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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/progmodes/f90.el [lexbind]

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/progmodes/f90.el [lexbind]
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2003 19:30:27 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/progmodes/f90.el
diff -c emacs/lisp/progmodes/f90.el: 
*** emacs/lisp/progmodes/f90.el:        Fri Apr  4 01:20:32 2003
--- emacs/lisp/progmodes/f90.el Tue Oct 14 19:30:17 2003
*** 65,71 ****
  ;; The function f90-comment-region toggles insertion of
  ;; the variable f90-comment-region in every line of the region.
! ;; One common convention for free vs. fixed format is that free-format files
  ;; have the ending .f90 or .f95 while fixed format files have the ending .f.
  ;; Emacs automatically loads Fortran files in the appropriate mode based
  ;; on extension. You can modify this by adjusting the variable 
--- 65,71 ----
  ;; The function f90-comment-region toggles insertion of
  ;; the variable f90-comment-region in every line of the region.
! ;; One common convention for free vs. fixed format is that free format files
  ;; have the ending .f90 or .f95 while fixed format files have the ending .f.
  ;; Emacs automatically loads Fortran files in the appropriate mode based
  ;; on extension. You can modify this by adjusting the variable 
*** 150,255 ****
  ;; Also thanks to the authors of the fortran and pascal modes, on which some
  ;; of this code is built.
  ;; TODO
  ;; Support for hideshow, align.
  ;; OpenMP, preprocessor highlighting.
- ;;; Code:
  (defvar comment-auto-fill-only-comments)
  (defvar font-lock-keywords)
  ;; User options
  (defgroup f90 nil
!   "Major mode for editing Fortran 90,95 code."
    :group 'languages)
  (defgroup f90-indent nil
!   "Indentation in free-format Fortran."
    :prefix "f90-"
!   :group 'f90)
  (defcustom f90-do-indent 3
    "*Extra indentation applied to DO blocks."
!   :type 'integer
    :group 'f90-indent)
  (defcustom f90-if-indent 3
    "*Extra indentation applied to IF, SELECT CASE, WHERE and FORALL blocks."
!   :type 'integer
    :group 'f90-indent)
  (defcustom f90-type-indent 3
    "*Extra indentation applied to TYPE, INTERFACE and BLOCK DATA blocks."
!   :type 'integer
    :group 'f90-indent)
  (defcustom f90-program-indent 2
!   "*Extra indentation applied to PROGRAM/MODULE/SUBROUTINE/FUNCTION blocks."
!   :type 'integer
    :group 'f90-indent)
  (defcustom f90-continuation-indent 5
!   "*Extra indentation applied to F90 continuation lines."
!   :type 'integer
    :group 'f90-indent)
  (defcustom f90-comment-region "!!$"
    "*String inserted by \\[f90-comment-region] at start of each line in 
!   :type 'string
    :group 'f90-indent)
  (defcustom f90-indented-comment-re "!"
!   "*Regexp saying which comments to indent like code."
!   :type 'regexp
    :group 'f90-indent)
  (defcustom f90-directive-comment-re "!hpf\\$"
    "*Regexp of comment-like directive like \"!HPF\\\\$\", not to be indented."
!   :type 'regexp
    :group 'f90-indent)
  (defcustom f90-beginning-ampersand t
    "*Non-nil gives automatic insertion of \& at start of continuation line."
!   :type 'boolean
    :group 'f90)
  (defcustom f90-smart-end 'blink
    "*From an END statement, check and fill the end using matching block start.
  Allowed values are 'blink, 'no-blink, and nil, which determine
  whether to blink the matching beginning."
!   :type '(choice (const blink) (const no-blink) (const nil))
    :group 'f90)
  (defcustom f90-break-delimiters "[-+\\*/><=,% \t]"
    "*Regexp holding list of delimiters at which lines may be broken."
!   :type 'regexp
    :group 'f90)
  (defcustom f90-break-before-delimiters t
    "*Non-nil causes `f90-do-auto-fill' to break lines before delimiters."
!   :type 'boolean
    :group 'f90)
  (defcustom f90-auto-keyword-case nil
    "*Automatic case conversion of keywords.
  The options are 'downcase-word, 'upcase-word, 'capitalize-word and nil."
!   :type '(choice (const downcase-word) (const upcase-word)
!                (const capitalize-word) (const nil))
    :group 'f90)
  (defcustom f90-leave-line-no nil
    "*If non-nil, line numbers are not left justified."
!   :type 'boolean
    :group 'f90)
  (defcustom f90-mode-hook nil
    "Hook run when entering F90 mode."
!   :type 'hook
    :options '(f90-add-imenu-menu)
!   :group 'f90)
  ;; User options end here.
--- 150,255 ----
  ;; Also thanks to the authors of the fortran and pascal modes, on which some
  ;; of this code is built.
+ ;;; Code:
  ;; TODO
  ;; Support for hideshow, align.
  ;; OpenMP, preprocessor highlighting.
  (defvar comment-auto-fill-only-comments)
  (defvar font-lock-keywords)
  ;; User options
  (defgroup f90 nil
!   "Major mode for editing free format Fortran 90,95 code."
    :group 'languages)
  (defgroup f90-indent nil
!   "Indentation in free format Fortran."
    :prefix "f90-"
!   :group  'f90)
  (defcustom f90-do-indent 3
    "*Extra indentation applied to DO blocks."
!   :type  'integer
    :group 'f90-indent)
  (defcustom f90-if-indent 3
    "*Extra indentation applied to IF, SELECT CASE, WHERE and FORALL blocks."
!   :type  'integer
    :group 'f90-indent)
  (defcustom f90-type-indent 3
    "*Extra indentation applied to TYPE, INTERFACE and BLOCK DATA blocks."
!   :type  'integer
    :group 'f90-indent)
  (defcustom f90-program-indent 2
!   "*Extra indentation applied to PROGRAM, MODULE, SUBROUTINE, FUNCTION 
!   :type  'integer
    :group 'f90-indent)
  (defcustom f90-continuation-indent 5
!   "*Extra indentation applied to continuation lines."
!   :type  'integer
    :group 'f90-indent)
  (defcustom f90-comment-region "!!$"
    "*String inserted by \\[f90-comment-region] at start of each line in 
!   :type  'string
    :group 'f90-indent)
  (defcustom f90-indented-comment-re "!"
!   "*Regexp matching comments to indent as code."
