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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/textmodes/enriched.el [lexbind]

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/textmodes/enriched.el [lexbind]
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2003 19:30:34 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/textmodes/enriched.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/textmodes/enriched.el:
*** /dev/null   Tue Oct 14 19:30:33 2003
--- emacs/lisp/textmodes/enriched.el    Tue Oct 14 19:30:21 2003
*** 0 ****
--- 1,475 ----
+ ;;; enriched.el --- read and save files in text/enriched format
+ ;; Copyright (c) 1994, 1995, 1996, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ ;; Author: Boris Goldowsky <address@hidden>
+ ;; Keywords: wp, faces
+ ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ ;; any later version.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+ ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+ ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ ;;; Commentary:
+ ;; This file implements reading, editing, and saving files with
+ ;; text-properties such as faces, levels of indentation, and true line
+ ;; breaks distinguished from newlines just used to fit text into the window.
+ ;; The file format used is the MIME text/enriched format, which is a
+ ;; standard format defined in internet RFC 1563.  All standard annotations
+ ;; are supported except for <smaller> and <bigger>, which are currently not
+ ;; possible to display.
+ ;; A separate file, enriched.doc, contains further documentation and other
+ ;; important information about this code.  It also serves as an example
+ ;; file in text/enriched format.  It should be in the etc directory of your
+ ;; emacs distribution.
+ ;;; Code:
+ (provide 'enriched)
+ ;;;
+ ;;; Variables controlling the display
+ ;;;
+ (defgroup enriched nil
+   "Read and save files in text/enriched format"
+   :group 'wp)
+ (defcustom enriched-verbose t
+   "*If non-nil, give status messages when reading and writing files."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'enriched)
+ ;;;
+ ;;; Set up faces & display table
+ ;;;
+ ;; Emacs doesn't have a "fixed" face by default, since all faces currently
+ ;; have to be fixed-width.  So we just pick one that looks different from the
+ ;; default.
+ (defface fixed
+   '((t (:weight bold)))
+   "Face used for text that must be shown in fixed width.
+ Currently, emacs can only display fixed-width fonts, but this may change.
+ This face is used for text specifically marked as fixed-width, for example
+ in text/enriched files."
+   :group 'enriched)
+ (defface excerpt
+   '((t (:slant italic)))
+   "Face used for text that is an excerpt from another document.
+ This is used in Enriched mode for text explicitly marked as an excerpt."
+   :group 'enriched)
+ (defconst enriched-display-table (or (copy-sequence standard-display-table)
+                                    (make-display-table)))
+ (aset enriched-display-table ?\f (make-vector (1- (frame-width)) ?-))
+ (defconst enriched-par-props '(left-margin right-margin justification)
+   "Text-properties that usually apply to whole paragraphs.
+ These are set front-sticky everywhere except at hard newlines.")
+ ;;;
+ ;;; Variables controlling the file format
+ ;;;   (bidirectional)
+ (defconst enriched-initial-annotation
+   (lambda ()
+     (format "Content-Type: text/enriched\nText-Width: %d\n\n"
+           fill-column))
+   "What to insert at the start of a text/enriched file.
+ If this is a string, it is inserted.  If it is a list, it should be a lambda
+ expression, which is evaluated to get the string to insert.")
+ (defconst enriched-annotation-format "<%s%s>"
+   "General format of enriched-text annotations.")
+ (defconst enriched-annotation-regexp "<\\(/\\)?\\([-A-Za-z0-9]+\\)>"
+   "Regular expression matching enriched-text annotations.")
+ (defconst enriched-translations
+   '((face          (bold-italic "bold" "italic")
+                  (bold        "bold")
+                  (italic      "italic")
+                  (underline   "underline")
+                  (fixed       "fixed")
+                  (excerpt     "excerpt")
+                  (default     )
+                  (nil         enriched-encode-other-face))
+     (left-margin   (4           "indent"))
+     (right-margin  (4           "indentright"))
+     (justification (none        "nofill")
+                  (right       "flushright")
+                  (left        "flushleft")
+                  (full        "flushboth")
+                  (center      "center"))
+     (PARAMETER     (t           "param")) ; Argument of preceding annotation
+     ;; The following are not part of the standard:
+     (FUNCTION      (enriched-decode-foreground "x-color")
+                  (enriched-decode-background "x-bg-color")
+                  (enriched-decode-display-prop "x-display"))
+     (read-only     (t           "x-read-only"))
+     (display     (nil         enriched-handle-display-prop))
+     (unknown       (nil         format-annotate-value))
+ ;   (font-size     (2           "bigger")       ; unimplemented
+ ;                (-2          "smaller"))
+ )
+   "List of definitions of text/enriched annotations.
