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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/url/url-dav.el [emacs-unicode-2]

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/url/url-dav.el [emacs-unicode-2]
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2004 04:34:31 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/url/url-dav.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/url/url-dav.el:
*** /dev/null   Mon Jun 28 07:39:46 2004
--- emacs/lisp/url/url-dav.el   Mon Jun 28 07:30:01 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,983 ----
+ ;;; url-dav.el --- WebDAV support
+ ;; Copyright (C) 2001, 2004  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ ;; Author: Bill Perry <address@hidden>
+ ;; Maintainer: Bill Perry <address@hidden>
+ ;; Keywords: url, vc
+ ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ ;; any later version.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+ ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+ ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ ;; DAV is in RFC 2518.
+ ;;; Commentary:
+ ;;; Code:
+ (eval-when-compile
+   (require 'cl))
+ (require 'xml)
+ (require 'url-util)
+ (require 'url-handlers)
+ (defvar url-dav-supported-protocols '(1 2)
+   "List of supported DAV versions.")
+ (defun url-intersection (l1 l2)
+   "Return a list of the elements occuring in both of the lists L1 and L2."
+   (if (null l2)
+       l2
+     (let (result)
+       (while l1
+       (if (member (car l1) l2)
+           (setq result (cons (pop l1) result))
+         (pop l1)))
+       (nreverse result))))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun url-dav-supported-p (url)
+   (and (featurep 'xml)
+        (fboundp 'xml-expand-namespace)
+        (url-intersection url-dav-supported-protocols
+                        (plist-get (url-http-options url) 'dav))))
+ (defun url-dav-node-text (node)
+   "Return the text data from the XML node NODE."
+   (mapconcat (lambda (txt)
+              (if (stringp txt)
+                  txt
+                "")) (xml-node-children node) " "))
+ ;;; Parsing routines for the actual node contents.
+ ;;
+ ;; I am not incredibly happy with how this code looks/works right
+ ;; now, but it DOES work, and if we get the API right, our callers
+ ;; won't have to worry about the internal representation.
+ (defconst url-dav-datatype-attribute
+   'urn:uuid:c2f41010-65b3-11d1-a29f-00aa00c14882/dt)
+ (defun url-dav-process-integer-property (node)
+   (truncate (string-to-number (url-dav-node-text node))))
+ (defun url-dav-process-number-property (node)
+   (string-to-number (url-dav-node-text node)))
+ (defconst url-dav-iso8601-regexp
+   (let* ((dash "-?")
+        (colon ":?")
+        (4digit "\\([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\\)")
+        (2digit "\\([0-9][0-9]\\)")
+        (date-fullyear 4digit)
+        (date-month 2digit)
+        (date-mday 2digit)
+        (time-hour 2digit)
+        (time-minute 2digit)
+        (time-second 2digit)
+        (time-secfrac "\\(\\.[0-9]+\\)?")
+        (time-numoffset (concat "[-+]\\(" time-hour "\\):" time-minute))
+        (time-offset (concat "Z" time-numoffset))
+        (partial-time (concat time-hour colon time-minute colon time-second
+                              time-secfrac))
+        (full-date (concat date-fullyear dash date-month dash date-mday))
+        (full-time (concat partial-time time-offset))
+        (date-time (concat full-date "T" full-time)))
+     (list (concat "^" full-date)
+         (concat "T" partial-time)
+         (concat "Z" time-numoffset)))
+   "List of regular expressions matching iso8601 dates.
+ 1st regular expression matches the date.
+ 2nd regular expression matches the time.
+ 3rd regular expression matches the (optional) timezone specification.")
+ (defun url-dav-process-date-property (node)
+   (require 'parse-time)
+   (let* ((date-re (nth 0 url-dav-iso8601-regexp))
+        (time-re (nth 1 url-dav-iso8601-regexp))
+        (tz-re (nth 2 url-dav-iso8601-regexp))
+        (date-string (url-dav-node-text node))
+        re-start
+        time seconds minute hour fractional-seconds
+        day month year day-of-week dst tz)
+     ;; We need to populate 'time' with
+     ;; Nobody else handles iso8601 correctly, lets do it ourselves.