!   :type  'regexp
    :group 'f90-indent)
  (defcustom f90-directive-comment-re "!hpf\\$"
    "*Regexp of comment-like directive like \"!HPF\\\\$\", not to be indented."
!   :type  'regexp
    :group 'f90-indent)
  (defcustom f90-beginning-ampersand t
    "*Non-nil gives automatic insertion of \& at start of continuation line."
!   :type  'boolean
    :group 'f90)
  (defcustom f90-smart-end 'blink
    "*From an END statement, check and fill the end using matching block start.
  Allowed values are 'blink, 'no-blink, and nil, which determine
  whether to blink the matching beginning."
!   :type  '(choice (const blink) (const no-blink) (const nil))
    :group 'f90)
  (defcustom f90-break-delimiters "[-+\\*/><=,% \t]"
    "*Regexp holding list of delimiters at which lines may be broken."
!   :type  'regexp
    :group 'f90)
  (defcustom f90-break-before-delimiters t
    "*Non-nil causes `f90-do-auto-fill' to break lines before delimiters."
!   :type  'boolean
    :group 'f90)
  (defcustom f90-auto-keyword-case nil
    "*Automatic case conversion of keywords.
  The options are 'downcase-word, 'upcase-word, 'capitalize-word and nil."
!   :type  '(choice (const downcase-word) (const upcase-word)
!                   (const capitalize-word) (const nil))
    :group 'f90)
  (defcustom f90-leave-line-no nil
    "*If non-nil, line numbers are not left justified."
!   :type  'boolean
    :group 'f90)
  (defcustom f90-mode-hook nil
    "Hook run when entering F90 mode."
!   :type    'hook
    :options '(f90-add-imenu-menu)
!   :group   'f90)
  ;; User options end here.
*** 363,370 ****
      ;; Variable declarations (avoid the real function call).
      '("^[ \t0-9]*\\(real\\|integer\\|c\\(haracter\\|omplex\\)\\|\
! logical\\|type[ \t]*(\\sw+)\\)\\(.*::\\|[ \t]*(.*)\\)?\\([^!\n]*\\)"
!       (1 font-lock-type-face t) (4 font-lock-variable-name-face))
      ;; do, if, select, where, and forall constructs.
      '("\\<\\(end[ \t]*\\(do\\|if\\|select\\|forall\\|where\\)\\)\\>\
  \\([ \t]+\\(\\sw+\\)\\)?"
--- 363,370 ----
      ;; Variable declarations (avoid the real function call).
      '("^[ \t0-9]*\\(real\\|integer\\|c\\(haracter\\|omplex\\)\\|\
! logical\\|type[ \t]*(\\sw+)\\)\\(.*::\\|[ \t]*(.*)\\)?\\([^&!\n]*\\)"
!       (1 font-lock-type-face t) (4 font-lock-variable-name-face t))
      ;; do, if, select, where, and forall constructs.
      '("\\<\\(end[ \t]*\\(do\\|if\\|select\\|forall\\|where\\)\\)\\>\
  \\([ \t]+\\(\\sw+\\)\\)?"
*** 379,384 ****
--- 379,385 ----
      '("\\<\\(namelist\\|common\\)[ \t]*\/\\(\\sw+\\)?\/"
        (1 font-lock-keyword-face) (2 font-lock-constant-face nil t))
      "\\<else\\([ \t]*if\\|where\\)?\\>"
+     '("\\(&\\)[ \t]*\\(!\\|$\\)"  (1 font-lock-keyword-face))
      '("\\<\\(exit\\|cycle\\)[ \t]*\\(\\sw+\\)?\\>"
        (1 font-lock-keyword-face) (2 font-lock-constant-face nil t))
*** 455,507 ****
      (define-key map "-"        'f90-electric-insert)
      (define-key map "*"        'f90-electric-insert)
      (define-key map "/"        'f90-electric-insert)
    "Keymap used in F90 mode.")
- (easy-menu-define f90-menu f90-mode-map "Menu for F90 mode."
-   '("F90"
-     ["Indent Subprogram"       f90-indent-subprogram       t]
-     ["Mark Subprogram"         f90-mark-subprogram         t]
-     ["Beginning of Subprogram" f90-beginning-of-subprogram t]
-     ["End of Subprogram"       f90-end-of-subprogram       t]
-     "--"
-     ["(Un)Comment Region" f90-comment-region mark-active]
-     ["Indent Region"      f90-indent-region  mark-active]
-     ["Fill Region"        f90-fill-region    mark-active]
-     "--"
-     ["Break Line at Point" f90-break-line t]
-     ["Join with Next Line" f90-join-lines t]
-     ["Insert Block End"    f90-insert-end t]
-     "--"
-     ("Highlighting"
-      ["Toggle font-lock-mode" font-lock-mode :selected font-lock-mode
-       :style toggle]
-      "--"
-      ["Light highlighting (level 1)"    f90-font-lock-1 t]
-      ["Moderate highlighting (level 2)" f90-font-lock-2 t]
-      ["Heavy highlighting (level 3)"    f90-font-lock-3 t]
-      ["Maximum highlighting (level 4)"  f90-font-lock-4 t]
-      )
-     ("Change Keyword Case"
-      ["Upcase Keywords (buffer)"     f90-upcase-keywords     t]
-      ["Capitalize Keywords (buffer)" f90-capitalize-keywords t]
-      ["Downcase Keywords (buffer)"   f90-downcase-keywords   t]
-      "--"
-      ["Upcase Keywords (region)"     f90-upcase-region-keywords mark-active]
-      ["Capitalize Keywords (region)" f90-capitalize-region-keywords
-       mark-active]
-      ["Downcase Keywords (region)"   f90-downcase-region-keywords mark-active]
-      )
-     "--"
-     ["Toggle auto-fill"   auto-fill-mode :selected auto-fill-function
-      :style toggle]
-     ["Toggle abbrev-mode" abbrev-mode    :selected abbrev-mode :style toggle]
-     ["Add imenu Menu" f90-add-imenu-menu
-      :active (not (lookup-key (current-local-map) [menu-bar index]))
-      :included (fboundp 'imenu-add-to-menubar)]
-     ))
  (defun f90-font-lock-1 ()
    "Set `font-lock-keywords' to `f90-font-lock-keywords-1'."
--- 456,519 ----
      (define-key map "-"        'f90-electric-insert)
      (define-key map "*"        'f90-electric-insert)
      (define-key map "/"        'f90-electric-insert)
+     (easy-menu-define f90-menu map "Menu for F90 mode."
