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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/calc/calc-maint.el [emacs-unicode-2]

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/calc/calc-maint.el [emacs-unicode-2]
Date: Wed, 08 Dec 2004 01:05:15 -0500

Index: emacs/lisp/calc/calc-maint.el
diff -c emacs/lisp/calc/calc-maint.el: 
*** emacs/lisp/calc/calc-maint.el:       Fri Apr 16 12:50:11 2004
--- emacs/lisp/calc/calc-maint.el       Wed Dec  8 05:02:43 2004
*** 1,392 ****
- ;;; calc-maint.el --- maintenance routines for Calc
- ;; Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- ;; Author: David Gillespie <address@hidden>
- ;; Maintainers: D. Goel <address@hidden>
- ;;              Colin Walters <address@hidden>
- ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
- ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.  No author or distributor
- ;; accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
- ;; or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
- ;; unless he says so in writing.  Refer to the GNU Emacs General Public
- ;; License for full details.
- ;; Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- ;; GNU Emacs, but only under the conditions described in the
- ;; GNU Emacs General Public License.   A copy of this license is
- ;; supposed to have been given to you along with GNU Emacs so you
- ;; can know your rights and responsibilities.  It should be in a
- ;; file named COPYING.  Among other things, the copyright notice
- ;; and this notice must be preserved on all copies.
- ;;; Commentary:
- ;;; Code:
- (defun calc-compile ()
-   "Compile all parts of Calc.
- Unix usage:
-      emacs -batch -l calc-maint -f calc-compile"
-   (interactive)
-   (if (equal (user-full-name) "David Gillespie")
-       (load "~/lisp/newbytecomp"))
-   (setq byte-compile-verbose t)
-   (if noninteractive
-       (let ((old-message (symbol-function 'message))
-           (old-write-region (symbol-function 'write-region))
-           (comp-was-func nil)
-           (comp-len 0))
-       (unwind-protect
-           (progn
-             (fset 'message (symbol-function 'calc-compile-message))
-             (fset 'write-region (symbol-function 'calc-compile-write-region))
-             (calc-do-compile))
-         (fset 'message old-message)
-         (fset 'write-region old-write-region)))
-     (calc-do-compile)))
- (defun calc-do-compile ()
-   (let ((make-backup-files nil)
-       (changed-rules nil)
-       (changed-units nil)
-       (message-bug (string-match "^18.\\([0-4][0-9]\\|5[0-6]\\)"
-                                  emacs-version)))
-     (setq max-lisp-eval-depth (max 400 max-lisp-eval-depth))
-     ;; Enable some irrelevant warnings to avoid compiler bug in 19.29:
-     (setq byte-compile-warnings (and (string-match "^19.29" emacs-version)
-                                    '(obsolete)))
-     ;; Make sure we're in the right directory.
-     (find-file "calc.el")
-     (if (= (buffer-size) 0)
-       (error "This command must be used in the Calc source directory"))
-     ;; Make sure current directory is in load-path.
-     (setq load-path (cons default-directory load-path))
-     (load "calc-macs.el" nil t t)
-     (provide 'calc)
-     (provide 'calc-ext)
-     ;; Compile all the source files.
-     (let ((files (append
-                 '("calc.el" "calc-ext.el")
-                 (sort (directory-files
-                        default-directory nil
-                        "\\`calc-.[^x].*\\.el\\'")
-                       'string<))))
-       (while files
-       (if (file-newer-than-file-p (car files) (concat (car files) "c"))
-           (progn
-             (if (string-match "calc-rules" (car files))
-                 (setq changed-rules t))
-             (if (string-match "calc-units" (car files))
-                 (setq changed-units t))
-             (or message-bug (message ""))
-             (byte-compile-file (car files)))
-         (message "File %s is up to date" (car files)))
-       (if (string-match "calc\\(-ext\\)?.el" (car files))
-           (load (concat (car files) "c") nil t t))
-       (setq files (cdr files))))
-     (if (or changed-units changed-rules)
-       (condition-case err
-           (progn
-             ;; Pre-build the units table.
