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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/tmm.el [lexbind]

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/tmm.el [lexbind]
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2003 19:52:25 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/tmm.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/tmm.el:
*** /dev/null   Tue Oct 14 19:52:25 2003
--- emacs/lisp/tmm.el   Tue Oct 14 19:51:26 2003
*** 0 ****
--- 1,510 ----
+ ;;; tmm.el --- text mode access to menu-bar
+ ;; Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002
+ ;;   Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ ;; Author: Ilya Zakharevich <address@hidden>
+ ;; Maintainer: FSF
+ ;; Keywords: convenience
+ ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ ;; any later version.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+ ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+ ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ ;;; Commentary:
+ ;; This package provides text mode access to the menu bar.
+ ;;; Code:
+ (require 'electric)
+ (defgroup tmm nil
+   "Text mode access to menu-bar."
+   :prefix "tmm-"
+   :group 'menu)
+ ;;; The following will be localized, added only to pacify the compiler.
+ (defvar tmm-short-cuts)
+ (defvar tmm-old-mb-map nil)
+ (defvar tmm-old-comp-map)
+ (defvar tmm-c-prompt)
+ (defvar tmm-km-list)
+ (defvar tmm-next-shortcut-digit)
+ (defvar tmm-table-undef)
+ ;;;###autoload (define-key global-map "\M-`" 'tmm-menubar)
+ ;;;###autoload (define-key global-map [f10] 'tmm-menubar)
+ ;;;###autoload (define-key global-map [menu-bar mouse-1] 'tmm-menubar-mouse)
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun tmm-menubar (&optional x-position)
+   "Text-mode emulation of looking and choosing from a menubar.
+ See the documentation for `tmm-prompt'.
+ X-POSITION, if non-nil, specifies a horizontal position within the menu bar;
+ we make that menu bar item (the one at that position) the default choice."
+   (interactive)
+   (run-hooks 'menu-bar-update-hook)
+   ;; Obey menu-bar-final-items; put those items last.
+   (let ((menu-bar (tmm-get-keybind [menu-bar]))
+       menu-bar-item)
+     (let ((list menu-bar-final-items))
+       (while list
+       (let ((item (car list)))
+         ;; ITEM is the name of an item that we want to put last.
+         ;; Find it in MENU-BAR and move it to the end.
+         (let ((this-one (assq item menu-bar)))
+           (setq menu-bar (append (delq this-one menu-bar)
+                                  (list this-one)))))
+       (setq list (cdr list))))
+     (if x-position
+       (let ((tail menu-bar)
+             this-one
+             (column 0))
+         (while (and tail (< column x-position))
+           (setq this-one (car tail))
+           (if (and (consp (car tail))
+                    (consp (cdr (car tail)))
+                    (stringp (nth 1 (car tail))))
+               (setq column (+ column
+                               (length (nth 1 (car tail)))
+                               1)))
+           (setq tail (cdr tail)))
+         (setq menu-bar-item (car this-one))))
+     (tmm-prompt menu-bar nil menu-bar-item)))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun tmm-menubar-mouse (event)
+   "Text-mode emulation of looking and choosing from a menubar.
+ This command is used when you click the mouse in the menubar
+ on a console which has no window system but does have a mouse.
+ See the documentation for `tmm-prompt'."
+   (interactive "e")
+   (tmm-menubar (car (posn-x-y (event-start event)))))
+ (defcustom tmm-mid-prompt "==>"
+   "*String to insert between shortcut and menu item.
+ If nil, there will be no shortcuts. It should not consist only of spaces,
+ or else the correct item might not be found in the `*Completions*' buffer."
+   :type 'string
+   :group 'tmm)
+ (defvar tmm-mb-map nil
+   "A place to store minibuffer map.")
+ (defcustom tmm-completion-prompt
+   "Press PageUp key to reach this buffer from the minibuffer.
+ Alternatively, you can use Up/Down keys (or your History keys) to change
+ the item in the minibuffer, and press RET when you are done, or press the
+ marked letters to pick up your choice.  Type C-g or ESC ESC ESC to cancel.
+ "
+   "*Help text to insert on the top of the completion buffer.
+ To save space, you can set this to nil,
+ in which case the standard introduction text is deleted too."
+   :type '(choice string (const nil))
+   :group 'tmm)
+ (defcustom tmm-shortcut-style '(downcase upcase)
+   "*What letters to use as menu shortcuts.
+ Must be either one of the symbols `downcase' or `upcase',
+ or else a list of the two in the order you prefer."