+     (when (string-match date-re date-string re-start)
+       (setq year (string-to-int (match-string 1 date-string))
+           month (string-to-int (match-string 2 date-string))
+           day (string-to-int (match-string 3 date-string))
+           re-start (match-end 0))
+       (when (string-match time-re date-string re-start)
+       (setq hour (string-to-int (match-string 1 date-string))
+             minute (string-to-int (match-string 2 date-string))
+             seconds (string-to-int (match-string 3 date-string))
+             fractional-seconds (string-to-int (or
+                                                (match-string 4 date-string)
+                                                "0"))
+             re-start (match-end 0))
+       (when (string-match tz-re date-string re-start)
+         (setq tz (match-string 1 date-string)))
+       (url-debug 'dav "Parsed iso8601%s date" (if tz "tz" ""))
+       (setq time (list seconds minute hour day month year day-of-week dst 
+     ;; Fall back to having Gnus do fancy things for us.
+     (when (not time)
+       (setq time (parse-time-string date-string)))
+     (if time
+       (setq time (apply 'encode-time time))
+       (url-debug 'dav "Unable to decode date (%S) (%s)"
+                (xml-node-name node) date-string))
+     time))
+ (defun url-dav-process-boolean-property (node)
+   (/= 0 (string-to-int (url-dav-node-text node))))
+ (defun url-dav-process-uri-property (node)
+   ;; Returns a parsed representation of the URL...
+   (url-generic-parse-url (url-dav-node-text node)))
+ (defun url-dav-find-parser (node)
+   "Find a function to parse the XML node NODE."
+   (or (get (xml-node-name node) 'dav-parser)
+       (let ((fn (intern (format "url-dav-process-%s" (xml-node-name node)))))
+       (if (not (fboundp fn))
+           (setq fn 'url-dav-node-text)
+         (put (xml-node-name node) 'dav-parser fn))
+       fn)))
+ (defmacro url-dav-dispatch-node (node)
+   `(funcall (url-dav-find-parser ,node) ,node))
+ (defun url-dav-process-DAV:prop (node)
+   ;; A prop node has content model of ANY
+   ;;
+   ;; Some predefined nodes have special meanings though.
+   ;;
+   ;; DAV:supportedlock    - list of DAV:lockentry
+   ;; DAV:source
+   ;; DAV:iscollection     - boolean
+   ;; DAV:getcontentlength - integer
+   ;; DAV:ishidden         - boolean
+   ;; DAV:getcontenttype   - string
+   ;; DAV:resourcetype     - node who's name is the resource type
+   ;; DAV:getlastmodified  - date
+   ;; DAV:creationdate     - date
+   ;; DAV:displayname      - string
+   ;; DAV:getetag          - unknown
+   (let ((children (xml-node-children node))
+       (node-type nil)
+       (props nil)
+       (value nil)
+       (handler-func nil))
+     (when (not children)
+       (error "No child nodes in DAV:prop"))
+     (while children
+       (setq node (car children)
+           node-type (intern
+                      (or 
+                       (cdr-safe (assq url-dav-datatype-attribute
+                                       (xml-node-attributes node)))
+                       "unknown"))
+           value nil)
+       (case node-type
+       ((dateTime.iso8601tz
+         dateTime.iso8601
+         dateTime.tz
+         dateTime.rfc1123
+         dateTime
+         date)                         ; date is our 'special' one...
+        ;; Some type of date/time string.
+        (setq value (url-dav-process-date-property node)))
+       (int
+        ;; Integer type...
+        (setq value (url-dav-process-integer-property node)))
+       ((number float)
+        (setq value (url-dav-process-number-property node)))
+       (boolean
+        (setq value (url-dav-process-boolean-property node)))
+       (uri
+        (setq value (url-dav-process-uri-property node)))
+       (otherwise
+        (if (not (eq node-type 'unknown))
+            (url-debug 'dav "Unknown data type in url-dav-process-prop: %s"
+                       node-type))
+        (setq value (url-dav-dispatch-node node))))
+       (setq props (plist-put props (xml-node-name node) value)
+           children (cdr children)))
+     props))
+ (defun url-dav-process-DAV:supportedlock (node)
+   ;; DAV:supportedlock is a list of DAV:lockentry items.
+   ;; DAV:lockentry in turn contains a DAV:lockscope and DAV:locktype.
+   ;; The DAV:lockscope must have a single node beneath it, ditto for
+   ;; DAV:locktype.
+   (let ((children (xml-node-children node))
+       (results nil)
+       scope type)
+     (while children
+       (when (and (not (stringp (car children)))
+                (eq (xml-node-name (car children)) 'DAV:lockentry))
+       (setq scope (assq 'DAV:lockscope (xml-node-children (car children)))
+             type (assq 'DAV:locktype (xml-node-children (car children))))
+       (when (and scope type)
+         (setq scope (xml-node-name (car (xml-node-children scope)))
+               type (xml-node-name (car (xml-node-children type))))
+         (push (cons type scope) results)))
+       (setq children (cdr children)))
+     results))
+ (defun url-dav-process-subnode-property (node)
+   ;; Returns a list of child node names.
