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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/mh-e/mh-funcs.el [lexbind]

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/mh-e/mh-funcs.el [lexbind]
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2003 19:39:46 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/mh-e/mh-funcs.el
diff -c emacs/lisp/mh-e/mh-funcs.el: emacs/lisp/mh-e/mh-funcs.el:
*** emacs/lisp/mh-e/mh-funcs.el: Fri Apr  4 01:20:30 2003
--- emacs/lisp/mh-e/mh-funcs.el Tue Oct 14 19:39:26 2003
*** 1,6 ****
  ;;; mh-funcs.el --- MH-E functions not everyone will use right away
! ;; Copyright (C) 1993, 1995, 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  ;; Author: Bill Wohler <address@hidden>
  ;; Maintainer: Bill Wohler <address@hidden>
--- 1,6 ----
  ;;; mh-funcs.el --- MH-E functions not everyone will use right away
! ;; Copyright (C) 1993, 1995, 2001, 02, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  ;; Author: Bill Wohler <address@hidden>
  ;; Maintainer: Bill Wohler <address@hidden>
*** 32,39 ****
  ;;; Change Log:
- ;; $Id: mh-funcs.el,v 2003/04/04 06:20:30 miles Exp $
  ;;; Code:
  (require 'mh-e)
--- 32,37 ----
*** 76,108 ****
  (defun mh-copy-msg (msg-or-seq folder)
    "Copy the specified MSG-OR-SEQ to another FOLDER without deleting them.
! Default is the displayed message. If optional prefix argument is provided,
! then prompt for the message sequence."
!   (interactive (list (cond
!                       ((mh-mark-active-p t)
!                        (cons (region-beginning) (region-end)))
!                       (current-prefix-arg
!                        (mh-read-seq-default "Copy" t))
!                       (t
!                        (cons (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position))))
                       (mh-prompt-for-folder "Copy to" "" t)))
!   (let ((msg-list (cond ((numberp msg-or-seq) (list msg-or-seq))
!                         ((symbolp msg-or-seq) (mh-seq-to-msgs msg-or-seq))
!                         ((and (consp msg-or-seq) (numberp (car msg-or-seq))
!                               (numberp (cdr msg-or-seq)))
!                          (let ((result ()))
!                            (mh-iterate-on-messages-in-region msg
!                                (car msg-or-seq) (cdr msg-or-seq)
!                              (mh-notate nil mh-note-copied mh-cmd-note)
!                              (push msg result))
!                            result))
!                         (t msg-or-seq))))
      (mh-exec-cmd "refile" (mh-coalesce-msg-list msg-list)
!                  "-link" "-src" mh-current-folder folder)
!     (cond ((numberp msg-or-seq)
!            (mh-notate msg-or-seq mh-note-copied mh-cmd-note))
!           ((symbolp msg-or-seq)
!            (mh-notate-seq msg-or-seq mh-note-copied mh-cmd-note)))))
  (defun mh-kill-folder ()
--- 74,94 ----
  (defun mh-copy-msg (msg-or-seq folder)
    "Copy the specified MSG-OR-SEQ to another FOLDER without deleting them.
! Default is the displayed message.
! If optional prefix argument is provided, then prompt for the message sequence.
! If variable `transient-mark-mode' is non-nil and the mark is active, then the
! selected region is copied.
! In a program, MSG-OR-SEQ can be a message number, a list of message numbers, a
! region in a cons cell, or a sequence."
!   (interactive (list (mh-interactive-msg-or-seq "Copy")
                       (mh-prompt-for-folder "Copy to" "" t)))
!   (let ((msg-list (let ((result ()))
!                     (mh-iterate-on-msg-or-seq msg msg-or-seq
!                       (mh-notate nil mh-note-copied mh-cmd-note)
!                       (push msg result))
!                     result)))
      (mh-exec-cmd "refile" (mh-coalesce-msg-list msg-list)
!                  "-link" "-src" mh-current-folder folder)))
  (defun mh-kill-folder ()
*** 111,117 ****
  and then removes the folder (directory) itself."
    (if (or mh-index-data
!           (yes-or-no-p (format "Remove folder %s (and all included messages)?"
        (let ((folder mh-current-folder)
              (window-config mh-previous-window-config))
--- 97,103 ----
  and then removes the folder (directory) itself."
    (if (or mh-index-data
!           (yes-or-no-p (format "Remove folder %s (and all included messages)? 
        (let ((folder mh-current-folder)
              (window-config mh-previous-window-config))
*** 246,302 ****
  (defun mh-print-msg (msg-or-seq)
!   "Print MSG-OR-SEQ (default: displayed message) on printer.
