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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/mail/mailheader.el [lexbind]

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/mail/mailheader.el [lexbind]
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2003 19:39:43 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/mail/mailheader.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/mail/mailheader.el:
*** /dev/null   Tue Oct 14 19:39:43 2003
--- emacs/lisp/mail/mailheader.el       Tue Oct 14 19:39:25 2003
*** 0 ****
--- 1,195 ----
+ ;;; mailheader.el --- mail header parsing, merging, formatting
+ ;; Copyright (C) 1996 by Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ ;; Author: Erik Naggum <address@hidden>
+ ;; Keywords: tools, mail, news
+ ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ ;; any later version.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+ ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
+ ;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ ;;; Commentary:
+ ;; This package provides an abstraction to RFC822-style messages, used in
+ ;; mail, news, and some other systems.  The simple syntactic rules for such
+ ;; headers, such as quoting and line folding, are routinely reimplemented
+ ;; in many individual packages.  This package removes the need for this
+ ;; redundancy by representing message headers as association lists,
+ ;; offering functions to extract the set of headers from a message, to
+ ;; parse individual headers, to merge sets of headers, and to format a set
+ ;; of headers.
+ ;; The car of each element in the message-header alist is a symbol whose
+ ;; print name is the name of the header, in all lower-case.  The cdr of an
+ ;; element depends on the operation.  After extracting headers from a
+ ;; message, it is a string, the value of the header.  An extracted set of
+ ;; headers may be parsed further, which may turn it into a list, whose car
+ ;; is the original value and whose subsequent elements depend on the
+ ;; header.  For formatting, it is evaluated to obtain the strings to be
+ ;; inserted.  For merging, one set of headers consists of strings, while
+ ;; the other set will be evaluated with the symbols in the first set of
+ ;; headers bound to their respective values.
+ ;;; Code:
+ (eval-when-compile
+   (require 'cl))
+ ;; Make the byte-compiler shut up.
+ (defvar headers)
+ (defun mail-header-extract ()
+   "Extract headers from current buffer after point.
+ Returns a header alist, where each element is a cons cell (name . value),
+ where NAME is a symbol, and VALUE is the string value of the header having
+ that name."
+   (let ((message-headers ()) (top (point))
+       start end)
+     (while (and (setq start (point))
+               (> (skip-chars-forward "^\0- :") 0)
+               (= (following-char) ?:)
+               (setq end (point))
+               (progn (forward-char)
+                      (> (skip-chars-forward " \t") 0)))
+       (let ((header (intern (downcase (buffer-substring start end))))
+           (value (list (buffer-substring
+                         (point) (progn (end-of-line) (point))))))
+       (while (progn (forward-char) (> (skip-chars-forward " \t") 0))
+         (push (buffer-substring (point) (progn (end-of-line) (point)))
+               value))
+       (push (if (cdr value)
+                 (cons header (mapconcat #'identity (nreverse value) " "))
+                 (cons header (car value)))
+             message-headers)))
+     (goto-char top)
+     (nreverse message-headers)))
+ (defun mail-header-extract-no-properties ()
+   "Extract headers from current buffer after point, without properties.
+ Returns a header alist, where each element is a cons cell (name . value),
+ where NAME is a symbol, and VALUE is the string value of the header having
+ that name."
+   (mapcar
+    (lambda (elt)
+      (set-text-properties 0 (length (cdr elt)) nil (cdr elt))
+      elt)
+    (mail-header-extract)))
+ (defun mail-header-parse (parsing-rules headers)
+ PARSING-RULES is an alist whose keys are header names (symbols) and whose
+ value is a parsing function.  The function takes one argument, a string,
+ and return a list of values, which will destructively replace the value
+ associated with the key in HEADERS, after being prepended with the original
+ value."
