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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/textmodes/ispell.el

From: Richard M . Stallman
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/textmodes/ispell.el
Date: Tue, 09 Aug 2005 10:11:49 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/textmodes/ispell.el
diff -c emacs/lisp/textmodes/ispell.el:1.170 
*** emacs/lisp/textmodes/ispell.el:1.170        Sat Aug  6 17:41:14 2005
--- emacs/lisp/textmodes/ispell.el      Tue Aug  9 14:11:49 2005
*** 862,870 ****
--- 862,974 ----
    "Non-nil means that the OS supports asynchronous processes.")
+ ;; Make ispell.el work better with aspell.
+ (defvar ispell-have-aspell-dictionaries nil
+   "Non-nil if we have queried Aspell for dictionaries at least once.")
+ (defun ispell-find-aspell-dictionaries ()
+   "Find Aspell's dictionaries, and record in `ispell-dictionary-alist'."
+   (interactive)
+   (unless ispell-really-aspell
+     (error "This function only works with aspell"))
+   (let ((dictionaries
+        (split-string
+         (with-temp-buffer
+           (call-process ispell-program-name nil t nil "dicts")
+           (buffer-string)))))
+     (setq ispell-dictionary-alist
+         (mapcar #'ispell-aspell-find-dictionary dictionaries))
+     (ispell-aspell-add-aliases)
+     ;; Add a default entry
+     (let* ((english-dict (assoc "en" ispell-dictionary-alist))
+          (default-dict (cons nil (cdr english-dict))))
+       (push default-dict ispell-dictionary-alist))
+     (setq ispell-have-aspell-dictionaries t)))
+ (defvar ispell-aspell-data-dir nil
+   "Data directory of Aspell.")
+ (defvar ispell-aspell-dict-dir nil
+   "Dictionary directory of Aspell.")
+ (defun ispell-get-aspell-config-value (key)
+   "Return value of Aspell configuration option KEY.
+ Assumes that value contains no whitespace."
+   (with-temp-buffer
+     (call-process ispell-program-name nil t nil "config" key)
+     (car (split-string (buffer-string)))))
+ (defun ispell-aspell-find-dictionary (dict-name)
+   (let* ((lang ;; Strip out region, variant, etc.
+         (and (string-match "^[[:alpha:]]+" dict-name)
+              (match-string 0 dict-name)))
+        (data-file
+         (concat (or ispell-aspell-data-dir
+                     (setq ispell-aspell-data-dir
+                           (ispell-get-aspell-config-value "data-dir")))
+                 "/" lang ".dat"))
+        otherchars)
+     ;; This file really should exist; there is no sensible recovery.
+     (with-temp-buffer
+       (insert-file-contents data-file)
+       ;; There is zero or one line with special characters declarations.
+       (when (search-forward-regexp "^special" nil t)
+       (let ((specials (split-string 
+                        (buffer-substring (point)
+                                          (progn (end-of-line) (point))))))
+         ;; The line looks like: special ' -** - -** . -** : -*-
+         ;; -** means that this character
+         ;;    - doesn't appear at word start
+         ;;    * may appear in the middle of a word
+         ;;    * may appear at word end
+         ;; `otherchars' is about the middle case.
+         (while specials
+           (when (eq (aref (cadr specials) 1) ?*)
+             (push (car specials) otherchars))
+           (setq specials (cddr specials))))))
+     (list dict-name
+         "[[:alpha:]]"
+         "[^[:alpha:]]"
+         (regexp-opt otherchars)
+         t                             ; We can't tell, so set this to t
+         (list "-d" dict-name "--encoding=utf-8")
+         nil                           ; aspell doesn't support this
+         ;; Here we specify the encoding to use while communicating with
+         ;; aspell.  This doesn't apply to command line arguments, so
+         ;; just don't pass words to spellcheck as arguments...
+         'utf-8)))
+ (defun ispell-aspell-add-aliases ()
+   "Find aspell's dictionary aliases and add them to 
+   (let ((aliases (file-expand-wildcards
+                 (concat (or ispell-aspell-dict-dir
+                             (setq ispell-aspell-dict-dir
+                                   (ispell-get-aspell-config-value 
+                         "/*.alias"))))
+     (dolist (alias-file aliases)
+       (with-temp-buffer
+       (insert-file-contents alias-file)
+       ;; Look for a line "add FOO.multi", extract FOO
+       (when (search-forward-regexp "^add \\([^.]+\\)\\.multi" nil t)
+         (let* ((aliasname (file-name-sans-extension 
+                            (file-name-nondirectory alias-file)))
+                (already-exists-p (assoc aliasname ispell-dictionary-alist))
+                (realname (match-string 1))
+                (realdict (assoc realname ispell-dictionary-alist)))
+           (when (and realdict (not already-exists-p))
+             (push (cons aliasname (cdr realdict)) 
  (defun ispell-valid-dictionary-list ()
    "Returns a list of valid dictionaries.
  The variable `ispell-library-directory' defines the library location."
+   ;; If Ispell is really Aspell, query it for the dictionary list.
