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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/gnus-spec.el [lexbind]

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/gnus-spec.el [lexbind]
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2003 19:34:55 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/gnus/gnus-spec.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/gnus/gnus-spec.el:
*** /dev/null   Tue Oct 14 19:34:55 2003
--- emacs/lisp/gnus/gnus-spec.el        Tue Oct 14 19:34:50 2003
*** 0 ****
--- 1,557 ----
+ ;;; gnus-spec.el --- format spec functions for Gnus  -*- coding: iso-latin-1 
+ ;; Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000
+ ;;        Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ ;; Author: Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen <address@hidden>
+ ;; Keywords: news
+ ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ ;; any later version.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+ ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+ ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ ;;; Commentary:
+ ;;; Code:
+ (eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+ (require 'gnus)
+ ;;; Internal variables.
+ (defvar gnus-summary-mark-positions nil)
+ (defvar gnus-group-mark-positions nil)
+ (defvar gnus-group-indentation "")
+ ;; Format specs.  The chunks below are the machine-generated forms
+ ;; that are to be evaled as the result of the default format strings.
+ ;; We write them in here to get them byte-compiled.  That way the
+ ;; default actions will be quite fast, while still retaining the full
+ ;; flexibility of the user-defined format specs.
+ ;; First we have lots of dummy defvars to let the compiler know these
+ ;; are really dynamic variables.
+ (defvar gnus-tmp-unread)
+ (defvar gnus-tmp-replied)
+ (defvar gnus-tmp-score-char)
+ (defvar gnus-tmp-indentation)
+ (defvar gnus-tmp-opening-bracket)
+ (defvar gnus-tmp-lines)
+ (defvar gnus-tmp-name)
+ (defvar gnus-tmp-closing-bracket)
+ (defvar gnus-tmp-subject-or-nil)
+ (defvar gnus-tmp-subject)
+ (defvar gnus-tmp-marked)
+ (defvar gnus-tmp-marked-mark)
+ (defvar gnus-tmp-subscribed)
+ (defvar gnus-tmp-process-marked)
+ (defvar gnus-tmp-number-of-unread)
+ (defvar gnus-tmp-group-name)
+ (defvar gnus-tmp-group)
+ (defvar gnus-tmp-article-number)
+ (defvar gnus-tmp-unread-and-unselected)
+ (defvar gnus-tmp-news-method)
+ (defvar gnus-tmp-news-server)
+ (defvar gnus-tmp-article-number)
+ (defvar gnus-mouse-face)
+ (defvar gnus-mouse-face-prop)
+ (defun gnus-summary-line-format-spec ()
+   (insert gnus-tmp-unread gnus-tmp-replied
+         gnus-tmp-score-char gnus-tmp-indentation)
+   (gnus-put-text-property
+    (point)
+    (progn
+      (insert
+       gnus-tmp-opening-bracket
+       (format "%4d: %-20s"
+             gnus-tmp-lines
+             (if (> (length gnus-tmp-name) 20)
+                 (substring gnus-tmp-name 0 20)
+               gnus-tmp-name))
+       gnus-tmp-closing-bracket)
+      (point))
+    gnus-mouse-face-prop gnus-mouse-face)
+   (insert " " gnus-tmp-subject-or-nil "\n"))
+ (defvar gnus-summary-line-format-spec
+   (gnus-byte-code 'gnus-summary-line-format-spec))
+ (defun gnus-summary-dummy-line-format-spec ()
+   (insert "*  ")
+   (gnus-put-text-property
+    (point)
+    (progn
+      (insert ":                                :")
+      (point))
+    gnus-mouse-face-prop gnus-mouse-face)
+   (insert " " gnus-tmp-subject "\n"))
+ (defvar gnus-summary-dummy-line-format-spec
+   (gnus-byte-code 'gnus-summary-dummy-line-format-spec))
+ (defun gnus-group-line-format-spec ()
+   (insert gnus-tmp-marked-mark gnus-tmp-subscribed
+         gnus-tmp-process-marked
+         gnus-group-indentation
+         (format "%5s: " gnus-tmp-number-of-unread))
+   (gnus-put-text-property
+    (point)
+    (progn
+      (insert gnus-tmp-group "\n")
+      (1- (point)))
+    gnus-mouse-face-prop gnus-mouse-face))
+ (defvar gnus-group-line-format-spec
+   (gnus-byte-code 'gnus-group-line-format-spec))
+ (defvar gnus-format-specs
+   `((version . ,emacs-version)
+     (group "%M\%S\%p\%P\%5y: %(%g%)%l\n" ,gnus-group-line-format-spec)
+     (summary-dummy "*  %(:                          :%) %S\n"
+                  ,gnus-summary-dummy-line-format-spec)
+     (summary "%U\%R\%z\%I\%(%[%4L: %-20,20n%]%) %s\n"
+            ,gnus-summary-line-format-spec))
+   "Alist of format specs.")