+   (delq nil (mapcar 'car-safe (xml-node-children node))))
+ (defalias 'url-dav-process-DAV:depth 'url-dav-process-integer-property)
+ (defalias 'url-dav-process-DAV:resourcetype 'url-dav-process-subnode-property)
+ (defalias 'url-dav-process-DAV:locktype 'url-dav-process-subnode-property)
+ (defalias 'url-dav-process-DAV:lockscope 'url-dav-process-subnode-property)
+ (defalias 'url-dav-process-DAV:getcontentlength 
+ (defalias 'url-dav-process-DAV:getlastmodified 'url-dav-process-date-property)
+ (defalias 'url-dav-process-DAV:creationdate 'url-dav-process-date-property)
+ (defalias 'url-dav-process-DAV:iscollection 'url-dav-process-boolean-property)
+ (defalias 'url-dav-process-DAV:ishidden 'url-dav-process-boolean-property)
+ (defun url-dav-process-DAV:locktoken (node)
+   ;; DAV:locktoken can have one or more DAV:href children.
+   (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (n)
+                     (if (stringp n)
+                         n
+                       (url-dav-dispatch-node n)))
+                   (xml-node-children node))))
+ (defun url-dav-process-DAV:owner (node)
+   ;; DAV:owner can contain anything.
+   (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (n)
+                     (if (stringp n)
+                         n
+                       (url-dav-dispatch-node n)))
+                   (xml-node-children node))))
+ (defun url-dav-process-DAV:activelock (node)
+   ;; DAV:activelock can contain:
+   ;;  DAV:lockscope
+   ;;  DAV:locktype
+   ;;  DAV:depth
+   ;;  DAV:owner (optional)
+   ;;  DAV:timeout (optional)
+   ;;  DAV:locktoken (optional)
+   (let ((children (xml-node-children node))
+       (results nil))
+     (while children
+       (if (listp (car children))
+         (push (cons (xml-node-name (car children))
+                     (url-dav-dispatch-node (car children)))
+               results))
+       (setq children (cdr children)))
+     results))
+ (defun url-dav-process-DAV:lockdiscovery (node)
+   ;; Can only contain a list of DAV:activelock objects.
+   (let ((children (xml-node-children node))
+       (results nil))
+     (while children
+       (cond
+        ((stringp (car children))
+       ;; text node? why?
+       nil)
+        ((eq (xml-node-name (car children)) 'DAV:activelock)
+       (push (url-dav-dispatch-node (car children)) results))
+        (t
+       ;; Ignore unknown nodes...
+       nil))
+       (setq children (cdr children)))
+     results))
+ (defun url-dav-process-DAV:status (node)
+   ;; The node contains a standard HTTP/1.1 response line... we really
+   ;; only care about the numeric status code.
+   (let ((status (url-dav-node-text node)))
+     (if (string-match "\\`[ \r\t\n]*HTTP/[0-9.]+ \\([0-9]+\\)" status)
+       (string-to-int (match-string 1 status))
+       500)))
+ (defun url-dav-process-DAV:propstat (node)
+   ;; A propstate node can have the following children...
+   ;;
+   ;; DAV:prop - a list of properties and values
+   ;; DAV:status - An HTTP/1.1 status line
+   (let ((children (xml-node-children node))
+       (props nil)
+       (status nil))
+     (when (not children)
+       (error "No child nodes in DAV:propstat"))
+     (setq props (url-dav-dispatch-node (assq 'DAV:prop children))
+         status (url-dav-dispatch-node (assq 'DAV:status children)))
+     ;; Need to parse out the HTTP status
+     (setq props (plist-put props 'DAV:status status))
+     props))
+ (defun url-dav-process-DAV:response (node)
+   (let ((children (xml-node-children node))
+       (propstat nil)
+       (href))
+     (when (not children)
+       (error "No child nodes in DAV:response"))
+     ;; A response node can have the following children...
+     ;;
+     ;; DAV:href     - URL the response is for.
