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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/url/url-http.el [emacs-unicode-2]

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/url/url-http.el [emacs-unicode-2]
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2004 04:34:17 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/url/url-http.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/url/url-http.el:
*** /dev/null   Mon Jun 28 07:39:48 2004
--- emacs/lisp/url/url-http.el  Mon Jun 28 07:30:01 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,1224 ----
+ ;;; url-http.el --- HTTP retrieval routines
+ ;; Copyright (c) 1999, 2001, 2004  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ ;; Author: Bill Perry <address@hidden>
+ ;; Keywords: comm, data, processes
+ ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ ;;
+ ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ ;; any later version.
+ ;;
+ ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+ ;;
+ ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+ ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ ;;; Commentary:
+ ;;; Code:
+ (eval-when-compile
+   (require 'cl)
+   (defvar url-http-extra-headers))
+ (require 'url-gw)
+ (require 'url-util)
+ (require 'url-parse)
+ (require 'url-cookie)
+ (require 'mail-parse)
+ (require 'url-auth)
+ (autoload 'url-retrieve-synchronously "url")
+ (autoload 'url-retrieve "url")
+ (autoload 'url-cache-create-filename "url-cache")
+ (autoload 'url-mark-buffer-as-dead "url")
+ (defconst url-http-default-port 80 "Default HTTP port.")
+ (defconst url-http-asynchronous-p t "HTTP retrievals are asynchronous.")
+ (defalias 'url-http-expand-file-name 'url-default-expander)
+ (defvar url-http-real-basic-auth-storage nil)
+ (defvar url-http-proxy-basic-auth-storage nil)
+ (defvar url-http-open-connections (make-hash-table :test 'equal
+                                                  :size 17)
+   "A hash table of all open network connections.")
+ (defvar url-http-version "1.1"
+   "What version of HTTP we advertise, as a string.
+ Valid values are 1.1 and 1.0.
+ This is only useful when debugging the HTTP subsystem.
+ Setting this to 1.0 will tell servers not to send chunked encoding,
+ and other HTTP/1.1 specific features.
+ ")
+ (defvar url-http-attempt-keepalives t
+   "Whether to use a single TCP connection multiple times in HTTP.
+ This is only useful when debugging the HTTP subsystem.  Setting to
+ `nil' will explicitly close the connection to the server after every
+ request.
+ ")
+ ;(eval-when-compile
+ ;; These are all macros so that they are hidden from external sight
+ ;; when the file is byte-compiled.
+ ;;
+ ;; This allows us to expose just the entry points we want.
+ ;; These routines will allow us to implement persistent HTTP
+ ;; connections.
+ (defsubst url-http-debug (&rest args)
+   (if quit-flag
+       (let ((proc (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))))
+       ;; The user hit C-g, honor it!  Some things can get in an
+       ;; incredibly tight loop (chunked encoding)
+       (if proc
+           (progn
+             (set-process-sentinel proc nil)
+             (set-process-filter proc nil)))
+       (error "Transfer interrupted!")))
+   (apply 'url-debug 'http args))
+ (defun url-http-mark-connection-as-busy (host port proc)
+   (url-http-debug "Marking connection as busy: %s:%d %S" host port proc)
+   (puthash (cons host port)
+             (delq proc (gethash (cons host port) url-http-open-connections))
+             url-http-open-connections)
+   proc)
+ (defun url-http-mark-connection-as-free (host port proc)
+   (url-http-debug "Marking connection as free: %s:%d %S" host port proc)
+   (set-process-buffer proc nil)
+   (set-process-sentinel proc 'url-http-idle-sentinel)
+   (puthash (cons host port)
+             (cons proc (gethash (cons host port) url-http-open-connections))
+             url-http-open-connections)
+   nil)
+ (defun url-http-find-free-connection (host port)
+   (let ((conns (gethash (cons host port) url-http-open-connections))
+       (found nil))
+     (while (and conns (not found))
+       (if (not (memq (process-status (car conns)) '(run open)))
+         (progn
+           (url-http-debug "Cleaning up dead process: %s:%d %S"
+                           host port (car conns))
+           (url-http-idle-sentinel (car conns) nil))
+       (setq found (car conns))
+       (url-http-debug "Found existing connection: %s:%d %S" host port found))
+       (pop conns))
+     (if found
+       (url-http-debug "Reusing existing connection: %s:%d" host port)
+       (url-http-debug "Contacting host: %s:%d" host port))
+     (url-lazy-message "Contacting host: %s:%d" host port)
+     (url-http-mark-connection-as-busy host port
+                                     (or found
+                                         (url-open-stream host nil host
+                                                          port)))))
+ ;; Building an HTTP request
+ (defun url-http-user-agent-string ()
+   (if (or (eq url-privacy-level 'paranoid)
+         (and (listp url-privacy-level)
+              (memq 'agent url-privacy-level)))
+       ""
+     (format "User-Agent: %sURL/%s%s\r\n"
+           (if url-package-name
+               (concat url-package-name "/" url-package-version " ")
+             "")
+           url-version
+           (cond
+            ((and url-os-type url-system-type)
+             (concat " (" url-os-type "; " url-system-type ")"))
+            ((or url-os-type url-system-type)
+             (concat " (" (or url-system-type url-os-type) ")"))
+            (t "")))))
+ (defun url-http-create-request (url &optional ref-url)
+   "Create an HTTP request for URL, referred to by REF-URL."