+ (defvar gnus-article-mode-line-format-spec nil)
+ (defvar gnus-summary-mode-line-format-spec nil)
+ (defvar gnus-group-mode-line-format-spec nil)
+ ;;; Phew.  All that gruft is over, fortunately.
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun gnus-update-format (var)
+   "Update the format specification near point."
+   (interactive
+    (list
+     (save-excursion
+       (eval-defun nil)
+       ;; Find the end of the current word.
+       (re-search-forward "[ \t\n]" nil t)
+       ;; Search backward.
+       (when (re-search-backward "\\(gnus-[-a-z]+-line-format\\)" nil t)
+       (match-string 1)))))
+   (let* ((type (intern (progn (string-match "gnus-\\([-a-z]+\\)-line" var)
+                             (match-string 1 var))))
+        (entry (assq type gnus-format-specs))
+        value spec)
+     (when entry
+       (setq gnus-format-specs (delq entry gnus-format-specs)))
+     (set
+      (intern (format "%s-spec" var))
+      (gnus-parse-format (setq value (symbol-value (intern var)))
+                       (symbol-value (intern (format "%s-alist" var)))
+                       (not (string-match "mode" var))))
+     (setq spec (symbol-value (intern (format "%s-spec" var))))
+     (push (list type value spec) gnus-format-specs)
+     (pop-to-buffer "*Gnus Format*")
+     (erase-buffer)
+     (lisp-interaction-mode)
+     (insert (pp-to-string spec))))
+ (defun gnus-update-format-specifications (&optional force &rest types)
+   "Update all (necessary) format specifications."
+   ;; Make the indentation array.
+   ;; See whether all the stored info needs to be flushed.
+   (when (or force
+           (not (equal emacs-version
+                       (cdr (assq 'version gnus-format-specs)))))
+     (setq gnus-format-specs nil))
+   ;; Go through all the formats and see whether they need updating.
+   (let (new-format entry type val)
+     (while (setq type (pop types))
+       ;; Jump to the proper buffer to find out the value of
+       ;; the variable, if possible.  (It may be buffer-local.)
+       (save-excursion
+       (let ((buffer (intern (format "gnus-%s-buffer" type)))
+             val)
+         (when (and (boundp buffer)
+                    (setq val (symbol-value buffer))
+                    (gnus-buffer-exists-p val))
+           (set-buffer val))
+         (setq new-format (symbol-value
+                           (intern (format "gnus-%s-line-format" type)))))
+       (setq entry (cdr (assq type gnus-format-specs)))
+       (if (and (car entry)
+                (equal (car entry) new-format))
+           ;; Use the old format.
+           (set (intern (format "gnus-%s-line-format-spec" type))
+                (cadr entry))
+         ;; This is a new format.
+         (setq val
+               (if (not (stringp new-format))
+                   ;; This is a function call or something.
+                   new-format
+                 ;; This is a "real" format.
+                 (gnus-parse-format
+                  new-format
+                  (symbol-value
+                   (intern (format "gnus-%s-line-format-alist" type)))
+                  (not (string-match "mode$" (symbol-name type))))))
+         ;; Enter the new format spec into the list.