+     ;; DAV:propstat - see url-dav-process-propstat
+     ;; DAV:responsedescription - text description of the response
+     (setq propstat (assq 'DAV:propstat children)
+         href (assq 'DAV:href children))
+     (when (not href)
+       (error "No href in DAV:response"))
+     (when (not propstat)
+       (error "No propstat in DAV:response"))
+     (setq propstat (url-dav-dispatch-node propstat)
+         href (url-dav-dispatch-node href))
+     (cons href propstat)))
+ (defun url-dav-process-DAV:multistatus (node)
+   (let ((children (xml-node-children node))
+       (results nil))
+     (while children
+       (push (url-dav-dispatch-node (car children)) results)
+       (setq children (cdr children)))
+     results))
+ ;;; DAV request/response generation/processing
+ (defun url-dav-process-response (buffer url)
+   "Parse a WebDAV response from BUFFER, interpreting it relative to URL.
+ The buffer must have been retrieved by HTTP or HTTPS and contain an
+ XML document."
+   (declare (special url-http-content-type
+                   url-http-response-status
+                   url-http-end-of-headers))
+   (let ((tree nil)
+       (overall-status nil))
+     (when buffer
+       (unwind-protect
+         (with-current-buffer buffer
+           (goto-char url-http-end-of-headers)
+           (setq overall-status url-http-response-status)
+           ;; XML documents can be transferred as either text/xml or
+           ;; application/xml, and we are required to accept both of
+           ;; them.
+           (if (and
+                url-http-content-type
+                (string-match "\\`\\(text\\|application\\)/xml"
+                              url-http-content-type))
+               (setq tree (xml-parse-region (point) (point-max)))))
+       ;; Clean up after ourselves.
+       (kill-buffer buffer)))
+     ;; We should now be
+     (if (eq (xml-node-name (car tree)) 'DAV:multistatus)
+       (url-dav-dispatch-node (car tree))
+       (url-debug 'dav "Got back singleton response for URL(%S)" url)
+       (let ((properties (url-dav-dispatch-node (car tree))))
+       ;; We need to make sure we have a DAV:status node in there for
+       ;; higher-level code;
+       (setq properties (plist-put properties 'DAV:status overall-status))
+       ;; Make this look like a DAV:multistatus parse tree so that
+       ;; nobody but us needs to know the difference.
+       (list (cons url properties))))))
+ (defun url-dav-request (url method tag body
+                                &optional depth headers namespaces)
+   "Perform WebDAV operation METHOD on URL.  Return the parsed responses.
+ Automatically creates an XML request body if TAG is non-nil.
+ BODY is the XML document fragment to be enclosed by <TAG></TAG>.
+ DEPTH is how deep the request should propogate.  Default is 0, meaning
+ it should apply only to URL.  A negative number means to use
+ `Infinity' for the depth.  Not all WebDAV servers support this depth
+ though.
+ HEADERS is an assoc list of extra headers to send in the request.
+ NAMESPACES is an assoc list of (NAMESPACE . EXPANSION), and these are
+ added to the <TAG> element.  The DAV=DAV: namespace is automatically
+ added to this list, so most requests can just pass in nil."
+   ;; Take care of the default value for depth...
+   (setq depth (or depth 0))
+   ;; Now lets translate it into something webdav can understand.
+   (if (< depth 0)
+       (setq depth "Infinity")
+     (setq depth (int-to-string depth)))
+   (if (not (assoc "DAV" namespaces))
+       (setq namespaces (cons '("DAV" . "DAV:") namespaces)))
+   (let* ((url-request-extra-headers `(("Depth" . ,depth)
+                                     ("Content-type" . "text/xml")
+                                     ,@headers))
+        (url-request-method method)
+        (url-request-data
+         (if tag
+             (concat
+              "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>\n"
+              "<" (symbol-name tag) " "
+              ;; add in the appropriate namespaces...
+              (mapconcat (lambda (ns)
+                           (concat "xmlns:" (car ns) "='" (cdr ns) "'"))
+                         namespaces "\n    ")
+              ">\n"
+              body
+              "</" (symbol-name tag) ">\n"))))
+     (url-dav-process-response (url-retrieve-synchronously url) url)))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun url-dav-get-properties (url &optional attributes depth namespaces)
+   "Return properties for URL, up to DEPTH levels deep.
+ Returns an assoc list, where the key is the filename (possibly a full
+ URI), and the value is a standard property list of DAV property
+ names (ie: DAV:resourcetype)."