+   (declare (special proxy-object proxy-info))
+   (let* ((extra-headers)
+        (request nil)
+        (no-cache (cdr-safe (assoc "Pragma" url-request-extra-headers)))
+        (proxy-obj (and (boundp 'proxy-object) proxy-object))
+        (proxy-auth (if (or (cdr-safe (assoc "Proxy-Authorization"
+                                             url-request-extra-headers))
+                            (not proxy-obj))
+                        nil
+                      (let ((url-basic-auth-storage
+                             'url-http-proxy-basic-auth-storage))
+                        (url-get-authentication url nil 'any nil))))
+        (real-fname (if proxy-obj (url-recreate-url proxy-obj)
+                      (url-filename url)))
+        (host (url-host (or proxy-obj url)))
+        (auth (if (cdr-safe (assoc "Authorization" url-request-extra-headers))
+                  nil
+                (url-get-authentication (or
+                                         (and (boundp 'proxy-info)
+                                              proxy-info)
+                                         url) nil 'any nil))))
+     (if (equal "" real-fname)
+       (setq real-fname "/"))
+     (setq no-cache (and no-cache (string-match "no-cache" no-cache)))
+     (if auth
+       (setq auth (concat "Authorization: " auth "\r\n")))
+     (if proxy-auth
+       (setq proxy-auth (concat "Proxy-Authorization: " proxy-auth "\r\n")))
+     ;; Protection against stupid values in the referer
+     (if (and ref-url (stringp ref-url) (or (string= ref-url "file:nil")
+                                          (string= ref-url "")))
+       (setq ref-url nil))
+     ;; We do not want to expose the referer if the user is paranoid.
+     (if (or (memq url-privacy-level '(low high paranoid))
+           (and (listp url-privacy-level)
+                (memq 'lastloc url-privacy-level)))
+       (setq ref-url nil))
+     ;; url-request-extra-headers contains an assoc-list of
+     ;; header/value pairs that we need to put into the request.
+     (setq extra-headers (mapconcat
+                        (lambda (x)
+                          (concat (car x) ": " (cdr x)))
+                        url-request-extra-headers "\r\n"))
+     (if (not (equal extra-headers ""))
+       (setq extra-headers (concat extra-headers "\r\n")))
+     ;; This was done with a call to `format'.  Concatting parts has
+     ;; the advantage of keeping the parts of each header togther and
+     ;; allows us to elide null lines directly, at the cost of making
+     ;; the layout less clear.
+     (setq request
+         (concat
+          ;; The request
+          (or url-request-method "GET") " " real-fname " HTTP/" 
url-http-version "\r\n"
+          ;; Version of MIME we speak
+          "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"
+          ;; (maybe) Try to keep the connection open
+          "Connection: " (if (or proxy-obj
+                                 (not url-http-attempt-keepalives))
+                             "close" "keep-alive") "\r\n"
+          ;; HTTP extensions we support
+          (if url-extensions-header
+              (format
+               "Extension: %s\r\n" url-extensions-header))
+          ;; Who we want to talk to
+          (if (/= (url-port (or proxy-obj url))
+                  (url-scheme-get-property
+                   (url-type (or proxy-obj url)) 'default-port))
+              (format
+               "Host: %s:%d\r\n" host (url-port (or proxy-obj url)))
+            (format "Host: %s\r\n" host))
+          ;; Who its from
+          (if url-personal-mail-address
+              (concat
+               "From: " url-personal-mail-address "\r\n"))
+          ;; Encodings we understand
+          (if url-mime-encoding-string
+              (concat
+               "Accept-encoding: " url-mime-encoding-string "\r\n"))
+          (if url-mime-charset-string
+              (concat
+               "Accept-charset: " url-mime-charset-string "\r\n"))
+          ;; Languages we understand
+          (if url-mime-language-string
+              (concat
+               "Accept-language: " url-mime-language-string "\r\n"))
+          ;; Types we understand
+          "Accept: " (or url-mime-accept-string "*/*") "\r\n"
+          ;; User agent
+          (url-http-user-agent-string)
+          ;; Proxy Authorization
+          proxy-auth
+          ;; Authorization
+          auth
+          ;; Cookies
+          (url-cookie-generate-header-lines host real-fname
+                                            (equal "https" (url-type url)))
+          ;; If-modified-since
+          (if (and (not no-cache)
+                   (member url-request-method '("GET" nil)))
+              (let ((tm (url-is-cached (or proxy-obj url))))
+                (if tm
+                    (concat "If-modified-since: "
+                            (url-get-normalized-date tm) "\r\n"))))
+          ;; Whence we came
+          (if ref-url (concat
+                       "Referer: " ref-url "\r\n"))
+          extra-headers
+          ;; Any data
+          (if url-request-data
+              (concat
+               "Content-length: " (number-to-string
+                                   (length url-request-data))
+               "\r\n\r\n"
+               url-request-data))
+          ;; End request
+          "\r\n"))
+     (url-http-debug "Request is: \n%s" request)
+     request))
+ ;; Parsing routines
+ (defun url-http-clean-headers ()
+   "Remove trailing \r from header lines.
+ This allows us to use `mail-fetch-field', etc."
+   (declare (special url-http-end-of-headers))
+   (goto-char (point-min))
+   (while (re-search-forward "\r$" url-http-end-of-headers t)
+     (replace-match "")))
+ (defun url-http-handle-authentication (proxy)
+   (declare (special status success url-http-method url-http-data
+                   url-callback-function url-callback-arguments))
+   (url-http-debug "Handling %s authentication" (if proxy "proxy" "normal"))
+   (let ((auth (or (mail-fetch-field (if proxy "proxy-authenticate" 
+                 "basic"))
+       (type nil)
+       (url (url-recreate-url url-current-object))
+       (url-basic-auth-storage 'url-http-real-basic-auth-storage)
+       )
+     ;; Cheating, but who cares? :)
+     (if proxy
+       (setq url-basic-auth-storage 'url-http-proxy-basic-auth-storage))
+     (setq auth (url-eat-trailing-space (url-strip-leading-spaces auth)))
+     (if (string-match "[ \t]" auth)
+       (setq type (downcase (substring auth 0 (match-beginning 0))))
+       (setq type (downcase auth)))
+     (if (not (url-auth-registered type))
+       (progn
+         (widen)
+         (goto-char (point-max))
+         (insert "<hr>Sorry, but I do not know how to handle " type
+                 " authentication.  If you'd like to write it,"
+                 " send it to " url-bug-address ".<hr>")
+         (setq status t))
+       (let* ((args auth)
+            (ctr (1- (length args)))
+            auth)
+       (while (/= 0 ctr)
+         (if (char-equal ?, (aref args ctr))
+             (aset args ctr ?\;))
+         (setq ctr (1- ctr)))
+       (setq args (url-parse-args args)
+             auth (url-get-authentication url (cdr-safe (assoc "realm" args))
+                                          type t args))
+       (if (not auth)
+           (setq success t)
+         (push (cons (if proxy "Proxy-Authorization" "Authorization") auth)
+               url-http-extra-headers)
+         (let ((url-request-method url-http-method)
+               (url-request-data url-http-data)
+               (url-request-extra-headers url-http-extra-headers))
+           (url-retrieve url url-callback-function url-callback-arguments))))
+       (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))))
+ (defun url-http-parse-response ()
+   "Parse just the response code."