+         (if entry
+             (progn
+               (setcar (cdr entry) val)
+               (setcar entry new-format))
+           (push (list type new-format val) gnus-format-specs))
+         (set (intern (format "gnus-%s-line-format-spec" type)) val)))))
+   (unless (assq 'version gnus-format-specs)
+     (push (cons 'version emacs-version) gnus-format-specs)))
+ (defvar gnus-mouse-face-0 'highlight)
+ (defvar gnus-mouse-face-1 'highlight)
+ (defvar gnus-mouse-face-2 'highlight)
+ (defvar gnus-mouse-face-3 'highlight)
+ (defvar gnus-mouse-face-4 'highlight)
+ (defun gnus-mouse-face-function (form type)
+   `(gnus-put-text-property
+     (point) (progn ,@form (point))
+     gnus-mouse-face-prop
+     ,(if (equal type 0)
+        'gnus-mouse-face
+        `(quote ,(symbol-value (intern (format "gnus-mouse-face-%d" type)))))))
+ (defvar gnus-face-0 'bold)
+ (defvar gnus-face-1 'italic)
+ (defvar gnus-face-2 'bold-italic)
+ (defvar gnus-face-3 'bold)
+ (defvar gnus-face-4 'bold)
+ (defun gnus-face-face-function (form type)
+   `(gnus-add-text-properties
+     (point) (progn ,@form (point))
+     '(gnus-face t face ,(symbol-value (intern (format "gnus-face-%d" 
+ (defun gnus-balloon-face-function (form type)
+   `(gnus-put-text-property
+     (point) (progn ,@form (point))
+     'balloon-help
+     ,(intern (format "gnus-balloon-face-%d" type))))
+ (defun gnus-tilde-max-form (el max-width)
+   "Return a form that limits EL to MAX-WIDTH."
+   (let ((max (abs max-width)))
+     (if (symbolp el)
+       `(if (> (length ,el) ,max)
+            ,(if (< max-width 0)
+                 `(substring ,el (- (length el) ,max))
+               `(substring ,el 0 ,max))
+          ,el)
+       `(let ((val (eval ,el)))
+        (if (> (length val) ,max)
+            ,(if (< max-width 0)
+                 `(substring val (- (length val) ,max))
+               `(substring val 0 ,max))
+          val)))))
+ (defun gnus-tilde-cut-form (el cut-width)
+   "Return a form that cuts CUT-WIDTH off of EL."
+   (let ((cut (abs cut-width)))
+     (if (symbolp el)
+       `(if (> (length ,el) ,cut)
+            ,(if (< cut-width 0)
+                 `(substring ,el 0 (- (length el) ,cut))
+               `(substring ,el ,cut))
+          ,el)
+       `(let ((val (eval ,el)))
+        (if (> (length val) ,cut)
+            ,(if (< cut-width 0)
+                 `(substring val 0 (- (length val) ,cut))
+               `(substring val ,cut))
+          val)))))
+ (defun gnus-tilde-ignore-form (el ignore-value)
+   "Return a form that is blank when EL is IGNORE-VALUE."
+   (if (symbolp el)
+       `(if (equal ,el ,ignore-value)
+          "" ,el)
+     `(let ((val (eval ,el)))
+        (if (equal val ,ignore-value)
+          "" val))))
+ (defun gnus-parse-format (format spec-alist &optional insert)
+   ;; This function parses the FORMAT string with the help of the
+   ;; SPEC-ALIST and returns a list that can be eval'ed to return the
+   ;; string.  If the FORMAT string contains the specifiers %( and %)
+   ;; the text between them will have the mouse-face text property.
+   ;; If the FORMAT string contains the specifiers %[ and %], the text between
+   ;; them will have the balloon-help text property.
+   (if (string-match
+        "\\`\\(.*\\)%[0-9]?[{(«]\\(.*\\)%[0-9]?[»})]\\(.*\n?\\)\\'"
+        format)
+       (gnus-parse-complex-format format spec-alist)
+     ;; This is a simple format.
+     (gnus-parse-simple-format format spec-alist insert)))
+ (defun gnus-parse-complex-format (format spec-alist)
+   (save-excursion
+     (gnus-set-work-buffer)
+     (insert format)
+     (goto-char (point-min))
+     (while (re-search-forward "\"" nil t)
+       (replace-match "\\\"" nil t))
+     (goto-char (point-min))
+     (insert "(\"")
+     (while (re-search-forward "%\\([0-9]+\\)?\\([«»{}()]\\)" nil t)
+       (let ((number (if (match-beginning 1)
+                       (match-string 1) "0"))
+           (delim (aref (match-string 2) 0)))
+       (if (or (= delim ?\()
+               (= delim ?\{)
+               (= delim ?\«))
+           (replace-match (concat "\"("
+                                  (cond ((= delim ?\() "mouse")
+                                        ((= delim ?\{) "face")
+                                        (t "balloon"))
+                                  " " number " \""))
+         (replace-match "\")\""))))
+     (goto-char (point-max))
+     (insert "\")")
+     (goto-char (point-min))
+     (let ((form (read (current-buffer))))
+       (cons 'progn (gnus-complex-form-to-spec form spec-alist)))))
+ (defun gnus-complex-form-to-spec (form spec-alist)
+   (delq nil
+       (mapcar
+        (lambda (sform)
+          (if (stringp sform)
+              (gnus-parse-simple-format sform spec-alist t)
+            (funcall (intern (format "gnus-%s-face-function" (car sform)))
+                     (gnus-complex-form-to-spec (cddr sform) spec-alist)
+                     (nth 1 sform))))
+        form)))
+ (defun gnus-parse-simple-format (format spec-alist &optional insert)
+   ;; This function parses the FORMAT string with the help of the
+   ;; SPEC-ALIST and returns a list that can be eval'ed to return a
+   ;; string.