+   (url-dav-request url "PROPFIND" 'DAV:propfind
+                  (if attributes
+                      (mapconcat (lambda (attr)
+                                   (concat "<DAV:prop><"
+                                           (symbol-name attr)
+                                           "/></DAV:prop>"))
+                                 attributes "\n  ")
+                    "  <DAV:allprop/>")
+                  depth nil namespaces))
+ (defmacro url-dav-http-success-p (status)
+   "Return whether PROPERTIES was the result of a successful DAV request."
+   `(= (/ (or ,status 500) 100) 2))
+ ;;; Locking support
+ (defvar url-dav-lock-identifier (concat "mailto:"; user-mail-address)
+   "*URL used as contact information when creating locks in DAV.
+ This will be used as the contents of the DAV:owner/DAV:href tag to
+ identify the owner of a LOCK when requesting it.  This will be shown
+ to other users when the DAV:lockdiscovery property is requested, so
+ make sure you are comfortable with it leaking to the outside world.")
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun url-dav-lock-resource (url exclusive &optional depth)
+   "Request a lock on URL.  If EXCLUSIVE is non-nil, get an exclusive lock.
+ Optional 3rd argument DEPTH says how deep the lock should go, default is 0
+ \(lock only the resource and none of its children\).
+ Returns a cons-cell of (SUCCESSFUL-RESULTS . FAILURE-RESULTS).
+ SUCCESSFUL-RESULTS is a list of (URL STATUS locktoken).
+   (setq       exclusive (if exclusive "<DAV:exclusive/>" "<DAV:shared/>"))
+   (let* ((body
+         (concat
+          "  <DAV:lockscope>" exclusive "</DAV:lockscope>\n"
+          "  <DAV:locktype> <DAV:write/> </DAV:locktype>\n"
+          "  <DAV:owner>\n"
+          "    <DAV:href>" url-dav-lock-identifier "</DAV:href>\n"
+          "  </DAV:owner>\n"))
+        (response nil)           ; Responses to the LOCK request
+        (result nil)             ; For walking thru the response list
+        (child-url nil)
+        (child-status nil)
+        (failures nil)           ; List of failure cases (URL . STATUS)
+        (successes nil))         ; List of success cases (URL . STATUS)
+     (setq response (url-dav-request url "LOCK" 'DAV:lockinfo body
+                                   depth '(("Timeout" . "Infinite"))))
+     ;; Get the parent URL ready for expand-file-name
+     (if (not (vectorp url))
+       (setq url (url-generic-parse-url url)))
+     ;; Walk thru the response list, fully expand the URL, and grab the
+     ;; status code.
+     (while response
+       (setq result (pop response)
+           child-url (url-expand-file-name (pop result) url)
+           child-status (or (plist-get result 'DAV:status) 500))
+       (if (url-dav-http-success-p child-status)
+         (push (list url child-status "huh") successes)
+       (push (list url child-status) failures)))
+     (cons successes failures)))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun url-dav-active-locks (url &optional depth)
+   "Return an assoc list of all active locks on URL."
+   (let ((response (url-dav-get-properties url '(DAV:lockdiscovery) depth))
+       (properties nil)
+       (child nil)
+       (child-url nil)
+       (child-results nil)
+       (results nil))
+     (if (not (vectorp url))
+       (setq url (url-generic-parse-url url)))
+     (while response
+       (setq child (pop response)
+           child-url (pop child)
+           child-results nil)
+       (when (and (url-dav-http-success-p (plist-get child 'DAV:status))
+                (setq child (plist-get child 'DAV:lockdiscovery)))
+       ;; After our parser has had its way with it, The
+       ;; DAV:lockdiscovery property is a list of DAV:activelock
+       ;; objects, which are comprised of DAV:activelocks, which
+       ;; assoc lists of properties and values.
+       (while child
+         (if (assq 'DAV:locktoken (car child))
+             (let ((tokens (cdr (assq 'DAV:locktoken (car child))))
+                   (owners (cdr (assq 'DAV:owner (car child)))))
+               (dolist (token tokens)
+                 (dolist (owner owners)
+                   (push (cons token owner) child-results)))))
+         (pop child)))
+       (if child-results
+         (push (cons (url-expand-file-name child-url url) child-results)
+               results)))
+     results))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun url-dav-unlock-resource (url lock-token)
+   "Release the lock on URL represented by LOCK-TOKEN.
+ Returns t iff the lock was successfully released."
