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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/nnultimate.el [lexbind]

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/nnultimate.el [lexbind]
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2003 19:34:59 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/gnus/nnultimate.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/gnus/nnultimate.el:
*** /dev/null   Tue Oct 14 19:34:59 2003
--- emacs/lisp/gnus/nnultimate.el       Tue Oct 14 19:34:51 2003
*** 0 ****
--- 1,481 ----
+ ;;; nnultimate.el --- interfacing with the Ultimate Bulletin Board system -*- 
coding: iso-latin-1 -*-
+ ;; Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ ;; Author: Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen <address@hidden>
+ ;; Keywords: news
+ ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ ;; any later version.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+ ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+ ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ ;;; Commentary:
+ ;; Note: You need to have `url' and `w3' installed for this
+ ;; backend to work.
+ ;;; Code:
+ (eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+ (require 'nnoo)
+ (require 'message)
+ (require 'gnus-util)
+ (require 'gnus)
+ (require 'nnmail)
+ (require 'mm-util)
+ (eval-when-compile
+   (ignore-errors
+     (require 'nnweb)))
+ ;; Report failure to find w3 at load time if appropriate.
+ (eval '(require 'nnweb))
+ (nnoo-declare nnultimate)
+ (defvoo nnultimate-directory (nnheader-concat gnus-directory "ultimate/")
+   "Where nnultimate will save its files.")
+ (defvoo nnultimate-address ""
+   "The address of the Ultimate bulletin board.")
+ ;;; Internal variables
+ (defvar nnultimate-groups-alist nil)
+ (defvoo nnultimate-groups nil)
+ (defvoo nnultimate-headers nil)
+ (defvoo nnultimate-articles nil)
+ (defvar nnultimate-table-regexp
+   "postings.*editpost\\|forumdisplay\\|Forum[0-9]+/HTML\\|getbio")
+ ;;; Interface functions
+ (nnoo-define-basics nnultimate)
+ (deffoo nnultimate-retrieve-headers (articles &optional group server 
+   (nnultimate-possibly-change-server group server)
+   (unless gnus-nov-is-evil
+     (let* ((last (car (last articles)))
+          (did nil)
+          (start 1)
+          (entry (assoc group nnultimate-groups))
+          (sid (nth 2 entry))
+          (topics (nth 4 entry))
+          (mapping (nth 5 entry))
+          (old-total (or (nth 6 entry) 1))
+          (furl "forumdisplay.cgi?action=topics&number=%d&DaysPrune=1000")
+          (furls (list (concat nnultimate-address (format furl sid))))
+          (nnultimate-table-regexp
+           "postings.*editpost\\|forumdisplay\\|getbio")
+          headers article subject score from date lines parent point
+          contents tinfo fetchers map elem a href garticles topic old-max
+          inc datel table current-page total-contents pages
+          farticles forum-contents parse furl-fetched mmap farticle)
+       (setq map mapping)
+       (while (and (setq article (car articles))
+                 map)
+       ;; Skip past the articles in the map until we reach the
+       ;; article we're looking for.
+       (while (and map
+                   (or (> article (caar map))
+                       (< (cadar map) (caar map))))
+         (pop map))
+       (when (setq mmap (car map))
+         (setq farticle -1)
+         (while (and article
+                     (<= article (nth 1 mmap)))
+           ;; Do we already have a fetcher for this topic?
+           (if (setq elem (assq (nth 2 mmap) fetchers))
+               ;; Yes, so we just add the spec to the end.
+               (nconc elem (list (cons article
+                                       (+ (nth 3 mmap) (incf farticle)))))
+             ;; No, so we add a new one.
+             (push (list (nth 2 mmap)
+                         (cons article
+                               (+ (nth 3 mmap) (incf farticle))))
+                   fetchers))
+           (pop articles)
+           (setq article (car articles)))))
+    ;; Now we have the mapping from/to Gnus/nnultimate article numbers,
+       ;; so we start fetching the topics that we need to satisfy the
+       ;; request.
