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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/warnings.el [lexbind]

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/warnings.el [lexbind]
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2003 19:52:39 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/warnings.el
diff -c emacs/lisp/warnings.el: emacs/lisp/warnings.el:removed
*** emacs/lisp/warnings.el:     Fri Apr  4 01:20:12 2003
--- emacs/lisp/warnings.el      Tue Oct 14 19:52:39 2003
*** 1,311 ****
- ;;; warnings.el --- log and display warnings
- ;; Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- ;; Maintainer: FSF
- ;; Keywords: internal
- ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
- ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- ;; any later version.
- ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
- ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
- ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- ;;; Commentary:
- ;; This file implements the entry points `warn', `lwarn'
- ;; and `display-warnings'.
- ;;; Code:
- (defgroup warnings nil
-   "Log and display warnings."
-   :version "21.4"
-   :group 'lisp)
- (defvar warning-levels
-   '((:emergency "Emergency%s: " ding)
-     (:error "Error%s: ")
-     (:warning "Warning%s: ")
-     (:debug "Debug%s: "))
-   "List of severity level definitions for `display-warning'.
- Each element looks like (LEVEL STRING FUNCTION) and
- defines LEVEL as a severity level.  STRING specifies the
- description of this level.  STRING should use `%s' to
- specify where to put the warning group information,
- or it can omit the `%s' so as not to include that information.
- The optional FUNCTION, if non-nil, is a function to call
- with no arguments, to get the user's attention.
- The standard levels are :emergency, :error, :warning and :debug.
- See `display-warning' for documentation of their meanings.
- Level :debug is ignored by default (see `warning-minimum-level').")
- (put 'warning-levels 'risky-local-variable t)
- ;; These are for compatibility with XEmacs.
- ;; I don't think there is any chance of designing meaningful criteria
- ;; to distinguish so many levels.
- (defvar warning-level-aliases
-   '((emergency . :emergency)
-     (error . :error)
-     (warning . :warning)
-     (notice . :warning)
-     (info . :warning)
-     (critical . :emergency)
-     (alarm . :emergency))
-   "Alist of aliases for severity levels for `display-warning'.
- Each element looks like (ALIAS . LEVEL) and defines
- ALIAS as equivalent to LEVEL.  LEVEL must be defined in `warning-levels';
- it may not itself be an alias.")
- (defcustom warning-minimum-level :warning
-   "Minimum severity level for displaying the warning buffer.
- If a warning's severity level is lower than this,
- the warning is logged in the warnings buffer, but the buffer
- is not immediately displayed.  See also `warning-minimum-log-level'."
-   :group 'warnings
-   :type '(choice (const :emergency) (const :error) (const :warning))
-   :version "21.4")
- (defvaralias 'display-warning-minimum-level 'warning-minimum-level)
- (defcustom warning-minimum-log-level :warning
-   "Minimum severity level for logging a warning.
- If a warning severity level is lower than this,
- the warning is completely ignored."
-   :group 'warnings
-   :type '(choice (const :emergency) (const :error) (const :warning))
-   :version "21.4")
- (defvaralias 'log-warning-minimum-level 'warning-minimum-log-level)
- (defcustom warning-suppress-log-types nil
-   "List of warning types that should not be logged.
- If any element of this list matches the GROUP argument to `display-warning',
- the warning is completely ignored.
- The element must match the first elements of GROUP.
- Thus, (foo bar) as an element matches (foo bar)
- or (foo bar ANYTHING...) as GROUP.
- If GROUP is a symbol FOO, that is equivalent to the list (FOO),
- so only the element (FOO) will match it."
-   :group 'warnings
-   :type '(repeat (repeat symbol))
-   :version "21.4")
- (defcustom warning-suppress-types nil
-   "Custom groups for warnings not to display immediately.
- If any element of this list matches the GROUP argument to `display-warning',
- the warning is logged nonetheless, but the warnings buffer is
- not immediately displayed.
- The element must match an initial segment of the list GROUP.
