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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/eshell/esh-arg.el [lexbind]

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/eshell/esh-arg.el [lexbind]
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2003 19:51:52 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/eshell/esh-arg.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/eshell/esh-arg.el:
*** /dev/null   Tue Oct 14 19:51:52 2003
--- emacs/lisp/eshell/esh-arg.el        Tue Oct 14 19:51:31 2003
*** 0 ****
--- 1,389 ----
+ ;;; esh-arg.el --- argument processing
+ ;; Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Free Software Foundation
+ ;; Author: John Wiegley <address@hidden>
+ ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ ;; any later version.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+ ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+ ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ (provide 'esh-arg)
+ (eval-when-compile (require 'esh-maint))
+ (defgroup eshell-arg nil
+   "Argument parsing involves transforming the arguments passed on the
+ command line into equivalent Lisp forms that, when evaluated, will
+ yield the values intended."
+   :tag "Argument parsing"
+   :group 'eshell)
+ ;;; Commentary:
+ ;; Parsing of arguments can be extended by adding functions to the
+ ;; hook `eshell-parse-argument-hook'.  For a good example of this, see
+ ;; `eshell-parse-drive-letter', defined in eshell-dirs.el.
+ (defcustom eshell-parse-argument-hook
+   (list
+    ;; a term such as #<buffer NAME>, or #<process NAME> is a buffer
+    ;; or process reference
+    'eshell-parse-special-reference
+    ;; numbers convert to numbers if they stand alone
+    (function
+     (lambda ()
+       (when (and (not eshell-current-argument)
+                (not eshell-current-quoted)
+                (looking-at eshell-number-regexp)
+                (eshell-arg-delimiter (match-end 0)))
+       (goto-char (match-end 0))
+       (let ((str (match-string 0)))
+         (if (> (length str) 0)
+             (add-text-properties 0 1 '(number t) str))
+         str))))
+    ;; parse any non-special characters, based on the current context
+    (function
+     (lambda ()
+       (unless eshell-inside-quote-regexp
+       (setq eshell-inside-quote-regexp
+             (format "[^%s]+"
+                     (apply 'string eshell-special-chars-inside-quoting))))
+       (unless eshell-outside-quote-regexp
+       (setq eshell-outside-quote-regexp
+             (format "[^%s]+"
+                     (apply 'string eshell-special-chars-outside-quoting))))
+       (when (looking-at (if eshell-current-quoted
+                           eshell-inside-quote-regexp
+                         eshell-outside-quote-regexp))
+       (goto-char (match-end 0))
+       (let ((str (match-string 0)))
+         (if str
+             (set-text-properties 0 (length str) nil str))
+         str))))
+    ;; whitespace or a comment is an argument delimiter
+    (function
+     (lambda ()
+       (let (comment-p)
+       (when (or (looking-at "[ \t]+")
+                 (and (not eshell-current-argument)
+                      (looking-at "#\\([^<'].*\\|$\\)")
+                      (setq comment-p t)))
+         (if comment-p
+             (add-text-properties (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)
+                                  '(comment t)))
+         (goto-char (match-end 0))
+         (eshell-finish-arg)))))
+    ;; backslash before a special character means escape it
+    'eshell-parse-backslash
+    ;; text beginning with ' is a literally quoted
+    'eshell-parse-literal-quote
+    ;; text beginning with " is interpolably quoted
+    'eshell-parse-double-quote
+    ;; argument delimiter
+    'eshell-parse-delimiter)
+   "*Define how to process Eshell command line arguments.
+ When each function on this hook is called, point will be at the
+ current position within the argument list.  The function should either
+ return nil, meaning that it did no argument parsing, or it should
+ return the result of the parse as a sexp.  It is also responsible for
+ moving the point forward to reflect the amount of input text that was
+ parsed.
+ If no function handles the current character at point, it will be
+ treated as a literal character."
+   :type 'hook
+   :group 'eshell-arg)
+ ;;; Code:
+ ;;; User Variables:
+ (defcustom eshell-arg-load-hook '(eshell-arg-initialize)
+   "*A hook that gets run when `eshell-arg' is loaded."
+   :type 'hook
+   :group 'eshell-arg)
+ (defcustom eshell-delimiter-argument-list '(?\; ?& ?\| ?\> ?  ?\t ?\n)
+   "List of characters to recognize as argument separators."
+   :type '(repeat character)
+   :group 'eshell-arg)
+ (defcustom eshell-special-chars-inside-quoting '(?\\ ?\")
+   "*Characters which are still special inside double quotes."
+   :type '(repeat character)
+   :group 'eshell-arg)
+ (defcustom eshell-special-chars-outside-quoting
+   (append eshell-delimiter-argument-list '(?# ?! ?\\ ?\" ?\'))
+   "*Characters that require escaping outside of double quotes.
+ Without escaping them, they will introduce a change in the argument."