+   (declare (special url-http-response-status))
+   (let* ((url-request-extra-headers (list (cons "Lock-Token"
+                                               (concat "<" lock-token ">"))))
+        (url-request-method "UNLOCK")
+        (url-request-data nil)
+        (buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously url))
+        (result nil))
+     (when buffer
+       (unwind-protect
+         (with-current-buffer buffer
+           (setq result (url-dav-http-success-p url-http-response-status)))
+       (kill-buffer buffer)))
+     result))
+ ;;; file-name-handler stuff
+ (defun url-dav-file-attributes-mode-string (properties)
+   (let ((modes (make-string 10 ?-))
+       (supported-locks (plist-get properties 'DAV:supportedlock))
+       (executable-p (equal (plist-get properties 
+                            "T"))
+       (directory-p (memq 'DAV:collection (plist-get properties 
+       (readable t)
+       (lock nil))
+     ;; Assume we can read this, otherwise the PROPFIND would have
+     ;; failed.
+     (when readable
+       (aset modes 1 ?r)
+       (aset modes 4 ?r)
+       (aset modes 7 ?r))
+     (when directory-p
+       (aset modes 0 ?d))
+     (when executable-p
+       (aset modes 3 ?x)
+       (aset modes 6 ?x)
+       (aset modes 9 ?x))
+     (while supported-locks
+       (setq lock (car supported-locks)
+           supported-locks (cdr supported-locks))
+       (case (car lock)
+       (DAV:write
+        (case (cdr lock)
+          (DAV:shared                  ; group permissions (possibly world)
+           (aset modes 5 ?w))
+          (DAV:exclusive
+           (aset modes 2 ?w))          ; owner permissions?
+          (otherwise
+           (url-debug 'dav "Unrecognized DAV:lockscope (%S)" (cdr lock)))))
+       (otherwise
+        (url-debug 'dav "Unrecognized DAV:locktype (%S)" (car lock)))))
+     modes))
+ (autoload 'url-http-head-file-attributes "url-http")
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun url-dav-file-attributes (url &optional id-format)
+   (let ((properties (cdar (url-dav-get-properties url)))
+       (attributes nil))
+     (if (and properties
+            (url-dav-http-success-p (plist-get properties 'DAV:status)))
+       ;; We got a good DAV response back..
+       (setq attributes
+             (list
+              ;; t for directory, string for symbolic link, or nil
+              ;; Need to support DAV Bindings to figure out the
+              ;; symbolic link issues.
+              (if (memq 'DAV:collection (plist-get properties 
'DAV:resourcetype)) t nil)
+              ;; Number of links to file... Needs DAV Bindings.
+              1
+              ;; File uid - no way to figure out?
+              0
+              ;; File gid - no way to figure out?
+              0
+              ;; Last access time - ???
+              nil
+              ;; Last modification time
+              (plist-get properties 'DAV:getlastmodified)
+              ;; Last status change time... just reuse last-modified
+              ;; for now.
+              (plist-get properties 'DAV:getlastmodified)
+              ;; size in bytes
+              (or (plist-get properties 'DAV:getcontentlength) 0)
+              ;; file modes as a string like `ls -l'
+              ;; 
+              ;; Should be able to build this up from the
+              ;; DAV:supportedlock attribute pretty easily.  Getting
+              ;; the group info could be impossible though.
+              (url-dav-file-attributes-mode-string properties)
+              ;; t iff file's gid would change if it were deleted &
+              ;; recreated.  No way for us to know that thru DAV.
+              nil
+              ;; inode number - meaningless
+              nil
+              ;; device number - meaningless
+              nil))
+       ;; Fall back to just the normal http way of doing things.
+       (setq attributes (url-http-head-file-attributes url id-format)))
+     attributes))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun url-dav-save-resource (url obj &optional content-type lock-token)
+   "Save OBJ as URL using WebDAV.
+ URL must be a fully qualified URL.
+ OBJ may be a buffer or a string."
+   (declare (special url-http-response-status))
+   (let ((buffer nil)
+       (result nil)
+       (url-request-extra-headers nil)
+       (url-request-method "PUT")
+       (url-request-data
+        (cond
+         ((bufferp obj)
+          (with-current-buffer obj
+            (buffer-string)))
+         ((stringp obj)
+          obj)
+         (t
+          (error "Invalid object to url-dav-save-resource")))))
+     (if lock-token
+       (push
+        (cons "If" (concat "(<" lock-token ">)"))
+        url-request-extra-headers))
+     ;; Everything must always have a content-type when we submit it.
+     (push
+      (cons "Content-type" (or content-type "application/octet-stream"))
+      url-request-extra-headers)
+     ;; Do the save...
