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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/gnus-soup.el [lexbind]

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/gnus-soup.el [lexbind]
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2003 19:34:55 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/gnus/gnus-soup.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/gnus/gnus-soup.el:
*** /dev/null   Tue Oct 14 19:34:55 2003
--- emacs/lisp/gnus/gnus-soup.el        Tue Oct 14 19:34:50 2003
*** 0 ****
--- 1,577 ----
+ ;;; gnus-soup.el --- SOUP packet writing support for Gnus
+ ;; Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000
+ ;;    Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ ;; Author: Per Abrahamsen <address@hidden>
+ ;;    Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen <address@hidden>
+ ;; Keywords: news, mail
+ ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ ;; any later version.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+ ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+ ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ ;;; Commentary:
+ ;;; Code:
+ (eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+ (require 'gnus)
+ (require 'gnus-art)
+ (require 'message)
+ (require 'gnus-start)
+ (require 'gnus-range)
+ ;;; User Variables:
+ (defvar gnus-soup-directory (nnheader-concat gnus-home-directory "SoupBrew/")
+   "*Directory containing an unpacked SOUP packet.")
+ (defvar gnus-soup-replies-directory
+   (nnheader-concat gnus-soup-directory "SoupReplies/")
+   "*Directory where Gnus will do processing of replies.")
+ (defvar gnus-soup-prefix-file "gnus-prefix"
+   "*Name of the file where Gnus stores the last used prefix.")
+ (defvar gnus-soup-packer "tar cf - %s | gzip > $HOME/Soupout%d.tgz"
+   "Format string command for packing a SOUP packet.
+ The SOUP files will be inserted where the %s is in the string.
+ This string MUST contain both %s and %d.  The file number will be
+ inserted where %d appears.")
+ (defvar gnus-soup-unpacker "gunzip -c %s | tar xvf -"
+   "*Format string command for unpacking a SOUP packet.
+ The SOUP packet file name will be inserted at the %s.")
+ (defvar gnus-soup-packet-directory gnus-home-directory
+   "*Where gnus-soup will look for REPLIES packets.")
+ (defvar gnus-soup-packet-regexp "Soupin"
+   "*Regular expression matching SOUP REPLIES packets in 
+ (defvar gnus-soup-ignored-headers "^Xref:"
+   "*Regexp to match headers to be removed when brewing SOUP packets.")
+ ;;; Internal Variables:
+ (defvar gnus-soup-encoding-type ?u
+   "*Soup encoding type.
+ `u' is USENET news format, `m' is Unix mbox format, and `M' is MMDF mailbox
+ format.")
+ (defvar gnus-soup-index-type ?c
+   "*Soup index type.
+ `n' means no index file and `c' means standard Cnews overview
+ format.")
+ (defvar gnus-soup-areas nil)
+ (defvar gnus-soup-last-prefix nil)
+ (defvar gnus-soup-prev-prefix nil)
+ (defvar gnus-soup-buffers nil)
+ ;;; Access macros:
+ (defmacro gnus-soup-area-prefix (area)
+   `(aref ,area 0))
+ (defmacro gnus-soup-set-area-prefix (area prefix)
+   `(aset ,area 0 ,prefix))
+ (defmacro gnus-soup-area-name (area)
+   `(aref ,area 1))
+ (defmacro gnus-soup-area-encoding (area)
+   `(aref ,area 2))
+ (defmacro gnus-soup-area-description (area)
+   `(aref ,area 3))
+ (defmacro gnus-soup-area-number (area)
+   `(aref ,area 4))
+ (defmacro gnus-soup-area-set-number (area value)
+   `(aset ,area 4 ,value))
+ (defmacro gnus-soup-encoding-format (encoding)
+   `(aref ,encoding 0))
+ (defmacro gnus-soup-encoding-index (encoding)
+   `(aref ,encoding 1))
+ (defmacro gnus-soup-encoding-kind (encoding)
+   `(aref ,encoding 2))
+ (defmacro gnus-soup-reply-prefix (reply)
+   `(aref ,reply 0))
+ (defmacro gnus-soup-reply-kind (reply)
+   `(aref ,reply 1))
+ (defmacro gnus-soup-reply-encoding (reply)
+   `(aref ,reply 2))
+ ;;; Commands:
+ (defun gnus-soup-send-replies ()
+   "Unpack and send all replies in the reply packet."
+   (interactive)
+   (let ((packets (directory-files
+                 gnus-soup-packet-directory t gnus-soup-packet-regexp)))
+     (while packets
+       (when (gnus-soup-send-packet (car packets))
+       (delete-file (car packets)))
+       (setq packets (cdr packets)))))
+ (defun gnus-soup-add-article (n)
+   "Add the current article to SOUP packet.