+       (if (not fetchers)
+         (save-excursion
+           (set-buffer nntp-server-buffer)
+           (erase-buffer))
+       (setq nnultimate-articles nil)
+       (mm-with-unibyte-buffer
+         (dolist (elem fetchers)
+           (setq pages 1
+                 current-page 1
+                 total-contents nil)
+           (while (<= current-page pages)
+             (erase-buffer)
+             (setq subject (nth 2 (assq (car elem) topics)))
+             (setq href (nth 3 (assq (car elem) topics)))
+             (if (= current-page 1)
+                 (nnweb-insert href)
+               (string-match "\\.html$" href)
+               (nnweb-insert (concat (substring href 0 (match-beginning 0))
+                                     "-" (number-to-string current-page)
+                                     (match-string 0 href))))
+             (goto-char (point-min))
+             (setq contents
+                   (ignore-errors (w3-parse-buffer (current-buffer))))
+             (setq table (nnultimate-find-forum-table contents))
+             (goto-char (point-min))
+             (when (re-search-forward "topic is \\([0-9]+\\) pages" nil t)
+               (setq pages (string-to-number (match-string 1))))
+             (setq contents (cdr (nth 2 (car (nth 2 table)))))
+             (setq total-contents (nconc total-contents contents))
+             (incf current-page))
+           (when t
+             (let ((i 0))
+               (dolist (co total-contents)
+                 (push (list (or (nnultimate-topic-article-to-article
+                                  group (car elem) (incf i))
+                                 1)
+                             co subject)
+                       nnultimate-articles))))
+           (when nil
+             (dolist (art (cdr elem))
+               (when (nth (1- (cdr art)) total-contents)
+                 (push (list (car art)
+                             (nth (1- (cdr art)) total-contents)
+                             subject)
+                       nnultimate-articles))))))
+       (setq nnultimate-articles
+             (sort nnultimate-articles 'car-less-than-car))
+       ;; Now we have all the articles, conveniently in an alist
+       ;; where the key is the Gnus article number.
+       (dolist (articlef nnultimate-articles)
+         (setq article (nth 0 articlef)
+               contents (nth 1 articlef)
+               subject (nth 2 articlef))
+         (setq from (mapconcat 'identity
+                               (nnweb-text (car (nth 2 contents)))
+                               " ")
+               datel (nnweb-text (nth 2 (car (cdr (nth 2 contents))))))
+         (while datel
+           (when (string-match "Posted" (car datel))
+             (setq date (substring (car datel) (match-end 0))
+                   datel nil))
+           (pop datel))
+         (when date
+           (setq date (delete "" (split-string
+                                  date "[-, \n\t\r    ]")))
+           (if (or (member "AM" date)
+                   (member "PM" date))
+               (setq date (format
+                           "%s %s %s %s"
+                           (nth 1 date)
+                           (if (and (>= (length (nth 0 date)) 3)
+                                    (assoc (downcase
+                                            (substring (nth 0 date) 0 3))
+                                           parse-time-months))
+                               (substring (nth 0 date) 0 3)
+                             (car (rassq (string-to-number (nth 0 date))
+                                         parse-time-months)))
+                           (nth 2 date) (nth 3 date)))
+             (setq date (format "%s %s %s %s"
+                                (car (rassq (string-to-number (nth 1 date))
+                                            parse-time-months))
+                                (nth 0 date) (nth 2 date) (nth 3 date)))))
+         (push
+          (cons
+           article
+           (make-full-mail-header
+            article subject
+            from (or date "")
+            (concat "<" (number-to-string sid) "%"
+                    (number-to-string article)
+                    "@ultimate." server ">")
+            "" 0
+            (/ (length (mapconcat
+                        'identity