+   (let ((max-width 0)
+       spec flist fstring elem result dontinsert user-defined
+       type value pad-width spec-beg cut-width ignore-value
+       tilde-form tilde elem-type)
+     (save-excursion
+       (gnus-set-work-buffer)
+       (insert format)
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       (while (re-search-forward "%" nil t)
+       (setq user-defined nil
+             spec-beg nil
+             pad-width nil
+             max-width nil
+             cut-width nil
+             ignore-value nil
+             tilde-form nil)
+       (setq spec-beg (1- (point)))
+       ;; Parse this spec fully.
+       (while
+           (cond
+            ((looking-at "\\([-.0-9]+\\)\\(,[-0-9]+\\)?")
+             (setq pad-width (string-to-number (match-string 1)))
+             (when (match-beginning 2)
+               (setq max-width (string-to-number (buffer-substring
+                                                  (1+ (match-beginning 2))
+                                                  (match-end 2)))))
+             (goto-char (match-end 0)))
+            ((looking-at "~")
+             (forward-char 1)
+             (setq tilde (read (current-buffer))
+                   type (car tilde)
+                   value (cadr tilde))
+             (cond
+              ((memq type '(pad pad-left))
+               (setq pad-width value))
+              ((eq type 'pad-right)
+               (setq pad-width (- value)))
+              ((memq type '(max-right max))
+               (setq max-width value))
+              ((eq type 'max-left)
+               (setq max-width (- value)))
+              ((memq type '(cut cut-left))
+               (setq cut-width value))
+              ((eq type 'cut-right)
+               (setq cut-width (- value)))
+              ((eq type 'ignore)
+               (setq ignore-value
+                     (if (stringp value) value (format "%s" value))))
+              ((eq type 'form)
+               (setq tilde-form value))
+              (t
+               (error "Unknown tilde type: %s" tilde)))
+             t)
+            (t
+             nil)))
+       ;; User-defined spec -- find the spec name.
+       (when (eq (setq spec (char-after)) ?u)
+         (forward-char 1)
+         (setq user-defined (char-after)))
+       (forward-char 1)
+       (delete-region spec-beg (point))
+       ;; Now we have all the relevant data on this spec, so
+       ;; we start doing stuff.
+       (insert "%")
+       (if (eq spec ?%)
+           ;; "%%" just results in a "%".
+           (insert "%")
+         (cond
+          ;; Do tilde forms.
+          ((eq spec ?@)
+           (setq elem (list tilde-form ?s)))
+          ;; Treat user defined format specifiers specially.
+          (user-defined
+           (setq elem
+                 (list
+                  (list (intern (format "gnus-user-format-function-%c"
+                                        user-defined))
+                        'gnus-tmp-header)
+                  ?s)))
+          ;; Find the specification from `spec-alist'.
+          ((setq elem (cdr (assq spec spec-alist))))
+          (t
+           (setq elem '("*" ?s))))
+         (setq elem-type (cadr elem))
+         ;; Insert the new format elements.
+         (when pad-width
+           (insert (number-to-string pad-width)))
+         ;; Create the form to be evaled.
+         (if (or max-width cut-width ignore-value)
+             (progn
+               (insert ?s)
+               (let ((el (car elem)))
+                 (cond ((= (cadr elem) ?c)
+                        (setq el (list 'char-to-string el)))
+                       ((= (cadr elem) ?d)
+                        (setq el (list 'int-to-string el))))
+                 (when ignore-value
+                   (setq el (gnus-tilde-ignore-form el ignore-value)))
+                 (when cut-width
+                   (setq el (gnus-tilde-cut-form el cut-width)))
+                 (when max-width
+                   (setq el (gnus-tilde-max-form el max-width)))
+                 (push el flist)))
+           (insert elem-type)
+           (push (car elem) flist))))
+       (setq fstring (buffer-string)))
+     ;; Do some postprocessing to increase efficiency.