+   (declare (special url-http-end-of-headers url-http-response-status))
+   (if (not url-http-end-of-headers)
+       (error "Trying to parse HTTP response code in odd buffer: %s" 
+   (url-http-debug "url-http-parse-response called in (%s)" (buffer-name))
+   (goto-char (point-min))
+   (skip-chars-forward " \t\n")                ; Skip any blank crap
+   (skip-chars-forward "HTTP/")                ; Skip HTTP Version
+   (read (current-buffer))
+   (setq url-http-response-status (read (current-buffer))))
+ (defun url-http-handle-cookies ()
+   "Handle all set-cookie / set-cookie2 headers in an HTTP response.
+ The buffer must already be narrowed to the headers, so mail-fetch-field will
+ work correctly."
+   (let ((cookies (mail-fetch-field "Set-Cookie" nil nil t))
+       (cookies2 (mail-fetch-field "Set-Cookie2" nil nil t)))
+     (and cookies (url-http-debug "Found %d Set-Cookie headers" (length 
+     (and cookies2 (url-http-debug "Found %d Set-Cookie2 headers" (length 
+     (while cookies
+       (url-cookie-handle-set-cookie (pop cookies)))
+ ;;;     (while cookies2
+ ;;;       (url-cookie-handle-set-cookie2 (pop cookies)))
+     )
+   )
+ (defun url-http-parse-headers ()
+  "Parse and handle HTTP specific headers.
+ Return t if and only if the current buffer is still active and
+ should be shown to the user."
+   ;; The comments after each status code handled are taken from RFC
+   ;; 2616 (HTTP/1.1)
+   (declare (special url-http-end-of-headers url-http-response-status
+                   url-http-method url-http-data url-http-process
+                   url-callback-function url-callback-arguments))
+   (url-http-mark-connection-as-free (url-host url-current-object)
+                                   (url-port url-current-object)
+                                   url-http-process)
+   (if (or (not (boundp 'url-http-end-of-headers))
+         (not url-http-end-of-headers))
+       (error "Trying to parse headers in odd buffer: %s" (buffer-name)))
+   (goto-char (point-min))
+   (url-http-debug "url-http-parse-headers called in (%s)" (buffer-name))
+   (url-http-parse-response)
+   (mail-narrow-to-head)
+   ;;(narrow-to-region (point-min) url-http-end-of-headers)
+   (let ((class nil)
+       (success nil))
+     (setq class (/ url-http-response-status 100))
+     (url-http-debug "Parsed HTTP headers: class=%d status=%d" class 
+     (url-http-handle-cookies)
+     (case class
+       ;; Classes of response codes
+       ;;
+       ;; 5xx = Server Error
+       ;; 4xx = Client Error
+       ;; 3xx = Redirection
+       ;; 2xx = Successful
+       ;; 1xx = Informational
+       (1                              ; Information messages
+        ;; 100 = Continue with request
+        ;; 101 = Switching protocols
+        ;; 102 = Processing (Added by DAV)
+        (url-mark-buffer-as-dead (current-buffer))
+        (error "HTTP responses in class 1xx not supported (%d)" 
+       (2                              ; Success
+        ;; 200 Ok
+        ;; 201 Created
+        ;; 202 Accepted
+        ;; 203 Non-authoritative information
+        ;; 204 No content
+        ;; 205 Reset content
+        ;; 206 Partial content
+        ;; 207 Multi-status (Added by DAV)
+        (case url-http-response-status
+        ((204 205)
+         ;; No new data, just stay at the same document
+         (url-mark-buffer-as-dead (current-buffer))
+         (setq success t))
+        (otherwise
+         ;; Generic success for all others.  Store in the cache, and
+         ;; mark it as successful.
+         (widen)
+         (if (equal url-http-method "GET")
+             (url-store-in-cache (current-buffer)))
+         (setq success t))))
+       (3                              ; Redirection
+        ;; 300 Multiple choices
+        ;; 301 Moved permanently
+        ;; 302 Found
+        ;; 303 See other
+        ;; 304 Not modified
+        ;; 305 Use proxy
+        ;; 307 Temporary redirect
+        (let ((redirect-uri (or (mail-fetch-field "Location")
+                              (mail-fetch-field "URI"))))
+        (case url-http-response-status
+          (300
+           ;; Quoth the spec (section 10.3.1)
+           ;; -------------------------------
+           ;; The requested resource corresponds to any one of a set of
+           ;; representations, each with its own specific location and
+           ;; agent-driven negotiation information is being provided so
+           ;; that the user can select a preferred representation and
+           ;; redirect its request to that location.
+           ;; [...]
+           ;; If the server has a preferred choice of representation, it
+           ;; SHOULD include the specific URI for that representation in
+           ;; the Location field; user agents MAY use the Location field
+           ;; value for automatic redirection.
+           ;; -------------------------------
+           ;; We do not support agent-driven negotiation, so we just
+           ;; redirect to the preferred URI if one is provided.
+           nil)
+          ((301 302 307)
+           ;; If the 301|302 status code is received in response to a
+           ;; request other than GET or HEAD, the user agent MUST NOT
+           ;; automatically redirect the request unless it can be
+           ;; confirmed by the user, since this might change the
+           ;; conditions under which the request was issued.