+                        (nnweb-text
+                         (cdr (nth 2 (nth 1 (nth 2 contents)))))
+                        ""))
+               70)
+            nil nil))
+          headers))
+       (setq nnultimate-headers (sort headers 'car-less-than-car))
+       (save-excursion
+         (set-buffer nntp-server-buffer)
+         (mm-with-unibyte-current-buffer
+           (erase-buffer)
+           (dolist (header nnultimate-headers)
+             (nnheader-insert-nov (cdr header))))))
+       'nov)))
+ (defun nnultimate-topic-article-to-article (group topic article)
+   (catch 'found
+     (dolist (elem (nth 5 (assoc group nnultimate-groups)))
+       (when (and (= topic (nth 2 elem))
+                (>= article (nth 3 elem))
+                (< article (+ (- (nth 1 elem) (nth 0 elem)) 1
+                              (nth 3 elem))))
+       (throw 'found
+              (+ (nth 0 elem) (- article (nth 3 elem))))))))
+ (deffoo nnultimate-request-group (group &optional server dont-check)
+   (nnultimate-possibly-change-server nil server)
+   (when (not nnultimate-groups)
+     (nnultimate-request-list))
+   (unless dont-check
+     (nnultimate-create-mapping group))
+   (let ((elem (assoc group nnultimate-groups)))
+     (cond
+      ((not elem)
+       (nnheader-report 'nnultimate "Group does not exist"))
+      (t
+       (nnheader-report 'nnultimate "Opened group %s" group)
+       (nnheader-insert
+        "211 %d %d %d %s\n" (cadr elem) 1 (cadr elem)
+        (prin1-to-string group))))))
+ (deffoo nnultimate-request-close ()
+   (setq nnultimate-groups-alist nil
+       nnultimate-groups nil))
+ (deffoo nnultimate-request-article (article &optional group server buffer)
+   (nnultimate-possibly-change-server group server)
+   (let ((contents (cdr (assq article nnultimate-articles))))
+     (setq contents (cddr (nth 2 (nth 1 (nth 2 (car contents))))))
+     (when contents
+       (save-excursion
+       (set-buffer (or buffer nntp-server-buffer))
+       (erase-buffer)
+       (nnweb-insert-html (cons 'p (cons nil (list contents))))
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       (insert "Content-Type: text/html\nMIME-Version: 1.0\n")
+       (let ((header (cdr (assq article nnultimate-headers))))
+         (mm-with-unibyte-current-buffer
+           (nnheader-insert-header header)))
+       (nnheader-report 'nnultimate "Fetched article %s" article)
+       (cons group article)))))
+ (deffoo nnultimate-request-list (&optional server)
+   (nnultimate-possibly-change-server nil server)
+   (mm-with-unibyte-buffer
+     (nnweb-insert
+      (if (string-match "/$" nnultimate-address)
+        (concat nnultimate-address "Ultimate.cgi")
+        nnultimate-address))
+     (let ((contents (nth 2 (car (nth 2
+                                    (nnultimate-find-forum-table
+                                     (w3-parse-buffer (current-buffer)))))))
+         sid elem description articles a href group forum
+         a1 a2)
+       (dolist (row contents)
+       (setq row (nth 2 row))
+       (when (setq a (nnweb-parse-find 'a row))
+         (setq group (car (last (nnweb-text a)))
+               href (cdr (assq 'href (nth 1 a))))
+         (setq description (car (last (nnweb-text (nth 1 row)))))
+         (setq a1 (car (last (nnweb-text (nth 2 row)))))
+         (setq a2 (car (last (nnweb-text (nth 3 row)))))
+         (when (string-match "^[0-9]+$" a1)
+           (setq articles (string-to-number a1)))
+         (when (and a2 (string-match "^[0-9]+$" a2))
+           (setq articles (max articles (string-to-number a2))))
+         (when href
+           (string-match "number=\\([0-9]+\\)" href)
+           (setq forum (string-to-number (match-string 1 href)))
+           (if (setq elem (assoc group nnultimate-groups))
+               (setcar (cdr elem) articles)
+             (push (list group articles forum description nil nil nil nil)
+                   nnultimate-groups))))))
+     (nnultimate-write-groups)
+     (nnultimate-generate-active)
+     t))
+ (deffoo nnultimate-request-newgroups (date &optional server)
+   (nnultimate-possibly-change-server nil server)
+   (nnultimate-generate-active)
+   t)
+ (nnoo-define-skeleton nnultimate)
+ ;;; Internal functions
+ (defun nnultimate-prune-days (group time)
+   "Compute the number of days to fetch info for."
