ;;;!! ;;  (let ((relative-coordinate
+ ;;;!! ;;       (coordinates-in-window-p (car event) (selected-window)))
+ ;;;!! ;;      (abs-y (car (cdr (car event)))))
+ ;;;!! ;;    (if (consp relative-coordinate)
+ ;;;!! ;;      (progn
+ ;;;!! ;;        (save-excursion
+ ;;;!! ;;          (move-to-window-line (car (cdr relative-coordinate)))
+ ;;;!! ;;          (x-draw-rectangle
+ ;;;!! ;;           (selected-screen)
+ ;;;!! ;;           abs-y 0
+ ;;;!! ;;           (save-excursion
+ ;;;!! ;;               (move-to-window-line (car (cdr relative-coordinate)))
+ ;;;!! ;;               (end-of-line)
+ ;;;!! ;;               (push-mark nil t)
+ ;;;!! ;;               (beginning-of-line)
+ ;;;!! ;;               (- (region-end) (region-beginning))) 1))
+ ;;;!! ;;        (sit-for 1)
+ ;;;!! ;;        (x-erase-rectangle (selected-screen))))))
+ ;;;!! ;;
+ ;;;!! ;;(defvar last-line-drawn nil)
+ ;;;!! ;;(defvar begin-delim "[^ \t]")
+ ;;;!! ;;(defvar end-delim   "[^ \t]")
+ ;;;!! ;;
+ ;;;!! ;;(defun mouse-boxing (event)
+ ;;;!! ;;  (interactive "@e")
+ ;;;!! ;;  (save-excursion
+ ;;;!! ;;    (let ((screen (selected-screen)))
+ ;;;!! ;;      (while (= (x-mouse-events) 0)
+ ;;;!! ;;      (let* ((pos (read-mouse-position screen))
+ ;;;!! ;;             (abs-x (car pos))
+ ;;;!! ;;             (abs-y (cdr pos))
+ ;;;!! ;;             (relative-coordinate
+ ;;;!! ;;              (coordinates-in-window-p `(,abs-x ,abs-y)
+ ;;;!! ;;                                       (selected-window)))
+ ;;;!! ;;             (begin-reg nil)
+ ;;;!! ;;             (end-reg nil)
+ ;;;!! ;;             (end-column nil)
+ ;;;!! ;;             (begin-column nil))
+ ;;;!! ;;        (if (and (consp relative-coordinate)
+ ;;;!! ;;                 (or (not last-line-drawn)
+ ;;;!! ;;                     (not (= last-line-drawn abs-y))))
+ ;;;!! ;;            (progn
+ ;;;!! ;;              (move-to-window-line (car (cdr relative-coordinate)))
+ ;;;!! ;;              (if (= (following-char) 10)
+ ;;;!! ;;                  ()
+ ;;;!! ;;                (progn
+ ;;;!! ;;                  (setq begin-reg (1- (re-search-forward end-delim)))
+ ;;;!! ;;                  (setq begin-column (1- (current-column)))
+ ;;;!! ;;                  (end-of-line)
+ ;;;!! ;;                  (setq end-reg (1+ (re-search-backward begin-delim)))
+ ;;;!! ;;                  (setq end-column (1+ (current-column)))
+ ;;;!! ;;                  (message "%s" (buffer-substring begin-reg end-reg))
+ ;;;!! ;;                  (x-draw-rectangle screen
+ ;;;!! ;;                                    (setq last-line-drawn abs-y)
+ ;;;!! ;;                                    begin-column
+ ;;;!! ;;                                    (- end-column begin-column) 
+ ;;;!! ;;
+ ;;;!! ;;(defun mouse-erase-box ()
+ ;;;!! ;;  (interactive)
+ ;;;!! ;;  (if last-line-drawn
+ ;;;!! ;;      (progn
+ ;;;!! ;;      (x-erase-rectangle (selected-screen))
+ ;;;!! ;;      (setq last-line-drawn nil))))
+ ;;;!!