! If optional prefix argument provided, then prompt for the message sequence.
  The variable `mh-lpr-command-format' is used to generate the print command.
  The messages are formatted by mhl. See the variable `mhl-formfile'."
!   (interactive (list (if current-prefix-arg
!                          (reverse (mh-seq-to-msgs
!                                    (mh-read-seq-default "Print" t)))
!                        (mh-get-msg-num t))))
!   (if (numberp msg-or-seq)
!       (message "Printing message...")
!     (message "Printing sequence..."))
!   (let ((print-command
!          (if (numberp msg-or-seq)
!              (format "%s -nobell -clear %s %s | %s"
!                      (expand-file-name "mhl" mh-lib-progs)
!                      (mh-msg-filename msg-or-seq)
!                      (if (stringp mhl-formfile)
!                          (format "-form %s" mhl-formfile)
!                        "")
!                      (format mh-lpr-command-format
!                              (if (numberp msg-or-seq)
!                                  (format "%s/%d" mh-current-folder
!                                          msg-or-seq)
!                                (format "Sequence from %s" 
!            (format "(scan -clear %s ; %s -nobell -clear %s %s) | %s"
!                    (mapconcat (function (lambda (msg) msg)) msg-or-seq " ")
!                    (expand-file-name "mhl" mh-lib-progs)
!                    (if (stringp mhl-formfile)
!                        (format "-form %s" mhl-formfile)
!                      "")
!                    (mh-msg-filenames msg-or-seq)
!                    (format mh-lpr-command-format
!                            (if (numberp msg-or-seq)
!                                (format "%s/%d" mh-current-folder
!                                        msg-or-seq)
!                              (format "Sequence from %s"
!                                      mh-current-folder)))))))
!     (if mh-print-background-flag
!         (mh-exec-cmd-daemon shell-file-name nil "-c" print-command)
!       (call-process shell-file-name nil nil nil "-c" print-command))
!     (if (numberp msg-or-seq)
!         (mh-notate msg-or-seq mh-note-printed mh-cmd-note)
!       (mh-notate-seq msg-or-seq mh-note-printed mh-cmd-note))
!     (mh-add-msgs-to-seq msg-or-seq 'printed t)
!     (if (numberp msg-or-seq)
!         (message "Printing message...done")
!       (message "Printing sequence...done"))))
! (defun mh-msg-filenames (msgs &optional folder)
!   "Return a list of file names for MSGS in FOLDER (default current folder)."
!   (mapconcat (function (lambda (msg) (mh-msg-filename msg folder))) msgs " "))
  (defun mh-sort-folder (&optional extra-args)
--- 232,291 ----
  (defun mh-print-msg (msg-or-seq)
!   "Print MSG-OR-SEQ on printer.
! Default is the displayed message.
! If optional prefix argument is provided, then prompt for the message sequence.
! If variable `transient-mark-mode' is non-nil and the mark is active, then the
! selected region is printed.
! In a program, MSG-OR-SEQ can be a message number, a list of message numbers, a
! region in a cons cell, or a sequence.
  The variable `mh-lpr-command-format' is used to generate the print command.
  The messages are formatted by mhl. See the variable `mhl-formfile'."
!   (interactive (list (mh-interactive-msg-or-seq "Print")))
!   (message "Printing...")
!   (let (msgs)
!     ;; Gather message numbers and add them to "printed" sequence.
!     (mh-iterate-on-msg-or-seq msg msg-or-seq
!       (mh-add-msgs-to-seq msg 'printed t)
!       (mh-notate nil mh-note-printed mh-cmd-note)
!       (push msg msgs))
!     (setq msgs (nreverse msgs))
!     ;; Print scan listing if we have more than one message.