+           (if (member url-http-method '("HEAD" "GET"))
+               ;; Automatic redirection is ok
+               nil
+             ;; It is just too big of a pain in the ass to get this
+             ;; prompt all the time.  We will just silently lose our
+             ;; data and convert to a GET method.
+             (url-http-debug "Converting `%s' request to `GET' because of 
+                             url-http-method url-http-response-status)
+             (setq url-http-method "GET"
+                   url-request-data nil)))
+          (303
+           ;; The response to the request can be found under a different
+           ;; URI and SHOULD be retrieved using a GET method on that
+           ;; resource.
+           (setq url-http-method "GET"
+                 url-http-data nil))
+          (304
+           ;; The 304 response MUST NOT contain a message-body.
+           (url-http-debug "Extracting document from cache... (%s)"
+                           (url-cache-create-filename (url-view-url t)))
+           (url-cache-extract (url-cache-create-filename (url-view-url t)))
+           (setq redirect-uri nil
+                 success t))
+          (305
+           ;; The requested resource MUST be accessed through the
+           ;; proxy given by the Location field.  The Location field
+           ;; gives the URI of the proxy.  The recipient is expected
+           ;; to repeat this single request via the proxy.  305
+           ;; responses MUST only be generated by origin servers.
+           (error "Redirection thru a proxy server not supported: %s"
+                  redirect-uri))
+          (otherwise
+           ;; Treat everything like '300'
+           nil))
+        (when redirect-uri
+          ;; Clean off any whitespace and/or <...> cruft.
+          (if (string-match "\\([^ \t]+\\)[ \t]" redirect-uri)
+              (setq redirect-uri (match-string 1 redirect-uri)))
+          (if (string-match "^<\\(.*\\)>$" redirect-uri)
+              (setq redirect-uri (match-string 1 redirect-uri)))
+          ;; Some stupid sites (like sourceforge) send a
+          ;; non-fully-qualified URL (ie: /), which royally confuses
+          ;; the URL library.
+          (if (not (string-match url-nonrelative-link redirect-uri))
+              (setq redirect-uri (url-expand-file-name redirect-uri)))
+          (let ((url-request-method url-http-method)
+                (url-request-data url-http-data)
+                (url-request-extra-headers url-http-extra-headers))
+            (url-retrieve redirect-uri url-callback-function
+                          url-callback-arguments)
+            (url-mark-buffer-as-dead (current-buffer))))))
+       (4                              ; Client error
+        ;; 400 Bad Request
+        ;; 401 Unauthorized
+        ;; 402 Payment required
+        ;; 403 Forbidden
+        ;; 404 Not found
+        ;; 405 Method not allowed
+        ;; 406 Not acceptable
+        ;; 407 Proxy authentication required
+        ;; 408 Request time-out
+        ;; 409 Conflict
+        ;; 410 Gone
+        ;; 411 Length required
+        ;; 412 Precondition failed
+        ;; 413 Request entity too large
+        ;; 414 Request-URI too large
+        ;; 415 Unsupported media type
+        ;; 416 Requested range not satisfiable
+        ;; 417 Expectation failed
+        ;; 422 Unprocessable Entity (Added by DAV)
+        ;; 423 Locked
+        ;; 424 Failed Dependency
+        (case url-http-response-status
+        (401
+         ;; The request requires user authentication.  The response
+         ;; MUST include a WWW-Authenticate header field containing a
+         ;; challenge applicable to the requested resource.  The
+         ;; client MAY repeat the request with a suitable
+         ;; Authorization header field.
+         (url-http-handle-authentication nil))
+        (402
+         ;; This code is reserved for future use
+         (url-mark-buffer-as-dead (current-buffer))
+         (error "Somebody wants you to give them money"))
+        (403
+         ;; The server understood the request, but is refusing to
+         ;; fulfill it.  Authorization will not help and the request
+         ;; SHOULD NOT be repeated.
+         (setq success t))
+        (404
+         ;; Not found
+         (setq success t))
+        (405
+         ;; The method specified in the Request-Line is not allowed
+         ;; for the resource identified by the Request-URI.  The
+         ;; response MUST include an Allow header containing a list of
+         ;; valid methods for the requested resource.
+         (setq success t))
+        (406
+         ;; The resource identified by the request is only capable of
+         ;; generating response entities which have content
+         ;; characteristics nota cceptable according to the accept
+         ;; headers sent in the request.
+         (setq success t))
+        (407
+         ;; This code is similar to 401 (Unauthorized), but indicates
+         ;; that the client must first authenticate itself with the
+         ;; proxy.  The proxy MUST return a Proxy-Authenticate header
+         ;; field containing a challenge applicable to the proxy for
+         ;; the requested resource.
+         (url-http-handle-authentication t))
+        (408
+         ;; The client did not produce a request within the time that
+         ;; the server was prepared to wait.  The client MAY repeat
+         ;; the request without modifications at any later time.
+         (setq success t))
+        (409
+         ;; The request could not be completed due to a conflict with
+         ;; the current state of the resource.  This code is only
+         ;; allowed in situations where it is expected that the user
+         ;; mioght be able to resolve the conflict and resubmit the
+         ;; request.  The response body SHOULD include enough
+         ;; information for the user to recognize the source of the
+         ;; conflict.
+         (setq success t))
+        (410
+         ;; The requested resource is no longer available at the
+         ;; server and no forwarding address is known.
+         (setq success t))
+        (411
+         ;; The server refuses to accept the request without a defined
+         ;; Content-Length.  The client MAY repeat the request if it
+         ;; adds a valid Content-Length header field containing the
+         ;; length of the message-body in the request message.
+         ;;
+         ;; NOTE - this will never happen because
+         ;; `url-http-create-request' automatically calculates the
+         ;; content-length.
+         (setq success t))
+        (412
+         ;; The precondition given in one or more of the
+         ;; request-header fields evaluated to false when it was
+         ;; tested on the server.
+         (setq success t))
+        ((413 414)
+         ;; The server is refusing to process a request because the
+         ;; request entity|URI is larger than the server is willing or
+         ;; able to process.