+ ;;;!! ;;; (defun test-x-rectangle ()
+ ;;;!! ;;;   (use-local-mouse-map (setq rectangle-test-map 
+ ;;;!! ;;;   (define-key rectangle-test-map mouse-motion-button-left 
+ ;;;!! ;;;   (define-key rectangle-test-map mouse-button-left-up 
+ ;;;!!
+ ;;;!! ;;
+ ;;;!! ;; Here is how to do double clicking in lisp.  About to change.
+ ;;;!! ;;
+ ;;;!!
+ ;;;!! (defvar double-start nil)
+ ;;;!! (defconst double-click-interval 300
+ ;;;!!   "Max ticks between clicks")
+ ;;;!!
+ ;;;!! (defun double-down (event)
+ ;;;!!   (interactive "@e")
+ ;;;!!   (if double-start
+ ;;;!!       (let ((interval (- (nth 4 event) double-start)))
+ ;;;!!         (if (< interval double-click-interval)
+ ;;;!!             (progn
+ ;;;!!               (backward-up-list 1)
+ ;;;!!               ;;      (message "Interval %d" interval)
+ ;;;!!               (sleep-for 1)))
+ ;;;!!         (setq double-start nil))
+ ;;;!!     (setq double-start (nth 4 event))))
+ ;;;!!
+ ;;;!! (defun double-up (event)
+ ;;;!!   (interactive "@e")
+ ;;;!!   (and double-start
+ ;;;!!        (> (- (nth 4 event ) double-start) double-click-interval)
+ ;;;!!        (setq double-start nil)))
+ ;;;!!
+ ;;;!! ;;; (defun x-test-doubleclick ()
+ ;;;!! ;;;   (use-local-mouse-map (setq doubleclick-test-map 
+ ;;;!! ;;;   (define-key doubleclick-test-map mouse-button-left 'double-down)
+ ;;;!! ;;;   (define-key doubleclick-test-map mouse-button-left-up 'double-up))
+ ;;;!!
+ ;;;!! ;;
+ ;;;!! ;; This scrolls while button is depressed.  Use preferable in scroll 
+ ;;;!! ;;
+ ;;;!!
+ ;;;!! (defvar scrolled-lines 0)
+ ;;;!! (defconst scroll-speed 1)
+ ;;;!!
+ ;;;!! (defun incr-scroll-down (event)
+ ;;;!!   (interactive "@e")
+ ;;;!!   (setq scrolled-lines 0)
+ ;;;!!   (incremental-scroll scroll-speed))
+ ;;;!!
+ ;;;!! (defun incr-scroll-up (event)
+ ;;;!!   (interactive "@e")
+ ;;;!!   (setq scrolled-lines 0)
+ ;;;!!   (incremental-scroll (- scroll-speed)))
+ ;;;!!
+ ;;;!! (defun incremental-scroll (n)
+ ;;;!!   (while (= (x-mouse-events) 0)
+ ;;;!!     (setq scrolled-lines (1+ (* scroll-speed scrolled-lines)))
+ ;;;!!     (scroll-down n)
+ ;;;!!     (sit-for 300 t)))
+ ;;;!!
+ ;;;!! (defun incr-scroll-stop (event)
+ ;;;!!   (interactive "@e")
+ ;;;!!   (message "Scrolled %d lines" scrolled-lines)
+ ;;;!!   (setq scrolled-lines 0)
+ ;;;!!   (sleep-for 1))
+ ;;;!!
+ ;;;!! ;;; (defun x-testing-scroll ()
+ ;;;!! ;;;   (let ((scrolling-map (function mouse-vertical-scroll-bar-prefix)))
+ ;;;!! ;;;     (define-key scrolling-map mouse-button-left 'incr-scroll-down)
+ ;;;!! ;;;     (define-key scrolling-map mouse-button-right 'incr-scroll-up)
+ ;;;!! ;;;     (define-key scrolling-map mouse-button-left-up 
+ ;;;!! ;;;     (define-key scrolling-map mouse-button-right-up 
+ ;;;!!
+ ;;;!! ;;
+ ;;;!! ;; Some playthings suitable for picture mode?  They need work.
+ ;;;!! ;;
+ ;;;!!
+ ;;;!! (defun mouse-kill-rectangle (event)
+ ;;;!!   "Kill the rectangle between point and the mouse cursor."