+ See `format-annotate-region' and `format-deannotate-region' for the definition
+ of this structure.")
+ (defconst enriched-ignore
+   '(front-sticky rear-nonsticky hard)
+   "Properties that are OK to ignore when saving text/enriched files.
+ Any property that is neither on this list nor dealt with by
+ `enriched-translations' will generate a warning.")
+ ;;; Internal variables
+ (defcustom enriched-mode-hook nil
+   "Hook run after entering/leaving Enriched mode.
+ If you set variables in this hook, you should arrange for them to be restored
+ to their old values if you leave Enriched mode.  One way to do this is to add
+ them and their old values to `enriched-old-bindings'."
+   :type 'hook
+   :group 'enriched)
+ (defvar enriched-old-bindings nil
+   "Store old variable values that we change when entering mode.
+ The value is a list of \(VAR VALUE VAR VALUE...).")
+ (make-variable-buffer-local 'enriched-old-bindings)
+ ;;;
+ ;;; Define the mode
+ ;;;
+ (put 'enriched-mode 'permanent-local t)
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (define-minor-mode enriched-mode
+   "Minor mode for editing text/enriched files.
+ These are files with embedded formatting information in the MIME standard
+ text/enriched format.
+ Turning the mode on runs `enriched-mode-hook'.
+ More information about Enriched mode is available in the file
+ etc/enriched.doc in the Emacs distribution directory.
+ Commands:
+ \\{enriched-mode-map}"
+   nil " Enriched" nil
+   (cond ((null enriched-mode)
+        ;; Turn mode off
+        (setq buffer-file-format (delq 'text/enriched buffer-file-format))
+        ;; restore old variable values
+        (while enriched-old-bindings
+          (set (pop enriched-old-bindings) (pop enriched-old-bindings))))
+       ((memq 'text/enriched buffer-file-format)
+        ;; Mode already on; do nothing.
+        nil)
+       (t                              ; Turn mode on
+        (push 'text/enriched buffer-file-format)
+        ;; Save old variable values before we change them.
+        ;; These will be restored if we exit Enriched mode.
+        (setq enriched-old-bindings
+              (list 'buffer-display-table buffer-display-table
+                    'indent-line-function indent-line-function
+                    'default-text-properties default-text-properties))
+        (make-local-variable 'indent-line-function)
+        (make-local-variable 'default-text-properties)
+        (setq indent-line-function 'indent-to-left-margin ;WHY??  -sm
+              buffer-display-table  enriched-display-table)
+        (use-hard-newlines 1 nil)
+        (let ((sticky (plist-get default-text-properties 'front-sticky))
+              (p enriched-par-props))
+          (dolist (x p)
+            (add-to-list 'sticky x))
+          (if sticky
+              (setq default-text-properties
+                    (plist-put default-text-properties
+                               'front-sticky sticky)))))))
+ ;;;
+ ;;; Keybindings
+ ;;;
+ (defvar enriched-mode-map nil
+   "Keymap for Enriched mode.")
+ (if (null enriched-mode-map)
+     (fset 'enriched-mode-map (setq enriched-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))))
+ (if (not (assq 'enriched-mode minor-mode-map-alist))
+     (setq minor-mode-map-alist
+         (cons (cons 'enriched-mode enriched-mode-map)
+               minor-mode-map-alist)))
+ (define-key enriched-mode-map "\C-a" 'beginning-of-line-text)
+ (define-key enriched-mode-map "\C-m" 'reindent-then-newline-and-indent)
+ (define-key enriched-mode-map "\C-j" 'reindent-then-newline-and-indent)
+ (define-key enriched-mode-map "\M-j" 'facemenu-justification-menu)
+ (define-key enriched-mode-map "\M-S" 'set-justification-center)
+ (define-key enriched-mode-map "\C-x\t" 'increase-left-margin)
+ (define-key enriched-mode-map "\C-c\C-l" 'set-left-margin)
+ (define-key enriched-mode-map "\C-c\C-r" 'set-right-margin)
+ ;;;
+ ;;; Some functions dealing with text-properties, especially indentation
+ ;;;
+ (defun enriched-map-property-regions (prop func &optional from to)
+   "Apply a function to regions of the buffer based on a text property.
+ For each contiguous region of the buffer for which the value of PROPERTY is
+ eq, the FUNCTION will be called.  Optional arguments FROM and TO specify the
+ region over which to scan.