+       `("F90"
+         ("Customization"
+          ,(custom-menu-create 'f90)
+          ["Set"  Custom-set t]
+          ["Save" Custom-save t]
+          ["Reset to Current" Custom-reset-current t]
+          ["Reset to Saved"   Custom-reset-saved t]
+          ["Reset to Standard Settings" Custom-reset-standard t]
+          )
+         "--"
+         ["Indent Subprogram"       f90-indent-subprogram       t]
+         ["Mark Subprogram"         f90-mark-subprogram         t]
+         ["Beginning of Subprogram" f90-beginning-of-subprogram t]
+         ["End of Subprogram"       f90-end-of-subprogram       t]
+         "--"
+         ["(Un)Comment Region" f90-comment-region mark-active]
+         ["Indent Region"      f90-indent-region  mark-active]
+         ["Fill Region"        f90-fill-region    mark-active]
+         "--"
+         ["Break Line at Point"     f90-break-line t]
+         ["Join with Previous Line" f90-join-lines t]
+         ["Insert Block End"        f90-insert-end t]
+         "--"
+         ("Highlighting"
+          ["Toggle font-lock-mode" font-lock-mode :selected font-lock-mode
+           :style toggle]
+          "--"
+          ["Light highlighting (level 1)"    f90-font-lock-1 t]
+          ["Moderate highlighting (level 2)" f90-font-lock-2 t]
+          ["Heavy highlighting (level 3)"    f90-font-lock-3 t]
+          ["Maximum highlighting (level 4)"  f90-font-lock-4 t]
+          )
+         ("Change Keyword Case"
+          ["Upcase Keywords (buffer)"     f90-upcase-keywords     t]
+          ["Capitalize Keywords (buffer)" f90-capitalize-keywords t]
+          ["Downcase Keywords (buffer)"   f90-downcase-keywords   t]
+          "--"
+          ["Upcase Keywords (region)"     f90-upcase-region-keywords
+           mark-active]
+          ["Capitalize Keywords (region)" f90-capitalize-region-keywords
+           mark-active]
+          ["Downcase Keywords (region)"   f90-downcase-region-keywords
+           mark-active]
+          )
+         "--"
+         ["Toggle auto-fill"   auto-fill-mode :selected auto-fill-function
+          :style toggle]
+         ["Toggle abbrev-mode" abbrev-mode    :selected abbrev-mode
+          :style toggle]
+         ["Add imenu Menu" f90-add-imenu-menu
+          :active   (not (lookup-key (current-local-map) [menu-bar index]))
+          :included (fboundp 'imenu-add-to-menubar)]))
    "Keymap used in F90 mode.")
  (defun f90-font-lock-1 ()
    "Set `font-lock-keywords' to `f90-font-lock-keywords-1'."
*** 595,601 ****
         "[ \t]*\\(function\\|subroutine\\)[ \t]+\\(\\sw+\\)")
!   "Generic imenu expression for F90 mode.")
  (defun f90-add-imenu-menu ()
    "Add an imenu menu to the menubar."
--- 607,613 ----
         "[ \t]*\\(function\\|subroutine\\)[ \t]+\\(\\sw+\\)")
!   "Value for `imenu-generic-expression' in F90 mode.")
  (defun f90-add-imenu-menu ()
    "Add an imenu menu to the menubar."
*** 680,689 ****
  (defun f90-mode ()
    "Major mode for editing Fortran 90,95 code in free format.
  \\[f90-indent-new-line] indents current line and creates a new\
   indented line.
- \\[f90-indent-line] indents the current line.
  \\[f90-indent-subprogram] indents the current subprogram.
  Type `? or `\\[help-command] to display a list of built-in\
--- 692,702 ----
  (defun f90-mode ()
    "Major mode for editing Fortran 90,95 code in free format.
+ For fixed format code, use `fortran-mode'.
+ \\[f90-indent-line] indents the current line.
  \\[f90-indent-new-line] indents current line and creates a new\
   indented line.
  \\[f90-indent-subprogram] indents the current subprogram.
  Type `? or `\\[help-command] to display a list of built-in\
*** 752,769 ****
    (set (make-local-variable 'abbrev-all-caps) t)
    (set (make-local-variable 'normal-auto-fill-function) 'f90-do-auto-fill)
    (setq indent-tabs-mode nil)           ; auto buffer local
-   (easy-menu-add f90-menu)
-   ;; Setting up things for font-lock.
    (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
         '((f90-font-lock-keywords f90-font-lock-keywords-1
           nil t))
-   ;; Tell imenu how to handle f90.
    (set (make-local-variable 'imenu-case-fold-search) t)
    (set (make-local-variable 'imenu-generic-expression)
!         f90-imenu-generic-expression)
    (set (make-local-variable 'add-log-current-defun-function)
    (run-hooks 'f90-mode-hook))
--- 765,782 ----
    (set (make-local-variable 'abbrev-all-caps) t)
    (set (make-local-variable 'normal-auto-fill-function) 'f90-do-auto-fill)
    (setq indent-tabs-mode nil)           ; auto buffer local
    (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
         '((f90-font-lock-keywords f90-font-lock-keywords-1
           nil t))
    (set (make-local-variable 'imenu-case-fold-search) t)
    (set (make-local-variable 'imenu-generic-expression)
!        f90-imenu-generic-expression)
!   (set (make-local-variable 'beginning-of-defun-function)
!        'f90-beginning-of-subprogram)
!   (set (make-local-variable 'end-of-defun-function) 'f90-end-of-subprogram)
    (set (make-local-variable 'add-log-current-defun-function)
    (run-hooks 'f90-mode-hook))
*** 804,809 ****
--- 817,830 ----
      (skip-chars-backward " \t")
      (= (preceding-char) ?&)))
+ ;; GM this is not right, eg a continuation line starting with a number.
+ ;; Need f90-code-start-position function.
+ ;; And yet, things seems to work with this...
+ ;; cf f90-indent-line
+ ;;     (beginning-of-line)           ; digits after & \n are not line-nos
+ ;;     (if (not (save-excursion (and (f90-previous-statement)
+ ;;                                   (f90-line-continued))))
+ ;;         (f90-indent-line-no)
  (defsubst f90-current-indentation ()
    "Return indentation of current line.
  Line-numbers are considered whitespace characters."
*** 814,825 ****
  If optional argument NO-LINE-NUMBER is nil, jump over a possible
  line-number before indenting."