+ ;;;!!   (interactive "@e")
+ ;;;!!   (let ((point-save (point)))
+ ;;;!!     (save-excursion
+ ;;;!!       (mouse-set-point event)
+ ;;;!!       (push-mark nil t)
+ ;;;!!       (if (> point-save (point))
+ ;;;!!           (kill-rectangle (point) point-save)
+ ;;;!!         (kill-rectangle point-save (point))))))
+ ;;;!!
+ ;;;!! (defun mouse-open-rectangle (event)
+ ;;;!!   "Kill the rectangle between point and the mouse cursor."
+ ;;;!!   (interactive "@e")
+ ;;;!!   (let ((point-save (point)))
+ ;;;!!     (save-excursion
+ ;;;!!       (mouse-set-point event)
+ ;;;!!       (push-mark nil t)
+ ;;;!!       (if (> point-save (point))
+ ;;;!!           (open-rectangle (point) point-save)
+ ;;;!!         (open-rectangle point-save (point))))))
+ ;;;!!
+ ;;;!! ;; Must be a better way to do this.
+ ;;;!!
+ ;;;!! (defun mouse-multiple-insert (n char)
+ ;;;!!   (while (> n 0)
+ ;;;!!     (insert char)
+ ;;;!!     (setq n (1- n))))
+ ;;;!!
+ ;;;!! ;; What this could do is not finalize until button was released.
+ ;;;!!
+ ;;;!! (defun mouse-move-text (event)
+ ;;;!!   "Move text from point to cursor position, inserting spaces."
+ ;;;!!   (interactive "@e")
+ ;;;!!   (let* ((relative-coordinate
+ ;;;!!           (coordinates-in-window-p (car event) (selected-window))))
+ ;;;!!     (if (consp relative-coordinate)
+ ;;;!!         (cond ((> (current-column) (car relative-coordinate))
+ ;;;!!                (delete-char
+ ;;;!!                 (- (car relative-coordinate) (current-column))))
+ ;;;!!               ((< (current-column) (car relative-coordinate))
+ ;;;!!                (mouse-multiple-insert
+ ;;;!!                 (- (car relative-coordinate) (current-column)) " "))
+ ;;;!!               ((= (current-column) (car relative-coordinate)) 
+ ;; Choose a completion with the mouse.
+ (defun mouse-choose-completion (event)
+   "Click on an alternative in the `*Completions*' buffer to choose it."
+   (interactive "e")
+   ;; Give temporary modes such as isearch a chance to turn off.
+   (run-hooks 'mouse-leave-buffer-hook)
+   (let ((buffer (window-buffer))
+         choice
+       base-size)
+     (save-excursion
+       (set-buffer (window-buffer (posn-window (event-start event))))
+       (if completion-reference-buffer
+         (setq buffer completion-reference-buffer))
+       (setq base-size completion-base-size)
+       (save-excursion
+       (goto-char (posn-point (event-start event)))
+       (let (beg end)
+         (if (and (not (eobp)) (get-text-property (point) 'mouse-face))
+             (setq end (point) beg (1+ (point))))
+         (if (null beg)
+             (error "No completion here"))
+         (setq beg (previous-single-property-change beg 'mouse-face))
+         (setq end (or (next-single-property-change end 'mouse-face)
+                       (point-max)))
+         (setq choice (buffer-substring beg end)))))
+     (let ((owindow (selected-window)))
+       (select-window (posn-window (event-start event)))
+       (if (and (one-window-p t 'selected-frame)
+              (window-dedicated-p (selected-window)))
+         ;; This is a special buffer's frame
+         (iconify-frame (selected-frame))
+       (or (window-dedicated-p (selected-window))
+           (bury-buffer)))
+       (select-window owindow))
+     (choose-completion-string choice buffer base-size)))
+ ;; Font selection.
+ (defun font-menu-add-default ()
+   (let* ((default (cdr (assq 'font (frame-parameters (selected-frame)))))
+        (font-alist x-fixed-font-alist)
+        (elt (or (assoc "Misc" font-alist) (nth 1 font-alist))))
+     (if (assoc "Default" elt)
+       (delete (assoc "Default" elt) elt))
+     (setcdr elt
+           (cons (list "Default" default)
+                 (cdr elt)))))
+ (defvar x-fixed-font-alist
+   '("Font menu"
+     ("Misc"
+      ;; For these, we specify the pixel height and width.