+     (setq buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously url))
+     ;; Sanity checking
+     (when buffer
+       (unwind-protect
+         (with-current-buffer buffer
+           (setq result (url-dav-http-success-p url-http-response-status)))
+       (kill-buffer buffer)))
+     result))
+ (eval-when-compile
+   (defmacro url-dav-delete-something (url lock-token &rest error-checking)
+     "Delete URL completely, with no sanity checking whatsoever.  DO NOT USE.
+ This is defined as a macro that will not be visible from compiled files.
+ Use with care, and even then think three times.
+ "
+     `(progn
+        ,@error-checking
+        (url-dav-request ,url "DELETE" nil nil -1
+                       (if ,lock-token
+                           (list
+                            (cons "If"
+                                  (concat "(<" ,lock-token ">)"))))))))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun url-dav-delete-directory (url &optional recursive lock-token)
+   "Delete the WebDAV collection URL.
+ If optional second argument RECURSIVE is non-nil, then delete all
+ files in the collection as well."
+   (let ((status nil)
+       (props nil)
+       (props nil))
+     (setq props (url-dav-delete-something
+                url lock-token
+                (setq props (url-dav-get-properties url '(DAV:getcontenttype) 
+                (if (and (not recursive)
+                         (/= (length props) 1))
+                    (signal 'file-error (list "Removing directory"
+                                              "directory not empty" url)))))
+      (mapc (lambda (result)
+            (setq status (plist-get (cdr result) 'DAV:status))
+            (if (not (url-dav-http-success-p status))
+                (signal 'file-error (list "Removing directory"
+                                          "Errror removing"
+                                          (car result) status))))
+          props))
+   nil)
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun url-dav-delete-file (url &optional lock-token)
+   "Delete file named URL."
+   (let ((props nil)
+       (status nil))
+     (setq props (url-dav-delete-something
+                url lock-token
+                (setq props (url-dav-get-properties url))
+                (if (eq (plist-get (cdar props) 'DAV:resourcetype) 
+                    (signal 'file-error (list "Removing old name" "is a 
collection" url)))))
+     (mapc (lambda (result)
+           (setq status (plist-get (cdr result) 'DAV:status))
+           (if (not (url-dav-http-success-p status))
+               (signal 'file-error (list "Removing old name"
+                                         "Errror removing"
+                                         (car result) status))))
+         props))
+   nil)
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun url-dav-directory-files (url &optional full match nosort files-only)
+   "Return a list of names of files in DIRECTORY.
+ There are three optional arguments:
+ If FULL is non-nil, return absolute file names.  Otherwise return names
+  that are relative to the specified directory.
+ If MATCH is non-nil, mention only file names that match the regexp MATCH.
+ If NOSORT is non-nil, the list is not sorted--its order is unpredictable.
+  NOSORT is useful if you plan to sort the result yourself."
+   (let ((properties (url-dav-get-properties url '(DAV:resourcetype) 1))
+       (child-url nil)
+       (child-props nil)
+       (files nil)
+       (parsed-url (url-generic-parse-url url)))
+     (if (= (length properties) 1)
+       (signal 'file-error (list "Opening directory" "not a directory" url)))
+     (while properties
+       (setq child-props (pop properties)
+           child-url (pop child-props))
+       (if (and (eq (plist-get child-props 'DAV:resourcetype) 'DAV:collection)
+              files-only)
+         ;; It is a directory, and we were told to return just files.
+         nil
+       ;; Fully expand the URL and then rip off the beginning if we
+       ;; are not supposed to return fully-qualified names.
+       (setq child-url (url-expand-file-name child-url parsed-url))
+       (if (not full)
+           (setq child-url (substring child-url (length url))))
+       ;; We don't want '/' as the last character in filenames...
+       (if (string-match "/$" child-url)
+           (setq child-url (substring child-url 0 -1)))
+       ;; If we have a match criteria, then apply it.
+       (if (or (and match (not (string-match match child-url)))
+               (string= child-url "")
+               (string= child-url url))
+           nil
+         (push child-url files))))
+     (if nosort
+       files
+       (sort files 'string-lessp))))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun url-dav-file-directory-p (url)
+   "Return t if URL names an existing DAV collection."
+   (let ((properties (cdar (url-dav-get-properties url '(DAV:resourcetype)))))
+     (eq (plist-get properties 'DAV:resourcetype) 'DAV:collection)))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun url-dav-make-directory (url &optional parents)
+   "Create the directory DIR and any nonexistent parent dirs."