+         (setq success t))
+        (415
+         ;; The server is refusing to service the request because the
+         ;; entity of the request is in a format not supported by the
+         ;; requested resource for the requested method.
+         (setq success t))
+        (416
+         ;; A server SHOULD return a response with this status code if
+         ;; a request included a Range request-header field, and none
+         ;; of the range-specifier values in this field overlap the
+         ;; current extent of the selected resource, and the request
+         ;; did not include an If-Range request-header field.
+         (setq success t))
+        (417
+         ;; The expectation given in an Expect request-header field
+         ;; could not be met by this server, or, if the server is a
+         ;; proxy, the server has unambiguous evidence that the
+         ;; request could not be met by the next-hop server.
+         (setq success t))
+        (otherwise
+         ;; The request could not be understood by the server due to
+         ;; malformed syntax.  The client SHOULD NOT repeat the
+         ;; request without modifications.
+         (setq success t))))
+       (5
+        ;; 500 Internal server error
+        ;; 501 Not implemented
+        ;; 502 Bad gateway
+        ;; 503 Service unavailable
+        ;; 504 Gateway time-out
+        ;; 505 HTTP version not supported
+        ;; 507 Insufficient storage
+        (setq success t)
+        (case url-http-response-status
+        (501
+         ;; The server does not support the functionality required to
+         ;; fulfill the request.
+         nil)
+        (502
+         ;; The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, received
+         ;; an invalid response from the upstream server it accessed
+         ;; in attempting to fulfill the request.
+         nil)
+        (503
+         ;; The server is currently unable to handle the request due
+         ;; to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server.
+         ;; The implication is that this is a temporary condition
+         ;; which will be alleviated after some delay.  If known, the
+         ;; length of the delay MAY be indicated in a Retry-After
+         ;; header.  If no Retry-After is given, the client SHOULD
+         ;; handle the response as it would for a 500 response.
+         nil)
+        (504
+         ;; The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, did not
+         ;; receive a timely response from the upstream server
+         ;; specified by the URI (e.g. HTTP, FTP, LDAP) or some other
+         ;; auxiliary server (e.g. DNS) it needed to access in
+         ;; attempting to complete the request.
+         nil)
+        (505
+         ;; The server does not support, or refuses to support, the
+         ;; HTTP protocol version that was used in the request
+         ;; message.
+         nil)
+        (507                           ; DAV
+         ;; The method could not be performed on the resource
+         ;; because the server is unable to store the representation
+         ;; needed to successfully complete the request.  This
+         ;; condition is considered to be temporary.  If the request
+         ;; which received this status code was the result of a user
+         ;; action, the request MUST NOT be repeated until it is
+         ;; requested by a separate user action.
+         nil)))
+       (otherwise
+        (error "Unknown class of HTTP response code: %d (%d)"
+             class url-http-response-status)))
+     (if (not success)
+       (url-mark-buffer-as-dead (current-buffer)))
+     (url-http-debug "Finished parsing HTTP headers: %S" success)
+     (widen)
+     success))
+ ;; Miscellaneous
+ (defun url-http-activate-callback ()
+   "Activate callback specified when this buffer was created."
+   (declare (special url-http-process
+                   url-callback-function
+                   url-callback-arguments))
+   (url-http-mark-connection-as-free (url-host url-current-object)
+                                   (url-port url-current-object)
+                                   url-http-process)
+   (url-http-debug "Activating callback in buffer (%s)" (buffer-name))
+   (apply url-callback-function url-callback-arguments))
+ ;; )
+ ;; These unfortunately cannot be macros... please ignore them!
+ (defun url-http-idle-sentinel (proc why)
+   "Remove this (now defunct) process PROC from the list of open connections."
+   (maphash (lambda (key val)
+               (if (memq proc val)
+                   (puthash key (delq proc val) url-http-open-connections)))
+             url-http-open-connections))
+ (defun url-http-end-of-document-sentinel (proc why)
+   ;; Sentinel used for old HTTP/0.9 or connections we know are going
+   ;; to die as the 'end of document' notifier.
+   (url-http-debug "url-http-end-of-document-sentinel in buffer (%s)"
+                 (process-buffer proc))
+   (url-http-idle-sentinel proc why)
+   (save-excursion
+     (set-buffer (process-buffer proc))
+     (goto-char (point-min))
+     (if (not (looking-at "HTTP/"))
+       ;; HTTP/0.9 just gets passed back no matter what
+       (url-http-activate-callback)
+       (if (url-http-parse-headers)
+         (url-http-activate-callback)))))
+ (defun url-http-simple-after-change-function (st nd length)
+   ;; Function used when we do NOT know how long the document is going to be
+   ;; Just _very_ simple 'downloaded %d' type of info.
+   (declare (special url-http-end-of-headers))
+   (url-lazy-message "Reading %s..." (url-pretty-length nd)))
+ (defun url-http-content-length-after-change-function (st nd length)
+   "Function used when we DO know how long the document is going to be.
+ More sophisticated percentage downloaded, etc.
+ Also does minimal parsing of HTTP headers and will actually cause
+ the callback to be triggered."
+   (declare (special url-current-object
+                   url-http-end-of-headers
+                   url-http-content-length
+                   url-http-content-type
+                   url-http-process))
+   (if url-http-content-type
+       (url-display-percentage
+        "Reading [%s]... %s of %s (%d%%)"
+        (url-percentage (- nd url-http-end-of-headers)
+                      url-http-content-length)
+        url-http-content-type
+        (url-pretty-length (- nd url-http-end-of-headers))
+        (url-pretty-length url-http-content-length)
+        (url-percentage (- nd url-http-end-of-headers)
+                      url-http-content-length))
+     (url-display-percentage
+      "Reading... %s of %s (%d%%)"
+      (url-percentage (- nd url-http-end-of-headers)
+                    url-http-content-length)
+      (url-pretty-length (- nd url-http-end-of-headers))
+      (url-pretty-length url-http-content-length)
+      (url-percentage (- nd url-http-end-of-headers)
+                    url-http-content-length)))
+   (if (> (- nd url-http-end-of-headers) url-http-content-length)
+       (progn
+       ;; Found the end of the document!  Wheee!