!     (if (> (length msgs) 1)
!         (let* ((msgs-string
!                 (mapconcat 'identity (mh-list-to-string
!                                       (mh-coalesce-msg-list msgs)) " "))
!                (lpr-command
!                 (format mh-lpr-command-format
!                         (cond ((listp msg-or-seq)
!                                (format "Folder: %s, Messages: %s"
!                                        mh-current-folder msgs-string))
!                               ((symbolp msg-or-seq)
!                                (format "Folder: %s, Sequence: %s"
!                                        mh-current-folder msg-or-seq)))))
!                (scan-command
!                 (format "scan %s | %s" msgs-string lpr-command)))
!           (if mh-print-background-flag
!               (mh-exec-cmd-daemon shell-file-name nil "-c" scan-command)
!             (call-process shell-file-name nil nil nil "-c" scan-command))))
!     ;; Print the messages
!     (dolist (msg msgs)
!       (let* ((mhl-command (format "%s %s %s"
!                                   (expand-file-name "mhl" mh-lib-progs)
!                                   (if mhl-formfile
!                                       (format " -form %s" mhl-formfile)
!                                     "")
!                                   (mh-msg-filename msg)))
!              (lpr-command
!               (format mh-lpr-command-format
!                       (format "%s/%s" mh-current-folder msg)))
!              (print-command
!               (format "%s | %s" mhl-command lpr-command)))
!         (if mh-print-background-flag
!             (mh-exec-cmd-daemon shell-file-name nil "-c" print-command)
!           (call-process shell-file-name nil nil nil "-c" print-command)))))
!   (message "Printing...done"))
  (defun mh-sort-folder (&optional extra-args)
*** 314,320 ****
      (when mh-index-data
        (mh-index-update-maps mh-current-folder))
      (message "Sorting folder...done")
-     (mh-reset-threads-and-narrowing)
      (mh-scan-folder mh-current-folder "all")
      (cond (threaded-flag (mh-toggle-threads))
            (mh-index-data (mh-index-insert-folder-headers)))))
--- 303,308 ----
*** 334,340 ****
             (mh-unmark-all-headers t)))
           (message "Commands not undone.")
!          (sit-for 2))))
  (defun mh-store-msg (directory)
--- 322,330 ----
             (mh-unmark-all-headers t)))
           (message "Commands not undone.")
!          ;; Remove by 2003-06-30 if nothing seems amiss. XXX
!          ;; (sit-for 2)
!          )))
  (defun mh-store-msg (directory)
*** 378,386 ****
                            (if (looking-at "^[#:]....+\n\\( ?\n\\)?end$")
                                nil       ;most likely end of a uuencode
-         (log-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Store Output*"))
          (command "sh")
!         (uudecode-filename "(unknown filename)"))
      (if (not sh-start)
            (goto-char (point-min))
--- 368,376 ----
                            (if (looking-at "^[#:]....+\n\\( ?\n\\)?end$")
                                nil       ;most likely end of a uuencode
          (command "sh")
!         (uudecode-filename "(unknown filename)")
!         log-begin)
      (if (not sh-start)
            (goto-char (point-min))
*** 389,419 ****
                      (buffer-substring (point)
                                        (progn (end-of-line) (point)))))))
!       (set-buffer log-buffer)
!       (erase-buffer)
        (if (not (file-directory-p store-directory))
              (insert "mkdir " directory "\n")
!             (call-process "mkdir" nil log-buffer t store-directory)))
        (insert "cd " directory "\n")
        (setq mh-store-default-directory directory)
        (if (not sh-start)
              (setq command "uudecode")
              (insert uudecode-filename " being uudecoded...\n"))))
!     (set-window-start (display-buffer log-buffer) 0) ;watch progress
!     (let (value)
!       (let ((default-directory (file-name-as-directory store-directory)))
!         (setq value (call-process-region sh-start (point-max) command
!                                          nil log-buffer t)))
!       (set-buffer log-buffer)
!       (mh-handle-process-error command value))
!     (insert "\n(mh-store finished)\n")))
  ;;; Help Functions
  (defun mh-ephem-message (string)
    "Display STRING in the minibuffer momentarily."
    (message "%s" string)
--- 379,411 ----
                      (buffer-substring (point)
                                        (progn (end-of-line) (point)))))))
!       (set-buffer (get-buffer-create mh-log-buffer))
!       (setq log-begin (mh-truncate-log-buffer))
        (if (not (file-directory-p store-directory))
              (insert "mkdir " directory "\n")
!             (call-process "mkdir" nil mh-log-buffer t store-directory)))
        (insert "cd " directory "\n")
        (setq mh-store-default-directory directory)
        (if (not sh-start)
              (setq command "uudecode")
              (insert uudecode-filename " being uudecoded...\n"))))
!     (set-window-start (display-buffer mh-log-buffer) log-begin) ;watch 
!     (let ((default-directory (file-name-as-directory store-directory)))
!       (if (equal (call-process-region sh-start (point-max) command
!                                       nil mh-log-buffer t)
!                  0)
!           (save-excursion
!             (set-buffer mh-log-buffer)
!             (insert "\n(mh-store finished)\n"))
!         (error "Error occurred during execution of %s" command)))))
  ;;; Help Functions
+ ;;;###mh-autoload
  (defun mh-ephem-message (string)
    "Display STRING in the minibuffer momentarily."
    (message "%s" string)
*** 450,453 ****
--- 442,446 ----
  ;;; sentence-end-double-space: nil
  ;;; End:
+ ;;; arch-tag: 1936c4f1-4843-438e-bc4b-a63bb75a7762
  ;;; mh-funcs.el ends here

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