!   (if (not no-line-number)
        (skip-chars-forward " \t0-9"))
!   (if (zerop (current-column))
!       (indent-to col)
!     (indent-to col 1)))                 ; leave >= 1 space after line number
  (defsubst f90-get-present-comment-type ()
    "If point lies within a comment, return the string starting the comment.
--- 835,845 ----
  If optional argument NO-LINE-NUMBER is nil, jump over a possible
  line-number before indenting."
!   (or no-line-number
        (skip-chars-forward " \t0-9"))
!   ;; Leave >= 1 space after line number.
!   (indent-to col (if (zerop (current-column)) 0 1)))
  (defsubst f90-get-present-comment-type ()
    "If point lies within a comment, return the string starting the comment.
*** 837,858 ****
    (equal (if a (downcase a) nil)
           (if b (downcase b) nil)))
- ;; XEmacs 19.11 & 19.12 return a single char when matching an empty regexp.
- ;; The next 2 functions are therefore longer than necessary.
  (defsubst f90-looking-at-do ()
    "Return (\"do\" NAME) if a do statement starts after point.
  NAME is nil if the statement has no label."
    (if (looking-at "\\(\\(\\sw+\\)[ \t]*:\\)?[ \t]*\\(do\\)\\>")
!       (list (match-string 3)
!             (if (looking-at "\\(\\sw+\\)[ \t]*:") (match-string 1)))))
  (defsubst f90-looking-at-select-case ()
    "Return (\"select\" NAME) if a select-case statement starts after point.
  NAME is nil if the statement has no label."
    (if (looking-at "\\(\\(\\sw+\\)[ \t]*:\\)?[ \t]*\
  \\(select\\)[ \t]*case[ \t]*(")
!       (list (match-string 3)
!             (if (looking-at "\\(\\sw+\\)[ \t]*:") (match-string 1)))))
  (defsubst f90-looking-at-if-then ()
    "Return (\"if\" NAME) if an if () then statement starts after point.
--- 857,874 ----
    (equal (if a (downcase a) nil)
           (if b (downcase b) nil)))
  (defsubst f90-looking-at-do ()
    "Return (\"do\" NAME) if a do statement starts after point.
  NAME is nil if the statement has no label."
    (if (looking-at "\\(\\(\\sw+\\)[ \t]*:\\)?[ \t]*\\(do\\)\\>")
!       (list (match-string 3) (match-string 2))))
  (defsubst f90-looking-at-select-case ()
    "Return (\"select\" NAME) if a select-case statement starts after point.
  NAME is nil if the statement has no label."
    (if (looking-at "\\(\\(\\sw+\\)[ \t]*:\\)?[ \t]*\
  \\(select\\)[ \t]*case[ \t]*(")
!       (list (match-string 3) (match-string 2))))
  (defsubst f90-looking-at-if-then ()
    "Return (\"if\" NAME) if an if () then statement starts after point.
*** 860,866 ****
      (when (looking-at "\\(\\(\\sw+\\)[ \t]*:\\)?[ \t]*\\(if\\)\\>")
        (let ((struct (match-string 3))
!             (label (if (looking-at "\\(\\sw+\\)[ \t]*:") (match-string 1)))
              (pos (scan-lists (point) 1 0)))
          (and pos (goto-char pos))
          (skip-chars-forward " \t")
--- 876,882 ----
      (when (looking-at "\\(\\(\\sw+\\)[ \t]*:\\)?[ \t]*\\(if\\)\\>")
        (let ((struct (match-string 3))
!             (label (match-string 2))
              (pos (scan-lists (point) 1 0)))
          (and pos (goto-char pos))
          (skip-chars-forward " \t")
*** 878,884 ****
      (when (looking-at "\\(\\(\\sw+\\)[ \t]*:\\)?[ \t]*\
        (let ((struct (match-string 3))
!             (label (if (looking-at "\\(\\sw+\\)[ \t]*:") (match-string 1)))
              (pos (scan-lists (point) 1 0)))
          (and pos (goto-char pos))
          (skip-chars-forward " \t")
--- 894,900 ----
      (when (looking-at "\\(\\(\\sw+\\)[ \t]*:\\)?[ \t]*\
        (let ((struct (match-string 3))
!             (label (match-string 2))
              (pos (scan-lists (point) 1 0)))
          (and pos (goto-char pos))
          (skip-chars-forward " \t")
*** 902,909 ****
         (looking-at "\\(module\\)[ \t]+\\(\\sw+\\)\\>"))
      (list (match-string 1) (match-string 2)))
     ((and (not (looking-at "end[ \t]*\\(function\\|subroutine\\)"))
!        (looking-at "[^!'\"\&\n]*\\(function\\|subroutine\\)\
! [ \t]+\\(\\sw+\\)"))
      (list (match-string 1) (match-string 2)))))
  (defsubst f90-looking-at-program-block-end ()
--- 918,925 ----
         (looking-at "\\(module\\)[ \t]+\\(\\sw+\\)\\>"))
      (list (match-string 1) (match-string 2)))
     ((and (not (looking-at "end[ \t]*\\(function\\|subroutine\\)"))
!        (looking-at "[^!'\"\&\n]*\\(function\\|subroutine\\)[ \t]+\
! \\(\\sw+\\)"))
      (list (match-string 1) (match-string 2)))))
  (defsubst f90-looking-at-program-block-end ()
*** 953,976 ****
    "If `f90-leave-line-no' is nil, left-justify a line number.
  Leaves point at the first non-blank character after the line number.
  Call from beginning of line."
!   (if (and (null f90-leave-line-no) (looking-at "[ \t]+[0-9]"))
!       (delete-horizontal-space))
    (skip-chars-forward " \t0-9"))
  (defsubst f90-no-block-limit ()
    "Return nil if point is at the edge of a code block.
  Searches line forward for \"function\" or \"subroutine\",
  if all else fails."
!   (let ((eol (line-end-position)))
!     (save-excursion
!       (not (or (looking-at "end")
!              (looking-at "\\(do\\|if\\|else\\(if\\|where\\)?\
  \\|select[ \t]*case\\|case\\|where\\|forall\\)\\>")
!              (looking-at "\\(program\\|module\\|interface\\|\
  block[ \t]*data\\)\\>")
!              (looking-at "\\(contains\\|\\sw+[ \t]*:\\)")
!              (looking-at f90-type-def-re)
!              (re-search-forward "\\(function\\|subroutine\\)" eol t))))))
  (defsubst f90-update-line ()
    "Change case of current line as per `f90-auto-keyword-case'."