+ If N is a positive number, add the N next articles.
+ If N is a negative number, add the N previous articles.
+ If N is nil and any articles have been marked with the process mark,
+ move those articles instead."
+   (interactive "P")
+   (let* ((articles (gnus-summary-work-articles n))
+        (tmp-buf (gnus-get-buffer-create "*soup work*"))
+        (area (gnus-soup-area gnus-newsgroup-name))
+        (prefix (gnus-soup-area-prefix area))
+        headers)
+     (buffer-disable-undo tmp-buf)
+     (save-excursion
+       (while articles
+       ;; Put the article in a buffer.
+       (set-buffer tmp-buf)
+       (when (gnus-request-article-this-buffer
+              (car articles) gnus-newsgroup-name)
+         (setq headers (nnheader-parse-head t))
+         (save-restriction
+           (message-narrow-to-head)
+           (message-remove-header gnus-soup-ignored-headers t))
+         (gnus-soup-store gnus-soup-directory prefix headers
+                          gnus-soup-encoding-type
+                          gnus-soup-index-type)
+         (gnus-soup-area-set-number
+          area (1+ (or (gnus-soup-area-number area) 0))))
+       ;; Mark article as read.
+       (set-buffer gnus-summary-buffer)
+       (gnus-summary-remove-process-mark (car articles))
+       (gnus-summary-mark-as-read (car articles) gnus-souped-mark)
+       (setq articles (cdr articles)))
+       (kill-buffer tmp-buf))
+     (gnus-soup-save-areas)
+     (gnus-set-mode-line 'summary)))
+ (defun gnus-soup-pack-packet ()
+   "Make a SOUP packet from the SOUP areas."
+   (interactive)
+   (gnus-soup-read-areas)
+   (if (file-exists-p gnus-soup-directory)
+       (if (directory-files gnus-soup-directory nil "\\.MSG$")
+         (gnus-soup-pack gnus-soup-directory gnus-soup-packer)
+       (message "No files to pack."))
+     (message "No such directory: %s" gnus-soup-directory)))
+ (defun gnus-group-brew-soup (n)
+   "Make a soup packet from the current group.
+ Uses the process/prefix convention."
+   (interactive "P")
+   (let ((groups (gnus-group-process-prefix n)))
+     (while groups
+       (gnus-group-remove-mark (car groups))
+       (gnus-soup-group-brew (car groups) t)
+       (setq groups (cdr groups)))
+     (gnus-soup-save-areas)))
+ (defun gnus-brew-soup (&optional level)
+   "Go through all groups on LEVEL or less and make a soup packet."
+   (interactive "P")
+   (let ((level (or level gnus-level-subscribed))
+       (newsrc (cdr gnus-newsrc-alist)))
+     (while newsrc
+       (when (<= (nth 1 (car newsrc)) level)
+       (gnus-soup-group-brew (caar newsrc) t))
+       (setq newsrc (cdr newsrc)))
+     (gnus-soup-save-areas)))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun gnus-batch-brew-soup ()
+   "Brew a SOUP packet from groups mention on the command line.
+ Will use the remaining command line arguments as regular expressions
+ for matching on group names.
+ For instance, if you want to brew on all the nnml groups, as well as
+ groups with \"emacs\" in the name, you could say something like:
+ $ emacs -batch -f gnus-batch-brew-soup ^nnml \".*emacs.*\"
+ Note -- this function hasn't been implemented yet."
+   (interactive)
+   nil)
+ ;;; Internal Functions:
+ ;; Store the current buffer.
+ (defun gnus-soup-store (directory prefix headers format index)
+   ;; Create the directory, if needed.
+   (gnus-make-directory directory)
+   (let* ((msg-buf (nnheader-find-file-noselect
+                  (concat directory prefix ".MSG")))
+        (idx-buf (if (= index ?n)
+                     nil
+                   (nnheader-find-file-noselect
+                    (concat directory prefix ".IDX"))))
+        (article-buf (current-buffer))
+        from head-line beg type)
+     (setq gnus-soup-buffers (cons msg-buf (delq msg-buf gnus-soup-buffers)))
+     (buffer-disable-undo msg-buf)
+     (when idx-buf
+       (push idx-buf gnus-soup-buffers)
+       (buffer-disable-undo idx-buf))
+     (save-excursion
+       ;; Make sure the last char in the buffer is a newline.
+       (goto-char (point-max))
+       (unless (= (current-column) 0)
+       (insert "\n"))
+       ;; Find the "from".