+       (url-display-percentage nil nil)
+       (message "Reading... done.")
+       (if (url-http-parse-headers)
+           (url-http-activate-callback)))))
+ (defun url-http-chunked-encoding-after-change-function (st nd length)
+   "Function used when dealing with 'chunked' encoding.
+ Cannot give a sophisticated percentage, but we need a different
+ function to look for the special 0-length chunk that signifies
+ the end of the document."
+   (declare (special url-current-object
+                   url-http-end-of-headers
+                   url-http-content-type
+                   url-http-chunked-length
+                   url-http-chunked-counter
+                   url-http-process url-http-chunked-start))
+   (save-excursion
+     (goto-char st)
+     (let ((read-next-chunk t)
+         (case-fold-search t)
+         (regexp nil)
+         (no-initial-crlf nil))
+       ;; We need to loop thru looking for more chunks even within
+       ;; one after-change-function call.
+       (while read-next-chunk
+       (setq no-initial-crlf (= 0 url-http-chunked-counter))
+       (if url-http-content-type
+           (url-display-percentage nil
+            "Reading [%s]... chunk #%d"
+            url-http-content-type url-http-chunked-counter)
+         (url-display-percentage nil
+          "Reading... chunk #%d"
+          url-http-chunked-counter))
+       (url-http-debug "Reading chunk %d (%d %d %d)"
+                       url-http-chunked-counter st nd length)
+       (setq regexp (if no-initial-crlf
+                        "\\([0-9a-z]+\\).*\r?\n"
+                      "\r?\n\\([0-9a-z]+\\).*\r?\n"))
+       (if url-http-chunked-start
+           ;; We know how long the chunk is supposed to be, skip over
+           ;; leading crap if possible.
+           (if (> nd (+ url-http-chunked-start url-http-chunked-length))
+               (progn
+                 (url-http-debug "Got to the end of chunk #%d!"
+                                 url-http-chunked-counter)
+                 (goto-char (+ url-http-chunked-start
+                               url-http-chunked-length)))
+             (url-http-debug "Still need %d bytes to hit end of chunk"
+                             (- (+ url-http-chunked-start
+                                   url-http-chunked-length)
+                                nd))
+             (setq read-next-chunk nil)))
+       (if (not read-next-chunk)
+           (url-http-debug "Still spinning for next chunk...")
+         (if no-initial-crlf (skip-chars-forward "\r\n"))
+         (if (not (looking-at regexp))
+             (progn
+          ;; Must not have received the entirety of the chunk header,
+               ;; need to spin some more.
+               (url-http-debug "Did not see start of chunk @ %d!" (point))
+               (setq read-next-chunk nil))
+           (add-text-properties (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)
+                                (list 'start-open t
+                                      'end-open t
+                                      'chunked-encoding t
+                                      'face (if (featurep 'xemacs)
+                                                'text-cursor
+                                              'cursor)
+                                      'invisible t))
+           (setq url-http-chunked-length (string-to-int (buffer-substring
+                                                         (match-beginning 1)
+                                                         (match-end 1))
+                                                        16)
+                 url-http-chunked-counter (1+ url-http-chunked-counter)
+                 url-http-chunked-start (set-marker
+                                         (or url-http-chunked-start
+                                             (make-marker))
+                                         (match-end 0)))
+ ;         (if (not url-http-debug)
+               (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0));)
+           (url-http-debug "Saw start of chunk %d (length=%d, start=%d"
+                           url-http-chunked-counter url-http-chunked-length
+                           (marker-position url-http-chunked-start))
+           (if (= 0 url-http-chunked-length)
+               (progn
+                 ;; Found the end of the document!  Wheee!
+                 (url-http-debug "Saw end of stream chunk!")
+                 (setq read-next-chunk nil)
+                 (url-display-percentage nil nil)
+                 (goto-char (match-end 1))
+                 (if (re-search-forward "^\r*$" nil t)
+                     (message "Saw end of trailers..."))
+                 (if (url-http-parse-headers)
+                     (url-http-activate-callback))))))))))
+ (defun url-http-wait-for-headers-change-function (st nd length)
+   ;; This will wait for the headers to arrive and then splice in the
+   ;; next appropriate after-change-function, etc.
+   (declare (special url-current-object
+                   url-http-end-of-headers
+                   url-http-content-type
+                   url-http-content-length
+                   url-http-transfer-encoding
+                   url-callback-function
+                   url-callback-arguments
+                   url-http-process
+                   url-http-method
+                   url-http-after-change-function
+                   url-http-response-status))
+   (url-http-debug "url-http-wait-for-headers-change-function (%s)"
+                 (buffer-name))
+   (if (not (bobp))
+       (let ((end-of-headers nil)
+           (old-http nil)
+           (content-length nil))
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       (if (not (looking-at "^HTTP/[1-9]\\.[0-9]"))
+           ;; Not HTTP/x.y data, must be 0.9
+           ;; God, I wish this could die.
+           (setq end-of-headers t
+                 url-http-end-of-headers 0
+                 old-http t)
+         (if (re-search-forward "^\r*$" nil t)
+             ;; Saw the end of the headers
+             (progn
+               (url-http-debug "Saw end of headers... (%s)" (buffer-name))
+               (setq url-http-end-of-headers (set-marker (make-marker)
+                                                         (point))
+                     end-of-headers t)
+               (url-http-clean-headers))))
+       (if (not end-of-headers)
+           ;; Haven't seen the end of the headers yet, need to wait
+           ;; for more data to arrive.
+           nil
+         (if old-http
+             (message "HTTP/0.9 How I hate thee!")