--- 969,992 ----
    "If `f90-leave-line-no' is nil, left-justify a line number.
  Leaves point at the first non-blank character after the line number.
  Call from beginning of line."
!   (and (null f90-leave-line-no) (looking-at "[ \t]+[0-9]")
!        (delete-horizontal-space))
    (skip-chars-forward " \t0-9"))
  (defsubst f90-no-block-limit ()
    "Return nil if point is at the edge of a code block.
  Searches line forward for \"function\" or \"subroutine\",
  if all else fails."
!   (save-excursion
!     (not (or (looking-at "end")
!              (looking-at "\\(do\\|if\\|else\\(if\\|where\\)?\
  \\|select[ \t]*case\\|case\\|where\\|forall\\)\\>")
!              (looking-at "\\(program\\|module\\|interface\\|\
  block[ \t]*data\\)\\>")
!              (looking-at "\\(contains\\|\\sw+[ \t]*:\\)")
!              (looking-at f90-type-def-re)
!              (re-search-forward "\\(function\\|subroutine\\)"
!                                 (line-end-position) t)))))
  (defsubst f90-update-line ()
    "Change case of current line as per `f90-auto-keyword-case'."
*** 1124,1130 ****
    "Move point to the end of the current subprogram.
  Return (TYPE NAME), or nil if not found."
!   (let ((count 1) (case-fold-search t) matching-end)
      (while (and (> count 0)
                (re-search-forward f90-program-block-re nil 'move))
--- 1140,1148 ----
    "Move point to the end of the current subprogram.
  Return (TYPE NAME), or nil if not found."
!   (let ((case-fold-search t)
!         (count 1) 
!         matching-end)
      (while (and (> count 0)
                (re-search-forward f90-program-block-re nil 'move))
*** 1183,1192 ****
                       start-list (cdr start-list)
                       start-type (car start-this)
                       start-label (cadr start-this))
!                (if (not (f90-equal-symbols start-type end-type))
                     (error "End type `%s' does not match start type `%s'"
                            end-type start-type))
!                (if (not (f90-equal-symbols start-label end-label))
                     (error "End label `%s' does not match start label `%s'"
                            end-label start-label)))))
--- 1201,1210 ----
                       start-list (cdr start-list)
                       start-type (car start-this)
                       start-label (cadr start-this))
!                (or (f90-equal-symbols start-type end-type)
                     (error "End type `%s' does not match start type `%s'"
                            end-type start-type))
!                (or (f90-equal-symbols start-label end-label)
                     (error "End label `%s' does not match start label `%s'"
                            end-label start-label)))))
*** 1208,1214 ****
    (if (and num (< num 0)) (f90-end-of-block (- num)))
    (let ((case-fold-search t)
          (count (or num 1))
!         end-list end-this end-type end-label start-this start-type 
      (if (interactive-p) (push-mark (point) t))
      (beginning-of-line)                 ; probably want this
      (while (and (> count 0) (re-search-backward f90-blocks-re nil 'move))
--- 1226,1233 ----
    (if (and num (< num 0)) (f90-end-of-block (- num)))
    (let ((case-fold-search t)
          (count (or num 1))
!         end-list end-this end-type end-label
!         start-this start-type start-label)
      (if (interactive-p) (push-mark (point) t))
      (beginning-of-line)                 ; probably want this
      (while (and (> count 0) (re-search-backward f90-blocks-re nil 'move))
*** 1237,1246 ****
                       end-list (cdr end-list)
                       end-type (car end-this)
                       end-label (cadr end-this))
!                (if (not (f90-equal-symbols start-type end-type))
                     (error "Start type `%s' does not match end type `%s'"
                            start-type end-type))
!                (if (not (f90-equal-symbols start-label end-label))
                     (error "Start label `%s' does not match end label `%s'"
                            start-label end-label))))))
       (if (> count 0) (error "Missing block start"))))
--- 1256,1265 ----
                       end-list (cdr end-list)
                       end-type (car end-this)
                       end-label (cadr end-this))
!                (or (f90-equal-symbols start-type end-type)
                     (error "Start type `%s' does not match end type `%s'"
                            start-type end-type))
!                (or (f90-equal-symbols start-label end-label)
                     (error "Start label `%s' does not match end label `%s'"
                            start-label end-label))))))
       (if (> count 0) (error "Missing block start"))))
*** 1282,1288 ****
  (defun f90-mark-subprogram ()
!   "Put mark at end of F90 subprogram, point at beginning, push marks."
    (let ((pos (point)) program)
--- 1301,1307 ----
  (defun f90-mark-subprogram ()
!   "Put mark at end of F90 subprogram, point at beginning, push mark."
    (let ((pos (point)) program)
*** 1300,1314 ****
  Insert the variable `f90-comment-region' at the start of every line
  in the region, or, if already present, remove it."
    (interactive "*r")
!   (let ((end (make-marker)))
!     (set-marker end end-region)
      (goto-char beg-region)
      (if (looking-at (regexp-quote f90-comment-region))
        (delete-region (point) (match-end 0))
        (insert f90-comment-region))
      (while (and (zerop (forward-line 1))
!               (< (point) (marker-position end)))
        (if (looking-at (regexp-quote f90-comment-region))
          (delete-region (point) (match-end 0))
        (insert f90-comment-region)))
--- 1319,1332 ----
  Insert the variable `f90-comment-region' at the start of every line
  in the region, or, if already present, remove it."
    (interactive "*r")
!   (let ((end (copy-marker end-region)))
      (goto-char beg-region)
      (if (looking-at (regexp-quote f90-comment-region))
        (delete-region (point) (match-end 0))
        (insert f90-comment-region))
      (while (and (zerop (forward-line 1))
!               (< (point) end))
        (if (looking-at (regexp-quote f90-comment-region))
          (delete-region (point) (match-end 0))
        (insert f90-comment-region)))
*** 1318,1375 ****
    "Indent current line as F90 code.
  Unless optional argument NO-UPDATE is non-nil, call `f90-update-line'
  after indenting."
!   (interactive)
!   (let (indent no-line-number (pos (make-marker)) (case-fold-search t))
!     (set-marker pos (point))
!     (beginning-of-line)                ; digits after & \n are not line-nos
!     (if (save-excursion (and (f90-previous-statement) (f90-line-continued)))
!       (progn (setq no-line-number t) (skip-chars-forward " \t"))
!       (f90-indent-line-no))
      (if (looking-at "!")