- Thus, (foo bar) as an element matches (foo bar)
- or (foo bar ANYTHING...) as GROUP.
- If GROUP is a symbol FOO, that is equivalent to the list (FOO),
- so only the element (FOO) will match it.
- See also `warning-suppress-log-types'."
-   :group 'warnings
-   :type '(repeat (repeat symbol))
-   :version "21.4")
- ;;; The autoload cookie is so that programs can bind this variable
- ;;; safely, testing the existing value, before they call one of the
- ;;; warnings functions.
- ;;;###autoload
- (defvar warning-prefix-function nil
-   "Function to generate warning prefixes.
- This function, if non-nil, is called with two arguments,
- the severity level and its entry in `warning-levels',
- and should return the entry that should actually be used.
- The warnings buffer is current when this function is called
- and the function can insert text in it.  This text becomes
- the beginning of the warning.")
- ;;; The autoload cookie is so that programs can bind this variable
- ;;; safely, testing the existing value, before they call one of the
- ;;; warnings functions.
- ;;;###autoload
- (defvar warning-series nil
-   "Non-nil means treat multiple `display-warning' calls as a series.
- A marker indicates a position in the warnings buffer
- which is the start of the current series; it means that
- additional warnings in the same buffer should not move point.
- t means the next warning begins a series (and stores a marker here).
- A symbol with a function definition is like t, except
- also call that function before the next warning.")
- (put 'warning-series 'risky-local-variable t)
- ;;; The autoload cookie is so that programs can bind this variable
- ;;; safely, testing the existing value, before they call one of the
- ;;; warnings functions.
- ;;;###autoload
- (defvar warning-fill-prefix nil
-   "Non-nil means fill each warning text using this string as `fill-prefix'.")
- ;;; The autoload cookie is so that programs can bind this variable
- ;;; safely, testing the existing value, before they call one of the
- ;;; warnings functions.
- ;;;###autoload
- (defvar warning-group-format " (%s)"
-   "Format for displaying the warning group in the warning message.
- The result of formatting the group this way gets included in the
- message under the control of the string in `warning-levels'.")
- (defun warning-numeric-level (level)
-   "Return a numeric measure of the warning severity level LEVEL."
-   (let* ((elt (assq level warning-levels))
-        (link (memq elt warning-levels)))
-     (length link)))
- (defun warning-suppress-p (group suppress-list)
-   "Non-nil if a warning with group GROUP should be suppressed.
- SUPPRESS-LIST is the list of kinds of warnings to suppress."
-   (let (some-match)
-     (dolist (elt suppress-list)
-       (if (symbolp group)
-         ;; If GROUP is a symbol, the ELT must be (GROUP).
-         (if (and (consp elt)
-                  (eq (car elt) group)
-                  (null (cdr elt)))
-             (setq some-match t))
-       ;; If GROUP is a list, ELT must match it or some initial segment of it.
-       (let ((tem1 group)
-             (tem2 elt)
-             (match t))
-         ;; Check elements of ELT until we run out of them.
-         (while tem2
-           (if (not (equal (car tem1) (car tem2)))
-               (setq match nil))
-           (setq tem1 (cdr tem1)
-                 tem2 (cdr tem2)))
-         ;; If ELT is an initial segment of GROUP, MATCH is t now.
-         ;; So set SOME-MATCH.
-         (if match
-             (setq some-match t)))))
-     ;; If some element of SUPPRESS-LIST matched,
-     ;; we return t.
-     some-match))
- ;;;###autoload
- (defun display-warning (group message &optional level buffer-name)
-   "Display a warning message, MESSAGE.
- GROUP should be a custom group name (a symbol),
- or else a list of symbols whose first element is a custom group name.
- \(The rest of the symbols represent subcategories, for warning purposes
- only, and you can use whatever symbols you like.)
- LEVEL should be either :warning, :error, or :emergency.
- :emergency -- a problem that will seriously impair Emacs operation soon
-             if you do not attend to it promptly.