+   :type '(choice (const downcase)
+                (const upcase)
+                (repeat (choice (const downcase) (const upcase))))
+   :group 'tmm)
+ (defcustom tmm-shortcut-words 2
+   "*How many successive words to try for shortcuts, nil means all.
+ If you use only one of `downcase' or `upcase' for `tmm-shortcut-style',
+ specify nil for this variable."
+   :type '(choice integer (const nil))
+   :group 'tmm)
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun tmm-prompt (menu &optional in-popup default-item)
+   "Text-mode emulation of calling the bindings in keymap.
+ Creates a text-mode menu of possible choices.  You can access the elements
+ in the menu in two ways:
+    *)  via history mechanism from minibuffer;
+    *)  Or via completion-buffer that is automatically shown.
+ The last alternative is currently a hack, you cannot use mouse reliably.
+ MENU is like the MENU argument to `x-popup-menu': either a
+ keymap or an alist of alists.
+ DEFAULT-ITEM, if non-nil, specifies an initial default choice.
+ Its value should be an event that has a binding in MENU."
+   ;; If the optional argument IN-POPUP is t,
+   ;; then MENU is an alist of elements of the form (STRING . VALUE).
+   ;; That is used for recursive calls only.
+   (let ((gl-str "Menu bar")  ;; The menu bar itself is not a menu keymap
+                                       ; so it doesn't have a name.
+       tmm-km-list out history history-len tmm-table-undef tmm-c-prompt
+       tmm-old-mb-map tmm-old-comp-map tmm-short-cuts
+       chosen-string choice
+       (not-menu (not (keymapp menu))))
+     (run-hooks 'activate-menubar-hook)
+     ;; Compute tmm-km-list from MENU.
+     ;; tmm-km-list is an alist of (STRING . MEANING).
+     ;; It has no other elements.
+     ;; The order of elements in tmm-km-list is the order of the menu bar.
+     (mapc (lambda (elt)
+           (if (stringp elt)
+               (setq gl-str elt)
+             (and (listp elt) (tmm-get-keymap elt not-menu))))
+           menu)
+     ;; Choose an element of tmm-km-list; put it in choice.
+     (if (and not-menu (= 1 (length tmm-km-list)))
+       ;; If this is the top-level of an x-popup-menu menu,
+       ;; and there is just one pane, choose that one silently.
+       ;; This way we only ask the user one question,
+       ;; for which element of that pane.
+       (setq choice (cdr (car tmm-km-list)))
+       (unless tmm-km-list
+       (error "Empty menu reached"))
+       (and tmm-km-list
+          (let ((index-of-default 0))
+            (if tmm-mid-prompt
+                (setq tmm-km-list (tmm-add-shortcuts tmm-km-list))
+              t)
+            ;; Find the default item's index within the menu bar.
+            ;; We use this to decide the initial minibuffer contents
+            ;; and initial history position.
+            (if default-item
+                (let ((tail menu))
+                  (while (and tail
+                              (not (eq (car-safe (car tail)) default-item)))
+                    ;; Be careful to count only the elements of MENU
+                    ;; that actually constitute menu bar items.
+                    (if (and (consp (car tail))
+                             (or (stringp (car-safe (cdr (car tail))))
+                                 (eq (car-safe (cdr (car tail))) 'menu-item)))
+                        (setq index-of-default (1+ index-of-default)))
+                    (setq tail (cdr tail)))))
+            (setq history (reverse (mapcar 'car tmm-km-list)))
+            (setq history-len (length history))
+            (setq history (append history history history history))
+            (setq tmm-c-prompt (nth (- history-len 1 index-of-default) 
+            (add-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook 'tmm-add-prompt)
+            (save-excursion
+              (unwind-protect
+                  (setq out
+                        (completing-read
+                         (concat gl-str " (up/down to change, PgUp to menu): ")
+                         tmm-km-list nil t nil
+                         (cons 'history (- (* 2 history-len) 
+                (save-excursion
+                  (remove-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook 'tmm-add-prompt)
+                  (if (get-buffer "*Completions*")
+                      (progn
+                        (set-buffer "*Completions*")
+                        (use-local-map tmm-old-comp-map)
+                        (bury-buffer (current-buffer)))))
+                ))))
+       (setq choice (cdr (assoc out tmm-km-list)))
+       (and (null choice)
+          (> (length out) (length tmm-c-prompt))
+          (string= (substring out 0 (length tmm-c-prompt)) tmm-c-prompt)
+          (setq out (substring out (length tmm-c-prompt))
+                choice (cdr (assoc out tmm-km-list))))
+       (and (null choice) out
+          (setq out (try-completion out tmm-km-list)
+                choice (cdr (assoc  out tmm-km-list)))))
+     ;; CHOICE is now (STRING . MEANING).  Separate the two parts.