+   (dolist (rule parsing-rules)
+     (let ((header (assq (car rule) headers)))
+       (when header
+       (if (consp (cdr header))
+           (setf (cddr header) (funcall (cdr rule) (cadr header)))
+         (setf (cdr header)
+               (cons (cdr header) (funcall (cdr rule) (cdr header))))))))
+   headers)
+ (defsubst mail-header (header &optional header-alist)
+   "Return the value associated with header HEADER in HEADER-ALIST.
+ If the value is a string, it is the original value of the header.  If the
+ value is a list, its first element is the original value of the header,
+ with any subsequent elements being the result of parsing the value.
+ If HEADER-ALIST is nil, the dynamically bound variable `headers' is used."
+   (cdr (assq header (or header-alist headers))))
+ (defun mail-header-set (header value &optional header-alist)
+   "Set the value associated with header HEADER to VALUE in HEADER-ALIST.
+ HEADER-ALIST defaults to the dynamically bound variable `headers' if nil.
+ See `mail-header' for the semantics of VALUE."
+   (let* ((alist (or header-alist headers))
+       (entry (assq header alist)))
+     (if entry
+       (setf (cdr entry) value)
+       (nconc alist (list (cons header value)))))
+   value)
+ (defsetf mail-header (header &optional header-alist) (value)
+   `(mail-header-set ,header ,value ,header-alist))
+ (defun mail-header-merge (merge-rules headers)
+   "Return a new header alist with MERGE-RULES applied to HEADERS.
+ MERGE-RULES is an alist whose keys are header names (symbols) and whose
+ values are forms to evaluate, the results of which are the new headers.  It
+ should be a string or a list of string.  The first element may be nil to
+ denote that the formatting functions must use the remaining elements, or
+ skip the header altogether if there are no other elements.
+   The macro `mail-header' can be used to access headers in HEADERS."
+   (mapcar
+    (lambda (rule)
+      (cons (car rule) (eval (cdr rule))))
+    merge-rules))
+ (defvar mail-header-format-function
+   (lambda (header value)
+     "Function to format headers without a specified formatting function."
+     (insert (capitalize (symbol-name header))
+           ": "
+           (if (consp value) (car value) value)
+           "\n")))
+ (defun mail-header-format (format-rules headers)
+   "Use FORMAT-RULES to format HEADERS and insert into current buffer.
+ HEADERS should be an alist of the form (HEADER . VALUE),
+ where HEADER is a header field name (a symbol or a string),
+ and VALUE is the contents for that header field.
+ FORMAT-RULES is an alist of elements (HEADER . FUNCTION) Here HEADER
+ is a header field name (a symbol), and FUNCTION is how to format that
+ header field, if it appears in HEADERS.  Each FUNCTION should take two
+ arguments: the header symbol, and the value of that header.  The value
+ returned by FUNCTION is inserted in the buffer unless it is nil.
+ If the function for a header field is nil, or if no function is
+ specified for a particular header field, the default action is to
+ insert the value of the header, unless it is nil.
+ The headers are inserted in the order of the FORMAT-RULES.
+ A key of t in FORMAT-RULES represents any otherwise unmentioned headers.
+ A key of nil has as its value a list of defaulted headers to ignore."
+   (let ((ignore (append (cdr (assq nil format-rules))
+                       (mapcar #'car format-rules))))
+     (dolist (rule format-rules)
+       (let* ((header (car rule))
+           (value (mail-header header)))
+       (if (stringp header)
+           (setq header (intern header)))
+       (cond ((null header) 'ignore)
+             ((eq header t)
+              (dolist (defaulted headers)
+                (unless (memq (car defaulted) ignore)
+                  (let* ((header (car defaulted))
+                         (value (cdr defaulted)))
+                    (if (cdr rule)
+                        (funcall (cdr rule) header value)
+                      (funcall mail-header-format-function header value))))))
+             (value
+              (if (cdr rule)
+                  (funcall (cdr rule) header value)
+                (funcall mail-header-format-function header value))))))
+     (insert "\n")))
+ (provide 'mailheader)
+ ;;; arch-tag: 6e7aa221-80b5-4b3d-b46f-fd66ab567be0
+ ;;; mailheader.el ends here

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