- :error     -- data or circumstances that are inherently wrong.
- :warning   -- data or circumstances that are not inherently wrong,
-             but raise suspicion of a possible problem.
- :debug     -- info for debugging only.
- BUFFER-NAME, if specified, is the name of the buffer for logging the
- warning.  By default, it is `*Warnings*'.
- See the `warnings' custom group for user customization features.
- See also `warning-series', `warning-prefix-function' and
- `warning-fill-prefix' for additional programming features."
-   (unless level
-     (setq level :warning))
-   (if (assq level warning-level-aliases)
-       (setq level (cdr (assq level warning-level-aliases))))
-   (or (< (warning-numeric-level level)
-        (warning-numeric-level warning-minimum-log-level))
-       (warning-suppress-p group warning-suppress-log-types)
-       (let* ((groupname (if (consp group) (car group) group))
-            (buffer (get-buffer-create (or buffer-name "*Warnings*")))
-            (level-info (assq level warning-levels))
-            start end)
-       (with-current-buffer buffer
-         (goto-char (point-max))
-         (when (and warning-series (symbolp warning-series))
-           (setq warning-series
-                 (prog1 (point-marker)
-                   (unless (eq warning-series t)
-                     (funcall warning-series)))))
-         (unless (bolp)
-           (newline))
-         (setq start (point))
-         (if warning-prefix-function
-             (setq level-info (funcall warning-prefix-function
-                                       level level-info)))
-         (insert (format (nth 1 level-info)
-                           (format warning-group-format groupname))
-                 message)
-         (newline)
-         (when (and warning-fill-prefix (not (string-match "\n" message)))
-           (let ((fill-prefix warning-fill-prefix)
-                 (fill-column 78))
-             (fill-region start (point))))
-         (setq end (point))
-         (when (and (markerp warning-series)
-                    (eq (marker-buffer warning-series) buffer))
-           (goto-char warning-series)))
-       (if (nth 2 level-info)
-           (funcall (nth 2 level-info)))
-       (if noninteractive
-           ;; Noninteractively, take the text we inserted
-           ;; in the warnings buffer and print it.
-           ;; Do this unconditionally, since there is no way
-           ;; to view logged messages unless we output them.
-           (with-current-buffer buffer
-             (save-excursion
-               ;; Don't include the final newline in the arg
-               ;; to `message', because it adds a newline.
-               (goto-char end)
-               (if (bolp)
-                   (forward-char -1))
-               (message "%s" (buffer-substring start (point)))))
-         ;; Interactively, decide whether the warning merits
-         ;; immediate display.
-         (or (< (warning-numeric-level level)
-                (warning-numeric-level warning-minimum-level))
-             (warning-suppress-p group warning-suppress-types)
-             (let ((window (display-buffer buffer)))
-               (when (and (markerp warning-series)
-                          (eq (marker-buffer warning-series) buffer))
-                 (set-window-start window warning-series))
-               (sit-for 0)))))))
- ;;;###autoload
- (defun lwarn (group level message &rest args)
-   "Display a warning message made from (format MESSAGE ARGS...).
- Aside from generating the message with `format',
- this is equivalent to `display-warning'.
- GROUP should be a custom group name (a symbol).
- or else a list of symbols whose first element is a custom group name.
- \(The rest of the symbols represent subcategories and
- can be whatever you like.)
- LEVEL should be either :warning, :error, or :emergency.
- :emergency -- a problem that will seriously impair Emacs operation soon
-             if you do not attend to it promptly.
- :error     -- invalid data or circumstances.
- :warning   -- suspicious data or circumstances."
-   (display-warning group (apply 'format message args) level))
- ;;;###autoload
- (defun warn (message &rest args)
-   "Display a warning message made from (format MESSAGE ARGS...).
- Aside from generating the message with `format',
- this is equivalent to `display-warning', using
- `emacs' as the group and `:warning' as the level."
-   (display-warning 'emacs (apply 'format message args)))
- (provide 'warnings)
- ;;; warnings.el ends here
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