+           (progn
+             (url-http-parse-response)
+             (mail-narrow-to-head)
+             ;;(narrow-to-region (point-min) url-http-end-of-headers)
+             (setq url-http-transfer-encoding (mail-fetch-field
+                                               "transfer-encoding")
+                   url-http-content-type (mail-fetch-field "content-type"))
+             (if (mail-fetch-field "content-length")
+                 (setq url-http-content-length
+                       (string-to-int (mail-fetch-field "content-length"))))
+             (widen)))
+         (if url-http-transfer-encoding
+             (setq url-http-transfer-encoding
+                   (downcase url-http-transfer-encoding)))
+         (cond
+          ((or (= url-http-response-status 204)
+               (= url-http-response-status 205))
+           (url-http-debug "%d response must have headers only (%s)."
+                           url-http-response-status (buffer-name))
+           (if (url-http-parse-headers)
+               (url-http-activate-callback)))
+          ((string= "HEAD" url-http-method)
+           ;; A HEAD request is _ALWAYS_ terminated by the header
+           ;; information, regardless of any entity headers,
+           ;; according to section 4.4 of the HTTP/1.1 draft.
+           (url-http-debug "HEAD request must have headers only (%s)."
+                           (buffer-name))
+           (if (url-http-parse-headers)
+               (url-http-activate-callback)))
+          ((string= "CONNECT" url-http-method)
+           ;; A CONNECT request is finished, but we cannot stick this
+           ;; back on the free connectin list
+           (url-http-debug "CONNECT request must have headers only.")
+           (if (url-http-parse-headers)
+               (url-http-activate-callback)))
+          ((equal url-http-response-status 304)
+           ;; Only allowed to have a header section.  We have to handle
+           ;; this here instead of in url-http-parse-headers because if
+           ;; you have a cached copy of something without a known
+           ;; content-length, and try to retrieve it from the cache, we'd
+           ;; fall into the 'being dumb' section and wait for the
+           ;; connection to terminate, which means we'd wait for 10
+           ;; seconds for the keep-alives to time out on some servers.
+           (if (url-http-parse-headers)
+               (url-http-activate-callback)))
+          (old-http
+           ;; HTTP/0.9 always signaled end-of-connection by closing the
+           ;; connection.
+           (url-http-debug
+            "Saw HTTP/0.9 response, connection closed means end of document.")
+           (setq url-http-after-change-function
+                 'url-http-simple-after-change-function))
+          ((equal url-http-transfer-encoding "chunked")
+           (url-http-debug "Saw chunked encoding.")
+           (setq url-http-after-change-function
+                 'url-http-chunked-encoding-after-change-function)
+           (if (> nd url-http-end-of-headers)
+               (progn
+                 (url-http-debug
+                  "Calling initial chunked-encoding for extra data at end of 
+                 (url-http-chunked-encoding-after-change-function
+                  (marker-position url-http-end-of-headers) nd
+                  (- nd url-http-end-of-headers)))))
+          ((integerp url-http-content-length)
+           (url-http-debug
+            "Got a content-length, being smart about document end.")
+           (setq url-http-after-change-function
+                 'url-http-content-length-after-change-function)
+           (cond
+            ((= 0 url-http-content-length)
+             ;; We got a NULL body!  Activate the callback
+             ;; immediately!
+             (url-http-debug
+              "Got 0-length content-length, activating callback immediately.")
+             (if (url-http-parse-headers)
+                 (url-http-activate-callback)))
+            ((> nd url-http-end-of-headers)
+             ;; Have some leftover data
+             (url-http-debug "Calling initial content-length for extra data at 
end of headers")
+             (url-http-content-length-after-change-function
+              (marker-position url-http-end-of-headers)
+              nd
+              (- nd url-http-end-of-headers)))
+            (t
+             nil)))
+          (t
+           (url-http-debug "No content-length, being dumb.")
+           (setq url-http-after-change-function
+                 'url-http-simple-after-change-function)))))
+     ;; We are still at the beginning of the buffer... must just be
+     ;; waiting for a response.
+     (url-http-debug "Spinning waiting for headers..."))
+   (goto-char (point-max)))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun url-http (url callback cbargs)
+   "Retrieve URL via HTTP asynchronously.
+ URL must be a parsed URL.  See `url-generic-parse-url' for details.
+ When retrieval is completed, the function CALLBACK is executed with
+ CBARGS as the arguments."
+   (check-type url vector "Need a pre-parsed URL.")
+   (declare (special url-current-object
+                   url-http-end-of-headers
+                   url-http-content-type
+                   url-http-content-length
+                   url-http-transfer-encoding
+                   url-http-after-change-function
+                   url-callback-function
+                   url-callback-arguments
+                   url-http-method
+                   url-http-extra-headers
+                   url-http-data
+                   url-http-chunked-length
+                   url-http-chunked-start
+                   url-http-chunked-counter
+                   url-http-process))
+   (let ((connection (url-http-find-free-connection (url-host url)
+                                                  (url-port url)))
+       (buffer (generate-new-buffer (format " *http %s:%d*"
+                                            (url-host url)
+                                            (url-port url)))))
+     (if (not connection)
+       ;; Failed to open the connection for some reason
+       (progn
+         (kill-buffer buffer)
+         (setq buffer nil)
+         (error "Could not create connection to %s:%d" (url-host url)
+                (url-port url)))
+       (save-excursion
+       (set-buffer buffer)
+       (mm-disable-multibyte)
+       (setq url-current-object url
+             mode-line-format "%b [%s]")
+       (dolist (var '(url-http-end-of-headers
+                      url-http-content-type
+                      url-http-content-length
+                      url-http-transfer-encoding
+                      url-http-after-change-function
+                      url-http-response-status
+                      url-http-chunked-length
+                      url-http-chunked-counter
+                      url-http-chunked-start
+                      url-callback-function
+                      url-callback-arguments
+                      url-http-process
+                      url-http-method
+                      url-http-extra-headers
+                      url-http-data))
+         (set (make-local-variable var) nil))
+       (setq url-http-method (or url-request-method "GET")
+             url-http-extra-headers url-request-extra-headers
+             url-http-data url-request-data
+             url-http-process connection
+             url-http-chunked-length nil
+             url-http-chunked-start nil
+             url-http-chunked-counter 0
+             url-callback-function callback
+             url-callback-arguments cbargs
+             url-http-after-change-function 
+       (set-process-buffer connection buffer)
+       (set-process-sentinel connection 'url-http-end-of-document-sentinel)
+       (set-process-filter connection 'url-http-generic-filter)
+       (process-send-string connection (url-http-create-request url))))
+     buffer))
+ ;; Since Emacs 19/20 does not allow you to change the
+ ;; `after-change-functions' hook in the midst of running them, we fake
+ ;; an after change by hooking into the process filter and inserting
+ ;; the data ourselves.  This is slightly less efficient, but there
+ ;; were tons of weird ways the after-change code was biting us in the
+ ;; shorts.