+   (let ((old-time (nth 7 (assoc group nnultimate-groups))))
+     (if (null old-time)
+       1000
+       (- (time-to-days time) (time-to-days old-time)))))
+ (defun nnultimate-create-mapping (group)
+   (let* ((entry (assoc group nnultimate-groups))
+        (sid (nth 2 entry))
+        (topics (nth 4 entry))
+        (mapping (nth 5 entry))
+        (old-total (or (nth 6 entry) 1))
+        (current-time (current-time))
+        (furl
+         (concat "forumdisplay.cgi?action=topics&number=%d&DaysPrune="
+                 (number-to-string
+                  (nnultimate-prune-days group current-time))))
+        (furls (list (concat nnultimate-address (format furl sid))))
+        contents forum-contents furl-fetched a subject href
+        garticles topic tinfo old-max inc parse)
+     (mm-with-unibyte-buffer
+       (while furls
+       (erase-buffer)
+       (nnweb-insert (pop furls))
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       (setq parse (w3-parse-buffer (current-buffer)))
+       (setq contents
+             (cdr (nth 2 (car (nth 2 (nnultimate-find-forum-table
+                                      parse))))))
+       (setq forum-contents (nconc contents forum-contents))
+       (unless furl-fetched
+         (setq furl-fetched t)
+         ;; On the first time through this loop, we find all the
+         ;; forum URLs.
+         (dolist (a (nnweb-parse-find-all 'a parse))
+           (let ((href (cdr (assq 'href (nth 1 a)))))
+             (when (and href
+                        (string-match "forumdisplay.*startpoint" href))
+               (push href furls))))
+         (setq furls (nreverse furls))))
+       ;; The main idea here is to map Gnus article numbers to
+       ;; nnultimate article numbers.  Say there are three topics in
+       ;; this forum, the first with 4 articles, the seconds with 2,
+       ;; and the third with 1.  Then this will translate into 7 Gnus
+       ;; article numbers, where 1-4 comes from the first topic, 5-6
+       ;; from the second and 7 from the third.  Now, then next time
+       ;; the group is entered, there's 2 new articles in topic one
+       ;; and 1 in topic three.  Then Gnus article number 8-9 be 5-6
+       ;; in topic one and 10 will be the 2 in topic three.