+     (setq chosen-string (car choice))
+     (setq choice (cdr choice))
+     (cond (in-popup
+          ;; We just did the inner level of a -popup menu.
+          choice)
+         ;; We just did the outer level.  Do the inner level now.
+         (not-menu (tmm-prompt choice t))
+         ;; We just handled a menu keymap and found another keymap.
+         ((keymapp choice)
+          (if (symbolp choice)
+              (setq choice (indirect-function choice)))
+          (condition-case nil
+              (require 'mouse)
+            (error nil))
+          (condition-case nil
+              (x-popup-menu nil choice) ; Get the shortcuts
+            (error nil))
+          (tmm-prompt choice))
+         ;; We just handled a menu keymap and found a command.
+         (choice
+          (if chosen-string
+              (progn
+                (setq last-command-event chosen-string)
+                (call-interactively choice))
+            choice)))))
+ (defun tmm-add-shortcuts (list)
+   "Adds shortcuts to cars of elements of the list.
+ Takes a list of lists with a string as car, returns list with
+ shortcuts added to these cars.
+ Stores a list of all the shortcuts in the free variable `tmm-short-cuts'."
+   (let ((tmm-next-shortcut-digit ?0))
+     (mapcar 'tmm-add-one-shortcut (reverse list))))
+ (defsubst tmm-add-one-shortcut (elt)
+ ;; uses the free vars tmm-next-shortcut-digit and tmm-short-cuts
+   (let* ((str (car elt))
+         (paren (string-match "(" str))
+         (pos 0) (word 0) char)
+     (catch 'done                        ; ??? is this slow?
+       (while (and (or (not tmm-shortcut-words) ; no limit on words
+                       (< word tmm-shortcut-words)) ; try n words
+                   (setq pos (string-match "\\w+" str pos)) ; get next word
+                   (not (and paren (> pos paren)))) ; don't go past 
+         (if (or (= pos 0)
+                 (/= (aref str (1- pos)) ?.)) ; avoid file extensions
+             (let ((shortcut-style
+                    (if (listp tmm-shortcut-style) ; convert to list
+                        tmm-shortcut-style
+                      (list tmm-shortcut-style))))
+               (while shortcut-style     ; try upcase and downcase variants
+                 (setq char (funcall (car shortcut-style) (aref str pos)))
+                 (if (not (memq char tmm-short-cuts)) (throw 'done char))
+                 (setq shortcut-style (cdr shortcut-style)))))
+         (setq word (1+ word))
+         (setq pos (match-end 0)))
+       (while (<= tmm-next-shortcut-digit ?9) ; no letter shortcut, pick a 
+         (setq char tmm-next-shortcut-digit)
+         (setq tmm-next-shortcut-digit (1+ tmm-next-shortcut-digit))
+         (if (not (memq char tmm-short-cuts)) (throw 'done char)))
+       (setq char nil))
+     (if char (setq tmm-short-cuts (cons char tmm-short-cuts)))
+     (cons (concat (if char (concat (char-to-string char) tmm-mid-prompt)
+                     ;; keep them lined up in columns
+                     (make-string (1+ (length tmm-mid-prompt)) ?\ ))
+                   str)
+           (cdr elt))))
+ ;; This returns the old map.