+ The specified function receives three arguments: the VALUE of the property in
+ the region, and the START and END of each region."
+   (save-excursion
+     (save-restriction
+       (if to (narrow-to-region (point-min) to))
+       (goto-char (or from (point-min)))
+       (let ((begin (point))
+           end
+           (marker (make-marker))
+           (val (get-text-property (point) prop)))
+       (while (setq end (text-property-not-all begin (point-max) prop val))
+         (move-marker marker end)
+         (funcall func val begin (marker-position marker))
+         (setq begin (marker-position marker)
+               val (get-text-property marker prop)))
+       (if (< begin (point-max))
+           (funcall func val begin (point-max)))))))
+ (put 'enriched-map-property-regions 'lisp-indent-hook 1)
+ (defun enriched-insert-indentation (&optional from to)
+   "Indent and justify each line in the region."
+   (save-excursion
+     (save-restriction
+       (if to (narrow-to-region (point-min) to))
+       (goto-char (or from (point-min)))
+       (if (not (bolp)) (forward-line 1))
+       (while (not (eobp))
+       (if (eolp)
+           nil ; skip blank lines
+         (indent-to (current-left-margin))
+         (justify-current-line t nil t))
+       (forward-line 1)))))
+ ;;;
+ ;;; Encoding Files
+ ;;;
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun enriched-encode (from to orig-buf)
+   (if enriched-verbose (message "Enriched: encoding document..."))
+   (save-restriction
+     (narrow-to-region from to)
+     (delete-to-left-margin)
+     (unjustify-region)
+     (goto-char from)
+     (format-replace-strings '(("<" . "<<")))
+     (format-insert-annotations
+      (format-annotate-region from (point-max) enriched-translations
+                            'enriched-make-annotation enriched-ignore))
+     (goto-char from)
+     (insert (if (stringp enriched-initial-annotation)
+               enriched-initial-annotation
+             (save-excursion
+               ;; Eval this in the buffer we are annotating.  This
+               ;; fixes a bug which was saving incorrect File-Width
+               ;; information, since we were looking at local
+               ;; variables in the wrong buffer.
+               (if orig-buf (set-buffer orig-buf))
+               (funcall enriched-initial-annotation))))
+     (enriched-map-property-regions 'hard
+       (lambda (v b e)
+       (if (and v (= ?\n (char-after b)))
+           (progn (goto-char b) (insert "\n"))))
+       (point) nil)
+     (if enriched-verbose (message nil))
+     ;; Return new end.
+     (point-max)))
+ (defun enriched-make-annotation (internal-ann positive)
+   "Format an annotation INTERNAL-ANN.
+ INTERNAL-ANN may be a string, for a flag, or a list of the form (PARAM VALUE).
+ If POSITIVE is non-nil, this is the opening annotation;
+ if nil, the matching close."
+   (cond ((stringp internal-ann)
+        (format enriched-annotation-format (if positive "" "/") internal-ann))
+       ;; Otherwise it is an annotation with parameters, represented as a list
+       (positive
+        (let ((item (car internal-ann))
+              (params (cdr internal-ann)))
+          (concat (format enriched-annotation-format "" item)
+                  (mapconcat (lambda (i) (concat "<param>" i "</param>"))
+                             params ""))))
+       (t (format enriched-annotation-format "/" (car internal-ann)))))
+ (defun enriched-encode-other-face (old new)
+   "Generate annotations for random face change.
+ One annotation each for foreground color, background color, italic, etc."
+   (cons (and old (enriched-face-ans old))
+       (and new (enriched-face-ans new))))
+ (defun enriched-face-ans (face)
+   "Return annotations specifying FACE.
+ FACE may be a list of faces instead of a single face;
+ it can also be anything allowed as an element of a list
+ which can be the value of the `face' text property."
+   (cond ((and (consp face) (eq (car face) 'foreground-color))
+        (list (list "x-color" (cdr face))))
+       ((and (consp face) (eq (car face) 'background-color))
+        (list (list "x-bg-color" (cdr face))))
+       ((and (listp face) (eq (car face) :foreground))
+        (list (list "x-color" (cadr face))))
+       ((and (listp face) (eq (car face) :background))
+        (list (list "x-bg-color" (cadr face))))
+       ((listp face)
+        (apply 'append (mapcar 'enriched-face-ans face)))
+       ((let* ((fg (face-attribute face :foreground))
+               (bg (face-attribute face :background))
+               (props (face-font face t))
+               (ans (cdr (format-annotate-single-property-change
+                          'face nil props enriched-translations))))
+          (unless (eq fg 'unspecified)
+            (setq ans (cons (list "x-color" fg) ans)))
+          (unless (eq bg 'unspecified)
+            (setq ans (cons (list "x-bg-color" bg) ans)))
+          ans))))
+ ;;;
+ ;;; Decoding files
+ ;;;
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun enriched-decode (from to)
+   (if enriched-verbose (message "Enriched: decoding document..."))