+      ("fixed" "fixed")
+      ("6x10" "-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--10-*-*-*-c-60-iso8859-1" "6x10")
+      ("6x12"
+       "-misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed--12-*-*-*-c-60-iso8859-1" "6x12")
+      ("6x13"
+       "-misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed--13-*-*-*-c-60-iso8859-1" "6x13")
+      ("7x13" "-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-*-*-*-c-70-iso8859-1" "7x13")
+      ("7x14" "-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--14-*-*-*-c-70-iso8859-1" "7x14")
+      ("8x13" "-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-*-*-*-c-80-iso8859-1" "8x13")
+      ("9x15" "-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--15-*-*-*-c-90-iso8859-1" "9x15")
+      ("10x20" "-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--20-*-*-*-c-100-iso8859-1" "10x20")
+      ("11x18" "-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--18-*-*-*-c-110-iso8859-1" "11x18")
+      ("12x24" "-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--24-*-*-*-c-120-iso8859-1" "12x24")
+      ("")
+      ("clean 5x8"
+       "-schumacher-clean-medium-r-normal--8-*-*-*-c-50-iso8859-1")
+      ("clean 6x8"
+       "-schumacher-clean-medium-r-normal--8-*-*-*-c-60-iso8859-1")
+      ("clean 8x8"
+       "-schumacher-clean-medium-r-normal--8-*-*-*-c-80-iso8859-1")
+      ("clean 8x10"
+       "-schumacher-clean-medium-r-normal--10-*-*-*-c-80-iso8859-1")
+      ("clean 8x14"
+       "-schumacher-clean-medium-r-normal--14-*-*-*-c-80-iso8859-1")
+      ("clean 8x16"
+       "-schumacher-clean-medium-r-normal--16-*-*-*-c-80-iso8859-1")
+      ("")
+      ("sony 8x16" "-sony-fixed-medium-r-normal--16-*-*-*-c-80-iso8859-1")
+ ;;; We don't seem to have these; who knows what they are.
+ ;;;    ("fg-18" "fg-18")
+ ;;;    ("fg-25" "fg-25")
+      ("lucidasanstypewriter-12" 
+      ("lucidasanstypewriter-bold-14" 
+      ("lucidasanstypewriter-bold-24"
+       "-b&h-lucidatypewriter-bold-r-normal-sans-*-240-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1")
+ ;;;    ("lucidatypewriter-bold-r-24" 
+ ;;;    ("fixed-medium-20" "-misc-fixed-medium-*-*-*-20-*-*-*-*-*-*-*")
+      )
+     ("Courier"
+      ;; For these, we specify the point height.
+      ("8" "-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal--*-80-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1")
+      ("10" "-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal--*-100-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1")
+      ("12" "-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal--*-120-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1")
+      ("14" "-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal--*-140-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1")
+      ("18" "-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal--*-180-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1")
+      ("24" "-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal--*-240-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1")
+      ("8 bold" "-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--*-80-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1")
+      ("10 bold" "-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--*-100-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1")
+      ("12 bold" "-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1")
+      ("14 bold" "-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--*-140-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1")
+      ("18 bold" "-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--*-180-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1")
+      ("24 bold" "-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--*-240-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1")
+      ("8 slant" "-adobe-courier-medium-o-normal--*-80-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1")
+      ("10 slant" "-adobe-courier-medium-o-normal--*-100-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1")
+      ("12 slant" "-adobe-courier-medium-o-normal--*-120-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1")
+      ("14 slant" "-adobe-courier-medium-o-normal--*-140-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1")
+      ("18 slant" "-adobe-courier-medium-o-normal--*-180-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1")
+      ("24 slant" "-adobe-courier-medium-o-normal--*-240-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1")
+      ("8 bold slant" "-adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--*-80-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1")
+      ("10 bold slant" "-adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--*-100-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1")
+      ("12 bold slant" "-adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--*-120-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1")
+      ("14 bold slant" "-adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--*-140-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1")
+      ("18 bold slant" "-adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--*-180-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1")
+      ("24 bold slant" 
+     )
+   "X fonts suitable for use in Emacs.")