+ (defun tmm-define-keys (minibuffer)
+   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+     (suppress-keymap map t)
+     (mapc
+      (lambda (c)
+        (if (listp tmm-shortcut-style)
+          (define-key map (char-to-string c) 'tmm-shortcut)
+        ;; only one kind of letters are shortcuts, so map both upcase and
+        ;; downcase input to the same
+        (define-key map (char-to-string (downcase c)) 'tmm-shortcut)
+        (define-key map (char-to-string (upcase c)) 'tmm-shortcut)))
+      tmm-short-cuts)
+     (if minibuffer
+       (progn
+           (define-key map [pageup] 'tmm-goto-completions)
+           (define-key map [prior] 'tmm-goto-completions)
+           (define-key map "\ev" 'tmm-goto-completions)
+           (define-key map "\C-n" 'next-history-element)
+           (define-key map "\C-p" 'previous-history-element)))
+     (prog1 (current-local-map)
+       (use-local-map (append map (current-local-map))))))
+ (defun tmm-completion-delete-prompt ()
+   (set-buffer standard-output)
+   (goto-char 1)
+   (delete-region 1 (search-forward "Possible completions are:\n")))
+ (defun tmm-add-prompt ()
+   (remove-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook 'tmm-add-prompt)
+   (add-hook 'minibuffer-exit-hook 'tmm-delete-map nil t)
+   (let ((win (selected-window)))
+     (setq tmm-old-mb-map (tmm-define-keys t))
+     ;; Get window and hide it for electric mode to get correct size
+     (save-window-excursion
+       (let ((completions
+            (mapcar 'car minibuffer-completion-table)))
+         (or tmm-completion-prompt
+             (add-hook 'completion-setup-hook
+                       'tmm-completion-delete-prompt 'append))
+       (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Completions*"
+         (display-completion-list completions))
+         (remove-hook 'completion-setup-hook 'tmm-completion-delete-prompt))
+       (when tmm-completion-prompt
+       (set-buffer "*Completions*")
+       (let ((buffer-read-only nil))
+         (goto-char (point-min))
+         (insert tmm-completion-prompt))))
+     (save-selected-window
+       (other-window 1)                        ; Electric-pop-up-window does
+                                       ; not work in minibuffer
+       (Electric-pop-up-window "*Completions*")
+       (with-current-buffer "*Completions*"
+       (setq tmm-old-comp-map (tmm-define-keys nil))))
+     (insert tmm-c-prompt)))
+ (defun tmm-delete-map ()
+   (remove-hook 'minibuffer-exit-hook 'tmm-delete-map t)
+   (if tmm-old-mb-map
+       (use-local-map tmm-old-mb-map)))
+ (defun tmm-shortcut ()
+   "Choose the shortcut that the user typed."
+   (interactive)
+   (let ((c last-command-char) s)
+     (if (symbolp tmm-shortcut-style)
+         (setq c (funcall tmm-shortcut-style c)))
+     (if (memq c tmm-short-cuts)
+       (if (equal (buffer-name) "*Completions*")
+           (progn
+             (beginning-of-buffer)
+             (re-search-forward
+              (concat "\\(^\\|[ \t]\\)" (char-to-string c) tmm-mid-prompt))
+             (choose-completion))
+         ;; In minibuffer
+         (delete-region (minibuffer-prompt-end) (point-max))
+         (mapc (lambda (elt)
+                 (if (string=
+                      (substring (car elt) 0
+                                 (min (1+ (length tmm-mid-prompt))
+                                      (length (car elt))))
+                      (concat (char-to-string c) tmm-mid-prompt))
+                     (setq s (car elt))))
+                 tmm-km-list)
+         (insert s)
+         (exit-minibuffer)))))
+ (defun tmm-goto-completions ()
+   (interactive)
+   (let ((prompt-end (minibuffer-prompt-end)))
+     (setq tmm-c-prompt (buffer-substring prompt-end (point-max)))
+     (delete-region prompt-end (point-max)))
+   (switch-to-buffer-other-window "*Completions*")
+   (search-forward tmm-c-prompt)
+   (search-backward tmm-c-prompt))
+ (defun tmm-get-keymap (elt &optional in-x-menu)
+   "Prepends (DOCSTRING EVENT BINDING) to free variable `tmm-km-list'.
+ The values are deduced from the argument ELT, that should be an
+ element of keymap, an `x-popup-menu' argument, or an element of
+ `x-popup-menu' argument (when IN-X-MENU is not-nil).
+ This function adds the element only if it is not already present.
+ It uses the free variable `tmm-table-undef' to keep undefined keys."
+   (let (km str cache plist filter visible (event (car elt)))
+     (setq elt (cdr elt))
+     (if (eq elt 'undefined)
+       (setq tmm-table-undef (cons (cons event nil) tmm-table-undef))
+       (unless (assoc event tmm-table-undef)
+       (cond ((if (listp elt)
+                  (or (keymapp elt) (eq (car elt) 'lambda))
+                (fboundp elt))
+              (setq km elt))
+             ((if (listp (cdr-safe elt))
+                  (or (keymapp (cdr-safe elt))
+                      (eq (car (cdr-safe elt)) 'lambda))
+                (fboundp (cdr-safe elt)))
+              (setq km (cdr elt))
+              (and (stringp (car elt)) (setq str (car elt))))
+             ((if (listp (cdr-safe (cdr-safe elt)))
+                  (or (keymapp (cdr-safe (cdr-safe elt)))
+                      (eq (car (cdr-safe (cdr-safe elt))) 'lambda))
+                (fboundp (cdr-safe (cdr-safe elt))))
+              (setq km (cdr (cdr elt)))
+              (and (stringp (car elt)) (setq str (car elt)))
+              (and str
+                   (stringp (cdr (car (cdr elt)))) ; keyseq cache
+                   (setq cache (cdr (car (cdr elt))))
+                   cache (setq str (concat str cache))))
+             ((eq (car-safe elt) 'menu-item)
+              ;; (menu-item TITLE COMMAND KEY ...)