        (setq indent (f90-comment-indent))
!       (if (and (looking-at "end") f90-smart-end)
!           (f90-match-end))
        (setq indent (f90-calculate-indent)))
!     (if (not (zerop (- indent (current-column))))
          (f90-indent-to indent no-line-number))
      ;; If initial point was within line's indentation,
      ;; position after the indentation.  Else stay at same point in text.
!     (if (< (point) (marker-position pos))
!       (goto-char (marker-position pos)))
      (if auto-fill-function
!         (f90-do-auto-fill)              ; also updates line
!       (if (not no-update) (f90-update-line)))
      (set-marker pos nil)))
  (defun f90-indent-new-line ()
!   "Reindent current line, insert a newline and indent the newline.
  An abbrev before point is expanded if the variable `abbrev-mode' is non-nil.
  If run in the middle of a line, the line is not broken."
!   (interactive)
!   (let (string cont (case-fold-search t))
!     (if abbrev-mode (expand-abbrev))
!     (beginning-of-line)                ; reindent where likely to be needed
!     (f90-indent-line-no)
!     (f90-indent-line 'no-update)
!     (end-of-line)
!     (delete-horizontal-space)         ; destroy trailing whitespace
!     (setq string (f90-in-string)
!           cont (f90-line-continued))
!     (if (and string (not cont)) (insert "&"))
!     (f90-update-line)
!     (if (or string (and cont f90-beginning-ampersand)) (insert "&"))
!     (f90-indent-line 'no-update)))
  (defun f90-indent-region (beg-region end-region)
    "Indent every line in region by forward parsing."
    (interactive "*r")
!   (let ((end-region-mark (make-marker))
          (save-point (point-marker))
!       block-list ind-lev ind-curr ind-b cont
!       struct beg-struct end-struct)
!     (set-marker end-region-mark end-region)
      (goto-char beg-region)
      ;; First find a line which is not a continuation line or comment.
--- 1336,1392 ----
    "Indent current line as F90 code.
  Unless optional argument NO-UPDATE is non-nil, call `f90-update-line'
  after indenting."
!   (interactive "*P")
!   (let ((case-fold-search t)
!         (pos (point-marker))
!         indent no-line-number)
!     (beginning-of-line)           ; digits after & \n are not line-nos
!     (if (not (save-excursion (and (f90-previous-statement)
!                                   (f90-line-continued))))
!         (f90-indent-line-no)
!       (setq no-line-number t)
!       (skip-chars-forward " \t"))
      (if (looking-at "!")
        (setq indent (f90-comment-indent))
!       (and f90-smart-end (looking-at "end")
!            (f90-match-end))
        (setq indent (f90-calculate-indent)))
!     (or (= indent (current-column))
          (f90-indent-to indent no-line-number))
      ;; If initial point was within line's indentation,
      ;; position after the indentation.  Else stay at same point in text.
!     (and (< (point) pos)
!          (goto-char pos))
      (if auto-fill-function
!         ;; GM NO-UPDATE not honoured, since this calls f90-update-line.
!         (f90-do-auto-fill)
!       (or no-update (f90-update-line)))
      (set-marker pos nil)))
  (defun f90-indent-new-line ()
!   "Re-indent current line, insert a newline and indent the newline.
  An abbrev before point is expanded if the variable `abbrev-mode' is non-nil.
  If run in the middle of a line, the line is not broken."
!   (interactive "*")
!   (if abbrev-mode (expand-abbrev))
!   (beginning-of-line)             ; reindent where likely to be needed
!   (f90-indent-line)                ; calls indent-line-no, update-line
!   (end-of-line)
!   (delete-horizontal-space)           ; destroy trailing whitespace
!   (let ((string (f90-in-string))
!         (cont (f90-line-continued)))
!     (and string (not cont) (insert "&"))
!     (if (or string (and cont f90-beginning-ampersand)) (insert "&")))
!   (f90-indent-line 'no-update))         ; nothing to update
  (defun f90-indent-region (beg-region end-region)
    "Indent every line in region by forward parsing."
    (interactive "*r")
!   (let ((end-region-mark (copy-marker end-region))
          (save-point (point-marker))
!       block-list ind-lev ind-curr ind-b cont struct beg-struct end-struct)
      (goto-char beg-region)
      ;; First find a line which is not a continuation line or comment.
*** 1406,1413 ****
                (< (point) end-region-mark))
        (if (looking-at "[ \t]*!")
            (f90-indent-to (f90-comment-indent))
!         (if (not (zerop (- (current-indentation)
!                            (+ ind-curr f90-continuation-indent))))
              (f90-indent-to (+ ind-curr f90-continuation-indent) 
      ;; Process all following lines.
      (while (and (zerop (forward-line 1)) (< (point) end-region-mark))
--- 1423,1430 ----
                (< (point) end-region-mark))
        (if (looking-at "[ \t]*!")
            (f90-indent-to (f90-comment-indent))
!         (or (= (current-indentation)
!                (+ ind-curr f90-continuation-indent))
              (f90-indent-to (+ ind-curr f90-continuation-indent) 
      ;; Process all following lines.
      (while (and (zerop (forward-line 1)) (< (point) end-region-mark))
*** 1452,1465 ****
             (setq ind-curr ind-lev))
            (t (setq ind-curr ind-lev)))
        ;; Do the indentation if necessary.
!       (if (not (zerop (- ind-curr (current-column))))
          (f90-indent-to ind-curr))
        (while (and (f90-line-continued) (zerop (forward-line 1))
                  (< (point) end-region-mark))
          (if (looking-at "[ \t]*!")
              (f90-indent-to (f90-comment-indent))
!           (if (not (zerop (- (current-indentation)
!                              (+ ind-curr f90-continuation-indent))))
                 (+ ind-curr f90-continuation-indent) 'no-line-no)))))
      ;; Restore point, etc.
--- 1469,1482 ----
             (setq ind-curr ind-lev))
            (t (setq ind-curr ind-lev)))
        ;; Do the indentation if necessary.
!       (or (= ind-curr (current-column))
          (f90-indent-to ind-curr))
        (while (and (f90-line-continued) (zerop (forward-line 1))
                  (< (point) end-region-mark))
          (if (looking-at "[ \t]*!")
              (f90-indent-to (f90-comment-indent))
!           (or (= (current-indentation)
!                  (+ ind-curr f90-continuation-indent))
                 (+ ind-curr f90-continuation-indent) 'no-line-no)))))
      ;; Restore point, etc.