+ (defun mouse-set-font (&rest fonts)
+   "Select an emacs font from a list of known good fonts and fontsets."
+   (interactive
+    (progn (unless (display-multi-font-p)
+           (error "Cannot change fonts on this display"))
+         (x-popup-menu
+          last-nonmenu-event
+          ;; Append list of fontsets currently defined.
+          (append x-fixed-font-alist (list (generate-fontset-menu))))))
+   (if fonts
+       (let (font)
+       (while fonts
+         (condition-case nil
+             (progn
+               (set-default-font (car fonts))
+               (setq font (car fonts))
+               (setq fonts nil))
+           (error
+            (setq fonts (cdr fonts)))))
+       (if (null font)
+           (error "Font not found")))))
+ ;;; Bindings for mouse commands.
+ (define-key global-map [down-mouse-1] 'mouse-drag-region)
+ (global-set-key [mouse-1]     'mouse-set-point)
+ (global-set-key [drag-mouse-1]        'mouse-set-region)
+ ;; These are tested for in mouse-drag-region.
+ (global-set-key [double-mouse-1] 'mouse-set-point)
+ (global-set-key [triple-mouse-1] 'mouse-set-point)
+ (global-set-key [mouse-2]     'mouse-yank-at-click)
+ (global-set-key [mouse-3]     'mouse-save-then-kill)
+ ;; By binding these to down-going events, we let the user use the up-going
+ ;; event to make the selection, saving a click.
+ (global-set-key [C-down-mouse-1] 'mouse-buffer-menu)
+ (if (not (eq system-type 'ms-dos))
+     (global-set-key [S-down-mouse-1] 'mouse-set-font))
+ ;; C-down-mouse-2 is bound in facemenu.el.
+ (global-set-key [C-down-mouse-3] 'mouse-popup-menubar-stuff)
+ ;; Replaced with dragging mouse-1
+ ;; (global-set-key [S-mouse-1]        'mouse-set-mark)
+ ;; Binding mouse-1 to mouse-select-window when on mode-, header-, or
+ ;; vertical-line prevents Emacs from signaling an error when the mouse
+ ;; button is released after dragging these lines, on non-toolkit
+ ;; versions.
+ (global-set-key [mode-line mouse-1] 'mouse-select-window)
+ (global-set-key [mode-line drag-mouse-1] 'mouse-select-window)
+ (global-set-key [mode-line down-mouse-1] 'mouse-drag-mode-line)
+ (global-set-key [header-line down-mouse-1] 'mouse-drag-header-line)
+ (global-set-key [header-line mouse-1] 'mouse-select-window)
+ (global-set-key [mode-line mouse-2] 'mouse-delete-other-windows)
+ (global-set-key [mode-line mouse-3] 'mouse-delete-window)
+ (global-set-key [mode-line C-mouse-2] 'mouse-split-window-horizontally)
+ (global-set-key [vertical-scroll-bar C-mouse-2] 
+ (global-set-key [vertical-line C-mouse-2] 'mouse-split-window-vertically)
+ (global-set-key [vertical-line down-mouse-1] 'mouse-drag-vertical-line)
+ (global-set-key [vertical-line mouse-1] 'mouse-select-window)
+ (provide 'mouse)
+ ;; This file contains the functionality of the old mldrag.el.
+ (defalias 'mldrag-drag-mode-line 'mouse-drag-mode-line)
+ (defalias 'mldrag-drag-vertical-line 'mouse-drag-vertical-line)
+ (make-obsolete 'mldrag-drag-mode-line 'mouse-drag-mode-line "21.1")
+ (make-obsolete 'mldrag-drag-vertical-line 'mouse-drag-vertical-line "21.1")
+ (provide 'mldrag)
+ ;;; arch-tag: 9a710ce1-914a-4923-9b81-697f7bf82ab3
+ ;;; mouse.el ends here

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