+              (setq plist (cdr-safe (cdr-safe (cdr-safe elt))))
+              (when (consp (car-safe plist))
+                (setq plist (cdr-safe plist)))
+              (setq km (nth 2 elt))
+              (setq str (eval (nth 1 elt)))
+              (setq filter (plist-get plist :filter))
+              (if filter
+                  (setq km (funcall filter km)))
+              (setq visible (plist-get plist :visible))
+              (if visible
+                  (setq km (and (eval visible) km)))
+              (and str
+                   (consp (nth 3 elt))
+                   (stringp (cdr (nth 3 elt))) ; keyseq cache
+                   (setq cache (cdr (nth 3 elt)))
+                   cache
+                   (setq str (concat str cache))))
+             ((if (listp (cdr-safe (cdr-safe (cdr-safe elt))))
+                  (or (keymapp (cdr-safe (cdr-safe (cdr-safe elt))))
+                      (eq (car (cdr-safe (cdr-safe (cdr-safe elt)))) 'lambda))
+                (fboundp (cdr-safe (cdr-safe (cdr-safe elt)))))
+                                        ; New style of easy-menu
+              (setq km (cdr (cdr (cdr elt))))
+              (and (stringp (car elt)) (setq str (car elt)))
+              (and str
+                   (stringp (cdr (car (cdr (cdr elt))))) ; keyseq cache
+                   (setq cache (cdr (car (cdr (cdr elt)))))
+                   cache (setq str (concat str cache))))
+             ((stringp event)          ; x-popup or x-popup element
+              (if (or in-x-menu (stringp (car-safe elt)))
+                  (setq str event event nil km elt)
+                (setq str event event nil km (cons 'keymap elt))
+                ))))
+       (and km (stringp km) (setq str km))
+       ;; Verify that the command is enabled;
+       ;; if not, don't mention it.
+       (when (and km (symbolp km) (get km 'menu-enable))
+       (unless (eval (get km 'menu-enable))
+         (setq km nil)))
+       (and km str
+          (or (assoc str tmm-km-list)
+              (push (cons str (cons event km)) tmm-km-list))))))
+ (defun tmm-get-keybind (keyseq)
+   "Return the current binding of KEYSEQ, merging prefix definitions.
+ If KEYSEQ is a prefix key that has local and global bindings,
+ we merge them into a single keymap which shows the proper order of the menu.
+ However, for the menu bar itself, the value does not take account
+ of `menu-bar-final-items'."
+   (let (allbind bind)
+     (setq bind (key-binding keyseq))
+     ;; If KEYSEQ is a prefix key, then BIND is either nil
+     ;; or a symbol defined as a keymap (which satisfies keymapp).
+     (if (keymapp bind)
+       (setq bind nil))
+     ;; If we have a non-keymap definition, return that.
+     (or bind
+       (progn
+         ;; Otherwise, it is a prefix, so make a list of the subcommands.
+         ;; Make a list of all the bindings in all the keymaps.
+         (setq allbind (mapcar 'cdr (minor-mode-key-binding keyseq)))
+         (setq allbind (cons (local-key-binding keyseq) allbind))
+         (setq allbind (cons (global-key-binding keyseq) allbind))
+         ;; Merge all the elements of ALLBIND into one keymap.
+         (mapc (lambda (in)
+                 (if (and (symbolp in) (keymapp in))
+                     (setq in (symbol-function in)))
+                 (and in (keymapp in)
+                      (if (keymapp bind)
+                          (setq bind (nconc bind (copy-sequence (cdr in))))
+                        (setq bind (copy-sequence in)))))
+                 allbind)
+         ;; Return that keymap.
+         bind))))
+ (add-hook 'calendar-load-hook (lambda () (require 'cal-menu)))
+ (provide 'tmm)
+ ;;; arch-tag: e7ddbdb6-4b95-4da3-afbe-ad6063d112f4
+ ;;; tmm.el ends here

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