+   :type '(repeat character)
+   :group 'eshell-arg)
+ ;;; Internal Variables:
+ (defvar eshell-current-argument nil)
+ (defvar eshell-current-modifiers nil)
+ (defvar eshell-arg-listified nil)
+ (defvar eshell-nested-argument nil)
+ (defvar eshell-current-quoted nil)
+ (defvar eshell-inside-quote-regexp nil)
+ (defvar eshell-outside-quote-regexp nil)
+ ;;; Functions:
+ (defun eshell-arg-initialize ()
+   "Initialize the argument parsing code."
+   (define-key eshell-command-map [(meta ?b)] 'eshell-insert-buffer-name)
+   (set (make-local-variable 'eshell-inside-quote-regexp) nil)
+   (set (make-local-variable 'eshell-outside-quote-regexp) nil))
+ (defun eshell-insert-buffer-name (buffer-name)
+   "Insert BUFFER-NAME into the current buffer at point."
+   (interactive "BName of buffer: ")
+   (insert-and-inherit "#<buffer " buffer-name ">"))
+ (defsubst eshell-escape-arg (string)
+   "Return STRING with the `escaped' property on it."
+   (if (stringp string)
+       (add-text-properties 0 (length string) '(escaped t) string))
+   string)
+ (defun eshell-resolve-current-argument ()
+   "If there are pending modifications to be made, make them now."
+   (when eshell-current-argument
+     (when eshell-arg-listified
+       (let ((parts eshell-current-argument))
+       (while parts
+         (unless (stringp (car parts))
+           (setcar parts
+                   (list 'eshell-to-flat-string (car parts))))
+         (setq parts (cdr parts)))
+       (setq eshell-current-argument
+             (list 'eshell-convert
+                   (append (list 'concat) eshell-current-argument))))
+       (setq eshell-arg-listified nil))
+     (while eshell-current-modifiers
+       (setq eshell-current-argument
+           (list (car eshell-current-modifiers) eshell-current-argument)
+           eshell-current-modifiers (cdr eshell-current-modifiers))))
+   (setq eshell-current-modifiers nil))
+ (defun eshell-finish-arg (&optional argument)
+   "Finish the current argument being processed."
+   (if argument
+       (setq eshell-current-argument argument))
+   (throw 'eshell-arg-done t))
+ (defsubst eshell-arg-delimiter (&optional pos)
+   "Return non-nil if POS is an argument delimiter.
+ If POS is nil, the location of point is checked."
+   (let ((pos (or pos (point))))
+     (or (= pos (point-max))
+       (memq (char-after pos) eshell-delimiter-argument-list))))
+ ;; Argument parsing
+ (defun eshell-parse-arguments (beg end)
+   "Parse all of the arguments at point from BEG to END.
+ Returns the list of arguments in their raw form.
+ Point is left at the end of the arguments."
+   (save-excursion
+     (save-restriction
+       (goto-char beg)
+       (narrow-to-region beg end)
+       (let ((inhibit-point-motion-hooks t)
+           (args (list t))
+           after-change-functions
+           delim)
+       (remove-text-properties (point-min) (point-max)
+                               '(arg-begin nil arg-end nil))
+       (if (setq
+            delim
+            (catch 'eshell-incomplete
+              (while (not (eobp))
+                (let* ((here (point))
+                       (arg (eshell-parse-argument)))
+                  (if (= (point) here)
+                      (error "Failed to parse argument '%s'"
+                             (buffer-substring here (point-max))))
+                  (and arg (nconc args (list arg)))))))
+           (if (listp delim)
+               (throw 'eshell-incomplete delim)
+             (throw 'eshell-incomplete
+                    (list delim (point) (cdr args)))))
+       (cdr args)))))
+ (defun eshell-parse-argument ()
+   "Get the next argument.  Leave point after it."
+   (let* ((outer (null eshell-nested-argument))
+        (arg-begin (and outer (point)))
+        (eshell-nested-argument t)
+        eshell-current-argument
+        eshell-current-modifiers
+        eshell-arg-listified)
+     (catch 'eshell-arg-done
+       (while (not (eobp))
+       (let ((result
+              (or (run-hook-with-args-until-success
+                   'eshell-parse-argument-hook)
+                  (prog1
+                      (char-to-string (char-after))
+                    (forward-char)))))
+         (if (not eshell-current-argument)
+             (setq eshell-current-argument result)
+           (unless eshell-arg-listified
+             (setq eshell-current-argument
+                   (list eshell-current-argument)
+                   eshell-arg-listified t))
+           (nconc eshell-current-argument (list result))))))
+     (when (and outer eshell-current-argument)
+       (add-text-properties arg-begin (1+ arg-begin)
+                          '(arg-begin t rear-nonsticky
+                                      (arg-begin arg-end)))
+       (add-text-properties (1- (point)) (point)
+                          '(arg-end t rear-nonsticky
+                                    (arg-end arg-begin))))
+     (eshell-resolve-current-argument)
+     eshell-current-argument))
+ (defsubst eshell-operator (&rest args)
+   "A stub function that generates an error if a floating operator is found."
+   (error "Unhandled operator in input text"))
+ (defsubst eshell-looking-at-backslash-return (pos)
+   "Test whether a backslash-return sequence occurs at POS."