-             (if (and changed-units
-                      (not (string-match "Lucid" emacs-version)))
-                 (progn
-                   (or message-bug (message ""))
-                   (save-excursion
-                     (calc-create-buffer)
-                     (math-build-units-table))
-                   (find-file "calc-units.elc")
-                   (goto-char (point-max))
-                   (insert "\n(setq math-units-table '"
-                           (prin1-to-string math-units-table)
-                           ")\n")
-                   (save-buffer)))
-             ;; Pre-build rewrite rules for j D, j M, etc.
-             (if (and changed-rules (not (string-match "^19" emacs-version)))
-                 (let ((rules nil))
-                   (or message-bug (message ""))
-                   (find-file "calc-rules.elc")
-                   (goto-char (point-min))
-                   (while (re-search-forward "defun calc-\\([A-Za-z]*Rules\\)"
-                                             nil t)
-                     (setq rules (cons (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1)
-                                                         (match-end 1))
-                                       rules)))
-                   (goto-char (point-min))
-                   (re-search-forward "\n(defun calc-[A-Za-z]*Rules")
-                   (beginning-of-line)
-                   (delete-region (point) (point-max))
-                   (mapcar (function
-                            (lambda (v)
-                              (let* ((vv (intern (concat "var-" v)))
-                                     (val (save-excursion
-                                            (calc-create-buffer)
-                                            (calc-var-value vv))))
-                                (insert "\n(defun calc-" v " () '"
-                                        (prin1-to-string val) ")\n"))))
-                           (sort rules 'string<))
-                   (save-buffer))))
-         (error (message "Unable to pre-build tables %s" err))))
-     (message "Done.  Don't forget to install with \"make public\" or \"make 
- (defun calc-compile-message (fmt &rest args)
-   (cond ((and (= (length args) 2)
-             (stringp (car args))
-             (string-match ".elc?\\'" (car args))
-             (symbolp (nth 1 args)))
-        (let ((name (symbol-name (nth 1 args))))
-          (princ (if comp-was-func ", " "  "))
-          (if (and comp-was-func (eq (string-match comp-was-func name) 0))
-              (setq name (substring name (1- (length comp-was-func))))
-            (setq comp-was-func (if (string-match "\\`[a-zA-Z]+-" name)
-                                    (substring name 0 (match-end 0))
-                                  " ")))
-          (if (> (+ comp-len (length name)) 75)
-              (progn
-                (princ "\n  ")
-                (setq comp-len 0)))
-          (princ name)
-          (send-string-to-terminal "")  ; cause an fflush(stdout)
-          (setq comp-len (+ comp-len 2 (length name)))))
-       ((and (setq comp-was-func nil
-                   comp-len 0)
-             (= (length args) 1)
-             (stringp (car args))
-             (string-match ".elc?\\'" (car args)))
-        (unless (string-match "Saving file %s..." fmt)
-          (funcall old-message fmt (file-name-nondirectory (car args)))))
-       ((string-match "\\(Preparing\\|Building\\).*\\.\\.\\.$" fmt)
-        (send-string-to-terminal (apply 'format fmt args)))
-       ((string-match "\\(Preparing\\|Building\\).*\\.\\.\\. *done$" fmt)
-        (send-string-to-terminal "done\n"))
-       (t (apply old-message fmt args))))
- (defun calc-compile-write-region (start end filename &optional append visit 
&rest rest)
-   (if (eq visit t)
-       (set-buffer-auto-saved))
-   (if (and (string-match "\\.elc" filename)
-          (= start (point-min))
-          (= end (point-max)))
-       (save-excursion
-       (goto-char (point-min))
-       (if (search-forward "\n(require (quote calc-macs))\n" nil t)
-           (replace-match ""))
-       (setq end (point-max))))
-   (apply old-write-region start end filename append 'quietly rest)
-   (message "Wrote %s" filename)
-   nil)
- (defun calc-split-tutorial (&optional force)
-   (interactive "P")
-   (calc-split-manual force 1))
- (defun calc-split-reference (&optional force)
-   (interactive "P")
-   (calc-split-manual force 2))
- (defun calc-split-manual (&optional force part)
-   "Split the Calc manual into separate Tutorial and Reference manuals.
- Use this if your TeX installation is too small-minded to handle
- calc.texinfo all at once.