+ (defun url-http-generic-filter (proc data)
+   ;; Sometimes we get a zero-length data chunk after the process has
+   ;; been changed to 'free', which means it has no buffer associated
+   ;; with it.  Do nothing if there is no buffer, or 0 length data.
+   (declare (special url-http-after-change-function))
+   (and (process-buffer proc)
+        (/= (length data) 0)
+        (save-excursion
+        (set-buffer (process-buffer proc))
+        (url-http-debug "Calling after change function `%s' for `%S'" 
url-http-after-change-function proc)
+        (funcall url-http-after-change-function
+                 (point-max)
+                 (progn
+                   (goto-char (point-max))
+                   (insert data)
+                   (point-max))
+                 (length data)))))
+ ;;; file-name-handler stuff from here on out
+ (if (not (fboundp 'symbol-value-in-buffer))
+     (defun url-http-symbol-value-in-buffer (symbol buffer
+                                                  &optional unbound-value)
+       "Return the value of SYMBOL in BUFFER, or UNBOUND-VALUE if it is 
+       (save-excursion
+       (set-buffer buffer)
+       (if (not (boundp symbol))
+           unbound-value
+         (symbol-value symbol))))
+   (defalias 'url-http-symbol-value-in-buffer 'symbol-value-in-buffer))
+ (defun url-http-head (url)
+   (let ((url-request-method "HEAD")
+       (url-request-data nil))
+     (url-retrieve-synchronously url)))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun url-http-file-exists-p (url)
+   (let ((status nil)
+       (exists nil)
+       (buffer (url-http-head url)))
+     (if (not buffer)
+       (setq exists nil)
+       (setq status (url-http-symbol-value-in-buffer 'url-http-response-status
+                                                   buffer 500)
+           exists (and (>= status 200) (< status 300)))
+       (kill-buffer buffer))
+     exists))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defalias 'url-http-file-readable-p 'url-http-file-exists-p)
+ (defun url-http-head-file-attributes (url &optional id-format)
+   (let ((buffer (url-http-head url))
+       (attributes nil))
+     (when buffer
+       (setq attributes (make-list 11 nil))
+       (setf (nth 1 attributes) 1)     ; Number of links to file
+       (setf (nth 2 attributes) 0)     ; file uid
+       (setf (nth 3 attributes) 0)     ; file gid
+       (setf (nth 7 attributes)                ; file size
+           (url-http-symbol-value-in-buffer 'url-http-content-length
+                                            buffer -1))
+       (setf (nth 8 attributes) (eval-when-compile (make-string 10 ?-)))
+       (kill-buffer buffer))
+     attributes))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun url-http-file-attributes (url &optional id-format)
+   (if (url-dav-supported-p url)
+       (url-dav-file-attributes url id-format)
+     (url-http-head-file-attributes url id-format)))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun url-http-options (url)
+   "Returns a property list describing options available for URL.
+ This list is retrieved using the `OPTIONS' HTTP method.
+ Property list members:
+ methods
+   A list of symbols specifying what HTTP methods the resource
+   supports.
+ dav
+   A list of numbers specifying what DAV protocol/schema versions are
+   supported.
+ dasl
+   A list of supported DASL search types supported (string form)
+ ranges
+   A list of the units available for use in partial document fetches.
+ p3p
+   The `Platform For Privacy Protection' description for the resource.
+   Currently this is just the raw header contents.  This is likely to
+   change once P3P is formally supported by the URL package or
+   Emacs/W3.
+ "
+   (let* ((url-request-method "OPTIONS")
+        (url-request-data nil)
+        (buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously url))
+        (header nil)
+        (options nil))
+     (when (and buffer (= 2 (/ (url-http-symbol-value-in-buffer
+                              'url-http-response-status buffer 0) 100)))
+       ;; Only parse the options if we got a 2xx response code!
+       (save-excursion
+       (save-restriction
+         (save-match-data
+           (set-buffer buffer)
+           (mail-narrow-to-head)
+           ;; Figure out what methods are supported.
+           (when (setq header (mail-fetch-field "allow"))
+             (setq options (plist-put
+                            options 'methods
+                            (mapcar 'intern (split-string header "[ ,]+")))))
+           ;; Check for DAV
+           (when (setq header (mail-fetch-field "dav"))
+             (setq options (plist-put
+                            options 'dav
+                            (delq 0
+                                  (mapcar 'string-to-number
+                                          (split-string header "[, ]+"))))))
+           ;; Now for DASL
+           (when (setq header (mail-fetch-field "dasl"))
+             (setq options (plist-put
+                            options 'dasl
+                            (split-string header "[, ]+"))))
+           ;; P3P - should get more detailed here.  FIXME
+           (when (setq header (mail-fetch-field "p3p"))
+             (setq options (plist-put options 'p3p header)))
+           ;; Check for whether they accept byte-range requests.
+           (when (setq header (mail-fetch-field "accept-ranges"))
+             (setq options (plist-put
+                            options 'ranges
+                            (delq 'none
+                                  (mapcar 'intern
+                                          (split-string header "[, ]+"))))))
+           ))))
+     (if buffer (kill-buffer buffer))
+     options))
+ (provide 'url-http)
+ ;; arch-tag: ba7c59ae-c0f4-4a31-9617-d85f221732ee
+ ;;; url-http.el ends here

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