+   (when (and (not ispell-have-aspell-dictionaries)
+            (condition-case ()
+                (progn (ispell-check-version) t)
+              (error nil))
+            ispell-really-aspell)
+     (ispell-find-aspell-dictionaries))
    (let ((dicts (append ispell-local-dictionary-alist ispell-dictionary-alist))
        (dict-list (cons "default" nil))
        name load-dict)
*** 875,881 ****
        (if (and
           ;; include all dictionaries if lib directory not known.
!          (or (not ispell-library-directory)
               (file-exists-p (concat ispell-library-directory
                                      "/" name ".hash"))
               (file-exists-p (concat ispell-library-directory "/" name ".has"))
--- 979,987 ----
        (if (and
           ;; include all dictionaries if lib directory not known.
!          ;; For Aspell, we already know which dictionaries exist.
!          (or ispell-really-aspell
!              (not ispell-library-directory)
               (file-exists-p (concat ispell-library-directory
                                      "/" name ".hash"))
               (file-exists-p (concat ispell-library-directory "/" name ".has"))
*** 887,922 ****
          (setq dict-list (cons name dict-list))))
- ;;;###autoload
- (if ispell-menu-map-needed
-     (let ((dicts (if (fboundp 'ispell-valid-dictionary-list)
-                    (ispell-valid-dictionary-list)
-                  ;; This case is used in loaddefs.el
-                  ;; since ispell-valid-dictionary-list isn't defined then.
-                  (mapcar (lambda (x) (or (car x) "default"))
-                          ispell-dictionary-alist)))
-         (dict-map (make-sparse-keymap "Dictionaries")))
-       (setq ispell-menu-map (make-sparse-keymap "Spell"))
-       ;; add the dictionaries to the bottom of the list.
-       (if (not dicts)
-         (define-key ispell-menu-map [default]
-           '("Select Default Dict"
-             "Dictionary for which Ispell was configured"
-             . (lambda () (interactive)
-                 (ispell-change-dictionary "default")))))
-       (fset 'ispell-dict-map dict-map)
-       (define-key ispell-menu-map [dictionaries]
-       `(menu-item "Select Dict" ispell-dict-map))
-       (dolist (name dicts)
-       (define-key dict-map (vector (intern name))
-         (cons (concat "Select " (capitalize name) " Dict")
-               `(lambda () (interactive)
-                  (ispell-change-dictionary ,name)))))))
  ;;; define commands in menu in opposite order you want them to appear.
  (if ispell-menu-map-needed
        (define-key ispell-menu-map [ispell-change-dictionary]
        '(menu-item "Change Dictionary..." ispell-change-dictionary
                    :help "Supply explicit dictionary file name"))
--- 993,1003 ----
          (setq dict-list (cons name dict-list))))
  ;;; define commands in menu in opposite order you want them to appear.
  (if ispell-menu-map-needed
+       (setq ispell-menu-map (make-sparse-keymap "Spell"))
        (define-key ispell-menu-map [ispell-change-dictionary]
        '(menu-item "Change Dictionary..." ispell-change-dictionary
                    :help "Supply explicit dictionary file name"))
*** 1491,1497 ****
                          (funcall ispell-format-word word)))
             (and (fboundp 'extent-at)
                  (extent-at start)
!                 (delete-extent (extent-at start))))
            ((stringp poss)
             (or quietly
                 (message "%s is correct because of root %s"
--- 1572,1579 ----
                          (funcall ispell-format-word word)))
             (and (fboundp 'extent-at)
                  (extent-at start)
!                 (and (fboundp 'delete-extent)
!                      (delete-extent (extent-at start)))))
            ((stringp poss)
             (or quietly
                 (message "%s is correct because of root %s"
*** 1499,1511 ****
                          (funcall ispell-format-word poss)))
             (and (fboundp 'extent-at)
                  (extent-at start)
!                 (delete-extent (extent-at start))))
            ((null poss) (message "Error in ispell process"))
            (ispell-check-only        ; called from ispell minor mode.
             (if (fboundp 'make-extent)
!                (let ((ext (make-extent start end)))
!                  (set-extent-property ext 'face ispell-highlight-face)
!                  (set-extent-property ext 'priority 2000))
               (message "%s is incorrect"(funcall ispell-format-word word))))
            (t                          ; prompt for correct word.
--- 1581,1595 ----
                          (funcall ispell-format-word poss)))
             (and (fboundp 'extent-at)
                  (extent-at start)
!                 (and (fboundp 'delete-extent)
!                      (delete-extent (extent-at start)))))
            ((null poss) (message "Error in ispell process"))
            (ispell-check-only        ; called from ispell minor mode.
             (if (fboundp 'make-extent)
!                (if (fboundp 'set-extent-property)
!                    (let ((ext (make-extent start end)))
!                      (set-extent-property ext 'face ispell-highlight-face)
!                      (set-extent-property ext 'priority 2000)))
               (message "%s is incorrect"(funcall ispell-format-word word))))
            (t                          ; prompt for correct word.

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