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       (setq from
+           (gnus-mail-strip-quoted-names
+            (or (mail-fetch-field "from")
+                (mail-fetch-field "really-from")
+                (mail-fetch-field "sender"))))
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       ;; Depending on what encoding is supposed to be used, we make
+       ;; a soup header.
+       (setq head-line
+           (cond
+            ((or (= gnus-soup-encoding-type ?u)
+                 (= gnus-soup-encoding-type ?n)) ;;Gnus back compatibility.
+             (format "#! rnews %d\n" (buffer-size)))
+            ((= gnus-soup-encoding-type ?m)
+             (while (search-forward "\nFrom " nil t)
+               (replace-match "\n>From " t t))
+             (concat "From " (or from "unknown")
+                     " " (current-time-string) "\n"))
+            ((= gnus-soup-encoding-type ?M)
+             "\^a\^a\^a\^a\n")
+            (t (error "Unsupported type: %c" gnus-soup-encoding-type))))
+       ;; Insert the soup header and the article in the MSG buf.
+       (set-buffer msg-buf)
+       (goto-char (point-max))
+       (insert head-line)
+       (setq beg (point))
+       (insert-buffer-substring article-buf)
+       ;; Insert the index in the IDX buf.
+       (cond ((= index ?c)
+            (set-buffer idx-buf)
+            (gnus-soup-insert-idx beg headers))
+           ((/= index ?n)
+            (error "Unknown index type: %c" type)))
+       ;; Return the MSG buf.
+       msg-buf)))
+ (defun gnus-soup-group-brew (group &optional not-all)
+   "Enter GROUP and add all articles to a SOUP package.
+ If NOT-ALL, don't pack ticked articles."
+   (let ((gnus-expert-user t)
+       (gnus-large-newsgroup nil)
+       (entry (gnus-gethash group gnus-newsrc-hashtb)))
+     (when (or (null entry)
+             (eq (car entry) t)
+             (and (car entry)
+                  (> (car entry) 0))
+             (and (not not-all)
+                  (gnus-range-length (cdr (assq 'tick (gnus-info-marks
+                                                       (nth 2 entry)))))))
+       (when (gnus-summary-read-group group nil t)
+       (setq gnus-newsgroup-processable
+             (reverse
+              (if (not not-all)
+                  (append gnus-newsgroup-marked gnus-newsgroup-unreads)
+                gnus-newsgroup-unreads)))
+       (gnus-soup-add-article nil)
+       (gnus-summary-exit)))))
+ (defun gnus-soup-insert-idx (offset header)
+   ;; [number subject from date id references chars lines xref]
+   (goto-char (point-max))
+   (insert
+    (format "%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%s\t\t\n"
+          offset
+          (or (mail-header-subject header) "(none)")
+          (or (mail-header-from header) "(nobody)")
+          (or (mail-header-date header) "")
+          (or (mail-header-id header)
+              (concat "soup-dummy-id-"
+                      (mapconcat
+                       (lambda (time) (int-to-string time))
+                       (current-time) "-")))
+          (or (mail-header-references header) "")
+          (or (mail-header-chars header) 0)
+          (or (mail-header-lines header) "0"))))
+ (defun gnus-soup-save-areas ()
+   "Write all SOUP buffers."
+   (interactive)
+   (gnus-soup-write-areas)
+   (save-excursion
+     (let (buf)
+       (while gnus-soup-buffers
+       (setq buf (car gnus-soup-buffers)
+             gnus-soup-buffers (cdr gnus-soup-buffers))
+       (if (not (buffer-name buf))
+           ()
+         (set-buffer buf)
+         (when (buffer-modified-p)
+           (save-buffer))
+         (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))))
+     (gnus-soup-write-prefixes)))
+ (defun gnus-soup-write-prefixes ()
+   (let ((prefixes gnus-soup-last-prefix)
+       prefix)
+     (save-excursion
+       (gnus-set-work-buffer)
+       (while (setq prefix (pop prefixes))
+       (erase-buffer)
+       (insert (format "(setq gnus-soup-prev-prefix %d)\n" (cdr prefix)))
+       (let ((coding-system-for-write mm-text-coding-system))
+         (gnus-write-buffer (concat (car prefix) gnus-soup-prefix-file)))))))
+ (defun gnus-soup-pack (dir packer)
+   (let* ((files (mapconcat 'identity
+                          '("AREAS" "*.MSG" "*.IDX" "INFO"
+                            "LIST" "REPLIES" "COMMANDS" "ERRORS")
+                          " "))
+        (packer (if (< (string-match "%s" packer)
+                       (string-match "%d" packer))
+                    (format packer files
+                            (string-to-int (gnus-soup-unique-prefix dir)))
+                  (format packer
+                          (string-to-int (gnus-soup-unique-prefix dir))
+                          files)))
+        (dir (expand-file-name dir)))
+     (gnus-make-directory dir)
+     (setq gnus-soup-areas nil)
+     (gnus-message 4 "Packing %s..." packer)
+     (if (zerop (call-process shell-file-name
+                            nil nil nil shell-command-switch
+                            (concat "cd " dir " ; " packer)))
+       (progn
+         (call-process shell-file-name nil nil nil shell-command-switch
+                       (concat "cd " dir " ; rm " files))
+         (gnus-message 4 "Packing...done" packer))
+       (error "Couldn't pack packet"))))
+ (defun gnus-soup-parse-areas (file)
+   "Parse soup area file FILE.