+   (declare (special url-http-response-status))
+   (let* ((url-request-extra-headers nil)
+        (url-request-method "MKCOL")
+        (url-request-data nil)
+        (buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously url))
+        (result nil))
+     (when buffer
+       (unwind-protect
+         (with-current-buffer buffer
+           (case url-http-response-status
+             (201                      ; Collection created in its entirety
+              (setq result t))
+             (403                      ; Forbidden
+              nil)
+             (405                      ; Method not allowed
+              nil)
+             (409                      ; Conflict
+              nil)
+             (415                      ; Unsupported media type (WTF?)
+              nil)
+             (507                      ; Insufficient storage
+              nil)
+             (otherwise
+              nil)))
+       (kill-buffer buffer)))
+     result))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun url-dav-rename-file (oldname newname &optional overwrite)
+   (if (not (and (string-match url-handler-regexp oldname)
+               (string-match url-handler-regexp newname)))
+       (signal 'file-error
+             (list "Cannot rename between different URL backends"
+                   oldname newname)))
+   (let* ((headers nil)
+        (props nil)
+        (status nil)
+        (directory-p (url-dav-file-directory-p oldname))
+        (exists-p (url-http-file-exists-p newname)))
+     (if (and exists-p
+            (or 
+             (null overwrite)
+             (and (numberp overwrite)
+                  (not (yes-or-no-p
+                        (format "File %s already exists; rename to it anyway? "
+                                newname))))))
+       (signal 'file-already-exists (list "File already exists" newname)))
+     ;; Honor the overwrite flag...
+     (if overwrite (push '("Overwrite" . "T") headers))
+     ;; Have to tell them where to copy it to!
+     (push (cons "Destination" newname) headers)
+     ;; Always send a depth of -1 in case we are moving a collection.
+     (setq props (url-dav-request oldname "MOVE" nil nil (if directory-p -1 0)
+                                headers))
+     (mapc (lambda (result)
+           (setq status (plist-get (cdr result) 'DAV:status))
+           (if (not (url-dav-http-success-p status))
+               (signal 'file-error (list "Renaming" oldname newname status))))
+         props)
+     t))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun url-dav-file-name-all-completions (file url)
+   "Return a list of all completions of file name FILE in directory DIRECTORY.
+ These are all file names in directory DIRECTORY which begin with FILE."
+   (url-dav-directory-files url nil (concat "^" file ".*")))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun url-dav-file-name-completion (file url)
+   "Complete file name FILE in directory DIRECTORY.
+ Returns the longest string
+ common to all file names in DIRECTORY that start with FILE.
+ If there is only one and FILE matches it exactly, returns t.
+ Returns nil if DIR contains no name starting with FILE."
+   (let ((matches (url-dav-file-name-all-completions file url))
+       (result nil))
+     (cond
+      ((null matches)
+       ;; No matches
+       nil)
+      ((and (= (length matches) 1)
+          (string= file (car matches)))
+       ;; Only one file and FILE matches it exactly...
+       t)
+      (t
+       ;; Need to figure out the longest string that they have in commmon
+       (setq matches (sort matches (lambda (a b) (> (length a) (length b)))))
+       (let ((n (length file))
+           (searching t)
+           (regexp nil)
+           (failed nil))
+       (while (and searching
+                   (< n (length (car matches))))
+         (setq regexp (concat "^" (substring (car matches) 0 (1+ n)))
+               failed nil)
+         (dolist (potential matches)
+           (if (not (string-match regexp potential))
+               (setq failed t)))
+         (if failed
+             (setq searching nil)
+           (incf n)))
+       (substring (car matches) 0 n))))))
+ (defun url-dav-register-handler (op)
+   (put op 'url-file-handlers (intern-soft (format "url-dav-%s" op))))
+ (mapcar 'url-dav-register-handler
+       '(file-name-all-completions
+         file-name-completion
+         rename-file
+         make-directory
+         file-directory-p
+         directory-files
+         delete-file
+         delete-directory
+         file-attributes))
+ ;;; Version Control backend cruft
+ ;(put 'vc-registered 'url-file-handlers 'url-dav-vc-registered)
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun url-dav-vc-registered (url)
+   (if (and (string-match "\\`https?" url)
+          (plist-get (url-http-options url) 'dav))
+       (progn
+       (vc-file-setprop url 'vc-backend 'dav)
+       t)))
+ ;;; Miscellaneous stuff.
+ (provide 'url-dav)
+ ;; arch-tag: 2b14b7b3-888a-49b8-a490-17276a40e78e
+ ;;; url-dav.el ends here

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