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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/help.el [lexbind]

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/help.el [lexbind]
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2003 19:51:59 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/help.el
diff -c emacs/lisp/help.el: emacs/lisp/help.el:
*** emacs/lisp/help.el:        Fri Apr  4 01:20:06 2003
--- emacs/lisp/help.el  Tue Oct 14 19:51:05 2003
*** 574,684 ****
    (with-output-to-temp-buffer (help-buffer)
        (when buffer (set-buffer buffer))
!       (when minor-mode-alist
!       (princ "The major mode is described first.
! For minor modes, see following pages.\n\n"))
!       (princ mode-name)
!       (princ " mode:\n")
!       (princ (documentation major-mode))
!       (let ((minor-modes minor-mode-alist))
!       (while minor-modes
!         (let* ((minor-mode (car (car minor-modes)))
!                (indicator (car (cdr (car minor-modes)))))
!           ;; Document a minor mode if it is listed in minor-mode-alist,
!           ;; bound locally in this buffer, non-nil, and has a function
!           ;; definition.
!           (if (and (boundp minor-mode)
!                    (symbol-value minor-mode)
!                    (fboundp minor-mode))
!               (let ((pretty-minor-mode minor-mode))
!                 (if (string-match "\\(-minor\\)?-mode\\'"
!                                   (symbol-name minor-mode))
!                     (setq pretty-minor-mode
!                           (capitalize
!                            (substring (symbol-name minor-mode)
!                                       0 (match-beginning 0)))))
!                 (while (and indicator (symbolp indicator)
!                             (boundp indicator)
!                             (not (eq indicator (symbol-value indicator))))
!                   (setq indicator (symbol-value indicator)))
!                 (princ "\n\f\n")
!                 (princ (format "%s minor mode (%s):\n"
!                                pretty-minor-mode
!                                (if indicator
!                                    (format "indicator%s" indicator)
!                                  "no indicator")))
!                 (princ (documentation minor-mode)))))
!         (setq minor-modes (cdr minor-modes))))
  (defun describe-minor-mode (minor-mode)
!   "Display documentation of a minor mode given as MINOR-MODE."
    (interactive (list (intern (completing-read 
!                             "Minor mode: "
!                             (delete nil (mapcar
!                                          (function (lambda (x)
!                                                      (if (eval (car x))
!                                                          (symbol-name (car 
!                                          minor-mode-alist))))))
!   (if (fboundp minor-mode)
!       (describe-function minor-mode)
!     (describe-variable minor-mode)))
  (defun describe-minor-mode-from-indicator (indicator)
!   "Display documentation of a minor mode specified by INDICATOR."
    (interactive (list 
                 "Minor mode indicator: "
!                (delete nil 
!                        (mapcar
!                         #'(lambda (x)
!                             (if (eval (car x))
!                                 (let ((i (expand-minor-mode-indicator-object 
(cadr x))))
!                                   (if (and (< 0 (length i))
!                                            (string= " " (substring i 0 1)))
!                                       (substring i 1)
!                                     i))))
!                         minor-mode-alist)))))
    (let ((minor-mode (lookup-minor-mode-from-indicator indicator)))
      (if minor-mode
!       (describe-minor-mode minor-mode)
        (error "Cannot find minor mode for `%s'" indicator))))
  (defun lookup-minor-mode-from-indicator (indicator)
    "Return a minor mode symbol from its indicator on the modeline."
    (if (and (< 0 (length indicator)) 
!          (not (string= " " (substring indicator 0 1))))
!       (setq indicator (concat " " indicator)))
    (let ((minor-modes minor-mode-alist)
      (while minor-modes
        (let* ((minor-mode (car (car minor-modes)))
!            (anindicator (car (cdr (car minor-modes)))))
!       (setq anindicator (expand-minor-mode-indicator-object anindicator))
        (if (and (stringp anindicator) 
!                (string= anindicator indicator))
            (setq result minor-mode
                  minor-modes nil)
          (setq minor-modes (cdr minor-modes)))))
- (defun expand-minor-mode-indicator-object (obj)
-   "Expand OBJ that represents a minor-mode indicator.
- cdr part of a `minor-mode-alist' element(indicator object) is the
- indicator of minor mode that is in car part.  Normally indicator
- object is a string. However, in some case it is more compound object
- like cons cell. This function tries to make the compound object a string."
-   ;; copied from describe-mode
-   (while (and obj (symbolp obj)
-             (boundp obj)
-             (not (eq obj (symbol-value obj))))
-     (setq obj (symbol-value obj)))
-   (when (and (consp obj) 
-            (keywordp (car obj))
-            (eq :eval (car obj)))
-     (setq obj (eval (cadr obj))))
-   obj)
  ;;; Automatic resizing of temporary buffers.
--- 574,724 ----
    (with-output-to-temp-buffer (help-buffer)
        (when buffer (set-buffer buffer))
!       (let (minor-modes)
!       ;; Find enabled minor mode we will want to mention.
!       (dolist (mode minor-mode-list)
!         ;; Document a minor mode if it is listed in minor-mode-alist,
!         ;; non-nil, and has a function definition.