*** 1473,1479 ****
  (defun f90-indent-subprogram ()
    "Properly indent the subprogram containing point."
!   (interactive)
      (let ((program (f90-mark-subprogram)))
        (if program
--- 1490,1496 ----
  (defun f90-indent-subprogram ()
    "Properly indent the subprogram containing point."
!   (interactive "*")
      (let ((program (f90-mark-subprogram)))
        (if program
*** 1491,1497 ****
    "Break line at point, insert continuation marker(s) and indent.
  Unless in a string or comment, or if the optional argument NO-UPDATE
  is non-nil, call `f90-update-line' after inserting the continuation marker."
!   (interactive)
    (cond ((f90-in-string)
           (insert "&\n&"))
--- 1508,1514 ----
    "Break line at point, insert continuation marker(s) and indent.
  Unless in a string or comment, or if the optional argument NO-UPDATE
  is non-nil, call `f90-update-line' after inserting the continuation marker."
!   (interactive "*P")
    (cond ((f90-in-string)
           (insert "&\n&"))
*** 1504,1523 ****
  (defun f90-find-breakpoint ()
    "From `fill-column', search backward for break-delimiter."
!   (let ((bol (line-beginning-position)))
!     (re-search-backward f90-break-delimiters bol)
!     (if (not f90-break-before-delimiters)
!         (if (looking-at f90-no-break-re)
!             (forward-char 2)
!           (forward-char))
!       (backward-char)
!       (if (not (looking-at f90-no-break-re))
!           (forward-char)))))
  (defun f90-do-auto-fill ()
    "Break line if non-white characters beyond `fill-column'.
  Update keyword case first."
!   (interactive)
    ;; Break line before or after last delimiter (non-word char) if
    ;; position is beyond fill-column.
    ;; Will not break **, //, or => (as specified by f90-no-break-re).
--- 1521,1537 ----
  (defun f90-find-breakpoint ()
    "From `fill-column', search backward for break-delimiter."
!   (re-search-backward f90-break-delimiters (line-beginning-position))
!   (if (not f90-break-before-delimiters)
!       (forward-char (if (looking-at f90-no-break-re) 2 1))
!     (backward-char)
!     (or (looking-at f90-no-break-re)
!         (forward-char))))
  (defun f90-do-auto-fill ()
    "Break line if non-white characters beyond `fill-column'.
  Update keyword case first."
!   (interactive "*")
    ;; Break line before or after last delimiter (non-word char) if
    ;; position is beyond fill-column.
    ;; Will not break **, //, or => (as specified by f90-no-break-re).
*** 1534,1583 ****
          (goto-char pos-mark)
          (set-marker pos-mark nil)))))
! (defun f90-join-lines ()
!   "Join present line with next line, if this line ends with \&."
!   (interactive)
!   (let (pos (oldpos (point)))
!     (end-of-line)
      (skip-chars-backward " \t")
!     (when (= (preceding-char) ?&)
!       (delete-char -1)
!       (setq pos (point))
!       (forward-line 1)
!       (skip-chars-forward " \t")
!       (if (looking-at "\&") (delete-char 1))
!       (delete-region pos (point))
!       (unless (f90-in-string)
!         (delete-horizontal-space)
!         (insert " "))
!       (if (and auto-fill-function
!                (> (line-end-position) fill-column))
!           (f90-do-auto-fill))
!       (goto-char oldpos)
!       t)))                              ; return t if joined something
  (defun f90-fill-region (beg-region end-region)
    "Fill every line in region by forward parsing.  Join lines if possible."
    (interactive "*r")
!   (let ((end-region-mark (make-marker))
          (go-on t)
        f90-smart-end f90-auto-keyword-case auto-fill-function)
-     (set-marker end-region-mark end-region)
      (goto-char beg-region)
      (while go-on
        ;; Join as much as possible.
!       (while (f90-join-lines))
        ;; Chop the line if necessary.
        (while (> (save-excursion (end-of-line) (current-column))
        (move-to-column fill-column)
        (f90-break-line 'no-update))
!       (setq go-on (and (< (point) (marker-position end-region-mark))
                         (zerop (forward-line 1)))
              f90-cache-position (point)))
      (setq f90-cache-position nil)
      (if (fboundp 'zmacs-deactivate-region)
--- 1548,1598 ----
          (goto-char pos-mark)
          (set-marker pos-mark nil)))))
! (defun f90-join-lines (&optional arg)
!   "Join current line to previous, fix whitespace, continuation, comments.
! With optional argument ARG, join current line to following line.
! Like `join-line', but handles F90 syntax."
!   (interactive "*P")
!   (beginning-of-line)
!   (if arg (forward-line 1))
!   (when (eq (preceding-char) ?\n)
!     (skip-chars-forward " \t")
!     (if (looking-at "\&") (delete-char 1))
!     (beginning-of-line)
!     (delete-region (point) (1- (point)))
      (skip-chars-backward " \t")
!     (and (eq (preceding-char) ?&) (delete-char -1))
!     (and (f90-in-comment)
!          (looking-at "[ \t]*!+")
!          (replace-match ""))
!     (or (f90-in-string)
!         (fixup-whitespace))))
  (defun f90-fill-region (beg-region end-region)
    "Fill every line in region by forward parsing.  Join lines if possible."
    (interactive "*r")
!   (let ((end-region-mark (copy-marker end-region))
          (go-on t)
        f90-smart-end f90-auto-keyword-case auto-fill-function)
      (goto-char beg-region)
      (while go-on
        ;; Join as much as possible.
!       (while (progn
!                (end-of-line)
!                (skip-chars-backward " \t")
!                (eq (preceding-char) ?&))
!         (f90-join-lines 'forward))
        ;; Chop the line if necessary.
        (while (> (save-excursion (end-of-line) (current-column))
        (move-to-column fill-column)
        (f90-break-line 'no-update))
!       (setq go-on (and (< (point) end-region-mark)
                         (zerop (forward-line 1)))
              f90-cache-position (point)))
      (setq f90-cache-position nil)
+     (set-marker end-region-mark nil)
      (if (fboundp 'zmacs-deactivate-region)
*** 1591,1625 ****
  Leave point at the end of line."