+ The result is a of vectors, each containing one entry from the AREA file.
+ The vector contain five strings,
+   [prefix name encoding description number]
+ though the two last may be nil if they are missing."
+   (let (areas)
+     (when (file-exists-p file)
+       (save-excursion
+       (set-buffer (nnheader-find-file-noselect file 'force))
+       (buffer-disable-undo)
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       (while (not (eobp))
+         (push (vector (gnus-soup-field)
+                       (gnus-soup-field)
+                       (gnus-soup-field)
+                       (and (eq (preceding-char) ?\t)
+                            (gnus-soup-field))
+                       (and (eq (preceding-char) ?\t)
+                            (string-to-int (gnus-soup-field))))
+               areas)
+         (when (eq (preceding-char) ?\t)
+           (beginning-of-line 2)))
+       (kill-buffer (current-buffer))))
+     areas))
+ (defun gnus-soup-parse-replies (file)
+   "Parse soup REPLIES file FILE.
+ The result is a of vectors, each containing one entry from the REPLIES
+ file.  The vector contain three strings, [prefix name encoding]."
+   (let (replies)
+     (save-excursion
+       (set-buffer (nnheader-find-file-noselect file))
+       (buffer-disable-undo)
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       (while (not (eobp))
+       (push (vector (gnus-soup-field) (gnus-soup-field)
+                     (gnus-soup-field))
+             replies)
+       (when (eq (preceding-char) ?\t)
+         (beginning-of-line 2)))
+       (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))
+     replies))
+ (defun gnus-soup-field ()
+   (prog1
+       (buffer-substring (point) (progn (skip-chars-forward "^\t\n") (point)))
+     (forward-char 1)))
+ (defun gnus-soup-read-areas ()
+   (or gnus-soup-areas
+       (setq gnus-soup-areas
+           (gnus-soup-parse-areas (concat gnus-soup-directory "AREAS")))))
+ (defun gnus-soup-write-areas ()
+   "Write the AREAS file."
+   (interactive)
+   (when gnus-soup-areas
+     (with-temp-file (concat gnus-soup-directory "AREAS")
+       (let ((areas gnus-soup-areas)
+           area)
+       (while (setq area (pop areas))
+         (insert
+          (format
+           "%s\t%s\t%s%s\n"
+           (gnus-soup-area-prefix area)
+           (gnus-soup-area-name area)
+           (gnus-soup-area-encoding area)
+           (if (or (gnus-soup-area-description area)
+                   (gnus-soup-area-number area))
+               (concat "\t" (or (gnus-soup-area-description
+                                 area) "")
+                       (if (gnus-soup-area-number area)
+                           (concat "\t" (int-to-string
+                                         (gnus-soup-area-number area)))
+                         "")) ""))))))))
+ (defun gnus-soup-write-replies (dir areas)
+   "Write a REPLIES file in DIR containing AREAS."