+   (use-hard-newlines 1 'never)
+   (save-excursion
+     (save-restriction
+       (narrow-to-region from to)
+       (goto-char from)
+       ;; Deal with header
+       (let ((file-width (enriched-get-file-width)))
+       (enriched-remove-header)
+       ;; Deal with newlines
+       (while (search-forward-regexp "\n\n+" nil t)
+         (if (current-justification)
+             (delete-char -1))
+         (set-hard-newline-properties (match-beginning 0) (point)))
+       ;; Translate annotations
+       (format-deannotate-region from (point-max) enriched-translations
+                                 'enriched-next-annotation)
+       ;; Indent or fill the buffer
+       (cond (file-width               ; File was filled to this width
+              (setq fill-column file-width)
+              (if enriched-verbose (message "Indenting..."))
+              (enriched-insert-indentation))
+             (t                        ; File was not filled.
+              (if enriched-verbose (message "Filling paragraphs..."))
+              (fill-region (point-min) (point-max))))
+       (if enriched-verbose (message nil)))
+       (point-max))))
+ (defun enriched-next-annotation ()
+   "Find and return next text/enriched annotation.
+ Any \"<<\" strings encountered are converted to \"<\".
+ Return value is \(begin end name positive-p), or nil if none was found."
+   (while (and (search-forward "<" nil 1)
+             (progn (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
+                    (not (looking-at enriched-annotation-regexp))))
+     (forward-char 1)
+     (if (= ?< (char-after (point)))
+       (delete-char 1)
+       ;; A single < that does not start an annotation is an error,
+       ;; which we note and then ignore.
+       (message "Warning: malformed annotation in file at %s"
+              (1- (point)))))
+   (if (not (eobp))
+       (let* ((beg (match-beginning 0))
+            (end (match-end 0))
+            (name (downcase (buffer-substring
+                             (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2))))
+            (pos (not (match-beginning 1))))
+       (list beg end name pos))))
+ (defun enriched-get-file-width ()
+   "Look for file width information on this line."
+   (save-excursion
+     (if (search-forward "Text-Width: " (+ (point) 1000) t)
+       (read (current-buffer)))))
+ (defun enriched-remove-header ()
+   "Remove file-format header at point."
+   (while (looking-at "^[-A-Za-z]+: .*\n")
+     (delete-region (point) (match-end 0)))
+   (if (looking-at "^\n")
+       (delete-char 1)))
+ (defun enriched-decode-foreground (from to &optional color)
+   (if color
+       (list from to 'face (list ':foreground color))
+     (message "Warning: no color specified for <x-color>")
+     nil))
+ (defun enriched-decode-background (from to &optional color)
+   (if color
+       (list from to 'face (list ':background color))
+     (message "Warning: no color specified for <x-bg-color>")
+     nil))
+ ;;; Handling the `display' property.
+ (defun enriched-handle-display-prop (old new)
+   "Return a list of annotations for a change in the `display' property.
+ OLD is the old value of the property, NEW is the new value.  Value
+ is a list `(CLOSE OPEN)', where CLOSE is a list of annotations to
+ close and OPEN a list of annotations to open.  Each of these lists
+ has the form `(ANNOTATION PARAM ...)'."
+   (let ((annotation "x-display")
+       (param (prin1-to-string (or old new))))
+     (if (null old)
+         (cons nil (list (list annotation param)))
+       (cons (list (list annotation param)) nil))))
+ (defun enriched-decode-display-prop (start end &optional param)
+   "Decode a `display' property for text between START and END.
+ PARAM is a `<param>' found for the property.
+ Value is a list `(START END SYMBOL VALUE)' with START and END denoting
+ the range of text to assign text property SYMBOL with value VALUE."
+   (let ((prop (when (stringp param)
+               (condition-case ()
+                   (car (read-from-string param))
+                 (error nil)))))
+     (unless prop
+       (message "Warning: invalid <x-display> parameter %s" param))
+     (list start end 'display prop)))
+ ;;; arch-tag: 05cae488-3fea-45cd-ac29-5b02cb64e42b
+ ;;; enriched.el ends here

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