    (search-forward "end" (line-end-position))
    (catch 'no-match
!     (if (not (f90-equal-symbols beg-block end-block))
!       (if end-block
!           (progn
!             (message "END %s does not match %s." end-block beg-block)
!             (end-of-line)
!             (throw 'no-match nil))
!         (message "Inserting %s." beg-block)
!         (insert (concat " " beg-block)))
!       (search-forward end-block))
!     (if (not (f90-equal-symbols beg-name end-name))
!       (cond ((and beg-name (not end-name))
!              (message "Inserting %s." beg-name)
!              (insert (concat " " beg-name)))
!             ((and beg-name end-name)
!              (message "Replacing %s with %s." end-name beg-name)
!              (search-forward end-name)
!              (replace-match beg-name))
!             ((and (not beg-name) end-name)
!              (message "Deleting %s." end-name)
!              (search-forward end-name)
!              (replace-match "")))
!       (if end-name (search-forward end-name)))
!     (if (not (looking-at "[ \t]*!")) (delete-horizontal-space))))
  (defun f90-match-end ()
    "From an end block statement, find the corresponding block and name."
!   (let ((count 1) (top-of-window (window-start))
!       (end-point (point)) (case-fold-search t)
        matching-beg beg-name end-name beg-block end-block end-struct)
      (when (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (skip-chars-forward " \t0-9")
                            (setq end-struct 
--- 1606,1642 ----
  Leave point at the end of line."
    (search-forward "end" (line-end-position))
    (catch 'no-match
!     (if (f90-equal-symbols beg-block end-block)
!         (search-forward end-block)
!       (if end-block
!           (progn
!             (message "END %s does not match %s." end-block beg-block)
!             (end-of-line)
!             (throw 'no-match nil))
!         (message "Inserting %s." beg-block)
!         (insert (concat " " beg-block))))
!     (if (f90-equal-symbols beg-name end-name)
!         (and end-name (search-forward end-name))
!       (cond ((and beg-name (not end-name))
!              (message "Inserting %s." beg-name)
!              (insert (concat " " beg-name)))
!             ((and beg-name end-name)
!              (message "Replacing %s with %s." end-name beg-name)
!              (search-forward end-name)
!              (replace-match beg-name))
!             ((and (not beg-name) end-name)
!              (message "Deleting %s." end-name)
!              (search-forward end-name)
!              (replace-match ""))))
!     (or (looking-at "[ \t]*!") (delete-horizontal-space))))
  (defun f90-match-end ()
    "From an end block statement, find the corresponding block and name."
!   (let ((count 1)
!         (top-of-window (window-start))
!       (end-point (point))
!         (case-fold-search t)
        matching-beg beg-name end-name beg-block end-block end-struct)
      (when (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (skip-chars-forward " \t0-9")
                            (setq end-struct 
*** 1629,1634 ****
--- 1646,1654 ----
          (while (and (> count 0) (re-search-backward f90-blocks-re nil t))
+           ;; GM not a line number if continued line.
+ ;;;          (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+ ;;;          (skip-chars-forward "0-9")
            (skip-chars-forward " \t0-9")
            (cond ((or (f90-in-string) (f90-in-comment)))
                  ((setq matching-beg
*** 1661,1667 ****
  (defun f90-insert-end ()
    "Insert a complete end statement matching beginning of present block."
!   (interactive)
    (let ((f90-smart-end (or f90-smart-end 'blink)))
      (insert "end")
--- 1681,1687 ----
  (defun f90-insert-end ()
    "Insert a complete end statement matching beginning of present block."
!   (interactive "*")
    (let ((f90-smart-end (or f90-smart-end 'blink)))
      (insert "end")
*** 1671,1686 ****
  (defun f90-abbrev-start ()
    "Typing `\\[help-command] or `? lists all the F90 abbrevs.
  Any other key combination is executed normally."
!   (interactive)
!   (let (c)
!     (insert last-command-char)
!     (setq c (if (fboundp 'next-command-event) ; XEmacs
!                 (event-to-character (next-command-event))
!               (read-event)))
!     ;; Insert char if not equal to `?'.
!     (if (or (eq c ??) (eq c help-char))
!       (setq unread-command-events (list c)))))
  (defun f90-abbrev-help ()
    "List the currently defined abbrevs in F90 mode."
--- 1691,1708 ----
  (defun f90-abbrev-start ()
    "Typing `\\[help-command] or `? lists all the F90 abbrevs.
  Any other key combination is executed normally."
!   (interactive "*")
!   (insert last-command-char)
!   (let (char event)
!     (if (fboundp 'next-command-event) ; XEmacs
!         (setq event (next-command-event)
!               char (event-to-character event))
!       (setq event (read-event)
!             char event))
!     ;; Insert char if not equal to `?', or if abbrev-mode is off.
!     (if (and abbrev-mode (or (eq char ??) (eq char help-char)))
!       (setq unread-command-events (list event)))))
  (defun f90-abbrev-help ()
    "List the currently defined abbrevs in F90 mode."
*** 1702,1718 ****
  (defun f90-upcase-keywords ()
    "Upcase all F90 keywords in the buffer."
!   (interactive)
    (f90-change-keywords 'upcase-word))
  (defun f90-capitalize-keywords ()
    "Capitalize all F90 keywords in the buffer."
!   (interactive)
    (f90-change-keywords 'capitalize-word))
  (defun f90-downcase-keywords ()
    "Downcase all F90 keywords in the buffer."
!   (interactive)
    (f90-change-keywords 'downcase-word))
  (defun f90-upcase-region-keywords (beg end)
--- 1724,1740 ----
  (defun f90-upcase-keywords ()
    "Upcase all F90 keywords in the buffer."
!   (interactive "*")
    (f90-change-keywords 'upcase-word))
  (defun f90-capitalize-keywords ()
    "Capitalize all F90 keywords in the buffer."
!   (interactive "*")
    (f90-change-keywords 'capitalize-word))
  (defun f90-downcase-keywords ()
    "Downcase all F90 keywords in the buffer."
!   (interactive "*")
    (f90-change-keywords 'downcase-word))
  (defun f90-upcase-region-keywords (beg end)
*** 1750,1755 ****
--- 1772,1778 ----
            (unless (progn
                        (setq state (parse-partial-sexp ref-point (point)))
                        (or (nth 3 state) (nth 4 state)
+                           ;; GM f90-directive-comment-re?
                            (save-excursion ; check for cpp directive
                              (skip-chars-forward " \t0-9")
*** 1770,1773 ****
--- 1793,1797 ----
  (provide 'f90)
+ ;;; arch-tag: fceac97c-c147-44bd-aec0-172d4b560ef8
  ;;; f90.el ends here

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