- Usage:  C-x C-f calc.texinfo RET
-         M-x calc-split-manual RET"
-   (interactive "P")
-   (or (let ((case-fold-search t))
-       (string-match "calc\\.texi" (buffer-name)))
-       force
-       (error "This command should be used in the calc.texi buffer"))
-   (let ((srcbuf (current-buffer))
-       tutpos refpos endpos (maxpos (point-max)))
-     (goto-char 1)
-     (search-forward "@c [tutorial]")
-     (beginning-of-line)
-     (setq tutpos (point))
-     (search-forward "@c [reference]")
-     (beginning-of-line)
-     (setq refpos (point))
-     (search-forward "@c [end]")
-     (beginning-of-line)
-     (setq endpos (point))
-     (or (eq part 2)
-       (progn
-         (find-file "calctut.tex")
-         (erase-buffer)
-         (insert-buffer-substring srcbuf 1 refpos)
-         (insert-buffer-substring srcbuf endpos maxpos)
-         (calc-split-volume "I" "ref" "Tutorial" "Reference")
-         (save-buffer)))
-     (or (eq part 1)
-       (progn
-         (find-file "calcref.tex")
-         (erase-buffer)
-         (insert-buffer-substring srcbuf 1 tutpos)
-         (insert "address@hidden by address@hidden tex\n")
-         (insert-buffer-substring srcbuf refpos maxpos)
-         (calc-split-volume "II" "tut" "Reference" "Tutorial")
-         (save-buffer)))
-     (switch-to-buffer srcbuf)
-     (goto-char 1))
-   (message (cond ((eq part 1) "Wrote file calctut.tex")
-                ((eq part 2) "Wrote file calcref.tex")
-                (t "Wrote files calctut.tex and calcref.tex"))))
- (defun calc-split-volume (number fix name other-name)
-   (goto-char 1)
-   (search-forward "@c [title]\n")
-   (search-forward "Manual")
-   (delete-backward-char 6)
-   (insert name)
-   (search-forward "@c [volume]\n")
-   (insert "@sp address@hidden Volume " number ": " name "\n")
-   (let ((pat (format "@c \\[fix-%s \\(.*\\)\\]\n" fix)))
-     (while (re-search-forward pat nil t)
-       (let ((topic (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))))
-       (re-search-forward "@\\(p?xref\\){[^}]*}")
-       (let ((cmd (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))))
-         (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
-         (insert (if (equal cmd "pxref") "see" "See")
-                 " ``" topic "'' in @emph{the Calc "
-                 other-name "}")))))
-   (goto-char 1)
-   (while (search-forward "@c [when-split]\n" nil t)
-     (while (looking-at "@c ")
-       (delete-char 3)
-       (forward-line 1)))
-   (goto-char 1)
-   (while (search-forward "@c [not-split]\n" nil t)
-     (while (not (looking-at "@c"))
-       (insert "@c ")
-       (forward-line 1))))
- (defun calc-inline-summary ()
-   "Make a special \"calcsum.tex\" file to be used with main manual."
-   (calc-split-summary nil t))
- (defun calc-split-summary (&optional force in-line)
-   "Make a special \"calcsum.tex\" file with just the Calc summary."