+   (and (eq (char-after pos) ?\\)
+        (or (= (1+ pos) (point-max))
+          (and (eq (char-after (1+ pos)) ?\n)
+               (= (+ pos 2) (point-max))))))
+ (defun eshell-quote-backslash (string &optional index)
+   "Intelligently backslash the character occuring in STRING at INDEX.
+ If the character is itself a backslash, it needs no escaping."
+   (let ((char (aref string index)))
+     (if (eq char ?\\)
+       (char-to-string char)
+       (if (memq char eshell-special-chars-outside-quoting)
+         (string ?\\ char)))))
+ (defun eshell-parse-backslash ()
+   "Parse a single backslash (\) character, which might mean escape.
+ It only means escape if the character immediately following is a
+ special character that is not itself a backslash."
+   (when (eq (char-after) ?\\)
+     (if (eshell-looking-at-backslash-return (point))
+       (throw 'eshell-incomplete ?\\)
+       (if (and (not (eq (char-after (1+ (point))) ?\\))
+              (if eshell-current-quoted
+                  (memq (char-after (1+ (point)))
+                        eshell-special-chars-inside-quoting)
+                (memq (char-after (1+ (point)))
+                      eshell-special-chars-outside-quoting)))
+         (progn
+           (forward-char 2)
+           (list 'eshell-escape-arg
+                 (char-to-string (char-before))))
+       ;; allow \\<RET> to mean a literal "\" character followed by a
+       ;; normal return, rather than a backslash followed by a line
+       ;; continuator (i.e., "\\ + \n" rather than "\ + \\n").  This
+       ;; is necessary because backslashes in Eshell are not special
+       ;; unless they either precede something special, or precede a
+       ;; backslash that precedes something special.  (Mainly this is
+       ;; done to make using backslash on Windows systems more
+       ;; natural-feeling).
+       (if (eshell-looking-at-backslash-return (1+ (point)))
+           (forward-char))
+       (forward-char)
+       "\\"))))
+ (defun eshell-parse-literal-quote ()
+   "Parse a literally quoted string.  Nothing has special meaning!"
+   (if (eq (char-after) ?\')
+       (let ((end (eshell-find-delimiter ?\' ?\')))
+       (if (not end)
+           (throw 'eshell-incomplete ?\')
+         (let ((string (buffer-substring-no-properties (1+ (point)) end)))
+           (goto-char (1+ end))
+           (while (string-match "''" string)
+             (setq string (replace-match "'" t t string)))
+           (list 'eshell-escape-arg string))))))
+ (defun eshell-parse-double-quote ()
+   "Parse a double quoted string, which allows for variable interpolation."
+   (when (eq (char-after) ?\")
+     (let* ((end (eshell-find-delimiter ?\" ?\" nil nil t))
+          (eshell-current-quoted t))
+       (if (not end)
+         (throw 'eshell-incomplete ?\")
+       (prog1
+           (save-restriction
+             (forward-char)
+             (narrow-to-region (point) end)
+             (list 'eshell-escape-arg
+                   (eshell-parse-argument)))
+         (goto-char (1+ end)))))))
+ (defun eshell-parse-special-reference ()
+   "Parse a special syntax reference, of the form '#<type arg>'."
+   (if (and (not eshell-current-argument)
+          (not eshell-current-quoted)
+          (looking-at "#<\\(buffer\\|process\\)\\s-"))
+       (let ((here (point)))
+       (goto-char (match-end 0))
+       (let* ((buffer-p (string= (match-string 1) "buffer"))
+              (end (eshell-find-delimiter ?\< ?\>)))
+         (if (not end)
+             (throw 'eshell-incomplete ?\<)
+           (if (eshell-arg-delimiter (1+ end))
+               (prog1
+                   (list (if buffer-p 'get-buffer-create 'get-process)
+                         (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) end))
+                 (goto-char (1+ end)))
+             (ignore (goto-char here))))))))
+ (defun eshell-parse-delimiter ()
+   "Parse an argument delimiter, which is essentially a command operator."
+   ;; this `eshell-operator' keyword gets parsed out by
+   ;; `eshell-separate-commands'.  Right now the only possibility for
+   ;; error is an incorrect output redirection specifier.
+   (when (looking-at "[&|;\n]\\s-*")
+     (let ((end (match-end 0)))
+     (if eshell-current-argument
+       (eshell-finish-arg)
+       (eshell-finish-arg
+        (prog1
+          (list 'eshell-operator
+                (cond
+                 ((eq (char-after end) ?\&)
+                  (setq end (1+ end)) "&&")
+                 ((eq (char-after end) ?\|)
+                  (setq end (1+ end)) "||")
+                 ((eq (char-after) ?\n) ";")
+                 (t
+                  (char-to-string (char-after)))))
+        (goto-char end)))))))
+ ;;; arch-tag: 7f593a2b-8fc1-4def-8f84-8f51ed0198d6
+ ;;; esh-arg.el ends here

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