!         (and (boundp mode) (symbol-value mode)
!              (fboundp mode)
!              (let ((pretty-minor-mode mode)
!                    indicator)
!                (if (string-match "\\(-minor\\)?-mode\\'"
!                                  (symbol-name mode))
!                    (setq pretty-minor-mode
!                          (capitalize
!                           (substring (symbol-name mode)
!                                      0 (match-beginning 0)))))
!                (setq indicator (cadr (assq mode minor-mode-alist)))
!                (while (and indicator (symbolp indicator)
!                            (boundp indicator)
!                            (not (eq indicator (symbol-value indicator))))
!                  (setq indicator (symbol-value indicator)))
!                (push (list pretty-minor-mode mode indicator)
!                      minor-modes))))
!       (if auto-fill-function
!           (push '("Auto Fill" auto-fill-mode " Fill")
!                 minor-modes))
!       (setq minor-modes
!             (sort minor-modes
!                   (lambda (a b) (string-lessp (car a) (car b)))))
!       (when minor-modes
!         (princ "Summary of minor modes:\n")
!         (dolist (mode minor-modes)
!           (let ((pretty-minor-mode (nth 0 mode))
!                 (indicator (nth 2 mode)))
!             (princ (format "  %s minor mode (%s):\n"
!                            pretty-minor-mode
!                            (if indicator
!                                (format "indicator%s" indicator)
!                              "no indicator")))))
!         (princ "\n(Full information about these minor modes
! follows the description of the major mode.)\n\n"))
!       ;; Document the major mode.
!       (princ mode-name)
!       (princ " mode:\n")
!       (princ (documentation major-mode))
!       ;; Document the minor modes fully.
!       (dolist (mode minor-modes)
!         (let ((pretty-minor-mode (nth 0 mode))
!               (mode-function (nth 1 mode))
!               (indicator (nth 2 mode)))
!           (princ "\n\f\n")
!           (princ (format "%s minor mode (%s):\n"
!                          pretty-minor-mode
!                          (if indicator
!                              (format "indicator%s" indicator)
!                            "no indicator")))
!           (princ (documentation mode-function)))))
  (defun describe-minor-mode (minor-mode)
!   "Display documentation of a minor mode given as MINOR-MODE.
! MINOR-MODE can be a minor mode symbol or a minor mode indicator string
! appeared on the mode-line."
!   (interactive (list (completing-read 
!                     "Minor mode: "
!                             (nconc
!                              (describe-minor-mode-completion-table-for-symbol)
!                              ))))
!   (if (symbolp minor-mode)
!       (setq minor-mode (symbol-name minor-mode)))
!   (let ((symbols (describe-minor-mode-completion-table-for-symbol))
!       (indicators (describe-minor-mode-completion-table-for-indicator)))
!     (cond
!      ((member minor-mode symbols)
!       (describe-minor-mode-from-symbol (intern minor-mode)))
!      ((member minor-mode indicators)
!       (describe-minor-mode-from-indicator minor-mode))
!      (t
!       (error "No such minor mode: %s" minor-mode)))))
! ;; symbol    
! (defun describe-minor-mode-completion-table-for-symbol ()
!   ;; In order to list up all minor modes, minor-mode-list
!   ;; is used here instead of minor-mode-alist.
!   (delq nil (mapcar 'symbol-name minor-mode-list)))
! (defun describe-minor-mode-from-symbol (symbol)
!   "Display documentation of a minor mode given as a symbol, SYMBOL"
    (interactive (list (intern (completing-read 
!                             "Minor mode symbol: "
!   (if (fboundp symbol)
!       (describe-function symbol)
!     (describe-variable symbol)))
! ;; indicator
! (defun describe-minor-mode-completion-table-for-indicator ()
!   (delq nil 
!       (mapcar (lambda (x)
!                 (let ((i (format-mode-line x)))
!                   ;; remove first space if existed
!                   (cond
!                    ((= 0 (length i))
!                     nil)
!                    ((eq (aref i 0) ?\ )
!                     (substring i 1))
!                    (t 
!                     i))))
!               minor-mode-alist)))
  (defun describe-minor-mode-from-indicator (indicator)
!   "Display documentation of a minor mode specified by INDICATOR.
! If you call this function interactively, you can give indicator which
! is currently activated with completion."
    (interactive (list 
                 "Minor mode indicator: "
!                (describe-minor-mode-completion-table-for-indicator))))
    (let ((minor-mode (lookup-minor-mode-from-indicator indicator)))
      (if minor-mode
!       (describe-minor-mode-from-symbol minor-mode)
        (error "Cannot find minor mode for `%s'" indicator))))
  (defun lookup-minor-mode-from-indicator (indicator)
    "Return a minor mode symbol from its indicator on the modeline."
+   ;; remove first space if existed
    (if (and (< 0 (length indicator)) 
!          (eq (aref indicator 0) ?\ ))
!       (setq indicator (substring indicator 1)))
    (let ((minor-modes minor-mode-alist)
      (while minor-modes
        (let* ((minor-mode (car (car minor-modes)))
!            (anindicator (format-mode-line 
!                          (car (cdr (car minor-modes))))))
!       ;; remove first space if existed
        (if (and (stringp anindicator) 
!                (> (length anindicator) 0)
!                (eq (aref anindicator 0) ?\ ))
!           (setq anindicator (substring anindicator 1)))
!       (if (equal indicator anindicator)
            (setq result minor-mode
                  minor-modes nil)
          (setq minor-modes (cdr minor-modes)))))
  ;;; Automatic resizing of temporary buffers.
*** 726,729 ****
--- 766,770 ----
  ;; defcustoms which require 'help'.
  (provide 'help)
+ ;;; arch-tag: cf427352-27e9-49b7-9a6f-741ebab02423
  ;;; help.el ends here

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