+   (with-temp-file (concat dir "REPLIES")
+     (let (area)
+       (while (setq area (pop areas))
+       (insert (format "%s\t%s\t%s\n"
+                       (gnus-soup-reply-prefix area)
+                       (gnus-soup-reply-kind area)
+                       (gnus-soup-reply-encoding area)))))))
+ (defun gnus-soup-area (group)
+   (gnus-soup-read-areas)
+   (let ((areas gnus-soup-areas)
+       (real-group (gnus-group-real-name group))
+       area result)
+     (while areas
+       (setq area (car areas)
+           areas (cdr areas))
+       (when (equal (gnus-soup-area-name area) real-group)
+       (setq result area)))
+     (unless result
+       (setq result
+           (vector (gnus-soup-unique-prefix)
+                   real-group
+                   (format "%c%c%c"
+                           gnus-soup-encoding-type
+                           gnus-soup-index-type
+                           (if (gnus-member-of-valid 'mail group) ?m ?n))
+                   nil nil)
+           gnus-soup-areas (cons result gnus-soup-areas)))
+     result))
+ (defun gnus-soup-unique-prefix (&optional dir)
+   (let* ((dir (file-name-as-directory (or dir gnus-soup-directory)))
+        (entry (assoc dir gnus-soup-last-prefix))
+        gnus-soup-prev-prefix)
+     (if entry
+       ()
+       (when (file-exists-p (concat dir gnus-soup-prefix-file))
+       (ignore-errors
+         (load (concat dir gnus-soup-prefix-file) nil t t)))
+       (push (setq entry (cons dir (or gnus-soup-prev-prefix 0)))
+           gnus-soup-last-prefix))
+     (setcdr entry (1+ (cdr entry)))
+     (gnus-soup-write-prefixes)
+     (int-to-string (cdr entry))))
+ (defun gnus-soup-unpack-packet (dir unpacker packet)
+   "Unpack PACKET into DIR using UNPACKER.
+ Return whether the unpacking was successful."
+   (gnus-make-directory dir)
+   (gnus-message 4 "Unpacking: %s" (format unpacker packet))
+   (prog1
+       (zerop (call-process
+             shell-file-name nil nil nil shell-command-switch
+             (format "cd %s ; %s" (expand-file-name dir)
+                     (format unpacker packet))))
+     (gnus-message 4 "Unpacking...done")))
+ (defun gnus-soup-send-packet (packet)
+   (gnus-soup-unpack-packet
+    gnus-soup-replies-directory gnus-soup-unpacker packet)
+   (let ((replies (gnus-soup-parse-replies
+                 (concat gnus-soup-replies-directory "REPLIES"))))
+     (save-excursion
+       (while replies
+       (let* ((msg-file (concat gnus-soup-replies-directory
+                                (gnus-soup-reply-prefix (car replies))
+                                ".MSG"))
+              (msg-buf (and (file-exists-p msg-file)
+                            (nnheader-find-file-noselect msg-file)))
+              (tmp-buf (gnus-get-buffer-create " *soup send*"))
+              beg end)
+         (cond
+          ((and (/= (gnus-soup-encoding-format
+                     (gnus-soup-reply-encoding (car replies)))
+                    ?u)
+                (/= (gnus-soup-encoding-format
+                     (gnus-soup-reply-encoding (car replies)))
+                    ?n)) ;; Gnus back compatibility.
+           (error "Unsupported encoding"))
+          ((null msg-buf)
+           t)
+          (t
+           (buffer-disable-undo msg-buf)
+           (set-buffer msg-buf)
+           (goto-char (point-min))
+           (while (not (eobp))
+             (unless (looking-at "#! *rnews +\\([0-9]+\\)")
+               (error "Bad header"))
+             (forward-line 1)
+             (setq beg (point)
+                   end (+ (point) (string-to-int
+                                   (buffer-substring
+                                    (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))))
+             (switch-to-buffer tmp-buf)
+             (erase-buffer)
+             (insert-buffer-substring msg-buf beg end)
+             (goto-char (point-min))
+             (search-forward "\n\n")
+             (forward-char -1)
+             (insert mail-header-separator)
+             (setq message-newsreader (setq message-mailer
+                                            (gnus-extended-version)))
+             (cond
+              ((string= (gnus-soup-reply-kind (car replies)) "news")
+               (gnus-message 5 "Sending news message to %s..."
+                             (mail-fetch-field "newsgroups"))
+               (sit-for 1)
+               (let ((message-syntax-checks
+                      'dont-check-for-anything-just-trust-me))
+                 (funcall message-send-news-function)))
+              ((string= (gnus-soup-reply-kind (car replies)) "mail")
+               (gnus-message 5 "Sending mail to %s..."
+                             (mail-fetch-field "to"))
+               (sit-for 1)
+               (message-send-mail))
+              (t
+               (error "Unknown reply kind")))
+             (set-buffer msg-buf)
+             (goto-char end))
+           (delete-file (buffer-file-name))
+           (kill-buffer msg-buf)
+           (kill-buffer tmp-buf)
+           (gnus-message 4 "Sent packet"))))
+       (setq replies (cdr replies)))
+       t)))
+ (provide 'gnus-soup)
+ ;;; arch-tag: eddfa69d-13e8-4aea-84ef-62a526ef185c
+ ;;; gnus-soup.el ends here

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