-   (interactive "P")
-   (or (let ((case-fold-search t))
-       (string-match "calc\\.texinfo" (buffer-name)))
-       force
-       (error "This command should be used in the calc.texinfo buffer"))
-   (let ((srcbuf (current-buffer))
-       begpos sumpos endpos midpos)
-     (goto-char 1)
-     (search-forward "{Calc Manual}")
-     (backward-char 1)
-     (delete-backward-char 6)
-     (insert "Summary")
-     (search-forward "@c [begin]")
-     (beginning-of-line)
-     (setq begpos (point))
-     (search-forward "@c [summary]")
-     (beginning-of-line)
-     (setq sumpos (point))
-     (search-forward "@c [end-summary]")
-     (beginning-of-line)
-     (setq endpos (point))
-     (find-file "calcsum.tex")
-     (erase-buffer)
-     (insert-buffer-substring srcbuf 1 begpos)
-     (insert "@tex\n"
-           "\\global\\advance\\appendixno2\n"
-           "\\gdef\\xref#1.{See ``#1.''}\n")
-     (setq midpos (point))
-     (insert "@end tex\n")
-     (insert-buffer-substring srcbuf sumpos endpos)
-     (insert "@bye\n")
-     (goto-char 1)
-     (if (search-forward "{. a b c" nil t)
-       (replace-match "{... a b c"))
-     (goto-char 1)
-     (if in-line
-       (let ((buf (current-buffer))
-             (page nil))
-         (find-file "calc.aux")
-         (if (> (buffer-size) 0)
-             (progn
-               (goto-char 1)
-               (re-search-forward "{Summary-pg}{\\([0-9]+\\)}")
-               (setq page (string-to-int (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1)
-                                                           (match-end 1))))))
-         (switch-to-buffer buf)
-         (if page
-             (progn
-               (message "Adjusting starting page number to %d" page)
-               (goto-char midpos)
-               (insert (format "\\global\\pageno=%d\n" page)))
-           (message "Unable to find page number from calc.aux")))
-       (if (search-forward "@c smallbook" nil t)
-         (progn   ; activate "smallbook" format for compactness
-           (beginning-of-line)
-           (forward-char 1)
-           (delete-char 2))))
-     (let ((buf (current-buffer)))
-       (find-file "calc.ky")
-       (if (> (buffer-size) 0)
-         (let ((ibuf (current-buffer)))
-           (message "Mixing in page numbers from Key Index (calc.ky)")
-           (switch-to-buffer buf)
-           (goto-char 1)
-           (search-forward "notes at the end")
-           (insert "; the number in italics is\n"
-                   "the page number where the command is described")
-           (while (re-search-forward
-                   "@r{.*@: *\\([^ ]\\(.*[^ ]\\)?\\) *@:.*@:.*@:\\(.*\\)@:.*}"
-                   nil t)
-             (let ((key (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))
-                   (pos (match-beginning 3))
-                   num)
-               (set-buffer ibuf)
-               (goto-char 1)
-               (let ((p '( ( "I H " . "H I " )  ; oops!
-                           ( "@@ ' \"" . "@@" ) ( "h m s" . "@@" )
-                           ( "\\\\" . "{\\tt\\indexbackslash }" )
-                           ( "_" . "{\\_}" )
-                           ( "\\^" . "{\\tt\\hat}" )
-                           ( "<" . "{\\tt\\less}" )
-                           ( ">" . "{\\tt\\gtr}" )
-                           ( "\"" ) ( "@{" ) ( "@}" )
-                           ( "~" ) ( "|" ) ( "@@" )
-                           ( "\\+" . "{\\tt\\char43}" )
-                           ( "# l" . "# L" )
-                           ( "I f I" . "f I" ) ( "I f Q" . "f Q" )
-                           ( "V &" . "&" ) ( "C-u " . "" ) ))
-                     (case-fold-search nil))
-                 (while p
-                   (if (string-match (car (car p)) key)
-                       (setq key (concat (substring key 0 (match-beginning 0))
-                                         (or (cdr (car p))
-                                             (format "{\\tt\\char'%03o}"
-                                                     (aref key (1- (match-end
-                                                                    0)))))
-                                         (substring key (match-end 0)))))
-                   (setq p (cdr p)))
-                 (setq num (and (search-forward (format "\\entry {%s}{" key)
-                                                nil t)
-                                (looking-at "[0-9]+")
-                                (buffer-substring (point) (match-end 0)))))
-               (set-buffer buf)
-               (goto-char pos)
-               (insert "@pgref{" (or num "") "}")))
-           (goto-char midpos)
-           (insert "\\gdef\\pgref#1{\\hbox to 2em{\\indsl\\hss#1}\\ \\ }\n"))
-       (message
-        "Unable to find Key Index (calc.ky); no page numbers inserted"))
-       (switch-to-buffer buf))
-     (save-buffer))
-   (message "Wrote file calcsum.tex"))
- ;;; arch-tag: 46cf3de8-6248-4a11-9034-d9850195761d
- ;;; calc-maint.el ends here
--- 0 ----

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