+       (dolist (row (nreverse forum-contents))
+       (setq row (nth 2 row))
+       (when (setq a (nnweb-parse-find 'a row))
+         (setq subject (car (last (nnweb-text a)))
+               href (cdr (assq 'href (nth 1 a))))
+         (let ((artlist (nreverse (nnweb-text row)))
+               art)
+           (while (and (not art)
+                       artlist)
+             (when (string-match "^[0-9]+$" (car artlist))
+               (setq art (1+ (string-to-number (car artlist)))))
+             (pop artlist))
+           (setq garticles art))
+         (when garticles
+           (string-match "/\\([0-9]+\\).html" href)
+           (setq topic (string-to-number (match-string 1 href)))
+           (if (setq tinfo (assq topic topics))
+               (progn
+                 (setq old-max (cadr tinfo))
+                 (setcar (cdr tinfo) garticles))
+             (setq old-max 0)
+             (push (list topic garticles subject href) topics)
+             (setcar (nthcdr 4 entry) topics))
+           (when (not (= old-max garticles))
+             (setq inc (- garticles old-max))
+             (setq mapping (nconc mapping
+                                  (list
+                                   (list
+                                    old-total (1- (incf old-total inc))
+                                    topic (1+ old-max)))))
+             (incf old-max inc)
+             (setcar (nthcdr 5 entry) mapping)
+             (setcar (nthcdr 6 entry) old-total))))))
+     (setcar (nthcdr 7 entry) current-time)
+     (setcar (nthcdr 1 entry) (1- old-total))
+     (nnultimate-write-groups)
+     mapping))
+ (defun nnultimate-possibly-change-server (&optional group server)
+   (nnultimate-init server)
+   (when (and server
+            (not (nnultimate-server-opened server)))
+     (nnultimate-open-server server))
+   (unless nnultimate-groups-alist
+     (nnultimate-read-groups)
+     (setq nnultimate-groups (cdr (assoc nnultimate-address
+                                       nnultimate-groups-alist)))))
+ (deffoo nnultimate-open-server (server &optional defs connectionless)
+   (nnheader-init-server-buffer)
+   (if (nnultimate-server-opened server)
+       t
+     (unless (assq 'nnultimate-address defs)
+       (setq defs (append defs (list (list 'nnultimate-address server)))))
+     (nnoo-change-server 'nnultimate server defs)))
+ (defun nnultimate-read-groups ()
+   (setq nnultimate-groups-alist nil)
+   (let ((file (expand-file-name "groups" nnultimate-directory)))
+     (when (file-exists-p file)
+       (mm-with-unibyte-buffer
+       (insert-file-contents file)
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       (setq nnultimate-groups-alist (read (current-buffer)))))))
+ (defun nnultimate-write-groups ()
+   (setq nnultimate-groups-alist
+       (delq (assoc nnultimate-address nnultimate-groups-alist)
+             nnultimate-groups-alist))
+   (push (cons nnultimate-address nnultimate-groups)
+       nnultimate-groups-alist)
+   (with-temp-file (expand-file-name "groups" nnultimate-directory)
+     (prin1 nnultimate-groups-alist (current-buffer))))
+ (defun nnultimate-init (server)
+   "Initialize buffers and such."
+   (unless (file-exists-p nnultimate-directory)
+     (gnus-make-directory nnultimate-directory)))
+ (defun nnultimate-generate-active ()
+   (save-excursion
+     (set-buffer nntp-server-buffer)
+     (erase-buffer)
+     (dolist (elem nnultimate-groups)
+       (insert (prin1-to-string (car elem))
+             " " (number-to-string (cadr elem)) " 1 y\n"))))
+ (defun nnultimate-find-forum-table (contents)
+   (catch 'found
+     (nnultimate-find-forum-table-1 contents)))
+ (defun nnultimate-find-forum-table-1 (contents)
+   (dolist (element contents)
+     (unless (stringp element)
+       (when (and (eq (car element) 'table)
+                (nnultimate-forum-table-p element))
+       (throw 'found element))
+       (when (nth 2 element)
+       (nnultimate-find-forum-table-1 (nth 2 element))))))
+ (defun nnultimate-forum-table-p (parse)
+   (when (not (apply 'gnus-or
+                   (mapcar
+                    (lambda (p)
+                      (nnweb-parse-find 'table p))
+                    (nth 2 parse))))
+     (let ((href (cdr (assq 'href (nth 1 (nnweb-parse-find 'a parse 20)))))
+         case-fold-search)
+       (when (and href (string-match nnultimate-table-regexp href))
+       t))))
+ (provide 'nnultimate)
+ ;; Local Variables:
+ ;; coding: iso-8859-1
+ ;; End:
+ ;;; arch-tag: ab6bfc45-8fe1-4647-9c78-41050eb152b8
+ ;;; nnultimate.el ends here

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