+     (setq
+      result
+      (cond
+       ;; Emptyness.
+       ((string= fstring "")
+        nil)
+       ;; Not a format string.
+       ((not (string-match "%" fstring))
+        (list fstring))
+       ;; A format string with just a single string spec.
+       ((string= fstring "%s")
+        (list (car flist)))
+       ;; A single character.
+       ((string= fstring "%c")
+        (list (car flist)))
+       ;; A single number.
+       ((string= fstring "%d")
+        (setq dontinsert)
+        (if insert
+          (list `(princ ,(car flist)))
+        (list `(int-to-string ,(car flist)))))
+       ;; Just lots of chars and strings.
+       ((string-match "\\`\\(%[cs]\\)+\\'" fstring)
+        (nreverse flist))
+       ;; A single string spec at the beginning of the spec.
+       ((string-match "\\`%[sc][^%]+\\'" fstring)
+        (list (car flist) (substring fstring 2)))
+       ;; A single string spec in the middle of the spec.
+       ((string-match "\\`\\([^%]+\\)%[sc]\\([^%]+\\)\\'" fstring)
+        (list (match-string 1 fstring) (car flist) (match-string 2 fstring)))
+       ;; A single string spec in the end of the spec.
+       ((string-match "\\`\\([^%]+\\)%[sc]\\'" fstring)
+        (list (match-string 1 fstring) (car flist)))
+       ;; A more complex spec.
+       (t
+        (list (cons 'format (cons fstring (nreverse flist)))))))
+     (if insert
+       (when result
+         (if dontinsert
+             result
+           (cons 'insert result)))
+       (cond ((stringp result)
+            result)
+           ((consp result)
+            (cons 'concat result))
+           (t "")))))
+ (defun gnus-eval-format (format &optional alist props)
+   "Eval the format variable FORMAT, using ALIST.
+ If PROPS, insert the result."
+   (let ((form (gnus-parse-format format alist props)))
+     (if props
+       (gnus-add-text-properties (point) (progn (eval form) (point)) props)
+       (eval form))))
+ (defun gnus-compile ()
+   "Byte-compile the user-defined format specs."
+   (interactive)
+   (require 'bytecomp)
+   (let ((entries gnus-format-specs)
+       (byte-compile-warnings '(unresolved callargs redefine))
+       entry gnus-tmp-func)
+     (save-excursion
+       (gnus-message 7 "Compiling format specs...")
+       (while entries
+       (setq entry (pop entries))
+       (if (eq (car entry) 'version)
+           (setq gnus-format-specs (delq entry gnus-format-specs))
+         (let ((form (caddr entry)))
+           (when (and (listp form)
+                      ;; Under GNU Emacs, it's (byte-code ...)
+                      (not (eq 'byte-code (car form)))
+                      ;; Under XEmacs, it's (funcall #<compiled-function ...>)
+                      (not (and (eq 'funcall (car form))
+                                (byte-code-function-p (cadr form)))))
+             (fset 'gnus-tmp-func `(lambda () ,form))
+             (byte-compile 'gnus-tmp-func)
+             (setcar (cddr entry) (gnus-byte-code 'gnus-tmp-func))))))
+       (push (cons 'version emacs-version) gnus-format-specs)
+       ;; Mark the .newsrc.eld file as "dirty".
+       (gnus-dribble-touch)
+       (gnus-message 7 "Compiling user specs...done"))))
+ (defun gnus-set-format (type &optional insertable)
+   (set (intern (format "gnus-%s-line-format-spec" type))
+        (gnus-parse-format
+       (symbol-value (intern (format "gnus-%s-line-format" type)))
+       (symbol-value (intern (format "gnus-%s-line-format-alist" type)))
+       insertable)))
+ (provide 'gnus-spec)
+ ;; Local Variables:
+ ;; coding: iso-8859-1
+ ;; End:
+ ;;; arch-tag: a4328fa1-1f84-4b09-97ad-4b5767cfd50f
+ ;;; gnus-spec.el ends here

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